Class SiteProperties

  • public class SiteProperties
    extends Object
    Properties specific of the current site.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SiteProperties

        public SiteProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • isTargetingEnabled

        public static boolean isTargetingEnabled()
        Returns trues if targeting is enabled.
      • getAvailableTargetIds

        public static String[] getAvailableTargetIds()
        Returns the list of available target IDs.
      • getFallbackTargetId

        public static String getFallbackTargetId()
        Returns the fallback target ID. The fallback target ID is used in case none of the resolved candidate targeted URLs map to existing content.
      • getRootFolders

        public static String[] getRootFolders()
        Returns the folders that will be handled for targeted content.
      • getExcludePatterns

        public static String[] getExcludePatterns()
        Returns the patterns that a path might match if it should be excluded
      • isMergeFolders

        public static boolean isMergeFolders()
        Returns true if the sub items of folders with the same family of target IDs should be merged (e.g. "en_US" and "en" are of the same family).
      • isRedirectToTargetedUrl

        public static boolean isRedirectToTargetedUrl()
        Returns true if the request should be redirected when the targeted URL is different from the current URL.
      • getIndexFileName

        public static final String getIndexFileName()
        Returns the name of a page's index file, or DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_NAME if not in configuration.
      • isDisableFullModelTypeConversion

        public static boolean isDisableFullModelTypeConversion()
        Returns true if full content model type conversion should be disabled. Up to and including version 2: Crafter Engine, in the FreeMarker host only, converts model elements based on a suffix type hint, but only for the first level in the model, and not for _dt. For example, for contentModel.myvalue_i Integer is returned, but for contentModel.repeater.myvalue_i and contentModel.date_dt a String is returned. In the Groovy host no type of conversion was performed. In version 3 onwards, Crafter Engine converts elements with any suffix type hints (including _dt) at at any level in the content model and for both Freemarker and Groovy hosts.
      • getNavigationAdditionalFields

        public static String[] getNavigationAdditionalFields()
        Returns the list of additional fields that navigation items should extract from the item descriptor.
      • isSpaEnabled

        public static boolean isSpaEnabled()
        Returns true if SPA (Single Page App) mode is enabled.
      • getSpaViewName

        public static String getSpaViewName()
        Returns the view name for the SPA (Single Page Application). Current view names can be a page URL (like /) or a template name (like /template/web/app.ftl). By default, if SPA is enabled and no view name config property is found, / is returned.
      • getDescriptorPreloadFolders

        public static final Map<String,​Integer> getDescriptorPreloadFolders()
        Gets the list of descriptor folders to preload in the cache. Each folder can have it's depth specified after a colon, like PATH:DEPTH
      • getContentPreloadFolders

        public static final Map<String,​Integer> getContentPreloadFolders()
        Gets the list of content folders to preload in the cache. Each folder can have it's depth specified after a colon, like PATH:DEPTH