Class CrafterPageAccessManager

  • public class CrafterPageAccessManager
    extends Object
    Manages access to Crafter pages, depending on the roles specified in the page and the current user's roles.
    Russ Danner, Alfonso Vásquez
    • Field Detail

      • authorizedRolesXPathQuery

        protected String authorizedRolesXPathQuery
    • Constructor Detail

      • CrafterPageAccessManager

        public CrafterPageAccessManager()
    • Method Detail

      • setAuthorizedRolesXPathQuery

        public void setAuthorizedRolesXPathQuery​(String authorizedRolesXPathQuery)
      • checkAccess

        public void checkAccess​(SiteItem page)
        Checks if the user has sufficient rights to access the specified page:
        1. If the page doesn't contain any required role, no authentication is needed.
        2. If the page has the role "Anonymous", no authentication is needed.
        3. If the page has the role "Authenticated", just authentication is needed.
        4. If the page has any other the roles, the user needs to have any of those roles.
      • getAuthorizedRolesForPage

        protected List<String> getAuthorizedRolesForPage​(SiteItem page)
      • containsRole

        protected boolean containsRole​(String role,
                                       List<String> roles)
      • hasAnyRole

        protected boolean hasAnyRole​( auth,
                                     List<String> roles)