Class SiteItemServiceImpl

    • Field Detail

      • storeService

        protected org.craftercms.core.service.ContentStoreService storeService
      • defaultPredicates

        protected List<org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate<org.craftercms.core.service.Item>> defaultPredicates
      • defaultFilters

        protected List<org.craftercms.core.service.ItemFilter> defaultFilters
      • defaultProcessors

        protected List<org.craftercms.core.processors.ItemProcessor> defaultProcessors
      • modelFieldConverter

        protected org.craftercms.commons.converters.Converter<org.dom4j.Element,​Object> modelFieldConverter
    • Constructor Detail

      • SiteItemServiceImpl

        public SiteItemServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setStoreService

        public void setStoreService​(org.craftercms.core.service.ContentStoreService storeService)
      • setDefaultPredicates

        public void setDefaultPredicates​(List<org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate<org.craftercms.core.service.Item>> defaultPredicates)
      • setDefaultFilters

        public void setDefaultFilters​(List<org.craftercms.core.service.ItemFilter> defaultFilters)
      • setDefaultProcessors

        public void setDefaultProcessors​(List<org.craftercms.core.processors.ItemProcessor> defaultProcessors)
      • setModelFieldConverter

        public void setModelFieldConverter​(org.craftercms.commons.converters.Converter<org.dom4j.Element,​Object> modelFieldConverter)
      • setSortComparator

        public void setSortComparator​(Comparator<SiteItem> sortComparator)
      • getRawContent

        public org.craftercms.core.service.Content getRawContent​(String url)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the raw content of a site item.
        Specified by:
        getRawContent in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the item
      • getSiteItem

        public SiteItem getSiteItem​(SiteItem parent,
                                    org.dom4j.Element element)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site item for the given XML element
        Specified by:
        getSiteItem in interface SiteItemService
        element - the XML element
        the site item
      • getSiteItem

        public SiteItem getSiteItem​(String url,
                                    org.craftercms.core.processors.ItemProcessor processor)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site item for the given URL
        Specified by:
        getSiteItem in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the item
        processor - a processor for the item
      • getSiteItem

        public SiteItem getSiteItem​(String url,
                                    org.craftercms.core.processors.ItemProcessor processor,
                                    org.apache.commons.collections4.Predicate<org.craftercms.core.service.Item> predicate)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site item for the given URL
        Specified by:
        getSiteItem in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the item
        processor - a processor for the item
        predicate - a predicate used to check if the item should be returned or not
      • getSiteTree

        public SiteItem getSiteTree​(String url,
                                    int depth)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site tree for the given URL. The item is expected to be a folder.
        Specified by:
        getSiteTree in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the folder
        depth - the depth of the returned tree
      • getSiteTree

        public SiteItem getSiteTree​(String url,
                                    int depth,
                                    org.craftercms.core.service.ItemFilter filter,
                                    org.craftercms.core.processors.ItemProcessor processor)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site tree for the given URL. The item is expected to be a folder.
        Specified by:
        getSiteTree in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the folder
        depth - the depth of the returned tree
        filter - a filter for the tree items
        processor - a processor for the tree items
      • getSiteTree

        public SiteItem getSiteTree​(String url,
                                    int depth,
                                    String includeByNameRegex,
                                    String excludeByNameRegex)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site tree for the given URL. The item is expected to be a folder.
        Specified by:
        getSiteTree in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the folder
        depth - the depth of the returned tree
        includeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to include
        excludeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to exclude
      • getSiteTree

        public SiteItem getSiteTree​(String url,
                                    int depth,
                                    String includeByNameRegex,
                                    String excludeByNameRegex,
                                    String[]... nodeXPathAndExpectedValuePairs)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site tree for the given URL. The item is expected to be a folder.
        Specified by:
        getSiteTree in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the folder
        depth - the depth of the returned tree
        includeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to include
        excludeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to exclude
        nodeXPathAndExpectedValuePairs - an X * 2 matrix where the first column is a node XPath and the second column is a expected value for that node. This XPath/value pairs are used to filter out items.
      • getSiteTree

        public SiteItem getSiteTree​(String url,
                                    int depth,
                                    String includeByNameRegex,
                                    String excludeByNameRegex,
                                    Map<String,​String> nodeXPathAndExpectedValuePairs)
        Description copied from interface: SiteItemService
        Returns the site tree for the given URL. The item is expected to be a folder.
        Specified by:
        getSiteTree in interface SiteItemService
        url - the URL of the folder
        depth - the depth of the returned tree
        includeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to include
        excludeByNameRegex - a name regex for items to exclude
        nodeXPathAndExpectedValuePairs - a map where each key is a node XPath and each value is a expected value for that node. This XPath/value pairs are used to filter out items.
      • getSiteContext

        protected SiteContext getSiteContext()
      • createItemWrapper

        protected SiteItem createItemWrapper​(org.craftercms.core.service.Item item)