Interface CandidateTargetIdsResolver

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CandidateTargetIdsResolver
    Resolves the target IDs to use to build the candidate targeted URLs.
    • Method Detail

      • getTargetIds

        List<String> getTargetIds​(String targetId,
                                  String fallbackTargetId)
        Resolves the target IDs to use to build the candidate targeted URLs. For example, if the specified target ID is es_CR, and the fallback target ID is en, then the candidate target IDs are: es_CR, es and en. An empty string will be added if the fallback target ID is empty or null.
        targetId - the target ID from where to resolve the candidate target IDs
        fallbackTargetId - the last candidate target ID to use
        the list of candidate target IDs