All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractFileBasedContentStoreAdapter to provide extra caching for Files.
Abstract Macro that provides a macro name attribute to hold the macro name (when the macro's name is variable) and the ability to skip the macro if the name is not contained in the specified string.
Created by alfonsovasquez on 21/8/15.
Base implementation of SiteItem that handles all XML related operations
If the url corresponds to a folder (no extension), it adds index.xml.
Like AllHttpScopesHashModel, but also lookup keys in the Application Context.
Bean post processor used to customize some of the beans defined by the Spring tag <mvc:annotation-driven/>, which can't be overwritten.
Bean that provide simple access to the Spring application context's beans: first it uses the site's own context.
Utility methods for handling Spring bean definition.
Please use instead NavBreadcrumbBuilder.
Please use instead NavBreadcrumbBuilder.
Event published when a site's cache clear has completed.
ScriptUrlTemplateScanner decorator that caches the result of an actual scan, and also pre-caches the URL templates on site context creation.
Utility methods of cache related operations.
ContentStoreAdapterDecorator that is aware of cache warming and uses the preloaded folders to check if items exist before even going to the actual content store adapter, enhancing thus performance.
Resolves all the candidate targeted URLs that should be used for a specified target URL when attempting content resolution.
Default implementation of CandidateTargetedUrlsResolverImpl, that works by first extracting the root folder URL of the targeted URL, then calling TargetedUrlStrategy.parseTargetedUrl(String) with the relative URL, and finally build the candidate targeted URLs based on the candidate target IDs returned by CandidateTargetIdsResolver.getTargetIds(String, String).
Resolves the target IDs to use to build the candidate targeted URLs.
Default implementation of CandidateTargetIdsResolver, which generates the candidate target IDs by splitting the original target ID and appending the components again but excluding the last one on each iteration.
Implementation of LocaleResolver that uses a chain of other LocaleResolvers.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles checkbox fields
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles checkbox-group fields
Extension of that only executes itself if the enabled flag is set to true
Implementation of AccessDeniedHandler that uses site config for properties
Special AccessTokenIdResolver used in multi-tenant engine that returns the access token ID from the site configuration, throwing an ConfigurationException if not found.
Extension of SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that uses site config to override properties
Extension of SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler that uses site config to override properties
ConnectionFactoryLocator that resolves ConnectionFactorys according to the current site.
CookieLocaleResolver extension that uses the default locale specified in the site configuration if the user has not current locale associated.
Extension of ShallowEtagHeaderFilter that supports custom configurations
Base implementation for LocaleResolver by the ChainLocaleResolver.
Extension of LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint that uses site config to override properties
Extension of SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler that uses site config to override properties
Extension of AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter that uses site config to enable processing: If alwaysEnabled is true the filter will be executed, even if there is no site configuration available If the site configuration contains the enabledConfigKey with a value of true the filter will be executed Additionally, if the existing principal is an instance of any class other than supportedPrincipalClass the filter will not be executed
Extension of ProxyServlet that uses the current site configuration
Implementation of FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource that uses site config.
Controller to expose general configurations
Thrown when an error occurs while trying to read a site's configuration.
Parses a configuration to create an object as result.
ConfigurationProfileLoaderImpl<T extends org.craftercms.commons.config.profiles.ConfigurationProfile>
Implementation of ConfigurationProfile that loads profiles from a specific file in the current site.
Implementation of ConfigurationProvider
ScriptJobResolver that resolves job based on configuration mappings, like the following:
Configuration related utility methods.
Handler for ConstraintViolationException exceptions
Filter to cache the body of POST form requests to be used by the ConfigAwareProxyServlet
Represents a decorator to a ContentStoreAdapter.
Spring FactoryBean that is used to wrap a ContentStoreAdapter with decorators.
ContextCacheWarmer that performs warm up of a list of descriptor and content folders at the ContentStoreAdapter level.
Implementation of ContentStoreGroovyResourceLoader that uses Crafter Core's content store to load Groovy resources.
A Resource for a Crafter content store Content.
Implementation of ResourceConnector for retrieving URLConnection to content in a Crafter content store.
ResourceLoader that resolves paths a Crafter content store resource.
ContextCacheWarmer that performs warm up at the ContentStoreService level by preloading a list of folder trees.
Implementation of URLConnection that wraps a Content.
URLStreamHandler for handling URLConnections to the Crafter content store.
Utility methods for a Crafter content store.
Implementation of DataFetcher that queries OpenSearch to retrieve content based on a content type.
Helper class that's used to warm up the cache of a context.
Implementation of DataFetcher to converts the result to Map.
Implementation of ConfigAwareLocaleResolver that reads the locale from a cookie.
Represents a macro that can be a cookie value.
SiteResolver that resolves the current site name from a cookie or request param.
Extension of Freemarker's Configuration that caches the result of getTemplate() in Crafter's own cache, which handles key-based smart locking so that the same template is not compiled several times by concurrent threads.
ViewResolver decorator that caches views on Crafter's own cache per site.
Extends FreeMarkerConfigurer to: Macro-resolve the template loader paths before a template loader is created for the path
Freemarker TemplateLoader similar to SpringTemplateLoader but instead of using Spring Resources, it uses the ContentStoreService.getContent(Context, String).
Extends FreeMarkerView to add RenderComponentDirectives to support page component rendering in Freemarker templates and provide the Spring application context as part of the Freemarker model.
View resolver tha resolves to CrafterFreeMarkerViews.
Extends DefaultObjectWrapper to wrap Dom4j Nodes.
Manages access to Crafter pages, depending on the roles specified in the page and the current user's roles.
ViewResolver that resolves to CrafterPageViews.
TemplateExceptionHandler that instead of printing the errors directly in the HTML and stopping template processing, stores them in a model variable so they can be displayed later.
Extension of User that includes custom attributes for site personalization
Context wrapper used by ContentStoreAdapterDecorator.
Extension of WebAuthenticationDetailsSource that always returns instances of PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesWebAuthenticationDetails
Default ExceptionHandler, which logs all exceptions and sends a HTTP 500 status.
Default converter from SiteItem to NavItem.
Extension of PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService that always returns the same principal obtained from the authentication filter
Implementation of SecurityFilterChain that handles excluded urls
Basic adapter to a Item, enhanced with methods that can be easily invoked in template engines like Freemarker.
SiteResolver that resolves always the current site name to a default site name.
Implementation of LocaleResolver that delegates the actual work to the ChainLocaleResolver if available or to a default object.
Utility class that runs on a cron job (configurable) and checks every site to see if they have a deployment events file (by default, which should contain timestamps sent by the Deployer indicating requests for clearing the site cache and/or rebuilding the context.
Predicate used to check if an item is disabled.
Groovy extension module for Dom4j
Freemarker template model for Dom4j Nodes.
Implementation of SiteItem for embedded site items
Implementation of EntitlementUsageProvider for Crafter Engine module.
Controller used to render status code errors like 404, 500, etc.
Handles exceptions thrown during the HTTP request handling.
Top level filter used for handling uncaught and unhandled exceptions within the code.
ItemFilter that rejects an item if its name matches any one of a list of regexes.
Freemarker directive that allows to execute scripts/controllers from inside Freemarker templates.
Accepts the item if the result of an node value XPath query matches an expected value regex.
Predicate used to check if an item is expired.
Parses a configuration for the properties of a FacebookConnectionFactory.
String FactoryBean implementation to provide a convenience way to fallback in a list of properties until one of them is not empty/null.
Created by alfonsovasquez on 14/10/16.
Folder based ScriptJobResolver, which resolves all scripts under a certain folder, and creates a trigger to run them using a specific cron expression.
Default implementation of SiteListResolver.
ItemProcessor that modifies the a folder item to include the descriptor DOM of it's index file.
Simple filter that throws an AccessDeniedException if the request matches the given RequestMatcher.
Thrown when an error occurs while building a GraphQL schema.
Event published when a site's GraphQL schema build has completed.
Creates a GraphQLSchema and returns a GraphQL instance for a specific site.
Default implementation of GraphQLFactory that creates a GraphQLSchema from the content-type definitions found in the site repository
Creates all the required objects to represent a content-type field in a GraphQLObjectType
Creates all the required objects to represent a content-type in a GraphQLObjectType
Implementation of ConfigAwareLocaleResolver that executes a Groovy script to resolve the locale
Runs a script through the GroovyScriptEngine.
ScriptFactory used specifically for Groovy.
Utility methods for Groovy scripts.
Implementation of ConfigAwareLocaleResolver that reads the locale from a request header.
SiteResolver that resolves the current site name from a custom HTTP header.
Servlet filter that add headers to response if there are matched configuration patterns in site-config.xml
Implementation of Filter that delegates requests to a proxy
Just like HttpRequestHashModel, but besides returning request attributes, it also returns values for the following properties of the request: scheme serverName serverPort contextPath servletPath requestURI queryString
Interface to be implemented by exceptions that want to expose an HTTP status code to the response.
Handler for HttpStatusCodeExceptions.
Exception thrown to cause specific HTTP status code errors
ItemFilter that rejects an item if its name doesn't match any one of a list of regexes.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles input fields
Contains the details for scheduling a Quartz job.
Implementation of ItemFilter that checks if a given Item is compatible with the configured locales
Implementation of ItemProcessor that looks for a localized version of an Item
Implementation of TargetIdManager that treats the Locale as a target ID.
Extension of LocaleUtils that automatically uses the current locale & fallback according to the site configuration
Represents a specific macro, and resolves any appearance of the macro in a string.
Resolves the macros in the given string.
Default implementation of MacroResolver.
Factory bean to create a MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter bean with customized ObjectMapper, and enabled JsonParser.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION
Rest controller to provide monitoring information & site logs
Facilitates the creation of navigation breadcrumbs (e.g.
Default implementation of NavBreadcrumbBuilderImpl.
Represents a navigation item with label, rendering URL, a flag that indicates that it's an active item (is part of the current request) and sub navigation items when applicable.
Creates navigation trees that facilitate the rendering of navigation.
Default implementation of NavTreeBuilderImpl.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles node-selector fields
RequestMatcher that matches if any of the given ant patterns matches.
Compares two SiteItems through the "orderDefault_f" model value.
Default controller for rendering Crafter pages.
Defines operations related to plugin execution
Default implementation for PluginService
An implementation of Crafter's ItemFilter that uses a predicate.
Represents a folder in the content store that has been preloaded in the cache.
Implementation of ConfigAwareLocaleResolver that extracts the locale from the current authenticated user
Implementation of AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider that handles form login for with Profile
Implementation of LogoutHandler for Profile
Implementation of AbstractRememberMeServices for Profile
REST controller for integration with Crafter Profile.
Extension of CustomUser to wrap an Authentication or Profile instance
Implementation of UserDetailsService that uses ProfileService
TargetedUrlStrategy that proxies to the strategy defined in the site application context, or if not defined, to the default one in the general application context.
ProxyTargetIdManager that proxies to the manager defined in the site application context, or if not defined, to the default one in the general application context.
Extension of ResourceRegionHttpMessageConverter that checks if the resource implement RangeAwareResource.
Simple ItemFilter that checks the accepted items list to check if the same item is not already there (some processors can generate the same item twice for different URLs).
ItemFilter that rejects all indexes, including targeted ones (e.g index_en.xml, index_es_CR.xml).
SiteResolver that resolves the current site name from a mapping of the request domain name to site name.
Request handler to render static assets that are stored externally from the content store, in remote file stores.
Created by alfonsovasquez on 7/9/16.
Custom directive to render a component by processing the template defined in the component element's template name sub-element.
Throw when an error related to rendering occurs.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles repeating-group fields
Base implementation for DataFetcher that set's the current RequestContext before actually resolving the requested fields.
Represents a macro that can be a request parameter.
Represents a {request.uri} macro, which resolves to the current request uri.
SiteResolver that resolves the current site name from an extract of the request URI.
Controller for REST script requests.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles RTE fields.
Utility class to build the AWS S3 client instances.
Represents the content of an S3 object.
Implementation of ContentStoreAdapter to read files from AWS S3.
Implementation of Context for AWS S3.
Implementations of File for AWS S3 items.
Implementation of File for AWS S3 prefixes (used as folders).
Implementation of SiteListResolver for AWS S3.
Thrown when a scheduling related error occurs.
Utility methods for scheduling.
Utility class used from Groovy to hold custom fields, fetchers & resolvers
Utility objects & methods for building the GraphQL Schema
Represents a macro that can be an attribute from the servlet context, session or request scope.
Simple interface for scripts in some non-Java language (Groovy, Jython, Javascript, etc) that can be retrieved from the Crafter content store and executed inside the JVM.
Thrown when script related errors occur.
Returns a Script for a given url.
Servlet filter that passes the request through a series of scripts that act as filters too.
FilterChain implementation that executes a chain of scripts, before delegating to the actual servlet filter chain.
Implementation of a Quartz Job that executes a script.
Resolves any number of script jobs to be scheduled and executed.
Thrown when a script can't be found
Scans the site context for scripts that have URL variables, for example, /scripts/rest/user/{username}.get.json.
Default implementation of ScriptUrlTemplateScanner, which retrieves all the Groovy scripts at the specified scriptsFolder path, and then looks for those that have the URL variable placeholder in them.
Wrapper for ProviderLoginSupportImpl that integrates the authenticated profile with Spring Security
A simple class that adds a bunch of attributes passed as a property to the current servlet context.
Template model for the ServletContext
Implementation of CorsConfigurationSource that uses the current site configuration
Implementation of AbstractOpenSearchClientWrapper that sets the index and security filters based on the current site context for all search requests.
Implementation of OpenSearchWrapper that sets the index based on the current site context for all search requests.
Implementation of PublishingTargetResolver that uses the current SiteContext
Utility class that wraps a Runnable object to support SiteContext in reusable threads
Extension of TemplateLookupStrategy that looks for locale specific templates
Utility class that wraps a Executor object to support SiteContext in reusable threads
REST controller for operations related to a site's cache.
Helper class that's used to warm up the cache of a site context.
Default implementation for SiteCacheWarmerImpl.
REST controller to retrieve content from the site (items and trees).
Wrapper for a Context that adds properties specific to Crafter Engine.
Event published when a new SiteContext has been created.
Thrown if an error prevents from creating a site context.
Event published when a SiteContext has been destroyed.
Factory for creating SiteContext with common properties.
Implementation of TemplateHashModelEx to safely expose the SiteContext instance in templates
Throw when the SiteContext fails to initialize.
Event published when a new SiteContext has been initialized.
Registry and lifecycle manager of SiteContexts.
Resolves the SiteContext to be used for the specified request.
Filter that uses a SiteContextResolver to resolve the context for the current request.
REST controller for operations related for the SiteContext
Class that is used to create all contexts after Spring startup (if the createContextsOnStartup is true).
Application event triggered when all site contexts have been created in startup.
Handler interceptor that will set the site cookie whenever the cookie is missing or the current site is different that the cookie value.
Application event that is related to a site.
Exposes the current site GraphQL instance to perform queries.
Defines the basic behavior for a site item
Resolves the scripts URLs for a site item (page or component)
Default implementation of SiteItemScriptResolver.
Service for accessing SiteItems of the current site.
Default implementation of SiteItemService.
Resolves the entire list of sites.
REST controller for operations related to site mappings.
TenantsResolver that uses the current site name as tenant.
REST controller to access site navigation services.
Properties specific of the current site.
Resolves the site for a given request
SiteResolver that goes through a chain of resolvers until one of them returns a non-empty site.
Rest controller to access scheduled jobs for the current site.
REST controller to expose the Search service
REST controller to access the URL transformation service.
Request handler to render static assets using the ContentStoreService as source.
SiteResolver that resolves the current site name from a set of static mappings, where the mapping key is a domain name, and the value is the site name.
Global properties of the Engine instance, in other words, properties that are common to all sites.
DescriptorMergeStrategy used for merging descriptors of a targeted content hierarchy.
ContentStoreAdapterDecorator that uses a CandidateTargetedUrlsResolver to generate candidate URLs for targeted content lookup.
TargetedUrlStrategy implementation that recognizes the target ID in the file name (e.g.
TargetedUrlStrategy implementation that recognizes the target ID in the first folder of the URL name (e.g.
The components of a targeted URL.
The strategy to handle the targeted URLs for the site.
Contains methods for resolving specific target IDs.
Implementation of Authentication used for standalone authentication.
Extension of PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider for Studio targeting
Implementation of ConfigAwarePreAuthenticationFilter for Studio targeting
Extension of ProfileUser used for Studio targeting
Utility methods for content targeting.
Log4j filter that decides to log an entry based on whether an MDC key exists or not.
Implementation of GraphQLFieldFactory that handles time-only fields
ItemProcessor that converts the item to the current targeted item (e.g.
Transforms the URL into a targeted URL (if it's not a targeted URL yet).
Implementation of ConfigAwareLocaleResolver that compares the requested URL to a map of locales
Crafter's implementation of Tuckey's org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriteFilter.
Transforms a URL, based on the current site's UrlTransformationEngine.
Default implementation of UrlTransformationService.
Implementation of DataFetcher that transforms a field using a UrlTransformationService
Handles ServletExceptions that are thrown when a view can't be resolved.
Represents a {webapp.context.path} macro, which resolves to the web application context path.
Represents a {webapp.path} macro, which resolves to the web app exploded dir path of the current web app.