Class TicketRepositoryImpl

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void removeWithLastRequestTimeOlderThan​(long seconds)
      Removes tickets with last request time older than the specified number of seconds.
      • Methods inherited from class org.craftercms.commons.mongo.AbstractJongoRepository

        count, count, count, createSortQuery, deleteFile, deleteFile, find, find, findAll, findById, findByStringId, findOne, findOne, getCollection, getFileInfo, getFileInfo, getQueryFor, init, insert, insert, listFilesByName, readFile, readFile, remove, remove, removeById, removeByStringId, returnList, returnSimple, save, save, saveFile, saveFile, setJongo, setQueries, update, update, update, update, updateFile, updateFile, updateFile, validateObject, validateObject
      • Methods inherited from interface org.craftercms.commons.mongo.CrudRepository

        count, count, count, deleteFile, deleteFile, find, find, findAll, findById, findByStringId, findOne, findOne, getFileInfo, getFileInfo, insert, insert, listFilesByName, readFile, readFile, remove, remove, removeById, removeByStringId, save, save, saveFile, saveFile, update, update, update, update, updateFile, updateFile, updateFile
    • Field Detail


        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TicketRepositoryImpl

        public TicketRepositoryImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • removeWithLastRequestTimeOlderThan

        public void removeWithLastRequestTimeOlderThan​(long seconds)
                                                throws org.craftercms.commons.mongo.MongoDataException
        Description copied from interface: TicketRepository
        Removes tickets with last request time older than the specified number of seconds.
        Specified by:
        removeWithLastRequestTimeOlderThan in interface TicketRepository
        seconds - the number of seconds