Package org.craftercms.profile.exceptions
package org.craftercms.profile.exceptions
ClassDescriptionException thrown when a request is rejected because of a problem with the access token (not provided, expired or not found).Thrown when a create access token operation fails because an access token with the same properties already exists.Thrown if an attribute has already been defined.Thrown when an attribute definition is being updated or when an attribute value is being set but not attribute definition was found.Thrown when a username/password pair is invalid.Thrown when an operation on a profile (like authentication) can't be performed because the profile is disabled.Thrown when an email address is in an invalid format.Thrown when a specified Mongo query is invalid, because of illegal operators ($where) or non-readable attributes.Thrown when a specified access token ID doesn't correspond to any known access token.Thrown if no persistent login with a specified ID was found.Thrown if no profile with a specified ID was found.Thrown if no tenant with a specified name was found.Thrown if no ticket with a specified ID was found.Thrown when a serialized verification token is in an invalid format.Thrown the JSON in a param can't be correctly deserialized.Thrown when a create profile operation fails because a profile with the same tenant and username already exists.Throw when account had too much failed attempts.Thrown when a create tenant operation fails because a tenant with the same name already exists.