Class AuditServiceInternalImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditServiceInternalImpl

        public AuditServiceInternalImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getAuditLog

        public List<AuditLog> getAuditLog​(String siteId,
                                          int offset,
                                          int limit,
                                          String user,
                                          List<String> operations,
                                          boolean includeParameters,
                                          ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                          ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                          String target,
                                          String origin,
                                          String clusterNodeId,
                                          String sort,
                                          String order)
        Description copied from interface: AuditServiceInternal
        Get audit log filtered by parameters
        Specified by:
        getAuditLog in interface AuditServiceInternal
        siteId - site identifier
        offset - offset of first record in result set
        limit - number of records to return as result set
        user - filter by user
        operations - filter by list of operations
        includeParameters - include audit log parameters in result set
        dateFrom - filter results by lower border for date
        dateTo - filter results by upper border for date
        target - filter results by target
        origin - filter results by origin
        clusterNodeId - filter results by cluster node
        sort - sort strategy
        order - order strategy
        List of audit log entries
      • getAuditLogTotal

        public int getAuditLogTotal​(String siteId,
                                    String user,
                                    List<String> operations,
                                    boolean includeParameters,
                                    ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                    ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                    String target,
                                    String origin,
                                    String clusterNodeId)
        Description copied from interface: AuditServiceInternal
        Get the audit log entry count given the provided filter parameters
        Specified by:
        getAuditLogTotal in interface AuditServiceInternal
        siteId - site ID
        user - filter by user
        operations - filter by list of operations
        includeParameters - include audit log parameters in result set
        dateFrom - filter results by lower border for date
        dateTo - filter results by upper border for date
        target - filter results by target
        origin - filter results by origin
        clusterNodeId - filter results by cluster node
        total number of records matching the filter
      • getAuditDashboardTotal

        public int getAuditDashboardTotal​(String siteId,
                                          String user,
                                          List<String> operations,
                                          ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                          ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                          String target)
        Description copied from interface: AuditServiceInternal
        Get total number of records for audit dashboard filtered by parameters
        Specified by:
        getAuditDashboardTotal in interface AuditServiceInternal
        siteId - site identifier
        user - filter logs by user
        operations - filter logs by action
        dateFrom - lower boundary for operation timestamp
        dateTo - upper boundary for operation timestamp
        target - filter logs by target
        total number of records
      • getAuditDashboard

        public List<AuditLog> getAuditDashboard​(String siteId,
                                                int offset,
                                                int limit,
                                                String user,
                                                List<String> operations,
                                                ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                                ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                                String target,
                                                String sort,
                                                String order)
        Description copied from interface: AuditServiceInternal
        Get audit dashboard content filtered by parameters
        Specified by:
        getAuditDashboard in interface AuditServiceInternal
        siteId - site identifier
        offset - offset of the first record
        limit - number of records to return
        user - filter logs by user
        operations - filter logs by actions
        dateFrom - lower boundary for operation timestamp
        dateTo - upper boundary for operation timestamp
        target - filter logs by target
        sort - sort for records
        order - order for records
        list of records for audit dashboard
      • getAuditLogEntry

        public AuditLog getAuditLogEntry​(String siteId,
                                         long auditLogId)
        Description copied from interface: AuditServiceInternal
        Get audit log entry by id
        Specified by:
        getAuditLogEntry in interface AuditServiceInternal
        siteId - the site ID. When null or empty, it will retrieve entries for all sites and include admin activities.
        auditLogId - id of audit log entry to get
        Audit log entry
      • setAuditDao

        public void setAuditDao​(AuditDAO auditDao)