Class NotificationServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • NotificationServiceImpl

        public NotificationServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
      • notifyDeploymentError

        public void notifyDeploymentError​(String site,
                                          Throwable throwable,
                                          List<PublishRequest> filesUnableToPublish)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService

        Sends a email to configure emails when a deployment had fail

        Specified by:
        notifyDeploymentError in interface NotificationService
        site - Name of the site which the deployment fail.
        throwable - Throwable error which break the deployment. (Can be null)
        filesUnableToPublish - List of files that where unable to publish (can be null)
      • notifyDeploymentError

        public void notifyDeploymentError​(String name,
                                          Throwable throwable)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService

        Sends a email to configure emails when a deployment had fail

        Specified by:
        notifyDeploymentError in interface NotificationService
        name - Name of the site which the deployment fail.
        throwable - Throwable error which break the deployment. (Can be null)
      • notifyContentApproval

        public void notifyContentApproval​(String site,
                                          String submitter,
                                          List<String> itemsSubmitted,
                                          String approver,
                                          ZonedDateTime scheduleDate)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService
        Sends Notification when content was approve.
        Specified by:
        notifyContentApproval in interface NotificationService
        site - Site of the Content.
        submitter - User that submit the content to approval.
        itemsSubmitted - List of Item paths that where approve (can be null)
        approver - User that approve the content.
        scheduleDate - scheduled date
      • getNotificationMessage

        public @Valid String getNotificationMessage​(String site,
                                                    NotificationMessageType type,
                                                    String key,
                                                    org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<String,​Object>... params)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService
        Gets and process notification message
        Specified by:
        getNotificationMessage in interface NotificationService
        site - Site of the Content.
        type - Type of the message wanted.
        key - key of the message wanted
        params - parameters of the message this params will be used to process the message string.

        the message in the given locale and processed with the given variables.

        If message not found either by key/locale it will return a default string)

      • notifyApprovesContentSubmission

        public void notifyApprovesContentSubmission​(String site,
                                                    List<String> usersToNotify,
                                                    List<String> itemsSubmitted,
                                                    String submitter,
                                                    ZonedDateTime scheduleDate,
                                                    boolean isADelete,
                                                    String submissionComments)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService
        Send to all given users a notification of content that need to be review.
        Specified by:
        notifyApprovesContentSubmission in interface NotificationService
        site - Site of the Content.
        usersToNotify - List of users (username) to be notified.
        itemsSubmitted - List of Item paths that where approve (can be null)
        submitter - User (username) that is submitting the content.
        scheduleDate - When the content should go live (null if now (or as soon is approved)).
        isADelete - Is this submission a delete one.
        submissionComments - submission comments
      • notify

        public void notify​(String site,
                           List<String> toUsers,
                           String key,
                           org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<String,​Object>... params)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService
        Process and Sends a generic email.
        Specified by:
        notify in interface NotificationService
        site - Site of the Content.
        toUsers - List of recipients.
        key - key of the message wanted
        params - parameters of the message this params will be used to process the message string.
      • notifyContentRejection

        public void notifyContentRejection​(String site,
                                           List<String> submittedByList,
                                           List<String> rejectedItems,
                                           String rejectionReason,
                                           String userThatRejects)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationService
        Notifies to the submitter that the content has been rejected.
        Specified by:
        notifyContentRejection in interface NotificationService
        site - Site of the Content.
        submittedByList - List of users that submitted the rejected content.
        rejectedItems - Items that where rejected
        rejectionReason - why the content was rejected.
        userThatRejects - User that is rejecting the content.
      • loadGenericMessage

        protected void loadGenericMessage​(org.dom4j.Element emailTemplates,
                                          Map<String,​String> messageContainer)
      • loadCannedMessages

        protected void loadCannedMessages​(org.dom4j.Element completedMessages,
                                          Map<String,​List<MessageTO>> messageContainer)
      • getConfigPath

        public String getConfigPath()
      • getTemplateTimezone

        public String getTemplateTimezone()
      • setContentService

        public void setContentService​(ContentService contentService)
      • setServicesConfig

        public void setServicesConfig​(ServicesConfig servicesConfig)
      • setSecurityService

        public void setSecurityService​(SecurityService securityService)
      • setStudioConfiguration

        public void setStudioConfiguration​(StudioConfiguration studioConfiguration)
      • setConfigurationService

        public void setConfigurationService​(ConfigurationService configurationService)