Class AccessTokenServiceInternalImpl

    • Field Detail

      • issuer

        protected String issuer
        The issuer for generation access tokens
      • validIssuers

        protected String[] validIssuers
        List of accepted issuers for validation of access tokens
      • audience

        protected String audience
        The audience for generation and validation of access tokens
      • accessTokenExpiration

        protected int accessTokenExpiration
        The time in minutes for the expiration of the generated access tokens
      • signPassword

        protected String signPassword
        The password for signing the access tokens
      • encryptPassword

        protected String encryptPassword
        The password for encrypting the access tokens
      • sessionTimeout

        protected int sessionTimeout
        Time in minutes after which active users will be required to login again
      • inactivityTimeout

        protected int inactivityTimeout
        Time in minutes after which inactive users will be required to login again
      • userActivity

        protected<Long,​Instant> userActivity
        Cache used to track the activity of the users
      • jwtSignKey

        protected Key jwtSignKey
      • jwtEncryptKey

        protected Key jwtEncryptKey