Class Action

  • public class Action
    extends Object
    Represents a content action that needs to be validated
    • Field Detail

      • type

        protected @NotNull Type type
        The type of action
      • source

        protected String source
        The source of the action
      • target

        protected @NotEmpty String target
        The target of the action
      • newPath

        protected String newPath
        Part of the target path to be created
      • recursive

        protected boolean recursive
        Indicates if the action is recursive
    • Constructor Detail

      • Action

        public Action()
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public Type getType()
      • setType

        public void setType​(Type type)
      • getSource

        public String getSource()
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(String source)
      • getTarget

        public String getTarget()
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(String target)
      • getNewPath

        public String getNewPath()
      • setNewPath

        public void setNewPath​(String newPath)
      • isRecursive

        public boolean isRecursive()
      • setRecursive

        public void setRecursive​(boolean recursive)
      • setContentMetadata

        public void setContentMetadata​(Map<String,​Object> contentMetadata)
      • getMetadata

        public <T> T getMetadata​(String key)
      • containsMetadata

        public boolean containsMetadata​(String key)