Interface PublishService

    • Method Detail

      • getPublishingPackagesTotal

        int getPublishingPackagesTotal​(String siteId,
                                       String environment,
                                       String path,
                                       List<String> states)
                                throws SiteNotFoundException
        Get total number of publishing packages for given search parameters
        siteId - site identifier
        environment - publishing environment
        path - regular expression for paths
        states - publishing package states
        total number of publishing packages
        SiteNotFoundException - site not found
      • getPublishingPackages

        List<PublishingPackage> getPublishingPackages​(String siteId,
                                                      String environment,
                                                      String path,
                                                      List<String> states,
                                                      int offset,
                                                      int limit)
                                               throws SiteNotFoundException
        Get publishing packages for given search parameters
        siteId - site identifier
        environment - publishing environment
        path - regular expression for paths
        states - publishing package states
        offset - offset for pagination
        limit - limit for pagination
        list of publishing packages
        SiteNotFoundException - site not found
      • getPublishingHistoryTotal

        int getPublishingHistoryTotal​(String siteId,
                                      String environment,
                                      String path,
                                      String publisher,
                                      ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                      ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                      String contentType,
                                      long state)
        Get total number of publishing history items for given search parameters
        siteId - site identifier
        environment - environment to get publishing history
        path - regular expression to filter paths
        publisher - filter publishing history for specified user
        dateFrom - lower boundary for date range
        dateTo - upper boundary for date range
        contentType - publishing history for specified content type
        state - filter items by their state
        total number of deployment history items
      • getPublishingHistory

        List<PublishingDashboardItem> getPublishingHistory​(String siteId,
                                                           String environment,
                                                           String path,
                                                           String publisher,
                                                           ZonedDateTime dateFrom,
                                                           ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                                           String contentType,
                                                           long state,
                                                           String sortBy,
                                                           String order,
                                                           int offset,
                                                           int limit)
        Get deployment history items for given search parameters
        siteId - site identifier
        environment - environment to get publishing history
        path - regular expression to filter paths
        publisher - filter publishing history for specified user
        dateFrom - lower boundary for date range
        dateTo - upper boundary for date range
        contentType - publishing history for specified content type
        state - filter items by their state
        sortBy - sort publishing history
        order - apply order to publishing history
        offset - offset of the first item in the result set
        limit - number of items to return
        total number of publishing packages
      • getDeploymentHistory

        List<DeploymentHistoryGroup> getDeploymentHistory​(String siteId,
                                                          int daysFromToday,
                                                          int numberOfItems,
                                                          String filterType)
                                                   throws SiteNotFoundException
        Get deployment history
        siteId - site identifier
        daysFromToday - number of days for history
        numberOfItems - number of items to display
        filterType - filter results by filter type
      • isSitePublished

        boolean isSitePublished​(String siteId)
                         throws SiteNotFoundException
        Check if site has ever been published.
        siteId - site identifier
        true if site has been published at least once, otherwise false
        SiteNotFoundException - Site doesn't exist