Class ActivityStreamServiceInternalImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ActivityStreamServiceInternalImpl

        public ActivityStreamServiceInternalImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • insertActivity

        public void insertActivity​(long siteId,
                                   long userId,
                                   String action,
                                   ZonedDateTime actionTimestamp,
                                   Item item,
                                   String packageId)
        Description copied from interface: ActivityStreamServiceInternal
        Insert record into activity stream
        Specified by:
        insertActivity in interface ActivityStreamServiceInternal
        siteId - site identifier
        userId - user identifier
        action - action that was performed
        actionTimestamp - timestamp when action was performed
        item - item that was actioned upon
        packageId - package identifier that was actioned upon
      • getActivitiesForUsers

        public List<Activity> getActivitiesForUsers​(String siteId,
                                                    List<String> usernames,
                                                    List<String> actions,
                                                    ZonedDateTime dateForm,
                                                    ZonedDateTime dateTo,
                                                    int offset,
                                                    int limit)
        Description copied from interface: ActivityStreamServiceInternal
        Get activities for users
        Specified by:
        getActivitiesForUsers in interface ActivityStreamServiceInternal
        siteId - site identifier
        usernames - list of usernames
        actions - list of actions to filter
        dateForm - lower boundary for filtering by date range
        dateTo - upper boundary for filtering by date range
        offset - offset of the first record in the result
        limit - limit the number of the results to return
        list of activities for given users
      • setSiteFeedMapper

        public void setSiteFeedMapper​(SiteFeedMapper siteFeedMapper)
      • setActivityStreamDAO

        public void setActivityStreamDAO​(ActivityStreamDAO activityStreamDAO)