Class AbstractContentTypeUpgradeOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.craftercms.commons.upgrade.UpgradeOperation<String>, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractContentTypeUpgradeOperation
    extends AbstractContentUpgradeOperation
    Base implementation of UpgradeOperation for all content-type related upgrades

    Supported YAML properties:

    • includedContentTypes: (optional) list of content-types that can be handled by this operation, if left unset all content-types will be included
    • formDefinitionXpath: (optional) XPath selector to evaluate if a content-type should be handled by this operation, if left unset all content-types will be included
    • maxCacheItems: (optional) maximum number of items in the cache, can be used for performance tuning in case an upgrade needs to parse too many files in the repository. Defaults to 200
    • Field Detail

      • includedContentTypes

        protected List<String> includedContentTypes
        List of content-types that can be handled by this operation (optional)
      • formDefinitionXpath

        protected String formDefinitionXpath
        XPath to evaluate if a content-type can be handled by this operation (optional)
      • contentTypeXpath

        protected String contentTypeXpath
        XPath to query the content-type of item descriptors
      • formDefinitionTemplate

        protected String formDefinitionTemplate
        Path template to find the form-definition.xml file for a content-type
      • cache

        protected<Path,​Document> cache
        Cache used to avoid parsing the same file multiple times during the execution of this operation
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContentTypeUpgradeOperation

        public AbstractContentTypeUpgradeOperation​(StudioConfiguration studioConfiguration,
                                                   String contentTypeXpath,
                                                   String formDefinitionTemplate)
    • Method Detail

      • shouldBeUpdated

        protected boolean shouldBeUpdated​(StudioUpgradeContext context,
                                          Path file)
                                   throws org.craftercms.commons.upgrade.exception.UpgradeException
        Description copied from class: AbstractContentUpgradeOperation
        Indicates if the given file should be updated by this class
        Specified by:
        shouldBeUpdated in class AbstractContentUpgradeOperation
        context - the current upgrade context
        file - the file to check
        true if the file should be updated
        org.craftercms.commons.upgrade.exception.UpgradeException - if there is any error checking the file
      • loadDocument

        protected Document loadDocument​(Path file)
                                 throws ExecutionException
        Parses the given XML file
        file - the file to parse
        the parsed file
        ExecutionException - if there is any error parsing the file
      • getFormDefinition

        protected Path getFormDefinition​(StudioUpgradeContext context,
                                         String contentTypeName)
        Finds the form-definition.xml five for the given content-type
        context - the current upgrade context
        contentTypeName - the content-type name
        the form definition file
      • select

        protected Object select​(Object source,
                                String xpath,
                                QName type)
                         throws XPathExpressionException
        Evaluates a XPath selector on the given object
        source - the object to evaluate
        xpath - the selector to evaluate
        type - the type to return
        the evaluation result
        XPathExpressionException - if there is any error evaluating the selector
      • writeFile

        protected void writeFile​(Path file,
                                 Document document)
                          throws org.craftercms.commons.upgrade.exception.UpgradeException
        Writes an XML file to the file system without committing any changes in the repository
        file - the file to write
        document - the XML document to write
        org.craftercms.commons.upgrade.exception.UpgradeException - if there is any error writing the file