Class FederatedStoreManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FederatedStoreManager
    extends Object
    implements StoreManager
    A federated StoreManager orchestrates the persistence/retrieval for multiple datastores. It is responsible for creating the individual StoreManager instances for the datastore(s) that are being federated. Has a "primary" StoreManager where data is stored by default when no metadata is specified for a class, and then has a map of "secondary" StoreManagers keyed by name that can be used for persistence as defined in metadata. When a request comes in to persist some data, this class is responsible for selecting the appropriate StoreManager for persistence. When a request comes in to query some data, this class is responsible for selecting the appropriate StoreManager to query.

    Assumes that there are persistence properties of the form
    where these properties files have the properties for the secondary stores with names "SecondStore", "ThirdStore".
    • Field Detail


        public static final String PROPERTY_DATA_FEDERATION_DATASTORE_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • primaryStoreMgr

        protected StoreManager primaryStoreMgr
        Primary StoreManager.
      • secondaryStoreMgrMap

        protected Map<String,​StoreManager> secondaryStoreMgrMap
        Map of secondary StoreManager keyed by their symbolic name.
      • queryMgr

        protected QueryManager queryMgr
        Query Manager. Lazy initialised, so use getQueryManager() to access.
    • Method Detail

      • getStoreManagerForClass

        public StoreManager getStoreManagerForClass​(AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
        Accessor for the StoreManager to use for persisting the specified class. TODO Extend this so that we can persist some objects of one type into one datastore, and other objects of that type into a different datastore.
        cmd - Metadata for the class
        The StoreManager to use
      • getStoreManagerForClass

        public StoreManager getStoreManagerForClass​(String className,
                                                    ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Accessor for the StoreManager to use for the specified class.
        className - Name of the class
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The StoreManager to use
      • manageClasses

        public void manageClasses​(ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                  String... classNames)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Manage the specified classes. This method is primarily useful for applications that wish to perform all of their datastore initialization up front, rather than wait for the runtime to do it on-demand.
        Specified by:
        manageClasses in interface StoreManager
        clr - The ClassLoaderResolver
        classNames - The class(es) to be managed
      • getClassNameForObjectID

        public String getClassNameForObjectID​(Object id,
                                              ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                              ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Returns the class corresponding to the given object identity. If the object is datastore-identity, return the PC class specified in the identity. If the object is single-field identity, return the PC class specified in the identity If the object is an AppID PK, return the PC class that uses it. If the object is a SCOID, return the SCO class. If the object is a persistable class, return the class.
        Specified by:
        getClassNameForObjectID in interface StoreManager
        id - The identity of some object.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        ec - execution context
        For datastore identity, return the class of the corresponding object. For application identity, return the class of the corresponding object or null if object does not exist.
      • getDatastoreDate

        public Date getDatastoreDate()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Get the date/time of the datastore.
        Specified by:
        getDatastoreDate in interface StoreManager
        Date/time of the datastore
      • getExtent

        public Extent getExtent​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                Class c,
                                boolean subclasses)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Interface to getting an Extent for a class.
        Specified by:
        getExtent in interface StoreManager
        ec - execution context
        c - The class requiring the Extent
        subclasses - Whether to include subclasses of 'c'
        The Extent.
      • isJdbcStore

        public boolean isJdbcStore()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Returns whether the datastore is a "JDBC datastore". If it is then the JDO spec needs to return a connection that implements java.sql.Connection. RDBMS is the only one that will return true from here (or certainly as we can foresee now).
        Specified by:
        isJdbcStore in interface StoreManager
        Whether this is a JDBC datastore
      • getNucleusConnection

        public NucleusConnection getNucleusConnection​(ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to return a connection to the user for the ExecutionContext. Typically provides a wrapper to the currently in-use ManagedConnection.
        Specified by:
        getNucleusConnection in interface StoreManager
        ec - execution context
        The datastore Connection
      • newQuery

        public Query newQuery​(String language,
                              ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext.
        Specified by:
        newQuery in interface StoreManager
        language - The query language
        ec - ExecutionContext
        The query
      • newQuery

        public Query newQuery​(String language,
                              ExecutionContext ec,
                              String queryString)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext, using the specified query string.
        Specified by:
        newQuery in interface StoreManager
        language - The query language
        ec - ExecutionContext
        queryString - The query string
        The query
      • newQuery

        public Query newQuery​(String language,
                              ExecutionContext ec,
                              Query q)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext, using the specified existing query to copy from.
        Specified by:
        newQuery in interface StoreManager
        language - The query language
        ec - ExecutionContext
        q - Existing query
        The query
      • getQueryCacheKey

        public String getQueryCacheKey()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Accessor for the key used for representing this store manager in the query cache.
        Specified by:
        getQueryCacheKey in interface StoreManager
        Key for the query cache
      • getValueGenerationStrategyValue

        public Object getValueGenerationStrategyValue​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                                      AbstractClassMetaData cmd,
                                                      int absoluteFieldNumber)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to retrieve the value for a value generation strategy for a particular field.
        Specified by:
        getValueGenerationStrategyValue in interface StoreManager
        ec - execution context
        cmd - AbstractClassMetaData for the class
        absoluteFieldNumber - The field number
        The generated value
      • isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed

        public boolean isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed​(AbstractClassMetaData cmd,
                                                                    int absFieldNumber)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience method to return whether the value generation strategy used by the specified class/member is generated in the datastore during a persist.
        Specified by:
        isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed in interface StoreManager
        cmd - Metadata for the class
        absFieldNumber - number of the field (or -1 if for datastore-id)
        if the object for the value generation strategy is attributed by the database ("identity", etc)
      • getValueGenerationStrategyForNative

        public String getValueGenerationStrategyForNative​(AbstractClassMetaData cmd,
                                                          int absFieldNumber)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method defining which value-strategy to use when the user specifies "native"/"auto".
        Specified by:
        getValueGenerationStrategyForNative in interface StoreManager
        cmd - Class requiring the strategy
        absFieldNumber - Field of the class
        The value generation strategy used when "native"/"auto" is specified
      • getSubClassesForClass

        public Collection<String> getSubClassesForClass​(String className,
                                                        boolean includeDescendents,
                                                        ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Utility to return the names of the classes that are known subclasses of the provided class. Actually uses the MetaDataManager for determining what is a subclass since the MetaData is often registered before being needed by the Store. The important difference is that this method will then register the subclass as required
        Specified by:
        getSubClassesForClass in interface StoreManager
        className - Class for which we search for subclasses.
        includeDescendents - Whether to include subclasses of subclasses etc
        clr - The ClassLoaderResolver
        Set of classes that are subclasses of the input class.
      • manageClassForIdentity

        public String manageClassForIdentity​(Object id,
                                             ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience method to ensure that the class defined by the passed DatastoreId/SingleFieldId is managed by the store.
        Specified by:
        manageClassForIdentity in interface StoreManager
        id - identity
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The class name of the class associated to this identity
      • managesClass

        public boolean managesClass​(String className)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Accessor for whether the specified class is managed currently
        Specified by:
        managesClass in interface StoreManager
        className - The name of the class
        Whether it is managed
      • printInformation

        public void printInformation​(String category,
                                     PrintStream ps)
                              throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to output particular information owned by this datastore. Each StoreManager can support whichever categories it likes.
        Specified by:
        printInformation in interface StoreManager
        category - Category of information
        ps - PrintStream
        Exception - Thrown if an error occurs in the output process
      • unmanageAllClasses

        public void unmanageAllClasses​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Remove all classes from the persistence model for the datastore. This empties the datastore of all datastore objects managed by us. All objects of types not managed are left untouched. In the case of RDBMS this means drop all tables for types managed by us.
        Specified by:
        unmanageAllClasses in interface StoreManager
        clr - The ClassLoaderResolver
      • unmanageClass

        public void unmanageClass​(ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                  String className,
                                  boolean removeFromDatastore)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to remove knowledge of the specified class from this StoreManager. This can optionally also remove it from the datastore.
        Specified by:
        unmanageClass in interface StoreManager
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        className - Name of the class
        removeFromDatastore - Whether to also remove it from the datastore (otherwise just from the StoreManager)
      • supportsQueryLanguage

        public boolean supportsQueryLanguage​(String language)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Accessor for whether this query language is supported.
        Specified by:
        supportsQueryLanguage in interface StoreManager
        language - The language
        Whether it is supported.
      • getNativeQueryLanguage

        public String getNativeQueryLanguage()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Accessor for the native query language of this store.
        Specified by:
        getNativeQueryLanguage in interface StoreManager
        The native query language (e.g "SQL")
      • supportsValueGenerationStrategy

        public boolean supportsValueGenerationStrategy​(String language)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Accessor for whether this value generation strategy is supported.
        Specified by:
        supportsValueGenerationStrategy in interface StoreManager
        language - The value generation strategy
        Whether it is supported.
      • getSupportedOptions

        public Collection getSupportedOptions()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Strings representing features that are supported by this datastore. Refer to the Strings in with prefix "OPTION_".
        Specified by:
        getSupportedOptions in interface StoreManager
        The supported options
      • getConnectionDriverName

        public String getConnectionDriverName()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the driver name to use for the connections (where supported).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionDriverName in interface StoreManager
        driver name
      • getConnectionURL

        public String getConnectionURL()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the URL for the connections.
        Specified by:
        getConnectionURL in interface StoreManager
        connection URL
      • getConnectionUserName

        public String getConnectionUserName()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the user name to use for the connections (where required).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionUserName in interface StoreManager
        user name
      • getConnectionPassword

        public String getConnectionPassword()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the password to use for the connections (where required).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionPassword in interface StoreManager
      • getConnectionFactory

        public Object getConnectionFactory()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the primary connection factory (when a factory was provided by the user).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionFactory in interface StoreManager
        Connection Factory (primary)
      • getConnectionFactory2

        public Object getConnectionFactory2()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the secondary connection factory (when a factory was provided by the user).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionFactory2 in interface StoreManager
        Connection Factory (secondary)
      • getConnectionFactory2Name

        public String getConnectionFactory2Name()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the factory (JNDI) name for the secondary connection factory (when provided by the user).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionFactory2Name in interface StoreManager
        Connection Factory name (secondary)
      • getConnectionFactoryName

        public String getConnectionFactoryName()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Convenience accessor for the factory (JNDI) name for the primary connection factory (when provided by the user).
        Specified by:
        getConnectionFactoryName in interface StoreManager
        Connection Factory name (primary)
      • transactionStarted

        public void transactionStarted​(ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has started for the specified execution context. This allows the StoreManager to initialise any objects as required.
        Specified by:
        transactionStarted in interface StoreManager
        ec - ExecutionContext
      • transactionCommitted

        public void transactionCommitted​(ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has committed for the specified execution context. This allows the StoreManager to close any objects as required.
        Specified by:
        transactionCommitted in interface StoreManager
        ec - ExecutionContext
      • transactionRolledBack

        public void transactionRolledBack​(ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has rolled back for the specified execution context. This allows the StoreManager to close any objects as required.
        Specified by:
        transactionRolledBack in interface StoreManager
        ec - ExecutionContext
      • useBackedSCOWrapperForMember

        public boolean useBackedSCOWrapperForMember​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                                    ExecutionContext ec)
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Method to return whether the specified member should use a backed SCO wrapper.
        Specified by:
        useBackedSCOWrapperForMember in interface StoreManager
        mmd - Metadata for the member
        ec - ExecutionContext
        Whether to use a back SCO wrapper (false means use a simple SCO wrapper).
      • usesBackedSCOWrappers

        public boolean usesBackedSCOWrappers()
        Description copied from interface: StoreManager
        Whether this store manager uses backing-store based SCO wrappers.
        Specified by:
        usesBackedSCOWrappers in interface StoreManager
        Whether this store provides backing stores for SCO wrappers.