Class AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager

    • Field Detail

      • op

        protected final ObjectProvider op
        ObjectProvider of the instance being fetched (detached or made transient).
      • secondClassMutableFields

        protected final boolean[] secondClassMutableFields
        Second class mutable fields for the class of this object.
      • fpClass

        protected final FetchPlanForClass fpClass
        Fetch Plan for the class of this object.
      • state

        protected final FetchPlanState state
        State for the fetch process.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager

        public AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager​(ObjectProvider op,
                                              boolean[] secondClassMutableFields,
                                              FetchPlanForClass fpClass,
                                              FetchPlanState state)
        Constructor for a field manager for fetch plan processing.
        op - the ObjectProvider of the instance being processed.
        secondClassMutableFields - SCO field flags
        fpClass - Fetch Plan for the class of this instance
        state - Object containing the state of the fetch process