Interface ManagementServer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Mx4jManagementServer, PlatformManagementServer

    public interface ManagementServer
    Management Server for MBeans. Plugin Extension Point: org.datanucleus.management_server The implementation of this class must have a default public constructor
    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start()
        Start the Management Server. If this operation is invoked while the server is started, this operation is ignored. This operation can also connect to a remote MBeanServer, instead of creating a new MBeanServer instance. This depends on the configuration.
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stop the Management Server. If this operation is invoked while the server is stop, this operation is ignored. This operation can also disconnect from a remote MBeanServer, instead of destroying a MBeanServer instance. This depends on the configuration.
      • registerMBean

        void registerMBean​(Object mbean,
                           String name)
        Register a MBean into the MBeanServer
        mbean - the MBean instance
        name - the mbean name
      • unregisterMBean

        void unregisterMBean​(String name)
        Unregister a MBean from the MBeanServer
        name - the mbean name