Class DetachFieldManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • DetachFieldManager

        public DetachFieldManager​(ObjectProvider op,
                                  boolean[] secondClassMutableFields,
                                  FetchPlanForClass fpClass,
                                  FetchPlanState state,
                                  boolean copy)
        Constructor for a field manager for detachment.
        op - the ObjectProvider of the instance being detached. An instance in Persistent or Transactional state
        secondClassMutableFields - The second class mutable fields for the class of this object
        fpClass - Fetch Plan for the class of this instance
        state - State object to hold any pertinent controls for the detachment process
        copy - Whether to create detached COPIES or just detach in-situ
    • Method Detail

      • processPersistableCopy

        protected Object processPersistableCopy​(Object pc)
        Utility method to process the passed persistable object creating a copy.
        pc - The PC object
        The processed object
      • processPersistable

        protected void processPersistable​(Object pc)
        Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
        pc - The PC object
      • internalFetchObjectField

        protected Object internalFetchObjectField​(int fieldNumber)
        Method to fetch an object field whether it is collection/map, PC, or whatever for the detachment process.
        Specified by:
        internalFetchObjectField in class AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
        fieldNumber - Number of the field
        The object
      • endOfGraphOperation

        protected Object endOfGraphOperation​(int fieldNumber)
        Method to throw and EndOfFetchPlanGraphException since we're at the end of a branch in the tree.
        Specified by:
        endOfGraphOperation in class AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
        fieldNumber - Number of the field
        Object to return