Interface StoreSchemaHandler

    • Method Detail

      • isAutoCreateDatabase

        boolean isAutoCreateDatabase()
      • isAutoCreateTables

        boolean isAutoCreateTables()
      • isAutoCreateConstraints

        boolean isAutoCreateConstraints()
      • isAutoCreateColumns

        boolean isAutoCreateColumns()
      • isAutoCreateWarnOnError

        boolean isAutoCreateWarnOnError()
      • isAutoDeleteColumns

        boolean isAutoDeleteColumns()
      • isValidateTables

        boolean isValidateTables()
      • isValidateColumns

        boolean isValidateColumns()
      • isValidateConstraints

        boolean isValidateConstraints()
      • clear

        void clear()
        Method to clear out any cached schema information.
      • createDatabase

        void createDatabase​(String catalogName,
                            String schemaName,
                            Properties props,
                            Object connection)
        Method to create the specified database (catalog/schema).
        catalogName - Name of the catalog
        schemaName - Name of the schema
        props - Any properties controlling the schema generation
        connection - Connection to use (null implies this will obtain its own connection)
      • deleteDatabase

        void deleteDatabase​(String catalogName,
                            String schemaName,
                            Properties props,
                            Object connection)
        Method to delete the specified database (catalog/schema).
        catalogName - Name of the catalog
        schemaName - Name of the schema
        props - Any properties controlling the schema deletion
        connection - Connection to use (null implies this will obtain its own connection)
      • createSchemaForClasses

        void createSchemaForClasses​(Set<String> classNames,
                                    Properties props,
                                    Object connection)
        Method to generate the required schema for the supplied classes. Note that this does not generate a "schema", just the tables. Refer to createDatabase to create a "schema".
        classNames - Names of the classes we want the schema generating for.
        props - Any properties controlling the schema generation
        connection - Connection to use (null implies this will obtain its own connection)
      • deleteSchemaForClasses

        void deleteSchemaForClasses​(Set<String> classNames,
                                    Properties props,
                                    Object connection)
        Method to delete the schema for the supplied classes. Note that this does not delete a "schema", just the tables. Refer to deleteDatabase to delete a "schema".
        classNames - Names of the classes we want the schema deleting for.
        props - Any properties controlling the schema deletion
        connection - Connection to use (null implies this will obtain its own connection)
      • validateSchema

        void validateSchema​(Set<String> classNames,
                            Properties props,
                            Object connection)
        Method to validate the schema for the supplied classes.
        classNames - Names of classes
        props - Any properties controlling schema validation
        connection - Connection to use (null implies this will obtain its own connection)
      • getSchemaData

        StoreSchemaData getSchemaData​(Object connection,
                                      String name,
                                      Object[] values)
        Accessor for schema data store under the provided name and defined by the specified values. The supported types of values is particular to the implementation.
        connection - Connection to the datastore
        name - Name of the schema component to return.
        values - Value(s) to use as qualifier(s) for selecting the schema component
        Schema data definition for this name