Interface PersistableRelationStore

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PersistableRelationStore
    extends Store
    Representation of the relation between two persistable objects. Provides the connectivity to the datastore allowing the relation to be managed separately. In an RDBMS sense, this is for an N-1 unidirectional join table relation, and represents the join table entry.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        boolean add​(ObjectProvider op1,
                    ObjectProvider op2)
        Method to add the relation between the provided objects.
        op1 - Object 1 provider
        op2 - Object 2 provider
        Whether the relation was added
      • remove

        boolean remove​(ObjectProvider op1)
        Method to remove the relation from the provided object.
        op1 - Object 1 provider
        Whether the relation was removed
      • update

        boolean update​(ObjectProvider op1,
                       ObjectProvider op2)
        Method to update the relation for the first object to relate to the second object. This removes any previous relation from this object and replaces it with the new relation.
        op1 - Object 1 provider
        op2 - Object 2 provider
        Whether the relation was replaced