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AALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
AASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
AbsFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ABS(numExpr).
AbsFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.AbsFunction
AbstractAnnotationReader - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Abstract implementation of a metadata annotations reader.
AbstractAnnotationReader(MetaDataManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
AbstractAutoStartMechanism - Class in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
Abstract representation of an autostart mechanism.
AbstractAutoStartMechanism() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
AbstractCandidateLazyLoadList - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract implementation of a lazy load list for candidates.
AbstractCandidateLazyLoadList(Class, boolean, ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractCandidateLazyLoadList
AbstractClassMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Abstract representation of the MetaData of a class/interface.
AbstractClassMetaData(ClassMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-abstract-class".
AbstractClassMetaData(InterfaceMetaData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-interface".
AbstractClassMetaData(PackageMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
abstractClassMetaDataInitialised(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method called (by AbstractClassMetaData.initialise()) when a class/interface has its metadata initialised.
abstractClassMetaDataInitialised(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
AbstractConnectedGenerator<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Abstract representation of a ValueGenerator requiring a connection to a datastore.
AbstractConnectedGenerator(StoreManager, String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator
AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
AbstractConnectionFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Abstract implementation of a ConnectionFactory for a DataNucleus-supported datastore.
AbstractConnectionFactory(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
AbstractElementMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
This element specifies the mapping for the element component of arrays and collections.
AbstractElementMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Default constructor.
AbstractElementMetaData(AbstractElementMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata object.
AbstractEmulatedXAResource - Class in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Abstract base for any emulated XAResource implementations for the store plugins.
AbstractEmulatedXAResource(ManagedConnection) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
AbstractExpressionEvaluator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Abstract evaluator for an expression.
AbstractExpressionEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
AbstractExtent<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a JDO Extent.
AbstractExtent(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, boolean, AbstractClassMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Base field manager for handling the fetching of fields.
AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean[], FetchPlanForClass, FetchPlanState) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Constructor for a field manager for fetch plan processing.
AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager.EndOfFetchPlanGraphException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Exception thrown when we reach the end of the fetch depth in a branch of the object graph
AbstractFetchFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Abstract field manager for retrieval of objects.
AbstractFetchFieldManager(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchFieldManager
Constructor to use when creating new objects of the specified type, say from a query.
AbstractFetchFieldManager(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchFieldManager
Constructor to use when retrieving values of fields of existing objects.
AbstractFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Abstract representation of a field manager.
AbstractFieldManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
Default constructor
AbstractGenerator<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Abstract value generator.
AbstractGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
AbstractJavaQuery<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a Java-based query.
AbstractJavaQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Constructor for a Java-based query.
AbstractJDOQLQuery - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a JDOQL query.
AbstractJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
AbstractJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Constructor for a JDOQL query where the query is specified using the "Single-String" format.
AbstractJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, AbstractJDOQLQuery) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Constructs a new query instance having the same criteria as the given query.
AbstractJPQLQuery - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a JPQL query used by DataNucleus.
AbstractJPQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
AbstractJPQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Constructor for a JPQL query where the query is specified using the "Single-String" format.
AbstractJPQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, AbstractJPQLQuery) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Constructs a new query instance having the same criteria as the given query.
AbstractLazyLoadList<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract implementation of a lazy loaded list of (persistent) objects.
AbstractLazyLoadList(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
Constructor for a lazy load list.
AbstractLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Abstract starting point for a third-party L2 cache plugin.
AbstractLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
AbstractManagedConnection - Class in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Abstract implementation of a managed connection.
AbstractManagedConnection() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
AbstractMapQueryResultsCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Abstract representation of a query results cache for the query based on a map.
AbstractMapQueryResultsCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
AbstractMemberMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Abstract representation of MetaData for a field/property of a class/interface.
AbstractMemberMetaData(MetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Constructor for a fields metadata.
AbstractMemberMetaData(MetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience constructor to copy the specification from the passed member.
AbstractNamingFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Abstract base for any naming factory, providing convenience facilities like truncation.
AbstractNamingFactory(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
AbstractNucleusContext - Class in org.datanucleus
Base implementation of a NucleusContext, providing configuration, metadata management, type management, plugin management and ClassLoader services.
AbstractNucleusContext(String, Map, PluginManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
AbstractParser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Abstract query parser.
AbstractParser() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
AbstractPersistenceHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Abstract representation of a persistence handler, to be extended by datastores own variant.
AbstractPersistenceHandler(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractPersistenceHandler
AbstractQueryCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Abstract representation of a cache of generic query compilations.
AbstractQueryCompilationCache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Abstract representation of a query compilation cache for the query specific to the datastore.
AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
AbstractQueryResult<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a QueryResult.
AbstractQueryResult(Query) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Constructor of the result from a Query.
AbstractQueryResultIterator<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract implementation of an iterator for query results.
AbstractQueryResultIterator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
AbstractQueryResultsCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Root implementation of a query results cache, providing provessing of common persistence properties.
AbstractQueryResultsCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Abstract referenced implementation of a Level 2 cache, to be used as the base for weak/soft variants.
AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
AbstractResultClassMapper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Abstract mapper for getting results from a query.
AbstractResultClassMapper(Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AbstractResultClassMapper
AbstractStatistics - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Abstract base class for a statistics object.
AbstractStatistics(ManagementManager, AbstractStatistics) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
Constructor defining the manager.
AbstractStatistics.SMA - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Simple Moving Average
AbstractStoredProcedureQuery - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract representation of a stored procedure query.
AbstractStoredProcedureQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Constructs a new query instance having the same criteria as the given query.
AbstractStoredProcedureQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, AbstractStoredProcedureQuery) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Constructs a new query instance from the existing query.
AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
AbstractStoreFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Abstract field manager for storage of objects.
AbstractStoreFieldManager(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
AbstractStoreFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
AbstractStoreManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store
An abstract representation of a Store Manager.
AbstractStoreManager(String, ClassLoaderResolver, PersistenceNucleusContext, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Constructor for a new StoreManager.
AbstractStoreSchemaHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Abstract base for any StoreSchemaHandler.
AbstractStoreSchemaHandler(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
AbstractSymbolResolver - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Base symbol resolver, to be extended for particular query languages.
AbstractSymbolResolver(MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver, SymbolTable, Class, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
Constructor for symbol resolver.
AbstractUUIDGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for a UUID format.
AbstractUUIDGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractUUIDGenerator
AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.xml
Abstract handler for XML MetaData parsing.
AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler(MetaDataManager, String, EntityResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
ACC_ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_ANNOTATION - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_BRIDGE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_DEPRECATED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_ENUM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_FINAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_INTERFACE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_MANDATED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_MODULE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_NATIVE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_OPEN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_PROTECTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_RECORD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_STATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_STATIC_PHASE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_STRICT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_SUPER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_SYNCHRONIZED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_SYNTHETIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_TRANSIENT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_TRANSITIVE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_VARARGS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ACC_VOLATILE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
accept(ClassVisitor, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Makes the given visitor visit the JVMS ClassFile structure passed to the constructor of this ClassReader.
accept(ClassVisitor, Attribute[], int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Makes the given visitor visit the JVMS ClassFile structure passed to the constructor of this ClassReader.
access - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Access flags for the field (public, protected etc).
access - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Access flags for the method (public, protected etc).
accessViaField - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether the class has been explicitly marked as using FIELD access (JPA/Jakarta).
ACN_boolean - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for boolean.
ACN_Boolean - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Boolean.
ACN_byte - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for byte.
ACN_Byte - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Byte.
ACN_char - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for char.
ACN_Character - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Character.
ACN_double - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for double.
ACN_Double - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Double.
ACN_float - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for float.
ACN_Float - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Float.
ACN_int - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for int.
ACN_Integer - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Integer.
ACN_long - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for long.
ACN_Long - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Long.
ACN_Object - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for java.lang.Object.
ACN_short - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for short.
ACN_Short - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for Short.
ACN_String - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
ASM class name for java.lang.String.
ACONST_NULL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
acquireThreadContextInfo() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the thread context information, for the current thread.
active - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Whether the transaction is active.
ADAPTER_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Adapter column (for join table primary-key).
add(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to add an amount to a field
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to add a result.
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to add an element to a position in the ArrayList.
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add an element to a position in the LinkedList.
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to add an element to the List at a position.
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to add an element to a position in the Stack
add(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to add an element to a position in the Vector.
add(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
add(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to add results.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to add an element to the ArrayList.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to add an element to the Collection.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to add an element to the set.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to add an element to the LinkedHashSet.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add an element to the LinkedList.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to add an element to the List
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to add an element to the Collection.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to add an element to the Collection.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to add an element to the Collection.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to add an element to the SortedSet.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to add an element to the Stack
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to add an element to the TreeSet.
add(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to add an element to the Vector.
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.NumericAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
add(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalAdapter
add(DNStateManager, E, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to add an element to the collection.
add(DNStateManager, E, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to add an element to the List.
add(DNStateManager, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.PersistableRelationStore
Method to add the relation between the provided objects.
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to add results.
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to add a Collection to a position in the ArrayList.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add a Collection to a position in the LinkedList.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to add a collection of elements.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to add a Collection to a position in the Stack
addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to add a Collection to a position in the Vector.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to add a Collection to the ArrayList.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to add a collection of elements.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to add a collection to the set.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to add a collection to the LinkedHashSet.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add a Collection to the LinkedList.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to add a Collection to the ArrayList.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to add a collection of elements.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to add a collection of elements.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to add a collection of elements.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to add a collection to the SortedSet.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to add a Collection to the Stack
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to add a collection to the TreeSet.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to add a Collection to the Vector.
addAll(DNStateManager, Collection<? extends E>, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to add a collection of elements to the collection.
addAll(DNStateManager, Collection<? extends E>, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to add a collection of elements to the List.
addAnnotationsDataToClass(Class, AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Load up and add any annotations mapping info for the specified class to the stored ClassMetaData.
addAnnotationsDataToClass(Class, AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
addBIPUSHToMethod(MethodVisitor, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to add a BIPUSH-type int to the visitor.
addBlock(ValueGenerationBlock<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
Method to append a block onto this block.
addCallback(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EventListenerMetaData
Method to add a method name for this EventListener.
addCallback(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EventListenerMetaData
Method to add a method name for this EventListener.
addCategory(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Convenience method to add the members for the specified category.
addChild(StoreSchemaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Method to define a child component for this component.
addChild(StoreSchemaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Method to define a child component for this component.
addClass(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the specified class (and its input bytes) to the list of classes to enhance.
addClass(ClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to add a class Meta-Data to the package.
addClass(StoreData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Method to add a class/field (with its data) to the currently-supported list.
addClass(StoreData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Method to add a class to the starter.
addClass(StoreData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Method to add a class to the starter.
addClasses(String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the specified classes to the list of classes to enhance.
addClassName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addClassNames(Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addColumn(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
Add a new column that is part of the constraint.
addColumn(AbstractMemberMetaData, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
addColumn(AbstractMemberMetaData, String, ColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Add a new ColumnMetaData element
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Add a new ColumnMetaData element
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaDataContainer
Add a new ColumnMetaData element
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Add a new ColumnMetaData element
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
addColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
Add a new ColumnMetaData element
addCondition(Expression, Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
addConfigurationElement(ConfigurationElement) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Add a new children ConfigurationElement to this element
addConfigurationElement(ConfigurationElement) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Add a new child ConfigurationElement (declared nested in the extension XML element)
addConnectionListener(ManagedConnectionResourceListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to register a listener to be notified when the query result is closing.
addConstructorTypeMapping(String, List<QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeColumn>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
addDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to store the datastore-specific compilation for a query.
addDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
addDefaultBooleanProperty(String, String, Boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
addDefaultConstructor(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add an empty default constructor.
addDefaultIntegerProperty(String, String, Integer, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
addDefaultProperty(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
addDeletedObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
addElement(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
addElement(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
addElement(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to add an element to the Stack
addElement(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to add an element to the Vector.
addEmbeddedColumn(String, TypeConverter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
addEnlistedObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
addExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Register a new Listener for ExecutionContext events.
addExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
addExtension(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Add a vendor-specific extension to this query.
addExtension(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
addExtension(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
addExtension(Extension) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
addExtensions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
addExtensions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
addFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Method to add a dynamic fetch group.
addFetchGroup(FetchGroupMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a fetch-group to this class.
addFetchGroup(FetchGroupMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
Add a new FetchGroupMetaData
addFetchGroup(FetchGroupMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Add a new FetchGroupMetaData
addFields(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add fields to match the PK fields of the persistable class
addFiles(String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the specified files to the list of components to enhance.
addFileSet(FileSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Add a fileset.
addFileSet(FileSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Add a fileset.
addFirst(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
addFirst(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add an element as first in the LinkedList.
addFlushedNewObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
addForeignKey(ForeignKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add an foreign-key to this class.
addGroup(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to add a group to the fetch plan.
addImplements(ImplementsMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Method to add an implements to this class.
addIndex(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add an index to this class.
addInitialiseInstructions(MethodVisitor) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitClass
Convenience method to add the initialise instructions to the supplied MethodVisitor.
addInterface(InterfaceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to add a interface Meta-Data to the package.
addInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to add an internal fetch group to this ExecutionContext.
addInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to add a dynamic FetchGroup.
addInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Method to add a dynamic FetchGroup for use by this OMF.
addInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
addJar(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the classes defined by the specified jar to the list of components to enhance.
addJarFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addJarFile(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Method to add a jar file to the persistence unit.
addJarFiles(Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addJoin(JoinMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a join to this class.
addLast(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
addLast(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to add an element as last in the LinkedList.
addListener(Object, Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler
addListener(Object, Class[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Adds a new listener to this handler.
addListener(EventListenerMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Add a listener class name
addListener(EventListenerMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Add a listener class name
addListener(ManagedConnectionResourceListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
addListener(ManagedConnectionResourceListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Registers a ManagedConnectionResourceListener to be notified of events.
addLoadForType(MethodVisitor, Class, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to add a load statement based on the type to be loaded.
addMappingFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addMappingForPersistentTypeMapping(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Method to add a mapping for the specified persistent class.
addMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to add a field of the class to the fetch group.
addMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
Add a new member that is part of this constraint.
addMember(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a field/property to this interface.
addMember(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to add a member to the embedded definition.
addMember(FetchGroupMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
Add a new field/property.
addMemberName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
Method to add a member name to the list since it is being processed
addMembers(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
addMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add a message at the required output level.
addMetaDataForMembersNotInMetaData(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Add MetaData of fields/properties not declared in MetaData.
addMetaDataForMembersNotInMetaData(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
Add MetaData for properties of the interface not declared in MetaData.
addMethodEquals(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add an equals() method.
addMethodHashCode(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add a hashCode() method.
addMethodToString(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add a toString() method.
addOperationToQueue(Operation) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to add an operation to the queue.
addOperationToQueue(Operation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
addOption(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Add new Option.
addORMDataToClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Load up and add any O/R mapping info for the specified class to the stored ClassMetaData (if supported).
addORMDataToClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
addParameter(StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
addPersistedObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
addPersistenceUnit(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the classes defined by the persistence-unit to the list of classes to enhance.
addPersistenceUnit(PersistenceUnitMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to add the classes defined by the persistence-unit to the list of classes to enhance.
addPersistenceUnit(PersistenceUnitMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Method to add a persistence unit
addPersistentTypeMapping(String, Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Method to add a persistent type as an output for the mapping.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaData
Method to define a property for this component.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
addProperty(PropertyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
Method to add a property to this interface.
addProperty(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
addQuery(QueryMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a named query to this class.
addQueryCompilation(String, String, QueryCompilation) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to store the compilation for a query.
addQueryCompilation(String, String, QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
addQueryResult(Query, Map, List<Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to store the results for a query.
addQueryResult(Query, Map, List<Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
addQueryResultMetaData(QueryResultMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to register a query-result MetaData.
addQueryResultMetaData(QueryResultMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Method to register a query-result MetaData.
addRegisterClassListener(EnhancementHelper.RegisterClassListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Add the specified RegisterClassListener to the listener list.
addRelationshipManagerForStateManager(DNStateManager, RelationshipManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
addResultClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
addResultSetMapping(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
addReturnForType(MethodVisitor, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to add a return statement based on the type to be returned.
addScalarColumn(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Method to register a column as being scalar.
addSequence(SequenceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to add a sequence Meta-Data to the package.
addStateManagerToCache(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to add the object managed by the specified StateManager to the cache.
addStateManagerToCache(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to add the object managed by the specified StateManager to the (L1) cache.
addStateManagerToCache(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
addStoredProcQuery(StoredProcQueryMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a named stored proc query to this class.
addStringConstructor(ClassWriter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to add a constructor taking in a String.
addSubquery(Query, String, String, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to add a subquery to this query.
addSubqueryCompilation(String, QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Method to add the compilation for a subquery of this query.
addSupportedDuplicateAnnotations(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
addSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
addTableGenerator(TableGeneratorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to add a TableGenerator Meta-Data to the package.
addTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Adds a transaction listener.
addTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
addUniqueConstraint(UniqueMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add a unique constraint to this class.
addUnmappedColumn(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to add an unmapped column.
addValueGenerationPropertiesForIncrement(Properties, TableGeneratorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
addValueGenerationPropertiesForSequence(Properties, SequenceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTAJCATransactionImpl
Called by the transaction manager after the transaction is committed or rolled back.
afterCompletion(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
This method is called by the transaction manager after the transaction is committed or rolled back.
AggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
AggregateExpression() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
alias - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Constant defining all fields
allMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of all fields/properties (inc superclasses).
allocate(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Method to allocate an amount of values.
allocate(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Method to allocate a set of elements.
allocate(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Method to allocate a number of values into the block.
allocate(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Provides a hint to the implementation that the application will need additional sequence value objects in short order.
allocationSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Allocation size for the sequence.
allocationSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Allocation size for ids from the table.
allocationSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Allocation size
allowAnnotations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Whether we allow annotations metadata.
allowDeleteOfNonPersistentObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether the API allows deletion of a non-persistent object.
allowMetaDataLoad - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Flag defining if we allow metadata load currently.
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
allowNulls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
allowNulls() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
Whether this container allows nulls.
allowNullsInContainer(boolean, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Utility to return whether or not to allow nulls in the container for the specified field.
allowORM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Whether we allow ORM XML metadata.
allowPersistOfDeletedObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether the API allows (re-)persistence of a deleted object.
allowRange() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLSingleStringParser
allowReadFieldOfDeletedObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether the API allows reading a field of a deleted object.
allowSingleEquals(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
Method to set whether "=" is allowed.
allowsNull - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Whether the column accepts nulls.
allowXML - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Whether we allow XML metadata.
ALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
and(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
andNot(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
ANEWARRAY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
annotationManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Manager for annotations.
AnnotationManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Interface defining the access to MetaData derived from Annotations.
AnnotationManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Manager for annotations.
AnnotationManagerImpl(MetaDataManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
AnnotationObject - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Wrapper for an annotation and its various properties etc.
AnnotationObject(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationObject
AnnotationReader - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Interface defining the access to MetaData derived from Annotations.
ANNOTATIONS - org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
AnnotationVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
AnnotationVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Constructs a new AnnotationVisitor.
AnnotationVisitor(int, AnnotationVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Constructs a new AnnotationVisitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
The ASM API version implemented by this visitor.
api - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
apiAdapter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
API adapter used by the context.
apiAdapter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
ApiAdapter - Interface in org.datanucleus.api
Adapter to allow the core runtime to expose multiple APIs to clients.
ApiAdapterFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.api
Factory of API adapters.
ApiAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapterFactory
Protected constructor to prevent outside instantiation
appendChildNode(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Simple class to handle the copying of PK fields from an object id to an object.
AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer(ApiAdapter, FieldManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
APPLICATION - org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
applyDefaultDiscriminatorValueWhenNotSpecified() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
applyDefaultProperties(Configuration) - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
applyDefaultProperties(Configuration) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Method called when initialising the Configuration to load up defaults for the properties appropriate for this NucleusContext.
applyDefaultProperties(Configuration) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
applyImplicitParameterValueToCompilation(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method to apply an implicit parameter value to the compilation symbol table.
applyImplicitParameterValueToSubqueries(String, Object, QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
ArcCosineFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ACOS(numExpr).
ArcCosineFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcCosineFunction
ArcSineFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ASIN(numExpr).
ArcSineFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcSineFunction
ArcTangent2Function - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ATAN2(numExpr).
ArcTangent2Function() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangent2Function
ArcTangentFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ATAN(numExpr).
ArcTangentFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangentFunction
areFieldsLoaded(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for whether all of the specified field numbers are loaded.
areStringsEqual(String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to tell if two strings are the same.
ARETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
argNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Names of the arguments.
argTypes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Types of the arguments.
ARRAY - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
ARRAY - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
cast node type
ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of array reference types.
ARRAY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
A type path step that steps into the element type of an array type.
ArrayAdapter<C> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
ArrayAdapter(C) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
ArrayContainsMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{arrayExpr}.contains(elemExpr)".
ArrayContainsMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArrayContainsMethod
ArrayConversionHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Helper class providing conversion methods for use with arrays.
ArrayConversionHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
ArrayExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing an input array of expressions (or at least some of the array is of expressions).
ArrayExpression(Expression[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ArrayExpression
ArrayHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
ArrayHandler(Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
arrayIsStoredInSingleColumn(AbstractMemberMetaData, MetaDataManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if an array member has the elements stored into the table of the field as a single (BLOB) column.
ARRAYLENGTH - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ArrayList<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class ArrayList object.
ArrayList<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class ArrayList object.
ArrayList(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the member.
ArrayList(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
ArrayListHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
ArrayListHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayListHandler
ArrayMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for an Array.
ArrayMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Default constructor.
ArrayMetaData(ArrayMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata.
ArraySizeMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{arrayExpr}.size()".
ArraySizeMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArraySizeMethod
arrayStorableAsByteArrayInSingleColumn(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to determine if an array is storable in a single column as a byte array.
ArrayStore<E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for an array.
ASM_API_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Version of the ASM API to use (introduced in ASM v4 to aid backward compatibility).
ASM10_EXPERIMENTAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
This API is experimental.
ASM4 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ASM5 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ASM6 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ASM7 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ASM8 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ASM9 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
asmClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
ASM Class name for this class (replace .
assertActiveTransaction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to assert if the current transaction is active.
assertClassForJarExistsInClasspath(ClassLoaderResolver, String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to throw a NucleusUserException if the specified class is not loadable from the ClassLoaderResolver.
assertClassPersistable(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to assert if the passed class is not persistable.
assertClassPersistable(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to assert if the specified class is Persistence Capable.
assertDetachable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to assert if the specified object is Detachable.
assertIsModifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to throw an exception if the query is currently not modifiable.
assertIsOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to assert if this context is open.
assertIsOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Internal method to throw an Exception if the ResultSet is open.
assertIsOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
Internal method to throw an Exception if the ResultSet is open.
assertIsOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
assertKeyNotNull(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Assert that the key is not null.
assertNotDetached(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to assert if the specified object is detached.
assertReadOnlyForUpdateOfObject(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractPersistenceHandler
Convenience method to assert when this StoreManager is read-only and the specified object is attempting to be updated.
assertSupportsCancel() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method that will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the query implementation doesn't support cancelling queries.
ASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ATHROW - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
AtomikosTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for Atomikos.
AtomikosTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.AtomikosTransactionManagerLocator
attach(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to attach the object being managed.
attach(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to attach the object managed by this StateManager.
attach(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
attach(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to attach the provided detached object into the managed instance.
attachCopy(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Method to return an attached version for the passed StateManager and field, using the passed value.
attachCopy(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Method to return an attached version for the passed StateManager and field, using the passed value.
attachCopy(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Method to return an attached version for the passed StateManager and field, using the passed value.
attachCopy(ArrayList) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Method to attached the passed value.
attachCopy(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Method to attached the passed value.
attachCopy(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to return an attached version for the passed StateManager and field, using the passed value.
attachCopy(HashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(HashSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Hashtable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(LinkedHashSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(LinkedList) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(List) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(PriorityQueue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Properties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Queue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Set<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(SortedMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(SortedSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Stack) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(TreeMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(TreeSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Vector) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopy(Persistable, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to attach a copy of the detached persistable instance and return the (attached) copy.
attachCopy(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to return an attached copy of this object.
attachCopy(T, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to attach to this the detached persistable instance
attachCopyElements(DNStateManager, Collection, Collection, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method for use by Collection/Set/HashSet attachCopy methods to add any new elements (added whilst detached) to the collection.
attachCopyForCollection(DNStateManager, Object[], Collection, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
attachCopyForMap(DNStateManager, Set, Map, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value.
AttachFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Utility class to handle the attach of fields.
AttachFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean[], boolean[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
attachForCollection(DNStateManager, Object[], boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to attach (recursively) all elements for a collection field.
attachForMap(DNStateManager, Set, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to attach (recursively) all keys/values for a map field.
attachObject(DNStateManager, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
attachObject(DNStateManager, T, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to attach a persistent detached object.
attachObject(DNStateManager, T, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
attachObjectCopy(DNStateManager, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
attachObjectCopy(DNStateManager, T, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to attach a persistent detached object returning an attached copy of the object.
attachObjectCopy(DNStateManager, T, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Attribute - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A non standard class, field, method or Code attribute, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Attribute(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Constructs a new empty attribute.
attributeEmbeddedMember(MemberColumnMapping, List<AbstractMemberMetaData>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SchemaVerifier
Method called when the specified embedded member has its column(s) created.
attributeMember(MemberColumnMapping) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SchemaVerifier
Method called when the specified surrogate member has its column(s) created.
attributeMember(MemberColumnMapping, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SchemaVerifier
Method called when the specified member has its column(s) created.
AUID - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "auid" specifies a strategy that is a Java implementation of DCE UUIDs, and represents the results as a 36-character String.
AUIDGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
This generator uses a Java implementation of DCE UUIDs to create unique identifiers without the overhead of additional database transactions or even an open database connection.
AUIDGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AUIDGenerator
AUTO - org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Flush automatically on any update.
autoApplyConvertersByType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Map of TypeConverter keyed by type name that we should default to for this type (user-defined).
autoCreateColumns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to auto create any columns that are missing.
autoCreateConstraints - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to auto create any constraints
autoCreateDatabase - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to auto create any database (catalog/schema).
autoCreateTables - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to auto create any tables.
autoCreateWarnOnError - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to warn only when any errors occur on auto-create.
autoDeleteColumns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to auto delete any columns that are present but not in the metadata.
autoJoin - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
AutoStartMechanism - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
Interface defining an Auto-Start Mechanism.
AutoStartMechanism.Mode - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
AutoStartMechanismUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
Convenience methods to assist in use of AutoStartMechanism(s).
AutoStartMechanismUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanismUtils
av - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
The annotation visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
avg(Expression, ExpressionEvaluator, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression


b - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Use ClassReader.readByte(int) and the other read methods instead. This field will eventually be deleted.
BackedSCO - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
Interface implemented by backed SCOs.
BackedSCOStoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface implemented by a StoreManager when it supports "backed" SCO wrappers (i.e SCO fields have a connection to the datastore via a "backing store" to support more efficient connectivity).
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
backingStore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
BALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
BasePropertyStore - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Basic property store implementation, allowing setting of properties
BasePropertyStore() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.BasePropertyStore
BASIC - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
BASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
batchEnd(ExecutionContext, StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
batchEnd(ExecutionContext, StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Signal that the current batch of operations are ending for the specified ExecutionContext.
batchStart(ExecutionContext, StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
batchStart(ExecutionContext, StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Signal that a batch of operations are starting for the specified ExecutionContext.
BeanValidationHandler - Class in org.datanucleus
Handles the integration of "javax.validation" Bean Validation API (JSR 303).
BeanValidationHandler(ExecutionContext, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
Constructor for a validation handler.
becomingDeleted() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Whether this object is moving to a deleted state.
becomingDeleted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
beforeCompletion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTAJCATransactionImpl
Called by the transaction manager prior to the start of the two-phase transaction commit process.
beforeCompletion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
The beforeCompletion method is called by the transaction manager prior to the start of the two-phase transaction commit process.
begin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Begin a transaction that changes the StoreData cache
begin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
JDO spec "16.1.3 Stateless Session Bean with Bean Managed Transactions": "acquiring a PM without beginning a UserTransaction results in the PM being able to manage transaction boundaries via begin, commit, and rollback methods on JDO Transaction.
begin() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Begin a transaction.
begin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to begin the transaction.
begin(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
BigDecimalAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a BigDecimal, used in evaluation of aggregates.
BigDecimalAggregateExpression(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
BigDecimalArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a BigDecimal[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
BigDecimalArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalArrayByteBufferConverter
BigDecimalDoubleConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.math.BigDecimal and a Double form.
BigDecimalDoubleConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalDoubleConverter
BigDecimalStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.math.BigDecimal and a String form.
BigDecimalStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalStringConverter
BIGINT - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
BigIntegerAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a BigInteger, used in evaluation of aggregates.
BigIntegerAggregateExpression(BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
BigIntegerArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a BigInteger[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
BigIntegerArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerArrayByteBufferConverter
BigIntegerLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.math.BigInteger and a Long form.
BigIntegerLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerLongConverter
BigIntegerStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.math.BigInteger and a String form.
BigIntegerStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerStringConverter
BINARY - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ArrayExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.DyadicExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Literal
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.SubqueryExpression
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.TypeExpression
bind(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.VariableExpression
Method to bind the expression to the symbol table as appropriate.
bindTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Listeners that are never cleared, and invoked for all transactions
bindTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
BIPUSH - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
BIT - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
BitSet - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class BitSet object.
BitSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Creates a BitSet object.
BitSetStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.BitSet and a String form.
BitSetStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BitSetStringConverter
BLOB - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
block - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
The current block of values that have been reserved.
BOOLEAN - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the boolean type.
BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
BOOLEAN_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The boolean type.
BooleanArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a boolean[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
BooleanArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanArrayByteBufferConverter
booleanArrayToString(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to convert a boolean[] to a String.
BooleanIntegerConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.Boolean and an Integer (0, 1) form.
BooleanIntegerConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanIntegerConverter
BooleanPropertyValidator - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Validator for a property that represents a boolean.
BooleanPropertyValidator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.BooleanPropertyValidator
BooleanYNConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.Boolean and a Character ("Y", "N") form.
BooleanYNConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanYNConverter
BTMTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for BTM (Bitronix).
BTMTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.BTMTransactionManagerLocator
BufferedImageByteArrayConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a BufferedImage object to/from byte[].
BufferedImageByteArrayConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteArrayConverter
BufferedImageByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a BufferedImage object to/from ByteBuffer.
BufferedImageByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteBufferConverter
BULK_DELETE - org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
BULK_INSERT - org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
BULK_UPDATE - org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
Bundle - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
A Plug-in (OSGi Bundle) definition.
Bundle(String, String, String, String, URL) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Bundle.BundleDescription - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Description of bundles.
Bundle.BundleVersion - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Bundle Version - according to OSGi spec 3.0 $3.2.4
Bundle.BundleVersionRange - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Bundle Range - according to OSGi spec 3.0 $3.2.5
BundleDescription() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
BundleVersion() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
BundleVersionRange() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the byte type.
BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
BYTE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The byte type.
ByteArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a byte[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
ByteArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteArrayByteBufferConverter
ByteId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single byte field.
ByteId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
ByteId(Class<?>, byte) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
ByteId(Class<?>, Byte) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
ByteId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
ByteObjectArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a Byte[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
ByteObjectArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteObjectArrayByteBufferConverter
bytes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
bytes for the implementation class.
ByteVector - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
ByteVector() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Constructs a new ByteVector with a default initial capacity.
ByteVector(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Constructs a new ByteVector with the given initial capacity.


cache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Level 1 Cache, essentially a Map of StateManager keyed by the id.
CACHE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Cache issues
cacheable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
cacheable tag value.
cacheable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
cacheable tag value.
CachedId(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
CachedPC - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
An object that is stored in the Level2 Cache keyed by the identity of the persistable object.
CachedPC(Class, boolean[], Object, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
CachedPC.CachedId - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
cacheName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
Name of the cache to use.
cacheName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
Name of the cache to use.
CacheUniqueKey - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Key representing a unique key for a persistable object.
CacheUniqueKey(String, String[], Object[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
Constructor for a unique cache key.
calcIsSecondClassMutable(MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Calculate whether this field should be a second class mutable field.
calculateObjectDepthForMember(List<String>, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
CalendarComponentsConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Calendar and (Long, String) being the time in millisecs plus the timezone.
CalendarComponentsConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarComponentsConverter
CalendarDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Calendar and a java.util.Date form.
CalendarDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarDateConverter
CalendarStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Calendar and a String form.
CalendarStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarStringConverter
CalendarTimestampConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Calendar and a java.sql.Timestamp.
CalendarTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarTimestampConverter
CallbackHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.state
CallBack handlers receive notification of events on persistent objects.
CALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
cancel() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to cancel any currently running queries.
cancel(Thread) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to cancel a running query in the specified Thread.
cancelTaskObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to perform the cancellation of a query task.
candidateAlias - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
candidateAlias - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Alias for the primary candidate.
candidateAlias - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Alias for the (primary) candidate.
candidateAlias - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
candidateAliasOrig - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Default candidate alias in use (only set when in a subquery and the same as the outer query).
candidateClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
The candidate class.
candidateClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
candidateClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Primary candidate class (if defined).
candidateClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Primary candidate class.
candidateClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
The candidate class for this query.
candidateClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Name of the candidate class (used when specified via Single-String).
candidateCollection - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Collection of candidates for this query.
CandidateIdsQueryResult<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
QueryResult taking in the list of identities of the objects of candidate type.
CandidateIdsQueryResult(Query, List<Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Iterator for results for this query.
candidates - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
candidates - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Candidates objects to evaluate.
CASCADE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
cascadeAttach - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to attach this relation when attaching the owning object.
cascadeDelete - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to delete this relation when deleting the owning object (JPA/Jakarta).
cascadeDetach - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to detach this relation when detaching the owning object (JPA/Jakarta).
cascadePersist - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to persist this relation when persisting the owning object.
cascadeRefresh - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to refresh this relation when refreshing the owning object (JPA/Jakarta).
cascadeRemoveOrphans - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to remove orphans when deleting the owning object (JPA/Jakarta).
CASE - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
"primary" node type where we have something like an OPERATOR being passed to INVOKE.
CaseExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a case series of when expressions and their action expressions.
CaseExpression() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
CaseExpression.ExpressionPair - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
caseSensitiveAliases - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
caseSensitiveSymbolNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
caseSensitiveSymbolNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLSymbolResolver
caseSensitiveSymbolNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
caseSensitiveSymbolNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLSymbolResolver
caseSensitiveSymbolNames() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolResolver
Whether names of symbols are case-sensitive (e.g JDOQL returns true, but JPQL returns false).
CAST - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
parameter node type
CAST - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type declared in an explicit or implicit cast instruction.
CASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
catalog - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Catalog name (O/R mapping).
catalog - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Catalog for the table specified for this field.
catalog - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Catalog name for all classes in this file
catalog - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the catalog name.
catalog - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Catalog name for all classes in this package
catalogName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
catalogName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the catalog to use for the table
CD_Object - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Descriptor for java.lang.Object.
CD_String - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Class descriptor for String.
CDIHandler - Class in org.datanucleus
Handles the integration of "javax.enterprise.inject" CDI API.
CDIHandler(Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.CDIHandler
CeilFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function CEIL(numExpr).
CeilFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CeilFunction
ceiling - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
ceiling_inclusive - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
changeState(DNStateManager, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Utility to change state to a new state.
changeTransientState(DNStateManager, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Utility to change state to a new state.
CHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
CHAR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
CHAR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
CHAR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the char type.
CHAR_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
CHAR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The char type.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Notification handler for the "body" data inside an element.
charactersBuffer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
parser buffer
CharacterStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between Character and a String form.
CharacterStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharacterStringConverter
CharArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a char[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
CharArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharArrayByteBufferConverter
CharId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single character field.
CharId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
CharId(Class<?>, char) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
CharId(Class<?>, Character) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
CharId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
CHECK_READ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFieldFlags for a field includes CHECK_READ, then the field has been enhanced to call the StateManager on read if the dnFlags setting is not READ_OK or READ_WRITE_OK
CHECK_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFieldFlags for a field includes CHECK_WRITE, then the field has been enhanced to call the StateManager on write if the dnFlags setting is not READ_WRITE_OK
CHECKCAST - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
checkClassIsEnhanced(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Convenience method to return if a class is enhanced.
checkConsistency() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Method to check for consistency the managed relations of this object with the related objects.
checkConsistency() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
checkCurrentState() - Method in class org.datanucleus.DetachState.Entry
Determine whether the current state is "dominated" by any previous detach state for this entry, in which case we know that all the required fields will already be in the detached copy.
CHECKED - org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
checkForCircularViewReferences(Map<String, Set<String>>, String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Check for any circular view references between referencer and referencee.
checkForMissingParameters(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to check for any missing parameters that the query compilation is expecting but which aren't supplied to execute().
checkIn(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
checkIn(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
checkInheritance(FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Dont use this, to be removed
checkInheritance(FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Dont use this, to be removed
checkInitialised() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been initialised.
checkManyToManyBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to check consistency of the passed field as M-N.
checkManyToOneBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to check the consistency of the passed field as N-1.
checkNotYetPopulated() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to check that the Meta-Data has not been populated yet.
checkOneToManyBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to check the consistency of the passed field as 1-N.
checkOneToOneBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to check the consistency of the passed field as 1-1.
checkOut(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
checkOut(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
checkParameterTypesAgainstCompilation(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to do checks of the input parameters with respect to their types being consistent with the types of the parameters in the compilation.
checkPopulated() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been populated.
checkUnusedParameters() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether the query compilation(s) should check for unused parameters.
childNodes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
List of child nodes in the tree below here.
ci - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
CLASS - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
operator node type.
CLASS_EXTENDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the super class of a class or one of the interfaces it implements.
CLASS_LOADER_RESOLVER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
CLASS_NAME - org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic class.
CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a bound of a type parameter of a generic class.
ClassAnnotationHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Interface defining a handler for class annotations.
classBytes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Bytes of the class (after enhancing).
ClassConstants - Class in org.datanucleus
Constants with classes (class created to reduce overhead on calling Class.class *performance*)
ClassConstants() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
classDescriptor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Class descriptor for this class.
ClassEnhancer - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Interface representation of an enhancer of a class.
ClassEnhancerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Class enhancer using ASM (see http://asm.objectweb.org but included in DataNucleus core repackaged).
ClassEnhancerImpl(ClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, MetaDataManager, EnhancementNamer) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Constructor for an enhancer for the class.
ClassEnhancerImpl(ClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, MetaDataManager, EnhancementNamer, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Constructor for an enhancer to enhance a class defined by the provided bytes.
ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Convenience class to look up the class name for a file.
classes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
List of classes (uses List to retain positioning).
classes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
classesAreDescendents(ClassLoaderResolver, String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to check if 2 classes are direct descendants, so whether one of them is a superclass of the other.
ClassesAutoStarter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
An auto-starter mechanism that uses a defined list of classes to be loaded at start.
ClassesAutoStarter(StoreManager, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Constructor, taking the names of the classes to use.
classesWithoutContainerHandler - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Cache of classes that don't need a ContainerHandler.
classesWithoutPersistenceInfo - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Cache of class names that are known to not have MetaData/annotations.
ClassExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a candidate in a FROM clause.
ClassExpression(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
ClassField - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Representation of a field that an enhanced class requires.
ClassField(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
ClassField(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
classForName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Class loading method.
classForName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
JDO's Class Loading mechanism (Spec 1.0.1 Chapter 12.5).
classForName(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Class loading method, allowing for initialisation of the class.
classForName(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
JDO's Class Loading mechanism (Spec 1.0.1 Chapter 12.5).
classForName(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Class loading method, allowing specification of a primary loader.
classForName(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
JDO's Class Loading mechanism (Spec 1.0.1 Chapter 12.5).
classForName(String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Class loading method, allowing specification of a primary loader and whether the class should be initialised or not.
classForName(String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
JDO's Class Loading mechanism (Spec 1.0.1 Chapter 12.5).
ClassLoaderResolver - Interface in org.datanucleus
Class to allow resolution and loading of classes in a persistence framework.
classLoaderResolverClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Name of the class providing the ClassLoaderResolver.
ClassLoaderResolverImpl - Class in org.datanucleus
A basic implementation of a ClassLoaderResolver.
ClassLoaderResolverImpl() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Constructor for non-PersistenceManager cases so there is no PM context loader.
ClassLoaderResolverImpl(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Constructor for ExecutionContext cases.
classLoaderResolverMap - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Map of the ClassLoaderResolver, keyed by the clr class and the primaryLoader name.
ClassMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a class.
ClassMetaData(ClassMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-abstract-class".
ClassMetaData(InterfaceMetaData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-interface".
ClassMetaData(PackageMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
classMetaDataByAppIdClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of class metadata, keyed by the application-id object-id class name (not SingleField).
classMetaDataByClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of ClassMetaData, keyed by the class name.
classMetaDataByDiscriminatorName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of ClassMetaData, keyed by the class discriminator name.
classMetaDataByEntityName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of ClassMetaData, keyed by the JPA "entity name".
ClassMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Representation of a method that an enhanced class requires.
ClassMethod(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
ClassMethod(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
className - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Class name of the class being enhanced
className - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Class name of the implementation.
className - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Name of the class to which this field really belongs.
className - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
the class name
ClassNameConstants - Class in org.datanucleus
Constants with classes names (created to reduce overhead on calling Class.class.getName()), namely performance.
ClassNameConstants() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
classNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Names of the classes to start with.
ClassNotDetachableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A ClassNotDetachableException is thrown if an attempt is made to detach an object whose class is not detachable.
ClassNotDetachableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotDetachableException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception with the specified detail message.
ClassNotDetachableException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotDetachableException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
ClassNotDetachableException(Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotDetachableException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception for many objects with the specified detail message and nested exceptions.
ClassNotPersistableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception thrown when an operation is invoked that requires a persistable object yet the object passed in is not suitable.
ClassNotPersistableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotPersistableException
Constructs a class-not-persistable exception with the specified detail message.
ClassNotPersistableException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotPersistableException
Constructs a class-not-persistable exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
ClassNotResolvedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A ClassNotResolvedException is thrown if an attempt is made to load a class that cannot be found by the ClassLoaderResolver.
ClassNotResolvedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotResolvedException
Constructs a class-not-resolvable exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
ClassNotResolvedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotResolvedException
Constructs a class-not-resolvable exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
ClassPersistenceModifier - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Definition of the options for persistence-modifier of a class.
ClassReader - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A parser to make a ClassVisitor visit a ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
ClassReader(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Constructs a new ClassReader object.
ClassReader(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Constructs a new ClassReader object.
ClassReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Constructs a new ClassReader object.
ClassReader(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Constructs a new ClassReader object.
ClassStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.Class and a String form.
ClassStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ClassStringConverter
ClassTooLargeException - Exception in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
Exception thrown when the constant pool of a class produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
ClassTooLargeException(String, int) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassTooLargeException
Constructs a new ClassTooLargeException.
ClassUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Utilities for handling classes.
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
ClassVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a Java class.
ClassVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Constructs a new ClassVisitor.
ClassVisitor(int, ClassVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Constructs a new ClassVisitor.
ClassWriter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A ClassVisitor that generates a corresponding ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
ClassWriter(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Constructs a new ClassWriter object.
ClassWriter(ClassReader, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Constructs a new ClassWriter object and enables optimizations for "mostly add" bytecode transformations.
cleanUp() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
cleanUp() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
Method to clear the stored ids of objects involved in the reachability process.
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to clear all settings of required lock level.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to clear the results.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Method to clear the cache.
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Method to clear the cache.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to clear out any cached schema information.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Clear the cache
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerAdapter
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalAdapter
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to clear the ArrayList.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to clear the HashMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to clear the Hashtable
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to clear the LinkedHashMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to clear the Map.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to clear the Hashtable
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to clear the SortedMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to clear the TreeMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to clear the Collection.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to clear the HashMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to clear the HashSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to clear the Hashtable
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to clear the LinkedHashMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to clear the LinkedHashSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to clear the LinkedList.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to clear the List
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to clear the Map.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to clear the Collection.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to clear the Hashtable
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to clear the Collection.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to clear the Collection.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to clear the SortedMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to clear the SortedSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to clear the Stack
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to clear the TreeMap.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to clear the TreeSet
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to clear the Vector.
clear() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Method to clear out the generators managed by this manager.
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
clear() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
clear(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
clear(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ArrayStore
Method to clear the array.
clear(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to clear the collection.
clear(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to clear the map.
clearAtClose - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
Whether to clear out all objects at close().
clearAtClose - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
Whether to clear out all objects at close().
clearChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Method to remove all children.
clearChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Method to remove all children.
clearColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
clearDirty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to mark as clean all StateManagers of dirty objects.
clearDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to clear all objects marked as dirty (whether directly or indirectly).
clearDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
clearDirty(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Mark the specified StateManager as clean.
clearDirty(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to clear an object from the list of dirty objects.
clearDirty(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
clearDirtyFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all dirty flags on the object.
clearDirtyFlags(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all dirty flags on the object.
clearFetchGroups() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Clear out all fetch groups from use by this manager.
clearFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to clear all fields of the object.
clearFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Convenience method to clear all fields from being managed.
clearFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
clearFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all fields of the object.
clearFieldsByNumbers(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
clearFlags(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to clear the supplied flags.
clearFlags(boolean[], int[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to clear the supplied flags.
clearGroups() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to clear the current groups and activate the DFG.
clearJarFiles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Convenience method to clear out all jar files.
clearLoadedFlags() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to clear all loaded flags on the object.
clearLoadedFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all loaded flags on the object.
clearLoadedFlagsOnDeleteObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether the API requires clearing of the fields of an object when it is deleted.
clearNonPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to clear all fields that are not part of the primary key of the object.
clearNonPrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all fields that are not part of the primary key of the object.
clearPersistDeleteUpdateOperations() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
clearSavedFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to clear all saved fields on the object from the saved state, e.g at commit.
clearSavedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to clear all saved fields on the object.
client - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityReference
The object we are the identity for.
CLOB - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
clone() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Mutable second class objects are required to provide a public clone() method so that copying of persistable objects can take place.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Clone operator to return a copy of this object.
clone(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Clone - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate a default "clone" method, using ASM, that has the effect of nulling the state manager etc.
Clone(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.Clone
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.CDIHandler
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Method to close the definition of the class method.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNucleusContextImpl
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.DefaultConstructor
Close the method
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to close the execution context.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to close the context.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Close a instance.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Clear out resources for the supported services.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Clear any objects to release resources.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to close the manager and release resources.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Closes a transaction for writing (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Closes a transaction for writing (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionFactory
Release any resources that have been allocated.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Method to close the connection manager.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Close the connection to the datastore.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnection
Method to close the connection, handing it back to DataNucleus.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnectionImpl
Method to close the connection.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to close the results, meaning that they are inaccessible after this point.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to close the cache when no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Close the QueryManager, releasing all cached compilations and results.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryResult
Method to close the results, making them unusable thereafter.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to close the persistence handler, and release any resources.
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
close() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to inform the transaction that it is closed.
close() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
close(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Close a query result and release any resources associated with it.
close(Iterator<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
close(Iterator<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
Close the specified iterator.
closeAfterTransactionEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
closeAfterTransactionEnd() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Convenience method for whether this connection should be closed after the end of transaction.
closeAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
closeAll() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
Close all iterators and all resources for this extent.
closeAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Close all query results associated with this Query instance, and release all resources associated with them.
closeAllConnections(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Method to close all pooled connections for the specified ExecutionContext.
closeAllConnections(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
closeCallbackHandler() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Close the callback handler, and disconnect any registered instance listeners.
closeCallbackHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Close the callback handler and disconnect any registered listeners.
closed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Whether the results are close.
closed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
Whether the results are close.
closed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
closeOnRelease - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Whether we should close() when release() of the connection is called.
closeOnRelease() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
closeOnRelease() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
closeResults() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Inform the query result that we are closing the results now.
closeResults() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
closingConnection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Inform the query result that the connection is being closed so perform any operations now, or rest in peace.
closingConnection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Class Loader Resolver to use for any loading issues.
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
clr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
cls - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Class that is being enhanced.
cmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
MetaData for the class being enhanced.
cmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
the metadata for the class.
cmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchFieldManager
cmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
cmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
ClassMetaData for the candidate class.
cmds - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractCandidateLazyLoadList
Collection of class metadata suitable for returned objects that haven't yet been fully processed.
CoalesceFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function COALESCE(numExpr[, numExpr2[, numExpr3] etc]).
CoalesceFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoalesceFunction
Collection<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Collection object.
Collection<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Collection object.
Collection(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Collection(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Collection(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, boolean, CollectionStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Constructor used when creating a Collection for "Map.values" with specified backing store.
CollectionAddOperation<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Add operation for a collection where we have a backing store.
CollectionAddOperation(DNStateManager, int, E) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
CollectionAddOperation(DNStateManager, CollectionStore<E>, E) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
CollectionClearOperation - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Clear operation for a collection where we have a backing store.
CollectionClearOperation(DNStateManager, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
CollectionClearOperation(DNStateManager, CollectionStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
CollectionContainsMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{collExpr}.contains(elemExpr)".
CollectionContainsMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CollectionContainsMethod
CollectionHandler<C> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
CollectionHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
collectionHasElementsWithoutIdentity(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if a collection field has elements without their own identity.
collectionHasSerialisedElements(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if a collection member has the elements serialised into the table of the field as a single BLOB.
CollectionMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a collection.
CollectionMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Default constructor.
CollectionMetaData(CollectionMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata.
CollectionRemoveOperation<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Remove operation for a collection.
CollectionRemoveOperation(DNStateManager, int, E, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
CollectionRemoveOperation(DNStateManager, CollectionStore<E>, E, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
collectionsAreEqual(ApiAdapter, Collection, Collection) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if two collections of persistent elements are equal.
CollectionStore<E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for a Collection.
collectionToString(Collection) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Converts the given collection of objects to string as a comma-separated list.
ColorComponentsConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
TypeConverter for storing a java.awt.Color as its 4 components (red, green, blue, alpha).
ColorComponentsConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorComponentsConverter
ColorStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.awt.Color (RGBA) and a String form.
ColorStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorStringConverter
column - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
column tag value.
Column - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Interface representing a column in a table.
COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Normal column.
COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
columnDdl - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Optional column DDL appended to the column definition defined by DataNucleus.
ColumnImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Representation of a column in a table.
ColumnImpl(Table, String, ColumnType) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
ColumnLengthDefiningTypeConverter - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Interface implemented by a TypeConverter if it has default length values for any of its datastore columns.
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Contains the metadata for column(s).
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
Metadata for column.
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Discriminator column
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Multitenancy column details.
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Multitenancy column details.
columnMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Contains the metadata for column.
ColumnMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for a column mapping of a field.
ColumnMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Default constructor.
ColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Creates a ColumnMetaData by copying contents from colmd.
ColumnMetaDataContainer - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata
Interface defining an object that contains Columns.
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
column name value.
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Column name of discriminator
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Column name for multitenancy discriminator.
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
The name of the column (if specified as input)
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
Column name of PK.
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Column name for soft delete.
columnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
column name
columnNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
The column names for this constraint.
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Columns ColumnMetaData
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
The columns for this foreign key.
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
the columns
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
columns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
ColumnType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Enum defining the types of columns.
CommandLine - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Command line option parser.
CommandLine() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Default constructor
CommandLine(boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Default constructor
CommandLine.NoArgOption - Class in org.datanucleus.util
No argument option class.
CommandLine.Option - Class in org.datanucleus.util
CommandLine option base class
CommandLine.WithArgOption - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Use argment option class.
commit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Commit the transaction changes to the StoreData cache
commit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
commit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
commit() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Commit the current transaction.
commit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to commit the transaction.
commit(Xid, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
commit(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
commitOnRelease - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Whether we should commit() the connection on release().
commitOnRelease() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
commitOnRelease() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
CommitStateTransitionException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A CommitStateTransitionException is thrown when an error occurs transitioning from one lifecycle state to another.
CommitStateTransitionException(Exception[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.CommitStateTransitionException
committing - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Flag for whether we are currently committing.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the comparator.
comparator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the comparator.
compare(Extension, Extension) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter
compare(Extension, Extension) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter
compare(S) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Determine the ordering of identity objects.
compareExpressionValues(Object, Object, Expression.Operator) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to compare two expression values against the specified operator.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
compareTo(CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
compareTo(CachedPC.CachedId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
compareTo(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
compareTo(ByteId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
compareTo(CharId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
compareTo(IntId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
compareTo(LongId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
compareTo(ObjectId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
compareTo(ShortId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
compareTo(StringId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
compareTo(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Comparator method.
compilation - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Compilation of the underlying query, that we are evaluating.
compilation - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Query compilation (when using the generic query compiler).
CompilationComponent - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Enum defining the component of a query being compiled.
CompilationOptimiser - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Interface to be implemented by an "optimiser" for the query compilation process.
compile() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Verify the elements of the query and provide a hint to the query to prepare and optimize an execution plan.
compile(Map, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Method to compile the query.
compile(Map, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
Method to compile the query, and return the compiled results.
compile(Map, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
Method to compile the query, and return the compiled results.
compileAdditiveMultiplicativeExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
compileCandidatesParametersVariables(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Compile the candidates, variables and parameters.
compileExpression(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Primary entry point for compiling a node for the filter, grouping, having, result clauses.
compileFilter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Compile the filter and return the compiled expression.
compileFrom() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Method to compile the "from" clause (if present for the query language).
compileFromExpression(Node, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Primary entry point for compiling a node for the from clause.
compileGeneric(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
compileGeneric(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
compileGeneric(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Method to generate the generic compilation of this query.
compileGrouping() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
compileHaving() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
compileInternal(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Method to compile the JDOQL query.
compileInternal(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Method to compile the JPQL query.
compileInternal(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to compile the query.
compileOrAndExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
This method deals with the OR/AND conditions.
compileOrderExpression(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Primary entry point for compiling a node for the order clause.
compileOrdering() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
compilePrimaryExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
compileRelationalExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to handle a relational expression comparing two expressions and returning a BooleanExpression.
compileResult() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
compileSubqueries(Map<String, Query.SubqueryDefinition>, QueryCompilation, JavaQueryCompiler, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Recursively compile the subqueries
compileSubqueries(Map<String, Query.SubqueryDefinition>, QueryCompilation, JavaQueryCompiler, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Recursively compile the subqueries
compileUnaryExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
compileUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
compileUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
COMPLETE_TABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
CompleteClassTable - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Representation of a table for a class where the class is stored in "complete-table" inheritance (or in JPA "TablePerClass") whereby all members (in this class and superclasses) are handled in this table.
CompleteClassTable(StoreManager, AbstractClassMetaData, SchemaVerifier) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
componentConverters - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
compute(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics.SMA
Compute the moving average.
COMPUTE_FRAMES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
A flag to automatically compute the stack map frames of methods from scratch.
COMPUTE_MAXS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
A flag to automatically compute the maximum stack size and the maximum number of local variables of methods.
ConcatFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function CONCAT(strExpr1, strExpr2).
ConcatFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ConcatFunction
concreteSubclassNamesByClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Cache of names of concrete subclass for a class name.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.util
An advanced hash table supporting configurable garbage collection semantics of keys and values, optional referential-equality, full concurrency of retrievals, and adjustable expected concurrency for updates.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with a default initial capacity (16), reference types (weak keys, strong values), default load factor (0.75) and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, and with default reference types (weak keys, strong values), load factor (0.75) and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity and load factor and with the default reference types (weak keys, strong values), and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int, float, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, load factor and concurrency level.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int, float, int, ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType, ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType, EnumSet<ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Option>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, reference types, load factor and concurrency level.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(int, ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType, ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, reference types and with default load factor (0.75) and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Creates a new map with the same mappings as the given map.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Option - Enum in org.datanucleus.util
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType - Enum in org.datanucleus.util
An option specifying which Java reference type should be used to refer to a key and/or value.
config - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Configuration for this context.
Configuration - Class in org.datanucleus
Class providing configuration for the context.
Configuration(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Create a configuration object for the specified NucleusContext.
ConfigurationElement - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Represents XML elements declared nested in the extension element
ConfigurationElement(Extension, String, ConfigurationElement) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
conn - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
The underlying (datastore-specific) connection.
connect(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to (re)connect this StateManager to the specified ExecutionContext and object type.
connect(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.ReferentialStateManagerImpl
connect(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
CONNECTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Connection issues
ConnectionEncryptionProvider - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface to be implemented by an decryption provider allowing encrypted passwords in persistence properties.
ConnectionFactory - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Factory for connections to the datastore.
ConnectionFactoryNotFoundException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown if a named connection factory cannot be found using its JNDI name.
ConnectionFactoryNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ConnectionFactoryNotFoundException
Constructs a connection factory not found exception.
connectionListeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
List of listeners to notify when the query results are closed.
ConnectionManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Manager of connections for a StoreManager, allowing ManagedConnection pooling, enlistment in transaction.
ConnectionManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Manager of connections for a datastore, allowing caching of ManagedConnections, enlistment in transaction.
ConnectionManagerImpl(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
connectionMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
connectionProvider - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator
The means of connecting to the datastore.
ConnectionResourceType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Resource type of the connection.
ConstantDynamic - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
ConstantDynamic(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Constructs a new ConstantDynamic.
CONSTRAINT - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
ConstraintMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of an ORM constraint.
ConstraintMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
Default constructor.
ConstraintMetaData(ConstraintMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
Copy constructor.
construct(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId.StringConstructor
Construct an instance of the class for which this instance is registered.
constructKey(String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Construct an instance of the parameter class, using the keyString as an argument to the constructor.
CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic constructor in a constructor call.
CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the receiver type of a constructor reference.
CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic constructor in a constructor reference.
ConstructorTypeColumn(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeColumn
ConstructorTypeMapping() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeMapping
container - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
ContainerAdapter<C> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
An adapter for container classes allowing DN to operate on them in a generic form instead of depending directly on the JDK containers.
ContainerHandler<C,​A extends ContainerAdapter<C>> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
Provides support for SCO Containers types in DN.
containerHandlersByClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Map of ContainerHandlers, keyed by the container type class name.
ContainerIsEmptyMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{contExpr}.isEmpty()".
ContainerIsEmptyMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ContainerIsEmptyMethod
containerMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Meta-Data of any container.
ContainerMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for a container.
ContainerMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
ContainerMetaData(ContainerMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
Copy constructor.
ContainerSizeMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{contExpr}.size()".
ContainerSizeMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ContainerSizeMethod
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to check if the specified object is contained in this result.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to return if the list contains this element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for whether an element is contained in this set.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for whether an element is contained in this Set.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to return if the list contains this element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the List.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for whether an element is contained in this Set.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to return if the list contains this element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for whether an element is contained in this Set.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return if the list contains this element.
contains(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Legacy method testing if some key maps into the specified value in this table.
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
contains(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
contains(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Accessor for whether the specified query is in the cache
contains(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Accessor for whether the specified query is in the cache
contains(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Accessor for whether the specified query is in the cache
contains(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to check if an element exists in the collection.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to check if all of the specified objects are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for whether a collection is contained in this set.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for whether a collection is contained in this Set.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for whether a collection is contained in this Set.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for whether a collection is contained in this Set.
containsAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for whether the specified associated value key is present.
containsAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Utility to check if a key is contained in the Map.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Utility to check if a key is contained in the Map.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return if the map contains this key
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Tests if the specified object is a key in this table.
containsKey(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the Map contains this key.
containsOid(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to check if an object with the specified id is in the cache
containsOid(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Accessor for whether the cache contains the specified id.
containsOid(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for whether an object with the specified id is in the cache
containsOid(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Accessor for whether an object with the specified id is in the cache
containsStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
containsStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Utility to check if a value is contained in the Map.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Utility to check if a value is contained in the Map.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return if the map contains this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the Map contains this value.
contextLoader - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
ClassLoader initialised by the context (ExecutionContext).
contextLoaderHashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Hash code cache for performance improvement
CONTIGUOUS - org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
convert(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.RegularExpressionConverter
Convert a regular expression from Java to use the specified constructs.
convertCommaSeparatedStringToSet(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Converts the input comma-separated string into a Set of the individual strings, with each string trimmed and converted to UPPERCASE.
convertPersistableToCachedPC(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
Method to convert an embedded/serialised object to a CachedPC object for L2 caching.
convertTo(Object, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TypeConversionHelper
Convert the value to a instance of the given type.
CopyField - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyField" using ASM.
CopyField(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyField
CopyFields - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyFields" using ASM.
CopyFields(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyFields
copyKeyFieldsFromIdToObject(Object, Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to set the pk fields of the object from the provided identity.
CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId" using ASM.
CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId
CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId2 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId" using ASM.
CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId2(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId2
CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId" using ASM.
CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId
CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId2 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId" using ASM.
CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId2(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId2
copyMappedByDefinitionFromElement(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
copyValue(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Copy a value if it's an *known* SCO type.
CorePropertyValidator - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Validator for persistence properties used by core.
CorePropertyValidator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.CorePropertyValidator
CoshFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function COSH(numExpr).
CoshFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoshFunction
CosineFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function COS(numExpr).
CosineFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CosineFunction
CotangentFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function COT(numExpr).
CotangentFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CotangentFunction
count(Expression, ExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression
create(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
CREATE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
CREATE_DATABASE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
CREATE_TIMESTAMP - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
CREATE_USER - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
createAndRegisterValueGenerator(String, String, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Method to create and register a generator of the specified strategy, for the specified memberKey.
createAndRegisterValueGenerator(String, String, Properties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
createAutoStartMechanism(PersistenceNucleusContext, ClassLoaderResolver, String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanismUtils
Convenience method to instantiate and initialise an auto-start mechanism
createDatabase(String, String, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaAwareStoreManager
Method that will create a database (catalog/schema) in the datastore (if the datastore supports it).
createDatabase(String, String, Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
createDatabase(String, String, Properties, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to create the specified database (catalog/schema).
createDatabase(SchemaAwareStoreManager, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
createDefaultConstructor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create a default constructor, assuming that there is no persistent superclass.
createExecutableExtension(String, String[], String[], String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the Class of an attribute for an extension (of an extension point).
createExecutableExtension(String, String, String, String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the Class of an attribute for an extension (of an extension point).
createExecutableExtension(ConfigurationElement, String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
createExecutableExtension(ConfigurationElement, String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
createExecutableExtension(ConfigurationElement, String, Class[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Loads a class (do not initialize) from an attribute of ConfigurationElement
createFetchGroup(Class<T>, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Method to create a new FetchGroup for the class and name.
createFullClassName(String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to create the full class name given the package and class name.
createGetter(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create a getter method for a /property.
createInternalFetchGroup(Class, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Method to create a new internal fetch group for the class+name.
createInternalFetchGroup(Class, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
createManagedConnection(ExecutionContext, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionFactory
Create the ManagedConnection.
createObjectWithInjectedDependencies(Class<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.CDIHandler
Method to instantiate an object of the specified type with injected dependencies.
createPluginManager(Map, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience method that will create and return a PluginManager using any passed in properties.
createPropertyFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Creates fields for the properties of this class and super classes.
createPropertyFields(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create the fields for the implementation.
createPropertyMethods() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create getters and setters methods for this class and super classes
createPropertyMethods(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create getters and setters methods.
createResultObjectUsingArgumentedConstructor(Class, Object[], Class[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to create an instance of the result class with the provided field values, using a constructor taking the arguments.
createResultObjectUsingArgumentedConstructor(Constructor, Object[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to create an instance of the result class with the specified arg constructor and with the provided field values.
createResultObjectUsingDefaultConstructorAndSetters(Class, String[], Field[], Object[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to create an instance of the result class with the provided field values, using the default constructor and setting the fields using either public fields, or setters, or a put method.
createSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaAwareStoreManager
Create the schema (tables/constraints) for the specified classes (if supported by this datastore).
createSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
createSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to generate the required schema for the supplied classes.
createSchemaForClasses(SchemaAwareStoreManager, Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
createSCOWrapper(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Method to create a new SCO wrapper for member type.
createSCOWrapper(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, Class<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
createSetter(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Create a setter method for a property.
createStoreManagerForProperties(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, ClassLoaderResolver, NucleusContext) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreManagerHelper
Method to create a StoreManager based on the specified properties passed in.
CREATETIMESTAMP_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for AUDIT @CreateTimestamp.
createTimestampMemberPosition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
CREATEUSER_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for AUDIT @CreateUser.
createUserMemberPosition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
createValueGenerator(String, String, Properties, ValueGenerationConnectionProvider) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Method to create a ValueGenerator when the generator is datastore based.
createValueGenerator(String, String, Properties, ValueGenerationConnectionProvider) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
CREATOR - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
operator node type.
CreatorExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing something like "new X.Y.Z([param1[,param2[,param3]]])".
CreatorExpression(List<String>, List<Expression>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
ctrTypeMappings - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
CurrencyStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Currency and a String form.
CurrencyStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CurrencyStringConverter
current() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Accessor for the current value object.
current() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Accessor for the current element.
current() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Accessor for the current value allocated.
current() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
Accessor for the current value.
current() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Returns the current sequence value object if it is available.
currentAverage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics.SMA
CurrentDateFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function CURRENT_DATE().
CurrentDateFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentDateFunction
CurrentTimeFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function CURRENT_TIME().
CurrentTimeFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentTimeFunction
CurrentTimestampFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP().
CurrentTimestampFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentTimestampFunction
currentUser() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.CurrentUserProvider
Return the current user.
CurrentUserProvider - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Provides the current user in order to support 'CreateUser', 'UpdateUser' audit features.
currentValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Accessor for the current value.
currentValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Accessor for the current element in the sequence as a long.
currentValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Accessor for the current element as a long.
currentValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Returns the current sequence value as a long.
currFM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Current FieldManager.
CUSTOM - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
Extension strategy, that will have the "customName" set to the chosen strategy.
CustomJNDITransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager in a user-defined JNDI location defined by persistence properties.
CustomJNDITransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.CustomJNDITransactionManagerLocator
cv - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
The class visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.


D2F - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
D2I - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
D2L - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DADD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DATABASE_INFO - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
DATALINK - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
DataNucleusClassFileTransformer - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Entry Point (as per Java) for transforming classes at runtime.
DataNucleusClassFileTransformer(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusClassFileTransformer
DataNucleusEnhancer - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
DataNucleus Byte-Code Enhancer.
DataNucleusEnhancer(String, Properties) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Constructor for an enhancer specifying the API and class enhancer and optional properties.
DATASTORE - org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
DATASTORE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Datastore issues
DATASTORE_ID - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
DATASTORE_NATIVE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Datastore native operations
DATASTORE_PERSIST - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Datastore persistence issues
DATASTORE_RETRIEVE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Datastore retrieval issues
DATASTORE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Datastore Schema issues
DatastoreId - Interface in org.datanucleus.identity
Interface for a datastore-identity class to implement.
DATASTOREID_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for (surrogate) datastore id.
datastoreIdClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
Default DatastoreId implementation used by DataNucleus.
datastoreIdentityMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
DatastoreIdentityMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Meta-Data for the datastore-identity of a class.
DatastoreIdentityMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
Default constructor.
DatastoreIdImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
An object identifier, typically used for datastore identity.
DatastoreIdImpl(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
Constructs a DatastoreId from its string representation that is consistent with the output of toString().
DatastoreIdImpl(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
DatastoreIdImplKodo - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Object identifier, typically used for datastore identity.
DatastoreIdImplKodo(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
Constructs a DatastoreId from its string representation that is consistent with the output of toString().
DatastoreIdImplKodo(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
DatastoreIdImplXcalia - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Object identifier, typically used for datastore identity.
DatastoreIdImplXcalia(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
Constructs a DatastoreId from its string representation that is consistent with the output of toString().
DatastoreIdImplXcalia(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
DatastoreInitialisationException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Representation of an error encountered initialising a datastore.
DatastoreInitialisationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreInitialisationException
Constructor for an exception with a message.
DatastoreInitialisationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreInitialisationException
Constructor for an exception with a message.
DatastoreReadOnlyException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when trying to update a datastores contents when it is read-only.
DatastoreReadOnlyException(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreReadOnlyException
datastoreSequence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Datastore Sequence name
DatastoreUniqueLongId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Identity for use with datastore-identity where the datastore provides a unique "identity" long key per object and hence doesn't need the class name.
DatastoreUniqueLongId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
DatastoreUniqueLongId(long) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
DatastoreUniqueLongId(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
Constructs an OID from its string representation that is consistent with the output of toString().
DatastoreValidationException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A DatastoreValidationException is thrown if a mismatch is discovered between what the JDO runtime thinks the datastore should look like and what it actually looks like.
DatastoreValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreValidationException
Constructs a datastore validation exception with the specified detail message.
DatastoreValidationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreValidationException
Constructs a schema validation exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
Date - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class date object.
Date(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Creates a Date object that represents the time at which it was allocated.
DATE - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
DATE_TIME - org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
DateAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a "java.util.Date" (and subclasses), used in evaluation of aggregates.
DateAggregateExpression(Date) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
DateGetDayMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getDay()".
DateGetDayMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetDayMethod
DateGetDayOfWeekMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getDayOfWeek()".
DateGetDayOfWeekMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetDayOfWeekMethod
DateGetHoursMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getHours()".
DateGetHoursMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetHoursMethod
DateGetMinutesMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getMinutes()".
DateGetMinutesMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetMinutesMethod
DateGetMonthMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getMonth()".
DateGetMonthMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetMonthMethod
DateGetSecondsMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getSeconds()".
DateGetSecondsMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetSecondsMethod
DateGetTimeMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getTime()".
DateGetTimeMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetTimeMethod
DateGetYearMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{dateExpr}.getYear()".
DateGetYearMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetYearMethod
DateLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Date and a Long form.
DateLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateLongConverter
DateStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Date and a String form.
DateStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateStringConverter
DCMPG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DCMPL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DCONST_0 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DCONST_1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DDIV - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
debug(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
debug(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
debug(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
debug(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a debug message.
debug(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a debug message with throwable.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
debugString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
debugString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
DECIMAL - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
declareExplicitParameters(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to define the explicit parameters.
declareExplicitVariables(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to define the explicit variables for the query.
declareImports(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the import statements to be used to identify the fully qualified name of variables or parameters.
decrementActiveConnections() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
decrypt(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.ConnectionEncryptionProvider
Method to decrypt the supplied string.
decryptValue(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.PersistenceEncryptionProvider
Method to decrypt the provided value from persistence.
deepFindSymbolForParameterInCompilation(QueryCompilation, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
DEFAULT - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
DEFAULT - org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Constant defining the fields in the default fetch group.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
defaultArg - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Default arguments
DefaultCandidateExtent<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Extent that does a simple JDOQL query for the candidate with/without subclasses.
DefaultCandidateExtent(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, boolean, AbstractClassMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
defaultCLR - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Default ClassLoaderResolver, when no primaryLoader is specified.
DefaultConstructor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate a default Constructor using ASM.
DefaultConstructor(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.DefaultConstructor
defaultFetchGroup - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
default-fetch-group tag value.
defaultNullable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Flag defining the default nullability for fields.
DefaultStoreSchemaHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Fallback StoreSchemaHandler that simply provides access to the schema flags.
DefaultStoreSchemaHandler(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.DefaultStoreSchemaHandler
defaultValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Default value for the column (when constructing the table with this column).
deferred - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
The deferred attribute specifies whether the foreign key constraint is defined to be checked only at commit time.
defineClass(String, byte[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
Define a class in this ClassLoader.
DegreesFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function DEGREES(numExpr).
DegreesFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DegreesFunction
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
The record visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
The internal "delegate".
delegate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
The internal "delegate".
DELETE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
DELETE - org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType
DELETE_CREATE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
DELETE_DATABASE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
deleteAction - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
Foreign keys represent a consistency constraint in the database that must be maintained.
deleteAllClasses() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Method to delete all classes that are currently listed as supported in the internal storage.
deleteAllClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Method to remove all classes from the starter.
deleteAllClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Method to remove all classes from the starter.
deleteClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Method to delete a class/field that is currently listed as supported in the internal storage.
deleteClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Method to remove a class from the starter
deleteClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Method to remove a class from the starter.
deleteDatabase(String, String, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaAwareStoreManager
Method that will delete a database (catalog/schema) from the datastore (if the datastore supports it).
deleteDatabase(String, String, Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
deleteDatabase(String, String, Properties, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to delete the specified database (catalog/schema).
deleteDatabase(SchemaAwareStoreManager, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
DeleteFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field manager that deletes all "dependent" PC objects referenced from the source object.
DeleteFieldManager(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
DeleteFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
deleteObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to delete an object from the datastore.
deleteObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
deleteObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
deleteObject(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
deleteObject(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Deletes a persistent object from the datastore.
deleteObjectInternal(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to delete an object from persistence which should be called from internal calls only.
deleteObjectInternal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
deleteObjects(Object...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to delete an array of objects from the datastore.
deleteObjects(Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
deleteObjects(Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
deleteObjects(DNStateManager...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
deleteObjects(DNStateManager...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to delete an array of objects from the datastore.
DeleteOperation - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush operation for a delete of the specified object.
DeleteOperation(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.DeleteOperation
deletePersistent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to delete the object from persistence.
deletePersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to delete the object from persistence.
deletePersistentAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to delete all objects found by this query, catering for cascade changes and updates to in-memory objects.
deletePersistentAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to delete all objects found by this query, catering for cascade changes and updates to in-memory objects.
deletePersistentAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to delete all objects found by this query, catering for cascade changes and updates to in-memory objects.
deleteSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaAwareStoreManager
Delete the schema (tables/constraints) for the specified classes (if supported by this datastore).
deleteSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
deleteSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to delete the schema for the supplied classes.
deleteSchemaForClasses(SchemaAwareStoreManager, Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
delistResource(XAResource, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
dependent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether this field contains a reference that should be deleted when deleting this field.
dereferenceFilter(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Method to expand the subqueries defined in a filter.
deregisterAllStoreData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method to deregister all existing store data so that we are managing nothing.
deregisterClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
deregisterEmbeddedRelation(ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to deregister the specified embedded relation (e.g when the embedded object is disconnected).
deregisterEmbeddedRelation(ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
deregisterExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContextListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Deregister a listener from calling when this ExecutionContext is closing.
deregisterExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContextListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
deregisterListener(FetchPlan) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to deregister a listener for changes to this FetchGroup.
deregisterListener(MetaDataListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to deregister a listener from being notified when metadata for a class/interface is initialised.
deregisterListener(MetaDataListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
deregisterMBean(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Deregister an MBean from the MBeanServer
deregisterTask() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
detach(FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to detach the managed object.
detach(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to detach this object.
DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Members that are not loaded but are in the current fetch plan should be loaded before detachment.
DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Members that are loaded but not in current fetch plan should be unloaded before detachment.
detachable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
detachable tag value.
Detachable - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
This interface is implemented by classes that can be detached from the persistence context and later attached.
detachAll() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to detach all objects in the context.
detachAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
detachAsWrapped(ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience accessor for whether to detach SCO objects as wrapped.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make detached copy of this instance
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to make detached copy of this instance If the object is detachable then the copy will be migrated to DETACHED state, otherwise will migrate the copy to TRANSIENT.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to return a detached copy of this object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Method to detach a copy.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Method to detach a copy of this object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to return a detached copy of the value object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Method to detach a copy of this object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Method to detach a copy of this object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Method to detach a copy of this object.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopy(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return a detached copy of the container.
detachCopyForCollection(ExecutionContext, Object[], FetchPlanState, Collection) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to detach copies (recursively) of all elements for a collection field.
detachCopyForMap(ExecutionContext, Set, FetchPlanState, Map) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to detach copies (recursively) of all elements for a map field.
DETACHED_CLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
DETACHED_DIRTY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
DetachFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
FieldManager to handle the detachment of fields with persistable objects.
DetachFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean[], FetchPlanForClass, FetchPlanState, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DetachFieldManager
Constructor for a field manager for detachment.
DetachListener - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Listener hook for detachment events, as an alternative to the JDO standard process of throwing a NucleusUserException.
DetachListener() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.DetachListener
detachObject(FetchPlanState, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
detachObject(FetchPlanState, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to detach a persistent object without making a copy.
detachObject(FetchPlanState, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
detachObjectCopy(Object, FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
detachObjectCopy(FetchPlanState, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Detach a copy of the passed persistent object using the provided detach state.
detachObjectCopy(FetchPlanState, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
detachObjects(FetchPlanState, Object...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to detach the passed object(s).
detachObjects(FetchPlanState, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
detachObjects(FetchPlanState, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
DetachState - Class in org.datanucleus
Holder for the detachment state control for the detachment process.
DetachState(ApiAdapter) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.DetachState
DetachState.Entry - Class in org.datanucleus
determineIdentity() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Determines the identity based on MetaData defaults or user defined MetaData
determineInheritanceMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Impose a default inheritance strategy when one is not already specified.
determineObjectIdClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Determine the object id class.
determineSuperClassName(ClassLoaderResolver, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Determine the nearest superclass that is persistable (if any).
dfgMemberFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flags of the default-fetch-group state for all fields/properties.
dfgMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of the default-fetch-group fields/properties (inc superclasses).
directSubclassesByClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Cache subclass information as that is expensive to compute, keyed by class name
dirty - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Indicator for whether the persistable instance is dirty.
dirtyFields - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
indicators for which fields are currently dirty in the persistable instance.
disableConnectionCaching() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Disable binding objects to "ExecutionContext" references, so automatically disables the connection caching.
disableConnectionCaching() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
Disable binding objects to ExecutionContext references, so automatically disables the connection caching.
discardCompiled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Method to discard our current compiled query due to changes.
discardCompiled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Utility to remove any previous compilation of this Query.
disconnect() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Disconnect this StateManager from the ExecutionContext and persistable object.
disconnect() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.ReferentialStateManagerImpl
disconnect() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Disconnect from the ExecutionContext and persistable object.
disconnect() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to disconnect the results from the ExecutionContext, meaning that thereafter it just behaves like a List.
disconnect() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
disconnect() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryResult
Method to disconnect the results from the ExecutionContext, meaning that thereafter it just behaves like a List.
disconnectClone(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to disconnect any cloned persistence capable objects from their StateManager.
disconnectFromListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to disconnect this fetch group from all listeners since the group is removed from use.
disconnectStateManager(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Method to be called when an StateManager is disconnected (finished with).
disconnectStateManager(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
DISCRIMINATOR - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for discriminator.
discriminatorLookupByRootClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
discriminatorMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Discriminator for use when embedding objects with inheritance.
discriminatorMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
DiscriminatorMetaData element.
DiscriminatorMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of a discriminator in an inheritance strategy.
DiscriminatorMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
DiscriminatorMetaData(DiscriminatorMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Copy constructor.
DiscriminatorStrategy - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the values for discriminator "strategy".
displaysDash - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
displays dash
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.NumericAggregateExpression
div(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
DLOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DMUL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DN2NamingFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Naming factory used by DataNucleus v3.x onwards.
DN2NamingFactory(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.DN2NamingFactory
dnCopyFields(Object, int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Copy field values from another instance of the same class to this instance.
dnCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId(Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Copy fields to an outside consumer from the key fields in the ObjectId.
dnCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Copy fields from this Persistable instance to the Object Id instance.
dnCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Copy fields from an outside source to the key fields in the ObjectId.
DNEG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
dnGetExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return the associated ExecutionContext if there is one.
dnGetObjectId() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return a copy of the identity associated with this instance.
dnGetStateManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return the associated StateManager if there is one.
dnGetTransactionalObjectId() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return a copy of the identity associated with this instance.
dnGetVersion() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return the version of this instance.
dnIsDeleted() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object has been deleted.
dnIsDetached() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object has been detached.
dnIsDirty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object is dirty.
dnIsNew() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object has been newly made persistent.
dnIsPersistent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object is persistent.
dnIsTransactional() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Tests whether this object is transactional.
dnMakeDirty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Explicitly mark this instance and this field dirty.
dnNewInstance(StateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return a new instance of this class, with the StateManager set to the parameter, and dnFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED.
dnNewInstance(StateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Return a new instance of this class, with the StateManager set to the parameter, key fields initialised to the values in the oid, and dnFlags set to LOAD_REQUIRED.
dnNewObjectIdInstance() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Create a new instance of the ObjectId class for this Persistable class and initialize the key fields from the instance on which this method is called.
dnNewObjectIdInstance(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
Create a new instance of the class used for identity, using the key constructor of the object id class.
dnProvideField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
The owning StateManager uses this method to ask the instance to provide the value of the single field identified by fieldNumber.
dnProvideFields(int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
The owning StateManager uses this method to ask the instance to provide the values of the multiple fields identified by fieldNumbers.
dnReplaceDetachedState() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Detachable
This method calls the StateManager with the current detached state instance as a parameter and replaces the current detached state instance with the value provided by the StateManager.
dnReplaceField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
The owning StateManager uses this method to ask the instance to replace the value of the single field identified by number.
dnReplaceFields(int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
The owning StateManager uses this method to ask the instance to replace the values of the multiple fields identified by number.
dnReplaceFlags() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
The owning StateManager uses this method to ask the instance to replace the value of the flags by calling back the StateManager replacingFlags method.
dnReplaceStateManager(StateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
This method sets the StateManager instance that manages the state of this instance.
DNStateManager<T> - Interface in org.datanucleus.state
StateManager for DataNucleus systems for a managed object, extending the basic enhancement contract for a StateManager.
DOUBLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the double type.
DOUBLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
DOUBLE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The double type.
DoubleAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a Double, used in evaluation of aggregates.
DoubleAggregateExpression(Double) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
DoubleArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a double[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
DoubleArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DoubleArrayByteBufferConverter
DREM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DRETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DSTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DSUB - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
dump(NucleusLogger) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BasePropertyStore
dumpClassInformation(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to use Reflection to dump out the details of a class.
dumpToFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Convenience method to dump the generated class to the specified file.
DUP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DUP_X1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DUP_X2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DUP2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DUP2_X1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DUP2_X2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
DurationDoubleConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Duration and a Double form.
DurationDoubleConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationDoubleConverter
DurationLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Duration and a Long form.
DurationLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationLongConverter
DurationStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Duration and a String form.
DurationStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationStringConverter
DyadicExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression between two other expressions and an operation.
DyadicExpression(Expression.MonadicOperator, Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.DyadicExpression
Perform a function op on operand
DyadicExpression(Expression, Expression.DyadicOperator, Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.DyadicExpression
Performs a function on two arguments.
DyadicOperator(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.DyadicOperator
Dyadic operator


ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchFieldManager
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
execution context.
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractCandidateLazyLoadList
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
ec - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
element - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Representation of the element of the array.
element - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Representation of the element of the collection.
elementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
elementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve an element no.
ElementContainerAdapter<C> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
ElementContainerAdapter(C) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
ElementContainerHandler<C,​A extends ElementContainerAdapter<C>> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
ElementContainerHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
elementIsPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
elementIsPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
elementMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
ElementMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
This element specifies the mapping for the element component of arrays and collections.
ElementMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ElementMetaData
Default constructor.
ElementMetaData(ElementMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ElementMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata using the provided parent.
elements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
elements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return the elements of the List as an Enumeration.
elements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns an enumeration of the values in this table.
embedded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
embedded tag value.
EMBEDDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT_PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persistable array element persisted into owner
EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_ELEMENT_PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persistable collection element persisted into owner
EMBEDDED_MAP_KEY_PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persistable map key persisted into owner
EMBEDDED_MAP_VALUE_PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persistable map value persisted into owner
EMBEDDED_PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persistable type persisted into owner
embeddedMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Definition of embedding of the element/key/value.
embeddedMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Definition of embedding.
EmbeddedMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
This element specifies the mapping for an embedded type.
EmbeddedMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Default constructor.
EmbeddedMetaData(EmbeddedMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata.
embeddedOnly - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
embedded-only tag value.
EmbeddedOwnerRelation(DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType, DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
embeddedSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
empty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
empty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for whether the Stack is empty.
enableSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
enableSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
enableSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
enableSchemaGeneration() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Convenience method to override the specified schema generation properties and enable schema generation.
enableSchemaGeneration() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience method to override the specified schema generation properties and enable schema generation.
EncryptionAwareStoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface implemented by any StoreManager that wants to provide a hook to encrypt field data prior to persistence.
encryptValue(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.PersistenceEncryptionProvider
Method to encrypt the provided value for persistence.
end() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to notify that the transaction is ended.
end() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to allow the transaction to flush any resources.
end(Xid, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.PersistenceXmlMetaDataHandler
Handler method called at the end of an element.
EndOfFetchPlanGraphException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager.EndOfFetchPlanGraphException
endOfGraphOperation(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Method called when an end of graph is encountered.
endOfGraphOperation(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DetachFieldManager
Method to throw and EndOfFetchPlanGraphException since we're at the end of a branch in the tree.
endOfGraphOperation(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.LoadFieldManager
Method called when were arrive at the end of a branch
endOfGraphOperation(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.MakeTransientFieldManager
Method to throw and EndOfFetchPlanGraphException since we're at the end of a branch in the tree.
enhance() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Method to enhance the class definition internally.
enhance() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Method to enhance a classes definition.
enhance() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to enhance all classes defined by addClass, addClasses, addJar, addPersistenceUnit, addFiles.
enhance(String, byte[], ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.RuntimeEnhancer
enhance(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Enhance the implementation of the class/interface.
enhanceClass(ClassMetaData, ClassEnhancer, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to enhance the class defined by the MetaData.
enhanced - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Flag for whether the class is enhanced.
EnhancementHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Helper class for the DN bytecode enhancement contract.
EnhancementHelper.RegisterClassListener - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancer
EnhancementNamer - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Interface defining the naming of fields/classes used in enhancement.
EnhancementNucleusContextImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
NucleusContext to use when enhancing.
EnhancementNucleusContextImpl(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNucleusContextImpl
Constructor for the context.
EnhancementNucleusContextImpl(String, Map, PluginManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNucleusContextImpl
Constructor for the context.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
The parent enhancer.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
The parent enhancer.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusClassFileTransformer
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
The underlying enhancer.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Enhancer for the class.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
The enhancer for this class.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
The enhancer for this class.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
The enhancer for this class.
enhancer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
The enhancer for this class.
EnhancerClassAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Adapter visitor class for providing enhancement of an existing class using ASM.
EnhancerClassAdapter(ClassVisitor, ClassEnhancer) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
EnhancerClassChecker - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Visitor used to check the enhancement state of a class.
EnhancerClassChecker(ClassEnhancer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
EnhancerClassLoader - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
ClassLoader for newly defined classes.
EnhancerClassLoader() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
EnhancerClassLoader(ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
EnhancerCloneAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Adapter for clone() method in persistence-enabled classes.
EnhancerCloneAdapter(MethodVisitor, ClassEnhancer, ClassVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
Constructor for the clone adapter.
EnhancerMethodAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Adapter for methods in persistence-enabled classes allowing enhancement of direct access to user fields.
EnhancerMethodAdapter(MethodVisitor, ClassEnhancer, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
Constructor for the method adapter.
EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Adapter for property getter methods in persistence-enabled classes.
EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter(MethodVisitor, ClassEnhancer, String, String, AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Constructor for the method adapter.
EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Adapter for property setter methods in persistence-enabled classes.
EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter(MethodVisitor, ClassEnhancer, String, String, AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Constructor for the method adapter.
EnhancerTask - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Enhancer Ant Task.
EnhancerTask() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Default constructor
EnhanceUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Utility class for bytecode enhancement using ASM.
enlistInTransaction() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
enlistInTransaction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to enlist the managed object in the current transaction.
enlistInTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to enlist the specified StateManager in the current transaction.
enlistInTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
enlistInTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
enlistResource(XAResource) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
enqueue(Operation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Method to add the specified operation to the operation queue.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
entityName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Entity name.
entityResolver - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Entity Resolver to use (if required)
entityResolver - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
EntityResolver for all XML MetaData.
entries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
entries() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapContainerAdapter
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of entries in the Map.
entrySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySetStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for a backing store representing the entry set for the Map.
EnumConversionHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Helper class providing conversion methods for use with enums.
EnumConversionHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.EnumConversionHelper
EnumMatchesMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{enumExpr}.matches(expr)".
EnumMatchesMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumMatchesMethod
EnumOrdinalMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{enumExpr}.ordinal()".
EnumOrdinalMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumOrdinalMethod
EnumToStringMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{enumExpr}.toString()".
EnumToStringMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumToStringMethod
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
eq(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.StringAggregateExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Tests if the given object is equal to this type.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Equality operator for QueryResults.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Equality operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to check the equality of this map, and another.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Equality operator.
equals(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
error(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
error(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
error(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
error(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log an error message.
error(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log an error message with throwable.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Parser error method.
evaluate(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to "evaluate" the expression.
evaluate(Expression) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionEvaluator
Method to evaluate the provided expression.
evaluate(ExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.DyadicExpression
Method to evaluate this expression, using the passed evaluator.
evaluate(ExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Method to evaluate this expression, using the passed evaluator.
evaluate(ExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InvocationEvaluator
Method to evaluate the InvokeExpression, as part of the overall evaluation defined by the InMemoryExpressionEvaluator.
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArrayContainsMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArraySizeMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoalesceFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CollectionContainsMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ConcatFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ContainerIsEmptyMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ContainerSizeMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentDateFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentTimeFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CurrentTimestampFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetDayMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetDayOfWeekMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetHoursMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetMinutesMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetMonthMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetSecondsMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetTimeMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DateGetYearMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumMatchesMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumOrdinalMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.EnumToStringMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LengthFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ListGetMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ListIndexOfMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetDayOfMonth
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetDayOfWeek
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetMonthValue
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetYear
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetDayOfMonth
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetDayOfWeek
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetHour
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetMinute
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetMonthValue
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetSecond
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetYear
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetHour
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetMinute
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetSecond
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocateFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LowerFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsEntryMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsKeyMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsValueMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapGetMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ModFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MonthDayGetDayOfMonth
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MonthDayGetMonthValue
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.NullIfFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ObjectGetClassMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalGetMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalIsPresentMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalOrElseMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetDays
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetMonths
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetYears
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PowerFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RoundFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SizeFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringCharAtMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringConcatMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEndsWithMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEqualsIgnoreCaseMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEqualsMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringIndexOfMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringLengthMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringMatchesMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringStartsWithMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringSubstringMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringToLowerCaseMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringToUpperCaseMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimLeftMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimRightMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SubstringFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalDayMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalHourMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMinuteMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMonthJavaMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMonthMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalSecondMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalYearMethod
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TrimFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.UpperFunction
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.YearMonthGetMonthValue
evaluate(InvokeExpression, Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.YearMonthGetYear
evaluateInMemory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Convenience method to return whether the query should be evaluated in-memory.
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.AbsFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcCosineFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcSineFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangent2Function
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangentFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CeilFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoshFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CosineFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CotangentFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DegreesFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ExpFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.FloorFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LogFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RadiansFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SignFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SineFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SinhFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SqrtFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TangentFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TanhFunction
evaluateMathFunction(double, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangent2Function
evaluateMathFunction(double, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
evaluateSubquery(Query, QueryCompilation, Collection<Object>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Method to evaluate a subquery of the query being evaluated.
evaluateSubquery(Query, QueryCompilation, Collection, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator
Method to evaluate a subquery of the query being evaluated.
evaluateSubquery(Query, QueryCompilation, Collection, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JPQLInMemoryEvaluator
Method to evaluate a subquery of the query being evaluated.
evaluator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
The evaluator.
EventListenerMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Listener for events, following the JPA/Jakarta model.
EventListenerMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.EventListenerMetaData
Constructor for an EventListener MetaData
evict() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to change the object state to evicted.
evict() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to evicted.
evict(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
evict(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
evict(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to evict all queries that use the provided class as candidate.
evict(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to evict an object from the cache.
evict(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instance from the second-level cache.
evict(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Evict the parameter instance from the second-level cache.
evict(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instance from the second-level cache.
evict(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
evict(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
evict(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
evict(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
evict(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Evict the query from the compilation cache.
evict(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Evict the query from the compilation cache.
evict(Query) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
evict(Query) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
evict(Query) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Evict the query from the results cache.
evict(Query, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
evict(Query, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
evict(Query, Map) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Evict the query with the specified params from the results cache.
evictAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to evict all objects from the L2 cache.
evictAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
evictAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
evictAll() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to clear the cache.
evictAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to evict all objects of the given types from the cache.
evictAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Class, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to evict the objects with the specified ids.
evictAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to evict the objects with the specified ids.
evictAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Collection) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Evict the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
evictAllObjects() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to evict all L1 cache objects
evictAllObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to evict all current objects from L1 cache.
evictAllObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
Method to evict all current objects from L1 cache.
evictFromTransaction() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
evictFromTransaction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to evict the managed object from the current transaction.
evictFromTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to evict the specified StateManager from the current transaction.
evictFromTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
evictFromTransaction(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
evictObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to evict the passed object.
evictObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Internal method to evict an object from L1 cache.
evictObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
evictObjects(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to evict all objects of the specified type (and optionaly its subclasses).
evictObjects(Class<?>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to evict all objects of the specified type (and optionally its subclasses) that are present in the L1 cache.
evictObjects(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
evictQueryResultsForType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to evict all query results for the specified candidate type.
evictQueryResultsForType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
EXCEPTION - org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of the exception of a 'catch' clause in a method.
exceptions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Exceptions that can be thrown.
excludeDefaultListeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flag to exclude default listeners.
excludeDefaultListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to exclude default listeners.
excludeSuperClassListeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flag to exclude superclass listeners.
excludeSuperClassListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Toogle exclude super class listeners
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Execution method
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.Clone
Method to add the contents of the method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyField
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyFields
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId2
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId2
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.DefaultConstructor
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetExecutionContext
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetInheritedFieldCount
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetManagedFieldCount
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetNormal
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetObjectId
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetStateManager
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetTransactionalObjectId
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetVersion
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaCheck
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaMediate
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitClass
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitFieldNames
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDetached
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDirty
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsXXX
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.LoadClass
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.MakeDirty
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance1
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance2
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance1
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance2
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.PreSerialize
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideField
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideFields
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceDetachedState
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceField
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFields
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFlags
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceStateManager
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetNormal
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaCheck
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaMediate
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.WriteObject
Method to add the contents of the class method.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
Method to perform the "persistence-by-reachability" at commit.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Execute the query and return the filtered results.
execute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Execute method, to execute the task.
execute(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Method to perform the evaluation, applying the query restrictions that are required.
execute(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator
execute(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JPQLInMemoryEvaluator
execute(ExecutionContext, Collection<DNStateManager>, Collection<DNStateManager>, OperationQueue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.FlushNonReferential
execute(ExecutionContext, Collection<DNStateManager>, Collection<DNStateManager>, OperationQueue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.FlushOrdered
execute(ExecutionContext, Collection<DNStateManager>, Collection<DNStateManager>, OperationQueue) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.flush.FlushProcess
Execute the flush.
executeQuery(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to execute the actual query.
executeScript(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaScriptAwareStoreManager
Execute the provided script on the datastore schema.
executeWithArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Execute the query and return the filtered results using the array of parameters.
executeWithMap(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Execute the query and return the filtered results using the map of parameters.
EXECUTION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
EXECUTION_CONTEXT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
ExecutionContext - Interface in org.datanucleus
Context of execution for persistence operations.
ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation - Class in org.datanucleus
ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener - Interface in org.datanucleus
Interface to be implemented by a listener for the closure of the ExecutionContext.
executionContextClosing(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextListener
Method called when the specified ExecutionContext is closing.
executionContextClosing(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
ExecutionContextImpl - Class in org.datanucleus
Manager for persistence/retrieval of objects within an execution context, equating to the work required by JDO PersistenceManager and JPA EntityManager.
ExecutionContextImpl(PersistenceNucleusContext, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler - Class in org.datanucleus
Callback handler that does nothing.
ExecutionContextListener - Interface in org.datanucleus
Listener for closure of an ExecutionContext.
ExecutionContextPool - Class in org.datanucleus
Pool of ExecutionContext objects.
ExecutionContextPool(PersistenceNucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
ExecutionContextReference - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
Reference for an ExecutionContext, for use in the enhancement contract.
ExecutionContextThreadedImpl - Class in org.datanucleus
ExecutionContext to attempt to handle multi-threaded PM/EM cases.
ExecutionContextThreadedImpl(PersistenceNucleusContext, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
EXISTING - org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference
exists(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to return if the specified object exists in the datastore.
exists(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to return if the specified object exists in the datastore.
EXPAND_FRAMES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
A flag to expand the stack map frames.
ExpFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function EXP(numExpr).
ExpFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ExpFunction
expire(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
expire(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
expiryMillis - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
Timeout for cache object expiration (milliseconds).
expiryMillis - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
Timeout for cache object expiration (milliseconds).
explicitParameters - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Any explicit parameters defined for this query, comma separated.
explicitVariables - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Any explicit variables defined for this query, semicolon separated.
exponentialFormatBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Formats the given BigDecimal value into a floating-point literal (like we find in SQL).
Expression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
A Scalar expression in a Query.
Expression() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Expression(Expression.MonadicOperator, Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Perform a function op on operand
Expression(Expression, Expression.DyadicOperator, Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Performs a function on two arguments.
Expression.DyadicOperator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
"Dyadic" operator performs operation on one or two operands.
Expression.MonadicOperator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
"Monadic" operator performs a function on one operand.
Expression.Operator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Representation of an Operator.
ExpressionCompiler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Compiler for expressions.
ExpressionCompiler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
ExpressionEvaluator - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Interface for an evaluator of an expression.
expressionHasNotOperator(Expression) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return if there is a NOT operator in the expression.
expressionHasOrOperator(Expression) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return if there is an OR operator in the expression.
ExpressionPair(Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression.ExpressionPair
exprFilter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled filter expression
exprFrom - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled from expression.
exprGrouping - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled grouping expression.
exprHaving - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled having expression.
exprOrdering - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled ordering expression.
exprResult - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled result expression.
exprUpdate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled update expression.
Extension - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Extension declared in a plug-in.
Extension(String, Bundle) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Extension(ExtensionPoint, Bundle) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
EXTENSION_CHECK_UNUSED_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_CLASS_CREATETIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a create-timestamp column for auditing.
EXTENSION_CLASS_CREATETIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a create-timestamp column for auditing, specifies the column name to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_CREATEUSER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a create-user column for auditing.
EXTENSION_CLASS_CREATEUSER_COLUMN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a create-user column for auditing, defines the length of column to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_CREATEUSER_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a create-user column for auditing, specifies the column name to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_MULTITENANCY_COLUMN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when using multitenancy, defines the length of column used for the mutitenancy discriminator.
EXTENSION_CLASS_MULTITENANCY_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when using multitenancy, defines the column name used for the mutitenancy discriminator.
EXTENSION_CLASS_MULTITENANCY_JDBC_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when using multitenancy, defines the jdbc-type used for the mutitenancy discriminator column.
EXTENSION_CLASS_MULTITENANT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when using multitenancy for this class.
EXTENSION_CLASS_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : read only.
EXTENSION_CLASS_SOFTDELETE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will use soft deletion (deletion flag column) rather than actually deleting objects.
EXTENSION_CLASS_SOFTDELETE_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will use soft deletion, specifies the column name to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_UPDATETIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a update-timestamp column for auditing.
EXTENSION_CLASS_UPDATETIMESTAMP_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a update-timestamp column for auditing, specifies the column name to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_UPDATEUSER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a update-user column for auditing.
EXTENSION_CLASS_UPDATEUSER_COLUMN_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a update-user column for auditing, defines the length of column to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_UPDATEUSER_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : when the class will have a update-user column for auditing, specifies the column name to use.
EXTENSION_CLASS_VERSION_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : define the name of a member that will store the version of this class.
EXTENSION_CLASS_VIEW_DEFINITION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : definition of VIEW (when mapping to a view).
EXTENSION_CLASS_VIEW_IMPORTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : definition of imports for VIEW (when mapping to a view).
EXTENSION_CLOSE_RESULTS_AT_EC_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_COMPILATION_CACHED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_COMPILE_OPTIMISE_VAR_THIS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_EVALUATE_IN_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_EXCLUDE_SUBCLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Extension for the benefit of JPQL so that we can exclude subclasses (not possible with JPA API).
EXTENSION_FLUSH_BEFORE_EXECUTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_INDEX_COLUMN_ORDERING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Index : orderings of columns in an index, comma separated series of "ASC", "DESC" etc.
EXTENSION_JDOQL_ALLOW_ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_JDOQL_STRICT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_JPQL_ALLOW_RANGE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_JPQL_STRICT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CACHEABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is (L2) cacheable (for JPA).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CALENDAR_ONE_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : when the field is Calendar, signifies that it should be stored as a single column.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CASCADE_ATTACH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is cascade-attach (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CASCADE_DETACH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is cascade-detach (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CASCADE_PERSIST - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is cascade-persist (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CASCADE_REFRESH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is cascade-refresh (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_COMPARATOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : name of comparator class when of SortedSet/SortedMap type.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CONTAINER_ALLOW_NULLS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether this member (collection/map/array) should allow null elements/keys/values.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CREATE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : create timestamp extension.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_CREATE_USER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : create user extension.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_ENUM_VALUE_GETTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : when field is enum, name of the method to get the "value" of the enum.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_FETCH_FK_ONLY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Member : whether to fetch just the FK (and not populate the related object).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : implementation class names, when the member is of a interface/reference type.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_INSERTABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is insertable (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_KEY_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : implementation class names, when the member is of a interface/reference type.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_LIST_ORDERING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : the ordering clause to use for this List field.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_RELATION_DISCRIM_COLUMN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : shared relation, column name for relation discriminator column.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_RELATION_DISCRIM_PK - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : shared relation, where the relation discriminator column is part of the PK.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_RELATION_DISCRIM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : shared relation, value for this class for relation discriminator column.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_STRATEGY_WHEN_NOTNULL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : when this field has a value generator, only apply it when the field is not set.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_TYPE_CONVERTER_DISABLED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
EXTENSION_MEMBER_TYPE_CONVERTER_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : name of type converter to use.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : create timestamp extension.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_UPDATE_USER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : create user extension.
EXTENSION_MEMBER_UPDATEABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : whether the field is updateable (for JDO).
EXTENSION_MEMBER_VALUE_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Member : implementation class names, when the member is of a interface/reference type.
EXTENSION_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_RESULT_CACHE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_RESULT_CACHE_VALIDATE_OBJECTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_RESULT_SIZE_METHOD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_RESULTS_CACHED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_SQL_ALLOW_ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_SQL_SYNTAX_CHECKS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_UPDATE_ALL_CANDIDATE_FIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_USE_FETCH_PLAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
EXTENSION_VERSION_NUMBER_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Class : initial value to use for this class for versioning (when using version-number strategy).
ExtensionPoint - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Extension Point declared in a plug-in.
ExtensionPoint(String, String, URL, Bundle) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
extensions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Extensions for this MetaData element.
extensions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Any extensions.
ExtensionSorter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter
ExtensionSorter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter
Extent<T> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query
Extent of objects within DataNucleus.


F_APPEND - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
A compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that additional 1-3 locals are defined, and with an empty stack.
F_CHOP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
A compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that the last 1-3 locals are absent and with an empty stack.
F_FULL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
A compressed frame with complete frame data.
F_NEW - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
An expanded frame.
F_SAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
A compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with an empty stack.
F_SAME1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
A compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with a single value on the stack.
F2D - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
F2I - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
F2L - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FactoryBasedTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
TransactionManager locator using a factory class.
FactoryBasedTransactionManagerLocator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.FactoryBasedTransactionManagerLocator
factoryClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
factory class name (JDO).
FactoryStatistics - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Statistics for a factory of persistence (PMF/EMF).
FactoryStatistics(ManagementManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
FactoryStatisticsMBean - Interface in org.datanucleus.management
Interface defining the MBean for a persistence factory.
FADD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FALSE - org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
FASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a fatal message.
fatal(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a fatal message with throwable.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
FCMPG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FCMPL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FCO - org.datanucleus.store.StoreData.Type
FCONST_0 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FCONST_1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FCONST_2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FDIV - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FederatedJDOQLQuery - Class in org.datanucleus.store.federation
JDOQL query that is federated across multiple datastores
FederatedJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedJDOQLQuery
Constructs a new query instance that uses the given execution context.
FederatedJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedJDOQLQuery
Constructor for a JDOQL query where the query is specified using the "Single-String" format.
FederatedJDOQLQuery(StoreManager, ExecutionContext, FederatedJDOQLQuery) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedJDOQLQuery
Constructs a new query instance having the same criteria as the given query.
FederatedPersistenceHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.federation
Persistence handler for federated datastores.
FederatedPersistenceHandler(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
FederatedQueryManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.federation
Manager for queries for federated datastores.
FederatedQueryManagerImpl(NucleusContext, StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedQueryManagerImpl
FederatedStoreManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.federation
A federated StoreManager orchestrates the persistence/retrieval for multiple datastores.
FederatedStoreManager(ClassLoaderResolver, PersistenceNucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
FETCH_SIZE_GREEDY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Fetch size to load all possible.
FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Fetch size for the implementation to decide how many to load.
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a boolean field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for boolean field.
fetchBooleanField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for boolean field.
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchByteField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchByteField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a byte field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for byte field.
fetchByteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for byte field.
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchCharField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchCharField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a char field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for char field.
fetchCharField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for int field.
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a double field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for double field.
fetchDoubleField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for double field.
fetchFields(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.FieldValues
Method to retrieve the fields and store them in the object managed by StateManager.
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a float field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for float field.
fetchFloatField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for float field.
FetchGroup<T> - Class in org.datanucleus
Group of fields for fetching, to be used by a FetchPlan.
FetchGroup(FetchGroup<T>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Constructor to take a copy of the supplied group, but modifiable.
FetchGroup(NucleusContext, String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
FetchGroupManager - Class in org.datanucleus
Manager for dynamic fetch groups.
FetchGroupManager(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Constructor for a FetchGroupManager for a particular Context.
FetchGroupMemberMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Metadata defining a member of a fetch-group.
FetchGroupMemberMetaData(FetchGroupMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
FetchGroupMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
A fetch group defines a particular loaded state for an object graph.
FetchGroupMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
Constructor for a named fetch group.
fetchGroupMetaDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience lookup map of fetch group by the name.
fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
fetchGroups - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
fetchGroups - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
A contained fetch-group element indicates that the named group is to be included in the group being defined.
fetchGroups - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Series of Fetch Groups used in this FetchPlan.
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchIntField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchIntField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch an int field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for int field.
fetchIntField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for int field.
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchLongField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchLongField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a long field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for long field.
fetchLongField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for long field.
fetchNonLoadedFields(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.FieldValues
Method to retrieve the unloaded fields and store them in the object managed by StateManager.
fetchObject(DNStateManager, int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
fetchObject(DNStateManager, int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Fetches specified fields of a persistent object from the database.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Method to fetch an object field whether it is SCO collection, PC, or whatever.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch an object field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
Accessor for object field.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for object field.
fetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for Object field.
fetchObjects(int[], DNStateManager...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
fetchObjects(int[], DNStateManager...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Fetches specified fields of several persistent objects (of the same type) from the database.
FetchPlan - Class in org.datanucleus
FetchPlan for fields for use internally.
FetchPlan(ExecutionContext, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
FetchPlanForClass - Class in org.datanucleus
Representation of the fetch plan for a particular class, defining the members that are to be fetched.
FetchPlanForClass(AbstractClassMetaData, FetchPlan) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
FetchPlanMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
FetchPlan defined in MetaData.
FetchPlanMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Constructor for a fetch plan with a name.
fetchPlanMetaDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of FetchPlanMetaData, keyed by the fetch plan name.
fetchPlanName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Name of any fetch-plan to use.
fetchPlans - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Named FetchPlans in this file.
FetchPlanState - Class in org.datanucleus
Holder for the state control for FetchPlan processing.
FetchPlanState() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchShortField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchShortField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a short field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for short field.
fetchShortField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for short field.
fetchSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Fetch Size for use when querying using this FetchPlan.
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
fetchStringField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier
Fetch one field from the field manager.
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
fetchStringField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Fetch a string field at the specified field number, returning it.
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Accessor for string field.
fetchStringField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Accessor for String field.
FIELD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of a field.
fieldBelongsToClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field is for a superclass, and not for this class.
fieldId - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Id of the field in its class (only for fields that are managed).
FieldManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Provide methods to fetch from/to a persistable object to/from StateManager/DataStore.
FieldMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for a field of a class.
FieldMetaData(MetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldMetaData
FieldMetaData(MetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldMetaData
Convenience constructor to copy the specification from the passed field.
fieldName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Name of the field.
fieldName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
Name of the field that this property is wrapping (when part of a persistent class).
fieldName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
the field name
FieldOrder(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData.FieldOrder
fieldOrders - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Ordering of fields (when using "ordered List"), splitting the "ordering" apart by comma-separated parts.
FieldPersistenceModifier - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Class defining the possibilities for persistence, in terms of the type of persistence, and the types that are capable to be supported.
FieldRole - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Series of roles that fields can be performing in the (ORM) mapping process.
fieldsRequired - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Set of fields required to be present.
fieldsToAdd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
List of fields to be added to the class.
FieldValues - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface for field values.
FieldVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a Java field.
FieldVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Constructs a new FieldVisitor.
FieldVisitor(int, FieldVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Constructs a new FieldVisitor.
FileMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of a Meta-Data file.
FileMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
FileMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
fileMetaDataByURLString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of FileMetaData for the parsed files, keyed by the URL string.
filename - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Name of file
filename - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Filename of the "persistence.xml"
filename - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Filename containing the XML metadata
filter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
filter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
The filter for the query.
FILTER - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
filterOutSupportedSecondClassNames(String[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Convenience method to filter out any supported classes from a list.
filterOutSupportedSecondClassNames(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
findJavaTypeForClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Convenience method to return the JavaType for the specified class.
findJavaTypeForCollectionClass(Class, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Convenience method to return the JavaType for the specified class.
findObject(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an object of the specified type with the provided id "key".
findObject(Class<T>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findObject(Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.ExecutionContextReference
Accessor for an object given the object id.
findObject(Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Shortcut to calling "findObject(id, validate, validate, null)".
findObject(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findObject(Object, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an object given the object id.
findObject(Object, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for an object given the object id.
findObject(Object, FieldValues, Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an object given the object id and a set of field values to apply to it.
findObject(Object, FieldValues, Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findObject(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
findObject(ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to find a persistable object with the specified id from the datastore, if the StoreManager supports this operation (optional).
findObjectByUnique(Class<T>, String[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an object of the specified type with the provided values for a unique key.
findObjectByUnique(Class<T>, String[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findObjectForUnique(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, String[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractPersistenceHandler
findObjectForUnique(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, String[], Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
findObjectForUnique(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, String[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to find the object with the specified value(s) for the member(s) of the specified type.
findObjects(Class<T>, List<Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for objects of the specified type, with the provided id "key"s.
findObjects(Class<T>, List<Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findObjects(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
findObjects(ExecutionContext, Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to find an array of objects with the specified identities from the datastore.
findObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for objects with the specified identities.
findObjectsById(Object[], boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findResource(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
Overwrite to have an opportunity to find resources from the delegate ClassLoaderResolver
findStateManager(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to find StateManager for the passed persistable object when it is managed by this manager.
findStateManager(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to return StateManager for an object (if managed).
findStateManager(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
findStateManager(Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to find StateManager for the passed persistable object when it is managed by this manager, and if not yet persistent to persist it and return the assigned StateManager.
findStateManager(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Find StateManager for the specified object, persisting it if required and assigning a StateManager if doing so
findStateManagerForEmbedded(Object, DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, PersistableObjectType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to find StateManager for the passed embedded persistable object.
findStateManagerForEmbedded(Object, DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, PersistableObjectType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
findStateManagerOfOwnerForAttachingObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
findStateManagerOfOwnerForAttachingObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
first() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
first() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
first() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the first element in the sorted set.
first() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the first element in the sorted set.
firstElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
firstElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return the first element in the Vector.
firstKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the first key in the sorted map.
firstKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the first key in the sorted map.
firstKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the first key in the sorted map.
firstKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the first key in the sorted map.
FK_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
FK column (either 1-1, or 1-N in element, or 1-N join table to element.
fkDefinition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
Alternative method of specifying FK where we just supply the string defining it (JPA crap).
fkDefinitionApplies - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
FLAG_ATTACHING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are in the process of attaching the object.
FLAG_BECOMING_DELETED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
FLAG_CHANGING_STATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
FLAG_DELETING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether we are in the process of DELETING the object from persistence.
FLAG_DETACHING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are in the process of detaching the object.
FLAG_DISCONNECTING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are in the process of disconnecting the object.
FLAG_EMBEDDED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether we are managing an embedded object.
FLAG_FLUSHED_NEW - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
if the persistable object is new and was flushed to the datastore.
FLAG_FLUSHING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are in the process of flushing changes to the object.
FLAG_INSERTING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether we are in the process of INSERTING the object to persistence.
FLAG_INSERTING_CALLBACKS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether we are in the process of INSERTING the object from persistence, running callbacks.
FLAG_LOADINGFPFIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
FLAG_MAKING_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are in the process of making transient the object.
FLAG_NEED_INHERITANCE_VALIDATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether the managed object needs the inheritance level validating before loading fields.
FLAG_POSTINSERT_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
FLAG_POSTLOAD_PENDING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
FLAG_RESETTING_DETACHED_STATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are resetting the detached state.
FLAG_RESTORE_VALUES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether to restore values at StateManager.
FLAG_RETRIEVING_DETACHED_STATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag for StateManagerImpl.flags whether we are retrieving detached state from the detached object.
FLAG_STORING_PC - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag to signify that we are currently storing the persistable object, so we don't detach it on serialisation.
FLAG_UPDATING_EMBEDDING_FIELDS_WITH_OWNER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flag whether this SM is updating the ownership of its embedded/serialised field(s).
FLAG_VALIDATING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Whether we are currently validating the object in the datastore.
flags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Bit-packed flags for operational settings (packed into "int" for memory benefit).
flip(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
flip(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
FLOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FLOAT - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
FLOAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
FLOAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FLOAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the float type.
FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
FLOAT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The float type.
FloatAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a Float, used in evaluation of aggregates.
FloatAggregateExpression(Float) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
FloatArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a float[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
FloatArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.FloatArrayByteBufferConverter
floor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
floor_inclusive - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
FloorFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function FLOOR(numExpr).
FloorFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.FloorFunction
flush() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method callable from external APIs for user-management of flushing.
flush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method callable from external APIs for user-management of flushing.
flush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
flush() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to flush all changes to the datastore.
flush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flushes any outstanding changes to the object to the datastore.
flush() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to allow the transaction to flush any resources.
flush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to flush the transaction.
flushDeleteInsertUpdateGrouped(Set<DNStateManager>, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.FlushNonReferential
Method that does the flushing of the passed StateManagers, grouping them into all DELETEs, then all INSERTs, finally all UPDATEs.
flushInternal(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the datastore.
flushInternal(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
This method flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the datastore.
flushInternal(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
FlushMode - Enum in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush mode for the persistence process.
FlushNonReferential - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush method for cases where the datastore doesn't use referential integrity so we can send batches of deletes, then batches of inserts, then any updates to optimise the persistence.
FlushNonReferential() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.FlushNonReferential
flushOperationsForBackingStore(Store, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to flush all queued operations for the specified backing store (if any).
flushOperationsForBackingStore(Store, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
FlushOrdered - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush process that processes the objects in the order that they became dirty.
FlushOrdered() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.FlushOrdered
flushProcess - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
The flush process appropriate for this datastore.
FlushProcess - Interface in org.datanucleus.flush
Representation of a persistence flush process.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetNormal
Field that this dnGetXXX is for.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaCheck
Field that this dnGetXXX is for.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaMediate
Field that this dnGetXXX is for.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetNormal
Field that this setZZZ is for.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaCheck
Field that this dnSetZZZ is for.
fmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaMediate
Field that this dnSetZZZ is for.
FMUL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FNEG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
forEach(Consumer<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
ForeignKeyAction - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Foreign keys represent a consistency constraint in the database that must be maintained.
ForeignKeyAction(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
foreignKeyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
foreignKeyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
foreignKeyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the foreign-key element.
ForeignKeyMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Foreign keys in metadata serve two quite different purposes.
ForeignKeyMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
ForeignKeyMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
Copy constructor.
foreignKeys - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
forget(Xid) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
fpClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Fetch Plan for the class of this object.
FREM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FrequentlyAccessedProperties - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Class for providing faster access to properties that are rarely set but often read.
FrequentlyAccessedProperties() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
frequentProperties - Variable in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
FRETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
from - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
from - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
From clause of the query (optional).
FROM - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
fromInclNo - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Query result range start position (inclusive).
fromInclParam - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Query result range lower limit (inclusive) as a parameter name.
fromString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
Converts a type path in string form, in the format used by TypePath.toString(), into a TypePath object.
FSTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
FSUB - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
fullClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Fully-qualified class name (including package) of the implementation.
fullFieldName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
fullName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Full name (e.g org.datanucleus.MyClass)
fullSuperclassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Class name for the superclass.
fv - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
The field visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.


GENERAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for General issues
generate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Method to generate the primary key class.
generateCloneMethod(MethodVisitor, ClassEnhancer, EnhancementNamer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
Convenience method to use the MethodVisitor to generate the code for the method clone().
GENERATED_PK_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Suffix to add on to the class name for any generated primary key class.
generateGetXXXMethod(MethodVisitor, AbstractMemberMetaData, String, String, boolean, EnhancementNamer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Convenience method to use the MethodVisitor to generate the code for the method getXXX() for the property with the specified MetaData.
generateSetXXXMethod(MethodVisitor, AbstractMemberMetaData, String, String, EnhancementNamer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Convenience method to use the MethodVisitor to generate the code for the method setXXX() for the property with the specified MetaData.
generator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
The generator for the sequence.
generatorsByMemberKey - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
Map of ValueGenerators, keyed by the member key ("{class}.{field}", or "{class} + (datastore-id)").
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to retrieve a particular element from the list.
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retrieve an element no.
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve an element no.
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to retrieve an element no.
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve an element no.
get(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve an element no.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Accessor for an object from the cache.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Accessor for an object in the cache.
get(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for an object from the cache.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Accessor for an object from the cache
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the value stored against a key.
get(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
get(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Accessor for a (generic) compilation from the cache.
get(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Accessor for a (generic) compilation from the cache.
get(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Accessor for the results from the cache.
get(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Get the StoreData by the given class name
get(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Get the StoreData by the given field/property when SCO, if it has some specific store data component (join table).
get(DNStateManager, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to retrieve an element from a position in the List.
get(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for a value from the Map.
getAbsoluteFieldNumber() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the absolute field id
getAbsolutePositionOfMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute position of the field/property with the specified name.
getAbstractClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Accessor for the MetaData for this classes plan.
getAbstractClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience accessor for the MetaData of the parent class.
getAccess() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the class's access flags (see Opcodes).
getAccess() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Accessor for the access
getAccess() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Accessor for the access
getAccessViaField() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getActionExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression.ExpressionPair
getAdapter(C) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
getAdapter(C) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionHandler
getAdapter(C) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapHandler
getAdapter(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
getAdapter(LinkedList) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedListHandler
getAdapter(List<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayListHandler
getAdapter(Optional) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
getAdapter(Vector) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.VectorHandler
getAlias() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
getAlias() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
getAlias() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
getAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
getAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
getAll(Collection) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for a collection of objects from the cache.
getAllClassData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Accessor for the data for the classes that are currently auto started.
getAllClassData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Accessor for all auto start data for this starter.
getAllClassData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Accessor for all auto start data for this starter.
getAllFieldsLoaded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Returns whether all fields are loaded.
getAllFieldsLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Returns whether all fields are loaded.
getAllMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for all field/property positions.
getAllocationSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getAllocationSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getAllowsNull() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getAnnotationManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
getAnnotationManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getAnnotationObjectsForAnnotations(String, Annotation[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Convenience method to convert an array of Annotation objects into an array of AnnotationObjects.
getApi() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Accessor for the metadata API (JDO, JPA) in use (metadata definition)
getApiAdapter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getApiAdapter() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the API adapter.
getApiAdapter() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
getApiAdapter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getApiAdapter() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
getApiAdapter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getApiAdapter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getApiAdapter() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the API adapter.
getApiAdapter(String, PluginManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapterFactory
Accessor for an adapter, given the api name.
getApiExceptionForNucleusException(NucleusException) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Convenience method to convert the passed NucleusException into an exception for the API.
getApiName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getApiName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for the name of the API (JDO, JPA, etc).
getApplicationId(Class, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to return a new object identity for the specified class, and key (possibly toString() output).
getApplicationId(Class, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getApplicationId(Object, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to create a new object identity for the passed object with the supplied MetaData.
getApplicationId(Object, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getApplicationId(ClassLoaderResolver, AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Utility to create a new application identity when you know the metadata for the target class, and the toString() output of the identity.
getApplicationId(ClassLoaderResolver, AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getApplicationIdentityForResultSetRow(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, Class, boolean, FieldManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Method to return the object application identity for a row of the result set.
getArguments() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
Accessor for the arguments to use in the creation call.
getArguments() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
Accessor for any arguments to be passed in the invocation.
getArgumentsAndReturnSizes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the size of the arguments and of the return value of methods of this type.
getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Computes the size of the arguments and of the return value of a method.
getArgumentTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the argument types of methods of this type.
getArgumentTypes(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type values corresponding to the argument types of the given method.
getArgumentTypes(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type values corresponding to the argument types of the given method descriptor.
getArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for an array container for this field.
getArray(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ArrayStore
Method to retrieve the elements of the array.
getArraySize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ArrayExpression
getASMClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the ASM class name for the class being enhanced.
getASMClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the ASM class name
getASMClassNameForSingleFieldIdentityConstructor(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to return the ASM class name to use as input via the SingleFieldIdentity constructor.
getAsmVersionForJRE() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
getAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the value of an external field.
getAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getAttachDetachReferencedObject(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Access a referenced object for this StateManager during the attach/detach process.
getAttachDetachReferencedObject(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getAttachedObjectForId(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to return the attached object for the specified id if one exists.
getAttachedObjectForId(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getAttr(Attributes, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Accessor for an attribute out of the attributes for an element.
getAttr(Attributes, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Accessor for an attribute out of the attributes for an element.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Acessor for the attribute value by a given name
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Acessor for all attribute names declared in this element
getAttributeValueForExtension(String, String[], String[], String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the value of an attribute for an extension (of an extension point).
getAttributeValueForExtension(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the value of an attribute for an extension (of an extension point).
getAttributeValuesForExtension(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the value of an attribute for an extension (of an extension point).
getAutoApplyTypeConverterForType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Method to return a TypeConverter that should be applied by default for the specified java (member) type.
getAutoApplyTypeConverterForType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getAutoStartMechanism() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getAutoStartMechanism() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
getBackingStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.BackedSCO
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
getBackingStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
getBackingStoreForField(ClassLoaderResolver, AbstractMemberMetaData, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.BackedSCOStoreManager
Accessor for the backing store for the specified field/property.
getBaseAbstractClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience accessor for the AbstractClassMetaData of the base object in this hierarchy.
getBaseDatastoreIdentityMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return the root identity metadata for this inheritance tree.
getBaseInheritanceStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getBasicMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered basic.
getBeanValidationHandler(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Method to return a handler for bean validation (JSR303).
getBeanValidationHandler(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getBeginTime() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Accessor for the time (millisecs) from System.currentTimeMillis when the transaction started.
getBeginTime() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
getBidirectionalRelationMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return the absolute positions of fields/properties that have bidirectional relations.
getBigDecimalArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getBigIntegerArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getBitFromInt(int, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to get the value of a bit from an int when we are storing (up to 32) boolean in an int for memory utilisation purposes.
getBitSetFromBooleanArray(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a boolean[] into an instance of our value class.
getBooleanArrayFromBitSet(BitSet) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a boolean[].
getBooleanArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getBooleanExtensionProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience accessor to return whether an extension is set (or whether the persistence property of the same name is set), and what is its boolean value.
getBooleanField(Persistable, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getBooleanForString(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return a boolean from the String value.
getBooleanObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getBooleanObjectProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for the specified property as a Boolean.
getBooleanObjectProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getBooleanObjectProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getBooleanObjectProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for a boolean property value.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for the specified property as a boolean.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for the specified property as a boolean.
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getBootstrapMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns the bootstrap method used to compute the value of this constant.
getBootstrapMethodArgument(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns an argument passed to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the value of this constant.
getBootstrapMethodArgumentCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns the number of arguments passed to the bootstrap method, in order to compute the value of this constant.
getBranchQualifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
getBundle() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
Accessor for the Plug-in that declared this ExtensionPoint
getBundles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
getBundles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
getBundles() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Accessor for all registered bundles
getBundleSymbolicName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
getByteArrayFromBigDecimalArray(BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromBigIntegerArray(BigInteger[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromBooleanArray(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromBooleanObjectArray(Boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromByteObjectArray(Byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromCharArray(char[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromCharObjectArray(Character[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromDoubleArray(double[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromDoubleObjectArray(Double[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromFloatArray(float[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromFloatObjectArray(Float[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromIntArray(int[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromIntObjectArray(Integer[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromLongArray(long[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromLongObjectArray(Long[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromShortArray(short[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteArrayFromShortObjectArray(Short[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert an instance of our value class into a byte[].
getByteField(Persistable, int, byte) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getByteObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getBytes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Accessor for the byte representation of the generated class.
getCallbackHandler() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Retrieve the callback handler for this ExecutionContext.
getCallbackHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Retrieve the callback handler for this context.
getCallbackHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getCandidateAlias() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the candidate alias.
getCandidateClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
Accessor for the class of instances in this Extent.
getCandidateClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the candidate class.
getCandidateClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
Accessor for candidate class of the extent.
getCandidateClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the class of the candidate instances of the query.
getCandidateClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
getCandidateClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the candidate class name.
getCandidateExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
getCandidateExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.SubqueryDefinition
getCandidateFromJDOQLString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
Convenience method to extract the FROM candidate from a JDOQL query string.
getCaseSensitiveNameForPropertyName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the case-sensitive name for the passed (lowercase) name.
getCatalog() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getCatalog() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getCatalog() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
getCatalog() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getCatalog() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the catalog name for all classes in this package
getCatalogName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getCatalogName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getCatalogName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
getCatalogName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getCatalogName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getCause() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Return the first nested exception (if any), otherwise null.
getCDIHandler() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the handler for CDI (JSR346) if in an environment that provides one.
getCDIHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getCharArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getCharField(Persistable, int, char) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getCharObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getChild(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Accessor for a child store metadata component at a position (if stored in a List).
getChild(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Accessor for a child store metadata component at a key.
getChildNode(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getChildNodes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getChildren() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Acessor for all children of this ConfigurationElement
getChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Accessor for a List of child metadata components (if stored in a List).
getChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Accessor for a Map of child metadata components.
getClass(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a class in this package.
getClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a class with the specified name.
getClass(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Utility method to check if the MetaData for a class is contained in this file.
getClassAnnotationHasHandler(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManager
getClassAnnotationHasHandler(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
getClassAnnotationsForClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method returning the annotations for the class.
getClassBeingEnhanced() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the class being enhanced.
getClassBeingEnhanced() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the class being enhanced.
getClassBytes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Access the class bytecode.
getClassBytes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the class bytes.
getClassDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the class descriptor for the class being enhanced
getClassDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the class descriptor for the class being enhanced
getClassEnhancer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Convenience accessor for the ClassEnhancer
getClassEnhancer(ClassMetaData, byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to return an instance of the ClassEnhancer for use with this class.
getClassesImplementingInterface(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the list of names of classes that are declared to implement the specified interface (using <implements> in the MetaData).
getClassesImplementingInterface(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getClassesWithMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the names of the classes with MetaData currently registered with this manager.
getClassesWithMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getClassFilesForDirectory(File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return the class files below the specified directory.
getClassForGenericType(Type, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to attempt to return the class for the provided generic type.
getClassForMemberOfClass(Class, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method that returns the class type of a member of the specified class (if present).
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Returns the ClassLoader to be used by the default implementation of ClassWriter.getCommonSuperClass(String, String), that of this ClassWriter's runtime type by default.
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for the user-defined class loader for enhancement (if any).
getClassLoader() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreator
Accessor for the ClassLoader loading classes created at runtime
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
Accessor for the ClassLoader.
getClassLoaderResolver() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the ClassLoaderResolver in use.
getClassLoaderResolver() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the ClassLoaderResolver
getClassLoaderResolver() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreReadOnlyException
getClassLoaderResolver() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the ClassLoader resolver to use in class loading issues.
getClassLoaderResolver() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getClassLoaderResolver(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getClassLoaderResolver(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for a ClassLoaderResolver to use in resolving classes.
getClassMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the ClassMetaData for the class.
getClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
getClassMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the ClassMetaData for this persistable object.
getClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getClassMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Accessor for the primary class metadata for this table.
getClassMetaDataForImplementationOfPersistentInterface(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Accessor for the metadata for the implementation of the specified "persistent-interface".
getClassMetaDataWithApplicationId(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the metadata for the class(es) with the specified object-id class name as PK.
getClassMetaDataWithApplicationId(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the internal name of the class (see Type.getInternalName()).
getClassName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassTooLargeException
Returns the internal name of the class.
getClassName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodTooLargeException
Returns the internal name of the owner class.
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the binary name of the class corresponding to this type.
getClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the name of the class being enhanced.
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the fully-qualified class name owning this field.
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EventListenerMetaData
Accessor for the name of the EventListener class
getClassName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidClassMetaDataException
getClassName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMemberMetaDataException
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeMapping
getClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.PersistentTypeMapping
getClassName(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience to return the class name that this a field of.
getClassNameForClass(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to return the class name without the package name for a class.
getClassNameForDiscriminatorValueWithRoot(AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to return the class name that uses the provided discriminator value using the specified root class to search from.
getClassNameForDiscriminatorValueWithRoot(AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getClassNameForFileName(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Convenience accessor for the class name that is stored in a particular class.
getClassNameForFileName(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to try to find the class name stored in the specified file.
getClassNameForFileURL(URL) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to find the class name of a class given the absolute file name of its class file.
getClassNameForObjectID(Object, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getClassNameForObjectID(Object, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getClassNameForObjectID(Object, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Returns the class corresponding to the given object identity.
getClassNameFromDiscriminatorValue(String, DiscriminatorMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to return the class name that uses the specified discriminator value for the specified discriminator.
getClassNameFromDiscriminatorValue(String, DiscriminatorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getClassNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getClassNamesForDirectoryAndBelow(File) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the names of classes specified in the directory and below.
getClassNamesForJarFile(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all class files in the jar file with the specified name.
getClassNamesForJarFile(URI) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all class files in the jar file with the specified URL.
getClassNamesForJarFile(URL) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all class files in the jar file with the specified URL.
getClassPersistenceModifier(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
Return ClassPersistenceModifier from String.
getCloneMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getCloneMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getCodeSize() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodTooLargeException
Returns the size of the method's Code attribute, in bytes.
getCollection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for a collection container for this field.
getCollectionElementType(Class, Type) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the element type of a collection when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field.
getCollectionElementType(Field) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the element type of a collection when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field.
getCollectionElementType(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the element type of a collection when using JDK1.5 generics, given the input method (getter).
getColumn(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for the column at the specified position.
getColumn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getColumnDdl() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getColumnForField(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.PersistentTypeMapping
getColumnForName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getColumnForName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Accessor for the column with the supplied name (if present).
getColumnForPosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getColumnForPosition(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Accessor for the column at the specified position (numbered from 0 to numcols-1).
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Accessor for columnMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Acessor for the columns
getColumnMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaDataContainer
Accessor for columnMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Accessor for column MetaData.
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Accessor for columnMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Accessor for column MetaData.
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
Accessor for columnMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Accessor for column MetaData.
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getColumnMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the metadata for this column (if any).
getColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeColumn
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
getColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getColumnName(List<AbstractMemberMetaData>, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getColumnName(List<AbstractMemberMetaData>, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the column for the position of the specified EMBEDDED field, within the specified owner field.
getColumnName(AbstractClassMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.DN2NamingFactory
getColumnName(AbstractClassMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.JPANamingFactory
getColumnName(AbstractClassMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the column for the specified class (version, datastore-id, discriminator etc).
getColumnName(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getColumnName(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the column for the specified field.
getColumnName(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnType, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.DN2NamingFactory
getColumnName(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnType, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.JPANamingFactory
getColumnName(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnType, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the column for the position of the specified field.
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for the columns representing this member.
getColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getColumnsForConstructor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeMapping
getColumnType() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the role that this column serves (if known).
getColumnType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getCommonSuperClass(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Returns the common super type of the two given types.
getComparator(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method for creating a Comparator using extension metadata tags for the specified field.
getCompilation() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the query compilation.
getCompilationForSubquery(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the compilation for a subquery with the specified alias.
getCompleteDdl() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
getConcreteSubclassesForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the names of all concrete subclasses of the provided class.
getConcreteSubclassesForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getConditions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for the overall configuration for DataNucleus.
getConfigurationElementForExtension(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the ConfigurationElement for an extension (of an extension point).
getConfigurationElementForExtension(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the (first) ConfigurationElement for an extension (of an extension point).
getConfigurationElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Acessor for all ConfigurationElements declared in the Extension
getConfigurationElementsForExtension(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Convenience accessor for getting the ConfigurationElement(s) for an extension (of an extension point).
getConnection() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Accessor for the datastore connection.
getConnection(boolean, ExecutionContext, Transaction) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Accessor for a connection from the specified factory, for the specified ExecutionContext dependent on whether the connection will be enlisted.
getConnection(boolean, ExecutionContext, Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
getConnection(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Accessor for a connection for the specified transaction isolation level.
getConnection(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
getConnection(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnection(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Accessor for a connection for the specified ExecutionContext.
getConnection(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnection(ExecutionContext, Map) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManager
Accessor for a connection for the specified ExecutionContext.
getConnection(ExecutionContext, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
getConnection(ExecutionContext, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionActiveCurrent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
getConnectionActiveCurrent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getConnectionActiveHigh() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
getConnectionActiveHigh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getConnectionActiveTotal() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
getConnectionActiveTotal() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionDriverName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the driver name to use for the connections (where supported).
getConnectionFactory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionFactory() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the primary connection factory (when a factory was provided by the user).
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionFactory2() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the secondary connection factory (when a factory was provided by the user).
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionFactory2Name() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the factory (JNDI) name for the secondary connection factory (when provided by the user).
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionFactoryName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the factory (JNDI) name for the primary connection factory (when provided by the user).
getConnectionManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getConnectionManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the connection manager for this store manager.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Convenience accessor for the password to use for the connection.
getConnectionPassword() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionPassword() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the password to use for the connections (where required).
getConnectionPreference() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator
Accessor for any requirement for connection used by this value generator.
getConnectionURL() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionURL() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the URL for the connections.
getConnectionUserName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getConnectionUserName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience accessor for the user name to use for the connections (where required).
getConstantPoolCount() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassTooLargeException
Returns the number of constant pool items of the class.
getConstraintName(String, AbstractMemberMetaData, ConstraintMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getConstraintName(String, AbstractMemberMetaData, ConstraintMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of a constraint specified at member level.
getConstraintName(AbstractClassMetaData, ConstraintMetaData, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getConstraintName(AbstractClassMetaData, ConstraintMetaData, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of a constraint specified at class level.
getConstraintName(AbstractClassMetaData, ConstraintMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getConstraintName(AbstractClassMetaData, ConstraintMetaData, ColumnType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the constraint for the specified class (version, datastore-id, discriminator etc).
getConstructorDescriptor(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given constructor.
getConstructorNameForCache(Class, Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getConstructorTypeMappings() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
getConstructorWithArguments(Class<T>, Class[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the constructor of the passed class that accepts the supplied argument types.
getConstructorWithArguments(Class<T>, Class[], boolean[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the constructor of the passed class that accepts the supplied argument types.
getContainedExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.TypeExpression
getContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the container for this field.
getContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
getContainer() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerAdapter
getContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
getContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
getContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
getContainerAdapter(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Convenience method to obtain the ContainerAdapter using the container object instance
getContainerAdapter(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getContainerHandler(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Obtains the registered ContainerHandler for the given containerClass.
getContainerHandler(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getContainerInfoMessage(DNStateManager, String, SCOContainer, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Utility to generate a message representing the SCO container wrapper and its capabilities.
getContainerInstanceType(Class, Boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return the type to instantiate a container as.
getCopy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getCopy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Returns a copy of this FetchPlan with all settings initialized.
getCopyFieldMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getCopyFieldMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getCopyFieldsMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getCopyFieldsMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectIdMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectIdMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getCopyKeyFieldsToObjectIdMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getCopyKeyFieldsToObjectIdMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractUUIDGenerator
Simple counter for identities.
getCreateTimestampMemberPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getCreateUserMemberPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getCurrentFetchDepth() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
Accessor for the object graph depth currently
getCurrentUser() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the current user, for this ExecutionContext.
getCurrentUser() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getCurrentUser(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the current user for the supplied ExecutionContext.
getCurrentUser(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getCustomName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
Accessor for the custom name (if using strategy type of CUSTOM).
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarComponentsConverter
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorComponentsConverter
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayComponentsConverter
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MultiColumnConverter
Accessor for the java types of the datastore columns.
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodComponentsConverter
getDatastoreColumnTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthComponentsConverter
getDatastoreDate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getDatastoreDate() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Get the date/time of the datastore.
getDataStoreExceptionForException(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Convenience method to return a datastore exception appropriate for this API.
getDatastoreId(long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to return a datastore-unique datastore identity, with the specified value.
getDatastoreId(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getDatastoreId(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to return a datastore identity, for the specified string which comes from the output of toString().
getDatastoreId(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getDatastoreId(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to return a datastore identity, representing the persistable object with specified class name and key value.
getDatastoreId(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getDatastoreIdClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
getDatastoreIdClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getDatastoreIdentityMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for datastore identity MetaData
getDatastoreProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Convenience method to return all properties that are user-specified and should be specified on the StoreManager.
getDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for the datastore-specific compilation for a query.
getDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience accessor for the datastore read timeout (milliseconds).
getDatastoreSequence() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getDatastoreTypeForTypeConverter(TypeConverter, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Method to return the datastore type for the specified TypeConverter.
getDatastoreTypeForTypeConverter(TypeConverter, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Method to return the datastore type for the specified TypeConverter.
getDatastoreWriteTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience accessor for the datastore write timeout (milliseconds).
getDdlFile() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
getDecodedStringFromURLString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convenience method to decode a URL string for use (so spaces are allowed)
getDefaultArgs() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Return default arguments.
getDefaultCascadeAttachForField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default setting for cascading attach of a field
getDefaultCascadeDeleteForField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default setting for cascading delete of a field
getDefaultCascadeDetachForField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default setting for cascading detach of a field
getDefaultCascadePersistForField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default setting for cascading persist of a field
getDefaultCascadeRefreshForField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default setting for cascading refresh of a field
getDefaultCatalogName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return the default "catalog" name for this datastore, if it supports the concept.
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColumnLengthDefiningTypeConverter
Accessor for the default column length to use for the datastore column at the specified position.
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CurrencyStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocaleStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TimeZoneStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.UUIDStringConverter
getDefaultColumnLength(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeStringConverter
getDefaultDFGForPersistableField() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the default DFG setting for a persistable field.
getDefaultFactoryProperties() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return a set of default properties for the factory (PMF, EMF, etc)
getDefaultFieldPersistenceModifier(Class, int, boolean, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the default "persistence-modifier" for a field given the class, its modifier and whether it is a Persistable class.
getDefaultMappingFileLocation() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return any default location that doesn't need specifying for "mapping-file" in the persistence.xml.
getDefaultPersistentPropertyWhenNotSpecified() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether we should add in metadata when using persistent properties and a property is not specified.
getDefaultSchemaName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return the default "schema" name for this datastore, if it supports the concept.
getDefaultStateManagerClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getDefaultStateManagerClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getDefaultStateManagerClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getDefaultTypeConverterForType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the default type converter for the provided Java type.
getDefaultTypeConverterForType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the default Value
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
The annotation visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
The class visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
The field visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
The method visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
The module visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
The record visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
getDeleteAction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getDeleteAction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
getDeleteAction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getDesc() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns the descriptor of the field or method designated by this handle.
getDescription() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns the type of this constant.
getDescriptor() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodTooLargeException
Returns the descriptor of the method.
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the descriptor corresponding to this type.
getDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Accessor for the descriptor of the method.
getDescriptor(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given class.
getDetachableAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachableAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachableClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachableClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachableDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachableDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getDetachedCopyEntry(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.DetachState
Get any existing detached copy object for the passed in persistable
getDetachedCopyObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.DetachState.Entry
getDetachedFieldAccessExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachedFieldAccessExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachedFieldAccessExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JPAEnhancementNamer
getDetachedStateFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachedStateFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachListenerAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getDetachListenerAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getDetachmentOptions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Return the options to be used at detachment.
getDetachmentRootClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Accessor for the root classes of the detachment graph for DetachAllOnCommit.
getDetachmentRoots() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Accessor for the roots of the detachment graph for DetachAllOnCommit.
getDetachOnClose() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getDFGMemberFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the flags of the DFG fields/properties (inc superclass).
getDFGMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute positions of the default fetch group fields/properties (inc superclasses).
getDimensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the number of dimensions of this array type.
getDir() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Gets the root dir for looking for files
getDirtyFieldNames() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the names of the fields that are dirty.
getDirtyFieldNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience accessor for the names of the fields that are dirty.
getDirtyFieldNumbers() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the field numbers of all dirty fields.
getDirtyFieldNumbers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for the field numbers of all dirty fields.
getDirtyFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Creates a copy of the internal dirtyFields array.
getDirtyFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Creates a copy of the StateManagerImpl.dirtyFields bitmap.
getDiscriminatorColumn() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.PersistentTypeMapping
getDiscriminatorColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Return the metadata for the discriminator column if defined in metadata.
getDiscriminatorColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Return the name of the discriminator column if defined in metadata.
getDiscriminatorMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience accessor for the discriminator metadata applying to this class.
getDiscriminatorMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
getDiscriminatorMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
getDiscriminatorMetaDataForTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to find the discriminator MetaData defining the discrim for the same table as this class is using.
getDiscriminatorMetaDataRoot() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return the "root" discriminator metadata definition (that defines the strategy, column etc).
getDiscriminatorStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to return the discriminator strategy being used by this class.
getDiscriminatorStrategy(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
Accessor for the strategy
getDiscriminatorStrategyForTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience accessor for the discriminator strategy applying to this class.
getDiscriminatorValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method returning the discriminator value to apply to an instance of this class.
getDiscriminatorValueForClass(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to return the discriminator value used by the specified class.
getDiscriminatorValueForClass(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiBundleParser
Convenience method to create a document builder for parsing.
getDomainName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Domain name for this manager instance.
getDoubleArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getDoubleField(Persistable, int, double) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getDoubleObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getElement(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ArrayExpression
Accessor for an element of the array.
getElementClassMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Convenience accessor for the Element ClassMetaData.
getElementClassMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Convenience accessor for the Element ClassMetaData.
getElementMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for elementMetaData
getElementType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the type of the elements of this array type.
getElementType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Accessor for the element implementation types (when element is a reference type).
getElementType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Accessor for the element-type tag value.
getElementType(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
getElementType(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
getElementTypeName(ContainerMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
getElementTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
getElementTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
getElseExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
getEmbeddedInformationForOwner(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the relations for the specified embedded StateManager where it is embedded.
getEmbeddedInformationForOwner(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getEmbeddedMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Accessor for embeddedMetaData
getEmbeddedMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for embeddedMetaData
getEmbeddedSM() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
getEncodedURLStringFromString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convenience method to encode a URL string for use (so spaces are allowed)
getEnhancedBytes(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for the enhanced bytes of any classes just enhanced.
getEnhancedMethodNamePrefix() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to return the prefix applied to all enhancer method names
getEnhancedMethodNamePrefix() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getEnhancerVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
getEntityName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getEntityNameFromJPQLString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
Convenience method to extract the FROM candidate entity name from a JPQL query string.
getEnumByValue(int) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
getEnumForStoredValue(AbstractMemberMetaData, FieldRole, Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.EnumConversionHelper
getExceptionIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the exception, in a 'throws' clause of a method, whose type is referenced by this type reference.
getExcludeUnlistedClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
Accessor for the owning execution context.
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
getExecutionContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
getExecutionContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the Execution Context associated with this Query.
getExecutionContext(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the ExecutionContext (if any) associated with the passed object.
getExecutionContext(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Method to return an ExecutionContext for use in persistence.
getExecutionContext(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
GetExecutionContext - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetExecutionContext" using ASM.
GetExecutionContext(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetExecutionContext
getExecutionContextAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getExecutionContextListeners() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Object the array of registered ExecutionContext listeners.
getExecutionContextListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getExecutionContextPool() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getExecutionContextPool() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getExecutionContextReference() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the ExecutionContext that owns this instance.
getExecutionContextReference() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getExplicitParametersDeclaration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the explicit parameters declaration.
getExplicitVariablesDeclaration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the explicit variables declaration.
getExpressionsFromString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to split an expression string into its constituent parts where separated by commas.
getExprFilter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the filter expression.
getExprFrom() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any from expression(s).
getExprGrouping() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any grouping expression(s).
getExprHaving() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any having expression.
getExprOrdering() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any ordering expression(s).
getExprResult() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any result expression(s).
getExprUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for any update expression(s).
getExtension() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Accesstor to the Extension
getExtension(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the value of an extension for this query.
getExtensionPoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
getExtensionPoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
getExtensionPoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Acessor for the ExtensionPoint
getExtensionPoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Acessor for the ExtensionPoint
getExtensionPointId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Acessor to the extension point id
getExtensionPoints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
getExtensionPoints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
getExtensionPoints() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Acessor for the currently registed ExtensionPoints
getExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
getExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
getExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the extensions defined for this query.
getExtent(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the Extent for a class (and optionally its subclasses).
getExtent(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Extents are collections of datastore objects managed by the datastore, not by explicit user operations on collections.
getExtent(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
getExtent(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getExtent(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getExtent(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Interface to getting an Extent for a class.
getExternalObjectId() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Return an object id that the user can use.
getExternalObjectId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getFactoryClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getFactoryClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.BTMTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the factory class to use for this locator.
getFactoryClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.FactoryBasedTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the factory class to use for this locator.
getFactoryClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JOnASTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the factory class to use for this locator.
getFactoryClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JOTMTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the factory class to use for this locator.
getFactoryClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.WebSphereTransactionManagerLocator
Method to return the factory class for this locator
getFailedObject() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
The exception may include a failed object.
getFatalInternalExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getFatalInternalExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getFatalInternalExceptionAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JPAEnhancementNamer
getFetchGroup(Class<T>, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Accessor for a fetch group for the specified class.
getFetchGroupManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience accessor for the FetchGroupManager.
getFetchGroupManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Convenience accessor for the FetchGroupManager.
getFetchGroupManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getFetchGroupMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for all MetaData defined for fetch groups for this class.
getFetchGroupMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Accessor for fetchGroupMetaData
getFetchGroupMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the fetch group metadata for the group specified.
getFetchGroupMetaData(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for fetch group metadata for the specified groups (if present).
getFetchGroups() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
getFetchGroupsWithName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the fetch groups for the specified name.
getFetchGroupsWithName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the fetch groups for the specified name.
getFetchGroupsWithName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Accessor for the fetch groups for the specified name.
getFetchGroupsWithName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the fetch groups for the specified name.
getFetchGroupsWithName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getFetchPlan() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Acessor for the current FetchPlan
getFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Accessor for the FetchPlan that this classes plan relates to.
getFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
getFetchPlan() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
getFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
This method retrieves the fetch plan associated with the Query.
getFetchPlanForClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the FetchPlan for this class.
getFetchPlanForClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getFetchPlanForClass(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Access the fetch plan for the class.
getFetchPlanForLoading() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.FieldValues
Accessor for any FetchPlan to use when loading of fields (if any).
getFetchPlanName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getFetchPlans() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of the named fetch plans.
getFetchSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Accessor for the fetch size when using large result sets.
getFetchSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
GETFIELD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
getFieldAnnotationsForClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method returning a Collection of the annotated fields for the specified class.
getFieldForClass(Class, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Obtain a field from a class or superclasses using reflection.
getFieldId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the field id.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData.FieldOrder
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
Accessor for the field name if a concrete implementation of the interface is generated the field name for this property.
getFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the field name that this HashMap relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the field name that this Hashtable relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the field name that this LinkedHashMap relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the field name that this Hashtable relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the field name that this SortedMap relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Accessor for the field name
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the field name that this TreeMap relates to.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for the field name.
getFieldNameForJavaBeanGetter(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Generate a field name for JavaBeans compatible getter method
getFieldNameForJavaBeanSetter(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Generate a field name for JavaBeans compatible setter method
getFieldNamesFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getFieldNamesFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getFieldNamesInitMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getFieldNamesInitMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getFieldNumber() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
getFieldNumbersOfLoadedOrDirtyFields(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience accessor to return the field numbers for the input loaded and dirty field arrays.
getFieldOrders() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getFieldPersistenceModifier(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
Return FieldPersistenceModifier from String.
getFieldsList() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the fields required.
getFieldsList() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the fields required.
getFieldsNotLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
getFieldTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the implementation type(s) that can be stored in this field when it is a reference type.
getFieldValue(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getFileForFilename(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convenience method to get a File for the specified filename.
getFileMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for all FileMetaData currently managed here.
getFileMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getFileMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the parent FileMetaData.
getFileMetaDataForInput() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method that processes the registered components to enhance, and loads the metadata for them into the MetaDataManager, returning the associated FileMetaData.
getFileMetaDataForInputFiles(MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver, String[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Method to take the provided input files and returns the FileMetaData that they implies.
getFilename() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
getFilename() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Accessor for the filename
getFiles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
getFiles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
getFilesForDirectory(File) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return the files below the specified directory.
getFilter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the filter specification.
getFirst() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
getFirst() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve the first element.
getFirstChild() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Access the first child node.
getFkDefinition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
getFkDefinitionApplies() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
getFlagsFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getFlagsFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getFlagsSetTo(boolean[], boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Returns an array of integers containing the indices of all elements in flags that are in the state passed as argument.
getFlagsSetTo(boolean[], int[], boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Returns an array of integers containing the indices of all elements in flags whose index occurs in indices and whose value is state.
getFloatArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getFloatField(Persistable, int, float) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getFloatObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getFlushMode() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the flush mode.
getFlushMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getFlushModeForString(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Return the FlushMode from a name string.
getFlushProcess() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getFlushProcess() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getFlushProcess() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getForeignKeyAction(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
Return ForeignKeyDeleteAction from String.
getForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Accessor for foreignKeyMetaData
getForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for foreignKeyMetaData
getForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getFormalParameterIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the formal parameter whose type is referenced by this type reference.
getFormatId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
getFrequentProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
getFrom() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the FROM clause of the query.
getFullClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the full class name including any package name.
getFullFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the full field name.
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Convenience accessor for the fully-qualified name of the sequence.
getFullyQualifiedName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Convenience accessor for the fully-qualified name of the sequence.
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.AbsFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcCosineFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcSineFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangent2Function
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ArcTangentFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CeilFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoshFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CosineFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CotangentFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.DegreesFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ExpFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.FloorFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LogFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RadiansFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SignFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SineFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SinhFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SqrtFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TangentFunction
getFunctionName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TanhFunction
getGenerator(AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
Method to return the generator for the implementation.
getGenericType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
Accessor to the generic type
getGetExecutionContextMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetExecutionContextMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetInheritedFieldCountMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetInheritedFieldCountMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetManagedFieldCountMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetManagedFieldCountMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetMethodPrefixMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetMethodPrefixMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetObjectIdMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetObjectIdMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetStateManagerMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetStateManagerMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetterMethodForClass(Class, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Obtain a (Java bean) getter method from a class or superclasses using reflection.
getGetTransactionalObjectIdMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetTransactionalObjectIdMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGetVersionMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getGetVersionMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getGlobalTransactionId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
getGrouping() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the grouping string for the query.
getGroups() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Accessor for the static groups for this FetchPlan.
getHandlerForClassAnnotation(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManager
Accessor for a handler for the specified class annotation.
getHandlerForClassAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
getHandlerForMemberAnnotation(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManager
Accessor for a handler for the specified member annotation.
getHandlerForMemberAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
getHaving() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the having string for the query.
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
Accessor for the id of this ExtensionPoint
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
Accessor for the class name of the object being created.
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
Accessor for the expression "id".
getId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.VariableExpression
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractUUIDGenerator
Create an identifier in the required UUID format required.
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDHexGenerator
Create an identifier with the form "IIIIIIIIJJJJJJJJHHHHLLLLLLLLCCCC".
getIdentifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDStringGenerator
Create an identifier with the form "IIIIJJJJHHLLLLCC".
getIdentity(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityStringTranslator
Method to translate the object into the identity.
getIdentity(ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.XcaliaIdentityStringTranslator
getIdentityKeyTranslator() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Accessor for the current identity key translator to use (if any).
getIdentityKeyTranslator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getIdentityManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for a manager for identities.
getIdentityManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getIdentityStrategy(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
Gets an IdentityStrategy for the given value argument.
getIdentityStringTranslator() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Accessor for the current identity string translator to use (if any).
getIdentityStringTranslator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getIdentityType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getIdentityType(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
Return IdentityType from String.
getIdForObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the object identity for the passed persistable object.
getIgnoreCache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the ignoreCache option setting.
getImplementationCreator() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getImplementationCreator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getImplementationNameForPersistentInterface(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the implementation name for the specified "persistent-interface".
getImplementationNameForPersistentInterface(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getImplementationNamesForReferenceField(AbstractMemberMetaData, FieldRole, ClassLoaderResolver, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return the class names of the available implementation types for an interface/Object field, given its required role.
getImplementsMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Accessor for the implements MetaData
getImplHelperAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getImplHelperAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getImplicitParameters() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the implicit parameters.
getImportsDeclaration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the imports declaration.
getIncludeAutoStart() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
getIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Accessor for the current index in the input string.
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getIndexed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getIndexedValue(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
Obtain a IndexedValue for the given name by value
getIndexesOfCollectionInList(List, Collection) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the list index positions in "delegate" where the passed "elements" are located.
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Accessor for indexMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for indexMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Accessor for indexMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Accessor for indexMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Accessor for indexMetaData
getIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getInheritanceMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for inheritanceMetaData
getInheritanceStrategy(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
Obtain a InheritanceStrategy for the given name by value
GetInheritedFieldCount - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "__dnGetInheritedFieldCount" using ASM.
GetInheritedFieldCount(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetInheritedFieldCount
getInheritedFieldCountFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getInheritedFieldCountFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Accessor for the value
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(Class, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for an evaluator for invocation of the specified method for the supplied type.
getInMemoryEvaluatorForMethod(Class, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getInput() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Accessor for the input string.
getInputParameters() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the input parameters for this query.
getInsertable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getInsertFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the INSERT fields of the query (if any).
getInsertSelectQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the INSERT select query (if any).
getInsertValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapterFactory
Accessor for the ApiAdapterFactory (singleton).
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JPAEnhancementNamer
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Gets an instance of MetaDataUtils
getInstance() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.DetachListener
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.Clone
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyField
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyFields
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId2
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.CopyKeyFieldsToObjectId2
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.DefaultConstructor
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetExecutionContext
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetInheritedFieldCount
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetManagedFieldCount
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetObjectId
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetStateManager
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetTransactionalObjectId
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetVersion
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitClass
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitFieldNames
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDeleted
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDetached
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDirty
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsNew
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsPersistent
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsTransactional
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.LoadClass
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.MakeDirty
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance1
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance2
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance1
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance2
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.PreSerialize
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideField
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideFields
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceDetachedState
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceField
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFields
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFlags
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceStateManager
getInstance(ClassEnhancer) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.WriteObject
getInstanceName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Instance name for this manager instance.
getIntArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getIntegerForLiteral(Literal) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Convenience method to get an int value from the supplied literal.
getInterface(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a interface in this package.
getInterface(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of an interface with the specified name.
getInterfaceName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for the persistent interface name
getInterfaces() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the internal names of the implemented interfaces (see Type.getInternalName()).
getInternalFetchGroup(Class, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an internal fetch group for the specified class.
getInternalFetchGroup(Class, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for an internal fetch group for the specified class.
getInternalFetchGroup(Class, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for an internal fetch group for the specified class.
getInternalFetchGroup(Class, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getInternalName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the internal name of the class corresponding to this object or array type.
getInternalName(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the internal name of the given class.
getInternalNameForProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
getInternalObjectId() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the id of the object being managed.
getInternalObjectId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for the internal object id of the object we are managing.
getIntField(Persistable, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getIntObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for an int property value.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for the specified property as an int.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getIntProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getInvokeExpression() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsInvokeException
Accessor for the InvokeExpression that this primary expression should be swapped for.
getIsActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTAJCATransactionImpl
getIsActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
getIsActive() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Return whether the transaction is active and return immediately.
getIsActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Similar to "isActive" except that it just returns the "active" flag whereas the isActive() method can also embody rejoining to underlying transactions.
getIsDeletedMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsDeletedMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsDetachedInternalMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsDetachedInternalMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsDetachedMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsDetachedMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsDirtyMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsDirtyMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsNewMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsNewMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsPersistentMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsPersistentMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getIsTransactionalMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getIsTransactionalMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getItem(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the start offset in this ClassReader of a JVMS 'cp_info' structure (i.e.
getItemCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the number of entries in the class's constant pool table.
getJarFileForFilename(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convenience method to get a JarFile for the specified filename.
getJarFiles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Accessor for the jar files for this persistence unit.
getJavaBeanAccessorAnnotationsForClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method returning a Map containing an array of the annotations for each Java Bean accessor method of the passed class, keyed by the method name.
getJavaBeanGetterName(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Generate a JavaBeans compatible getter name
getJavaBeanSetterName(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Generate a JavaBeans compatible setter name
getJavaLangClassForType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the passed type as a java.lang type wherever possible.
getJavaType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeColumn
getJdbcType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getJdbcType() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the JDBC Type used for this column.
getJdbcType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getJdbcTypeForEnum(AbstractMemberMetaData, FieldRole, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
getJdbcTypeName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getJDOQLForExpression(Expression) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
getJMXManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the JMX manager (if required).
getJMXManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.CustomJNDITransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JBossTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JNDIBasedTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to use.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.OC4JTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.OrionTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.ResinTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.SAPWebASTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.SunTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJNDIName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.WebLogicTransactionManagerLocator
Accessor for the JNDI name to lookup the txn manager under.
getJoinedExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
getJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for joinMetaData
getJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
getJPQLForExpression(Expression) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
Convenience method to return the JPQL single-string query text for the provided expression.
getJtaDataSource() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getJtaSyncRegistry() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the JTA Synchronization registry, when using JTA.
getJtaSyncRegistry() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getJtaTransactionManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the JTA transaction manager, when using JTA.
getJtaTransactionManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
Accessor for the key being put.
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
Accessor for the key being removed.
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
getKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
getKey(ExecutionContext, Class, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityKeyTranslator
Method to translate the object into the identity.
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId
Provides the identity in a form that can be used by the database as a key.
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Accessor for the key
getKeyAsObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
getKeyClassMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Convenience accessor for the Key ClassMetaData.
getKeyForQueryResultsCache(Query, Map) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to generate the "key" for storing the query results of a query with parameters.
getKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for keyMetaData
getKeyType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the key-type tag value.
getKeyTypeForSingleFieldIdentityType(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Accessor for the type of the single field application-identity key given the single field identity type.
getKeyTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
getKeyword() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.SubqueryExpression
getL2CacheableObject(DNStateManager, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to convert the object managed by StateManager into a form suitable for caching in an L2 cache.
getLabels() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Returns the labels corresponding to this attribute.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Accessor for the query language.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Accessor for the query language.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Accessor for the query language name.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
Accessor for the query language name.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
Accessor for the query language name.
getLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the query language.
getLast() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
getLast() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve the last element.
getLastDescendantNodeForNode(Node) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
Convenience method to navigate down through descendants to find the last one.
getLeft() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Accessor for the left hand expression.
getLength() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
Returns the length of this path, i.e.
getLength() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getLevel1Cache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
getLevel1Cache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getLevel2Cache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getLevel2Cache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getLevel2CacheRetrieveMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getLevel2CacheRetrieveMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getLevel2CacheStoreMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getLevel2CacheStoreMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getLifecycleState() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the LifeCycleState of this persistable object.
getLifecycleState() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getLifeCycleState(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Returns the LifeCycleState for the state constant.
getListenerForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the EventListener info for an EventListener class name
getListenerFPs() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
getListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Get the event listeners
getListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Get the event listeners registered against the file.
getLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Literal
getLiteral() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsClassLiteralException
Accessor for the Literal that this primary expression should be swapped for.
getLiteralField() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsClassStaticFieldException
Accessor for the field that this primary expression represents.
getLoadClassMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getLoadClassMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getLoadedFieldNames() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the names of the fields that are loaded.
getLoadedFieldNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience accessor for the names of the fields that are loaded.
getLoadedFieldNumbers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getLoadedFieldNumbers() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the field numbers of all loaded fields.
getLoadedFieldNumbers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for the field numbers of all loaded fields in this managed instance.
getLoadedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
Accessor for the loaded fields of this object.
getLoadedFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the loaded flags for all fields.
getLoadedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
getLoadedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for the fields
getLoadFetchGroup() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getLocaleFromString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocaleStringConverter
Convert a string based locale into a Locale Object.
getLocalInputSource(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
Accessor for the input source for a path.
getLockManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the lock manager for objects in this execution context.
getLockManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getLockMode(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Accessor for what locking should be applied to the object with the specified identity (mode 2).
getLockMode(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
getLockMode(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Accessor for the current lock mode for the object managed by the passed StateManager (mode 1).
getLockMode(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
getLoggerInstance(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Method to create a logger instance.
getLongArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getLongField(Persistable, int, long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getLongObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getMakeDirtyDetachedMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getMakeDirtyDetachedMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getMakeDirtyMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getMakeDirtyMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getManagedConnection(boolean, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
Get a ManagedConnection from the cache.
GetManagedFieldCount - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetManagedFieldCount" using ASM.
GetManagedFieldCount(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetManagedFieldCount
getManagedMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the managed fields/properties in this class (not including superclass, but including overridden).
getManagedObjects() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(Class[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(String[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(String[], Class[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the currently managed objects for the current transaction.
getManagedObjects(String[], Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getManagedOverrideablePropertyNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Returns the names of the properties that are manager overrideable (using their original cases, not lowercase).
getManagedStoreData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Accessor for the StoreData currently managed by this store.
getManageRelations() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Whether managed relations are supported by this execution context.
getManageRelations() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for whether to manage relationships at flush/commit.
getManageRelationships() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getManagerOverrideableProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Convenience method to return all properties that are overrideable on the PM/EM.
getManifestLocation() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Acessor for the location of the manifest.mf file
getMap() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for a map container for this field.
getMapKeyType(Class, Type) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the key type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field.
getMapKeyType(Field) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the key type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field.
getMapKeyType(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the key type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input method.
getMappedBy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getMappedBy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getMappedBy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getMappingFiles() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getMapsIdAttribute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getMapType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
getMapValueType(Class, Type) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the value type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field
getMapValueType(Field) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the value type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input field
getMapValueType(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to extract the value type of a map when using JDK1.5 generics given the input method.
getMaxFetchDepth() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Accessor for the maximum fetch depth.
getMaxFetchDepth() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
getMaximumLengthForComponent(SchemaComponent) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getMaxStringLength() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns a conservative estimate of the maximum length of the strings contained in the class's constant pool table.
getMemberAnnotationHasHandler(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManager
getMemberAnnotationHasHandler(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
getMemberBeingOverridden(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method that navigates up a MetaData inheritance tree until it finds the base member definition for the specified name.
getMemberColumnMapping() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the mapping (and hence member) that owns this column.
getMemberColumnMapping() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getMemberColumnMappingForEmbeddedMember(List<AbstractMemberMetaData>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getMemberColumnMappingForEmbeddedMember(List<AbstractMemberMetaData>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Method to return the member-column mapping for the specified embedded member.
getMemberColumnMappingForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getMemberColumnMappingForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Method to return the member-column mapping for the specified member.
getMemberColumnMappings() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getMemberColumnMappings() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getMemberCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of managed members from this class plus inherited classes.
getMemberKey(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Simple way of generating a member "key" for use in lookups for datastore-identity.
getMemberKey(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
getMemberKey(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Simple way of generating a member "key" for use in lookups.
getMemberKey(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
getMemberMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.flush.SCOOperation
Accessor for the metadata for the member that this operation is for.
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
Accessor for the metadata for the member that this operation is for.
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
Accessor for the parent field/property MetaData.
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Accessor for metadata for the embedded members.
getMemberMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for the metadata for this member.
getMemberMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getMemberName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
Accessor for the parent member name
getMemberName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMemberMetaDataException
getMemberName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getMemberNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getMemberNumbers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Get the absolute numbers of the members in the fetch plan for this class.
getMemberNumbersByBitSet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Get all members (of this class, and superclasses) in the fetch plan.
getMemberRepresented() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the member being represented.
getMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
getMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
Accessor for metadata for the members of this group.
getMemberTypeForTypeConverter(TypeConverter, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Method to return the member type for the specified TypeConverter.
getMemberTypeForTypeConverter(TypeConverter, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Method to return the member type for the specified TypeConverter.
getMessageFromRootCauseOfThrowable(Throwable) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convenience method to take a throwable and navigate up to the root cause and return the message of the root cause.
getMessageKey() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidAnnotationException
Return message resource key
getMessageKey() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMetaDataException
Accessor for the message key into the localisation system of messages.
getMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Accessor for the MetaData for this file.
getMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for class/field meta data.
getMetaDataForCandidates(Class, boolean, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return the class metadata for the candidate and optionally its subclasses.
getMetaDataForClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Primary accessor for the MetaData for a class.
getMetaDataForClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForClass(Class, PackageMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Accessor for the ClassMetaData for the specified class from its annotations.
getMetaDataForClass(Class, PackageMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManager
Method to get the ClassMetaData for a class from its annotations.
getMetaDataForClass(Class, PackageMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
Accessor for the MetaData for the specified class, read from annotations.
getMetaDataForClass(Class, PackageMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationReader
Method to get the MetaData for a class from its annotations.
getMetaDataForClass(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a class given the name and a loader.
getMetaDataForClass(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForClassInternal(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Internal convenience method for accessing the MetaData for a class.
getMetaDataForClassInternal(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForDiscriminator(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a class given the "discriminator".
getMetaDataForDiscriminator(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForEntityName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a class given the "entity-name".
getMetaDataForEntityName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForFetchPlan(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a named fetch plan.
getMetaDataForFetchPlan(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForImplementationOfReference(Class, Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for an implementation of a reference type.
getMetaDataForImplementationOfReference(Class, Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForInterface(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for an interface.
getMetaDataForInterface(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for a managed member including superclass members.
getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Internal method to get the field/property for an absolute field number.
getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtRelativePosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for MetaData for a managed member in this class.
getMetaDataForMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data for a member.
getMetaDataForMemberAtRelativePosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of a member.
getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit(PluginManager, String, String, boolean, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to parse the available persistence.xml file(s) and find the metadata for the specified persistence-unit.
getMetaDataForQuery(Class, ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a named query for a class.
getMetaDataForQuery(Class, ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForQueryResult(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a QueryResult.
getMetaDataForQueryResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForSequence(ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a Sequence in a package.
getMetaDataForSequence(ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForStoredProcQuery(Class, ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a named stored procedure query for a class.
getMetaDataForStoredProcQuery(Class, ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataForTableGenerator(ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the MetaData for a TableGenerator in a package.
getMetaDataForTableGenerator(ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getMetaDataManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the MetaData manager in use.
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for the MetaDataManager.
getMetaDataManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the MetaData Manager.
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
getMetaDataManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for the manager for persistence metadata information.
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getMetaDataManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getMetaDataManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getMethodAdditionMessage(String, Object, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Convenience method to generate a message that a method has been added.
getMethodDescriptor(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given method.
getMethodDescriptor(Type, Type...) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given argument and return types.
getMethodForClass(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Obtain a method from a class or superclasses using reflection
getMethodName() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodTooLargeException
Returns the name of the method.
getMethodNameForCallbackClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EventListenerMetaData
Accessor for the method name in the EventListener class that handles the specified callback event
getMethodsList() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for the methods required.
getMethodsList() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the methods required.
getMethodType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the given method descriptor.
getMethodType(Type, Type...) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the method Type corresponding to the given argument and return types.
getMethodWithArgument(Class, String, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Obtain a method from a class or superclasses using reflection.
getMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
getMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Accessor for the mode of operation
getMode() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Accessor for the mode of operation.
getMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
getMode(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
getModifiers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
Accessor to the field / method modifiers
getModifiersForFieldOfClass(ClassLoaderResolver, String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the modifiers of a field in a class.
getMultitenancyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getMultithreaded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether this context is multithreaded.
getMultithreaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getMultithreaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
Accessor for whether the usage is multi-threaded.
getMultivaluedMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered multi-valued This category includes members of all multi-valued types, including Collection, array, and Map types of basic and relationship types.
getName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for the name of the API.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns the name of this constant.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns the name of the field or method designated by this handle.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Accessor for the field name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Accessor for the method name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Accessor for the group name.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the simple class name (without package name).
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the field name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationObject
Accessor for the annotation class name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
Field name or Method name (without get/set/is prefix)
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Accessor for name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
Accessor for name.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the name of the package
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Accessor for the name of the result mapping.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Acessor for the plug-in name
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Acessor for the name of this element
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
Accessor for a user friendly name
getName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Accessor for the name of the sequence.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Accessor for the sequence name.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
getName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the column name.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for fully-qualified class/member name.
getName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Accessor for the symbolic name for this generator.
getNamedQueryNames() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to access the names of named queries that are registered with this manager.
getNamedQueryNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getNameForTransactionIsolationLevel(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionUtils
Accessor for a string name of a transaction isolation level.
getNameInRequiredCase(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
Convenience method to convert the passed name into a name in the required "case".
getNameOfClass(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
getNamer() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
getNamer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
getNamer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
getNameValueMap() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationObject
Accessor for the annotation properties map
getNamingFactory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getNamingFactory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getNamingFactory() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getNativeConnection() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnection
Accessor for the underlying connection.
getNativeConnection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnectionImpl
Accessor for the native connection for this datastore.
getNativeLogger() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
getNativeLogger() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
getNativeLogger() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
getNativeLogger() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Accessor for the native logger object.
getNativeLogger() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
getNativeQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method returning the native query performed by this query (if the query has been compiled, and if the datastore plugin supports this).
getNativeQueryLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getNativeQueryLanguage() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the native query language of this store.
getNestedExceptions() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
The exception may have been caused by multiple exceptions in the runtime.
getNewInstanceMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getNewInstanceMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getNewObjectIdInstanceMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getNewObjectIdInstanceMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getNewValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
getNextChild() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Access the next node.
getNextResults() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Accessor for the next result set.
getNextValueForValueGenerator(ValueGenerator, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Accessor for the next value from the specified ValueGenerator.
getNextVersion(VersionMetaData, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Convenience method to provide the next version to use given the VersionMetaData and the current version.
getNextVersion(VersionMetaData, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
Convenience method to provide the next version to use given the VersionMetaData and the current version.
getNodeChildId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getNodeId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getNodeType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getNodeValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getNodeValueAsString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getNonJtaDataSource() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getNonPKMemberFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the flags of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass members).
getNonPKMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the positions of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass fields).
getNonRelationMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, allows persistent instances to be read without a transaction active.
getNontransactionalRead() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the nontransactionalRead flag for this transaction.
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, allows persistent instances to be written without a transaction active.
getNontransactionalWrite() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the nontransactionalWrite flag for this transaction.
getNontransactionalWriteAutoCommit() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Whether to auto-commit any non-tx writes.
getNontransactionalWriteAutoCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for whether non-tx writes are auto-commit.
getNoOfClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the number of classes.
getNoOfExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
getNoOfFetchPlans() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the number of named fetch plans.
getNoOfInheritedManagedMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of inherited managed members in superclasses.
getNoOfInterfaces() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the number of interfaces.
getNoOfManagedMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of managed members (this class only).
getNoOfMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of members defined for this class (including overrides).
getNoOfPackages() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the number of packages.
getNoOfPersistenceUnits() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Accessor for the number of persistence units.
getNoOfPrimaryKeyMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of primary key fields/properties.
getNoOfQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of named queries.
getNoOfQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the number of named queries.
getNoOfSequences() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the number of sequences.
getNoOfStoredProcQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the number of named stored proc queries.
getNoOfStoredProcQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the number of named queries.
getNoOfTableGenerators() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the number of table generators.
GetNormal - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetZZZ" using ASM for NORMAL_GET fields.
GetNormal(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetNormal
getNucleusConnection(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getNucleusConnection(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getNucleusConnection(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return a connection to the user for the ExecutionContext.
getNucleusContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the context in which this execution context is running.
getNucleusContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getNucleusContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
getNucleusContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getNucleusContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getNucleusContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getNucleusContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the context in which this StoreManager is running.
getNucleusContextForMode(SchemaTool.Mode, String, Map, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Method to create a NucleusContext for the specified mode of SchemaTool
getNucleusContextForMode(SchemaTool.Mode, String, Map, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Method to create a NucleusContext for the specified mode of SchemaTool
getNucleusSequence(ExecutionContext, SequenceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getNucleusSequence(ExecutionContext, SequenceMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return a datastore sequence for this datastore matching the passed sequence MetaData.
getNullIndicatorColumn() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
getNullIndicatorValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
getNullOrder() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
getNullValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getNullValue(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
Obtain a NullValue for the given name by value
getNumberOfChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Accessor for the number of child metadata components.
getNumberOfChildren() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Accessor for the number of child metadata components.
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for the number of columns that represents this member.
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Accessor for number of columns.
getNumberOfDatastoreReads() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfDatastoreReads() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreReads() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreReadsInLatestTxn() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfDatastoreReadsInLatestTxn() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreReadsInLatestTxn() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreWrites() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfDatastoreWrites() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreWrites() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreWritesInLatestTxn() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfDatastoreWritesInLatestTxn() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfDatastoreWritesInLatestTxn() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfFetchGroups() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
getNumberOfMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getNumberOfMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
getNumberOfObjectDeletes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfObjectDeletes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectDeletes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectFetches() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfObjectFetches() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectFetches() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectInserts() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfObjectInserts() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectInserts() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectUpdates() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getNumberOfObjectUpdates() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfObjectUpdates() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getNumberOfPinnedObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Accessor for the number of pinned objects in the cache.
getNumberOfPinnedObjects() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for the number of pinned objects in the cache.
getNumberOfUnpinnedObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Accessor for the number of unpinned objects in the cache.
getNumberOfUnpinnedObjects() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for the number of unpinned objects in the cache.
getObject() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the persistable object being managed.
getObject() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getObjectAsPrintable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Returns a printable form of the managed object.
getObjectAsPrintable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getObjectClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getObjectDepthForType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
Accessor for the current depth for the specified member name.
getObjectField(Persistable, int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getObjectForIndex(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
Convenience method to get the object for a particular index.
getObjectFromCache(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to access an object in the cache.
getObjectFromCache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access an object in the cache.
getObjectFromIdString(String, AbstractClassMetaData, ExecutionContext, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Convenience method to find an object given a string form of its identity, and the metadata for the class (or a superclass).
getObjectFromIdString(String, AbstractMemberMetaData, FieldRole, ExecutionContext, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Convenience method to find an object given a string form of its identity, and the metadata for the member.
getObjectFromLevel1Cache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access an object in the Level 1 cache.
getObjectFromLevel2Cache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access an object in the Level 2 cache.
getObjectFromLevel2CacheForUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access the identity that corresponds to a unique key, in the Level 2 cache.
getObjectFromPersistableIdentity(String, AbstractClassMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Convenience method to find an object given a string form of its identity, and the metadata for the class (or a superclass).
getObjectId(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the object representing the identity of the calling instance.
getObjectId(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return the object representing the persistent identity of the calling instance.
GetObjectId - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetObjectId" using ASM.
GetObjectId(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetObjectId
getObjectidClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getObjectIdentityClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdentityClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldConsumerDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getObjectIdFieldSupplierDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getObjectsFromCache(Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to access objects in the cache.
getObjectsFromCache(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access objects in the cache.
getObjectsFromLevel2Cache(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to access a collection of objects from the Level 2 cache.
getObjectState(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for the object state.
getObjectsToBeFlushed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to inspect the list of objects with outstanding changes to flush.
getObjectsToBeFlushed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to inspect the list of objects with outstanding changes to flush.
getObjectsToBeFlushed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
getObjectType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
getObjectType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the given internal name.
getObjectType(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
getObjectType(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
getObjectType(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
getOffset() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Label
Returns the bytecode offset corresponding to this label.
getOldValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
getOnExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
getOpcode(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns a JVM instruction opcode adapted to this Type.
getOperation() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
The method/function invoked.
getOperationQueue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the operation queue.
getOperationQueue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getOperations() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Method to provide access to inspect the queued operations.
getOperator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
The operator to be performed by this expression.
getOptimistic() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Optimistic transactions do not hold data store locks until commit time.
getOptimistic() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the Optimistic setting
getOptimisticLocking() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getOptionArg(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Return option argument.
getOptions() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Obtain all settings for this Transaction
getOptions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
getOrdering() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
getOrdering() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the ordering string for the query.
getOrderMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for orderMetaData
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Acessor for the output directory.
getOutputParameterValue(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Accessor for the value of the output parameter at the specified position.
getOutputParameterValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Accessor for the value of the output parameter with the specified name.
getOverallParentClassMetaData(MetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to navigate back through the parents to find the overall ClassMetaData handling this object.
getOverriddenMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for an overridden field/property with the specified name.
getOverriddenMembers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the overridden fields/properties in this class.
getOwner() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.ExecutionContextReference
Accessor for the owner of the ExecutionContext.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns the internal name of the class that owns the field or method designated by this handle.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for the owner of this ExecutionContext.
getOwner() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Accessor for the owner object of the SCO instance.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the owner that this HashMap relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the owner that this Hashtable relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the owner that this LinkedHashMap relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the owner that this Hashtable relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the owner that this SortedMap relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Accessor for the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the owner that this TreeMap relates to.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for the owner object.
getOwnerForEmbeddedStateManager(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the owner StateManager for the provided embedded StateManager.
getOwnerForEmbeddedStateManager(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getOwnerInformationForEmbedded(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the owner relation for the specified embedded StateManager where it is embedded.
getOwnerInformationForEmbedded(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getOwnerMember() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
getOwnerMemberMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.Store
getOwnerMemberNum() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
getOwnerSM() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
getPackage(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the meta-data of a package.
getPackage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a package with a given name.
getPackageJdoFilesForJarFile(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all "package.jdo" files in the jar file with the specified name.
getPackageJdoFilesForJarFile(URI) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all "package.jdo" files in the jar file with the specified URL.
getPackageJdoFilesForJarFile(URL) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience accessor for the names of all "package.jdo" files in the jar file with the specified URL.
getPackageMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getPackageName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getPackageName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getPackageNameForClass(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to return the package name for a class.
getPackageNameForClassName(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Utility to return the package name for a class name.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
getParameterExpressionForPosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
getParameterExpressionForPosition(Expression, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return the ParameterExpression for the specified position if found in the expression tree starting at
getParameterMap() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.SubqueryDefinition
getParameterMapForValues(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method to convert the input parameters into a parameter map keyed by the parameter name.
getParameters() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
getParameterValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
getParamValueForParam(Object, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
getParent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
getParent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Acessor for the parent of this ConfigurationElement
getParent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getParent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Accessor for the parent expression where this expression is access from.
getParent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Accessor for the parent store metadata component for this (if any).
getParent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Accessor for the parent store metadata component for this (if any).
getParentSymbolTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Accessor for the parent symbol table (if any).
getParsedImports() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the parsed imports.
getPC() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
getPersistable() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NotYetFlushedException
getPersistableAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getPersistableAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getPersistableClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getPersistableClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getPersistableDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getPersistableDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getPersistableIdentityForId(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Method to return a persistable form of the identity of a persistable object.
getPersistableSuperclass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getPersistenceFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the persistence flags
getPersistenceFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getPersistenceModifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getPersistenceModifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getPersistenceProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the persistence properties.
getPersistencePropertiesDefaults() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the persistence properties default values.
getPersistenceUnit(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a persistence unit with a given name.
getPersistenceUnits() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Accessor for the persistence units in this "persistence.xml" file.
getPersistentTypeMappings() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Accessor for the persistent type mapping information for this result set.
getPkClassBytes(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for the bytes of any pk classes just created.
getPKColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getPKColumnValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getPKMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the field numbers of the primary key fields/properties.
getPlugin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Accessor for the Plug-in that declared this Extension
getPluginManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getPluginManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for the manager for DataNucleus plugins.
getPoint() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Acessor for the ExtensionPoint that this Extension implements
getPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
getPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.ParameterNode
getPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
getPosition() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the position of this column in the table (if specified).
getPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getPostLoad() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Accessor for whether to call postLoad when this group is loaded.
getPostLoad() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
getPreSerializeMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getPreSerializeMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getPrimaryClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
getPrimaryClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
getPrimaryClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolResolver
Accessor for the candidate class of the query.
getPrimaryKeyClassBytes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Access the generated primary-key class bytecode.
getPrimaryKeyClassBytes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Accessor for the primary-key class bytes (if generating a PK).
getPrimaryKeyMemberNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the names of the primary key fields/properties.
getPrimaryKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for primaryKeyMetaData
getPrimaryKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Accessor for primaryKeyMetaData
getPrimitiveTypeForType(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return the primitive equivalent of the specified type (if any).
getProcedureName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for global properties defining this enhancer.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the defined properties.
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BasePropertyStore
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
getProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for extension props, if utilised by the store manager.
getPropertiesForSchemaTool() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Method to generate the properties to be used by SchemaTool.
getPropertiesForValueGenerator(AbstractClassMetaData, int, ClassLoaderResolver, SequenceMetaData, TableGeneratorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method to return the properties to pass to the generator for the specified field.
getPropertiesFromPropertiesFile(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Method to return the persistence properties from the specified properties file.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the specified property as an Object.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Method to get the value of a property from the store.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaData
Accessor for a property of this store metadata component.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the string value stored against a string key.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BasePropertyStore
getPropertyNamesWithPrefix(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for all properties starting with the provided prefix.
getPropertyNameWithInternalPropertyName(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the case-sensitive (external) name for the passed (likely lowercase) name and prefix.
getProvideFieldMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getProvideFieldMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getProvideFieldsMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getProvideFieldsMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getProvider() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getPublicPutMethodForResultClass(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return the put(Object, Object method for the result class.
getPublicSetMethodForFieldOfResultClass(Class, String, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return the setXXX method for a field of the result class.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
getQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of the named queries.
getQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of the named queries.
getQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.SubqueryDefinition
getQueryActiveTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryActiveTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryActiveTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryCacheKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getQueryCacheKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Method to get key for query cache
getQueryCacheKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Method to get key for query cache
getQueryCacheKey() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the key used for representing this store manager in the query cache.
getQueryCompilationCache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for the generic compilation cache.
getQueryCompilationCache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getQueryCompilationForQuery(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for a Query compilation for the specified query and language.
getQueryCompilationForQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getQueryDatastoreCompilationCache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for the datastore compilation cache.
getQueryDatastoreCompilationCache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getQueryErrorTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryErrorTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryErrorTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeLow() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryExecutionTimeLow() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTimeLow() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryExecutionTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTotalTime() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getQueryExecutionTotalTime() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getQueryExecutionTotalTime() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getQueryLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
getQueryLanguage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
getQueryLanguage(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
Return QueryLanguage from String.
getQueryManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getQueryManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getQueryManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
getQueryManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getQueryMethodAliasesByPrefix() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for JDOQL/JPQL query method aliases keyed by the prefix.
getQueryMethodAliasesByPrefix() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getQueryResult(Query, Map) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for the results for a query.
getQueryResult(Query, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getQueryResultMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Get the query result MetaData registered for this class.
getQueryResultMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Get the query result MetaData.
getQueryResultsCache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Accessor for the query results cache.
getQueryResultsCache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
getRange() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the range specification string.
getRangeFromIncl() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the range lower limit (inclusive).
getRangeFromInclParam() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the range lower limit parameter (inclusive).
getRangeToExcl() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the range upper limit (exclusive).
getRangeToExclParam() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the range upper limit parameter (exclusive).
getReachabilityAtCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getRecursionDepth() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getRecursionDepth() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
getRecursionDepth(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Accessor for the recursion depth for the specified field/property.
getRecursionDepthForMember(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Method to return the recursion depth of this member number in the overall fetch plan.
getReferencedClasses(String[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to get the MetaData for all referenced classes with the passed set of classes as root.
getReferencedClasses(String[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getReferencedClassMetaData(AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Utility to return all ClassMetaData that is referenced from the supplier class.
getReferencedPC() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the referenced PC object when we are attaching or detaching.
getReferencedPC() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for the referenced PC object when we are attaching or detaching.
getRegisteredClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Returns a collection of class objects of the registered persistable classes.
getRegisteredName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getRegisteredName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getRegisteredName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getRegisteredSchemas() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
The list of schemas registered in the plugin "metadata_entityresolver".
getRegistryClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Accessor for the PluginRegistry class name.
getRelatedMemberMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the FieldMetaData of any related field/property (where this field is part of a bidirectional relation).
getRelatedMemberMetaDataForObject(ClassLoaderResolver, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience accessor for the MetaData for the field/property at the other side of the bidirectional relation given the objects at this side and the other side.
getRelationMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return the absolute positions of all fields/properties that have relations.
getRelationshipManager(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the RelationshipManager for the provided StateManager.
getRelationshipManager(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to return the RelationshipManager for StateManager.
getRelationshipManagerForStateManager(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
Method to return the RelationshipManager for the specified StateManager.
getRelationType(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the relation type for this field.
getRelationTypeString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getRelativePositionOfMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the (relative) position of the field/property with the specified name.
getReplaceDetachedStateMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getReplaceDetachedStateMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getReplaceFieldMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getReplaceFieldMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getReplaceFieldsMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getReplaceFieldsMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getReplaceFlagsMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getReplaceFlagsMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getReplaceStateManagerMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getReplaceStateManagerMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getRequireBundle() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Acessor for the RequireBundle
getResource(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Finds the resource with the given name.
getResource(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Finds the resource with the given name.
getResourcedTransactionManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getResourcedTransactionManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getResourceName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
getResourceName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionFactory
Accessor for the resource name (e.g "jdbc/tx").
getResources(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Finds all the resources with the given name.
getResources(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Finds all the resources with the given name.
getResourceType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
getResourceType() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionFactory
Type of resource that this ConnectionFactory represents.
getRestoreValues() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Return the current value of the restoreValues property.
getRestoreValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the restoreValues flag for this transaction.
getResult() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the result specification string.
getResultClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getResultClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the result class.
getResultClassConstructorForArguments(Class, Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to obtain the constructor for the result class taking in the specified argument types.
getResultClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
getResultClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
getResultDistinct() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
getResultDistinct() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for whether the results are distinct.
getResultMetaDataName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getResultSetMappings() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
getResultTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the types of the result row components.
getRetainValues() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, at commit time instances retain their field values.
getRetainValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the retainValues flag for this transaction.
getReturnType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the return type of methods of this type.
getReturnType(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the return type of the given method.
getReturnType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the return type of the given method descriptor.
getRight() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Accessor for the right hand expression.
getRollbackOnly() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Returns the rollback-only status of the transaction.
getRollbackOnly() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the "rollback only" flag.
getRootInstantiableClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getRootURI() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Accessor for the persistence unit root.
getScalarColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Accessor for the names of the result set columns that are returned as scalars.
getScale() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getScanner(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Accessor for any scanner for metadata classes (optional).
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the schema name for all classes in this package
getSchema() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
Accessor to the URL that points to the schema (.xsd) file
getSchemaData(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
getSchemaData(Object, String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Accessor for schema data store under the provided name and defined by the specified values.
getSchemaHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getSchemaHandler() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getSchemaHandler() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getSchemaName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getSchemaName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getSchemaName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
getSchemaName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getSchemaName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getSCOClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SCOID
Returns the class of the object identified by this SCOID.
getSCOContainerMemberFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the flags of whether members are SCO "containers" (Collection/Map/array).
getSCOMutableMemberFlags() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the flags of the SCO mutable fields (inc superclass fields).
getSCOMutableMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute positions of the second class mutable fields/properties.
getSCONonContainerMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that are NOT containers (e.g Dates, Points, etc)
getScope() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
getSCOWrapperOptionsMessage(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to generate a message containing the options of this SCO wrapper.
getSequence() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
If the value-strategy is sequence, the sequence attribute specifies the name of the sequence to use to automatically generate a value for the field.
getSequence() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
getSequence(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of an sequence with the specified name.
getSequenceName(SequenceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getSequenceName(SequenceMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of sequence.
getSequences() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data for the sequences in this package.
getSerialiseRead() - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
getSerializeRead() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for whether to serialise (lock) any read objects retrieved from this query.
getSerializeRead() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Accessor for the setting for whether to serialize read objects (lock them).
getSerializeRead() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
getSerializeReadForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to return the setting for serialize read for the current transaction for the specified class name.
getSerializeReadForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to return the setting for serialize read for the current transaction for the specified class name.
getSerialVersionUidFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getSerialVersionUidFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getSetMethodPrefixMethodName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getSetMethodPrefixMethodName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getSetterMethodForClass(Class, String, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Obtain a (Java bean) setter method from a class or superclasses using reflection.
getSharedCacheMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Accessor for the persistence unit shared cache mode.
getShortArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getShortField(Persistable, int, short) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getShortObjectArrayFromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ArrayConversionHelper
Convert a byte[] into an instance of our value class.
getSingleFieldId(Class, Class, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
Method to return a single-field identity, for the persistable type specified, and for the idType of SingleFieldId.
getSingleFieldId(Class, Class, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
getSingleFieldIdentityDescriptor(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
Accessor for the descriptor for a SingleFieldIdentity type.
getSingleFieldIdentityDescriptor(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
Accessor for the descriptor for a SingleFieldIdentity type.
getSingleFieldIdentityTypeForKeyType(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
getSingleStringQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Accessor for a single string form of the query.
getSingleStringQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Method to take the defined parameters for the query and form a single string.
getSingleStringQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Method to take the defined parameters for the query and form a single string.
getSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Accessor for the total number of objects in the L2 cache.
getSize() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for the total number of objects in the L2 cache.
getSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
getSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
Returns the size of this constant.
getSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the size of values of this type.
getSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
Method to return the size of the list.
getSizeUsingMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to get the size using the "resultSizeMethod".
getSoftDeleteMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getSort() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the sort of this type.
getSort() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the sort of this type reference.
getSortOrder() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
getSqlType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getStack() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Accessor for the current MetaData component.
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.DeleteOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
getStateManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.flush.Operation
Accessor for StateManager of the object that this operation is performed on.
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.PersistOperation
getStateManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
getStateManager(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for the state manager for the object.
getStateManager(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
GetStateManager - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetStateManager" using ASM.
GetStateManager(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetStateManager
getStateManagerAsmClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getStateManagerAsmClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
getStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getStateManagerClass() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getStateManagerClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getStateManagerDescriptor() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getStateManagerDescriptor() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getStateManagerFactory() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getStateManagerFactory() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getStateManagerFieldName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
getStateManagerFieldName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getStateManagerIsMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDeleted
Method returning the name of the method on the StateManager that gives the return info.
getStateManagerIsMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsNew
Method returning the name of the method on the StateManager that gives the return info.
getStateManagerIsMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsPersistent
Method returning the name of the method on the StateManager that gives the return info.
getStateManagerIsMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsTransactional
Method returning the name of the method on the StateManager that gives the return info.
getStateManagerIsMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsXXX
Method returning the name of the method on the StateManager that gives the return info.
GETSTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for any statistics-gathering object.
getStatistics() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getStatistics() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getStatistics() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getStatus() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
getStep(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
Returns the value of the given step of this path.
getStepArgument(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
Returns the index of the type argument that the given step is stepping into.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractUUIDGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AUIDGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampValueGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDHexGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDObjectGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageClass() - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDStringGenerator
Accessor for the storage class for values generated with this generator.
getStorageDescription() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Utility to return a description of the storage for this mechanism.
getStorageDescription() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.ClassesAutoStarter
Method to give a descriptive name for the starter process.
getStorageDescription() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Method to give a descriptive name for the starter process.
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
getStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
getStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.flush.SCOOperation
Accessor for the backing store for this operation.
getStoreDataForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getStoreDataForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getStoreDataForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getStoreDataForProperties(String, Object, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Convenience accessor for all store data where property 1 has value1 and property 2 has value2.
getStoredProcQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of the named stored proc queries.
getStoredProcQueries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Accessor for the metadata of the named stored procedure queries.
getStoredValueFromEnum(AbstractMemberMetaData, FieldRole, Enum) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.EnumConversionHelper
Convenience method to return the "value" of an Enum, for a field and role.
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the Store Manager.
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
getStoreManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
getStoreManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
getStoreManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the StoreManager associated with this Query.
getStoreManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
getStoreManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
getStoreManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.Store
getStoreManagerForClass(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Accessor for the StoreManager to use for the specified class.
getStoreManagerForClass(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Accessor for the StoreManager to use for persisting the specified class.
getStoreManagerKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getStoreManagerKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getStoreManagerKey() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the key for this store manager.
getStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
getStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
getStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
getStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
getStrategy(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
Return Sequence strategy from String.
getStrategyForTree() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
getString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Accessor for the "body" text metadata.
getStringExtensionProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience accessor to return whether an extension is set (or whether the persistence property of the same name is set), and what is its String value.
getStringField(Persistable, int, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the value for the field.
getStringFromException(Throwable) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Gets a String message from an Exception.
getStringFromStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Convert an exception to a String with full stack trace
getStringProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for a String property value.
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for the specified property as a String.
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getStringProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
getStringValue(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to get the String value for an Object.
getStringValueForExpression(Expression, Map) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to get the String value for an Expression.
getSubclassesForClass(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for the subclasses of a particular class
getSubclassesForClass(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
getSubClassesForClass(String, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getSubClassesForClass(String, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getSubClassesForClass(String, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Utility to return the names of the classes that are known subclasses of the provided class.
getSubqueryAliases() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the aliases for any subqueries in this compilation.
getSubqueryForVariable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the subquery for the supplied variable.
getSuperAbstractClassMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data for the superclass of this class.
getSuperclasses(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return the superclasses for a class.
getSuperinterfaces(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return the superinterfaces for a class.
getSuperName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the internal name of the super class (see Type.getInternalName()).
getSuperTypeIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the "super type" of a class that is referenced by this type reference.
getSupportedAnnotationPackages() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method to set the valid annotation packages to be supported when reading.
getSupportedAnnotationPackages() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationReader
Accessor for the annotations packages supported by this reader.
getSupportedExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Method to return the names of the extensions supported by this query.
getSupportedExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Method to return the names of the extensions supported by this query.
getSupportedExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to return the names of the extensions supported by this query.
getSupportedOptions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Accessor for the supported options in string form.
getSupportedOptions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getSupportedOptions() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Strings representing features that are supported by this datastore.
getSupportedProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Accessor for the names of the supported persistence properties.
getSupportedProperties() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the supported property names.
getSupportedProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getSupportedQueryLanguages() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getSupportedQueryLanguages() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getSupportedQueryLanguages() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the supported query languages.
getSupportedSecondClassTypes() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the supported second-class Types.
getSupportedSecondClassTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getSurrogateColumn(SurrogateColumnType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getSurrogateColumn(SurrogateColumnType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Table
Accessor for the surrogate column of the specified type.
getSymbol() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Accessor for the symbol for this expression (if set).
getSymbol(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Return the Symbol for the specified name if known.
getSymbolicName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Accessor for the plug-in id - bundle symbolic name
getSymbolIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Return the Symbol for the specified name if known, treating the name as case-insensitive.
getSymbolNames() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Accessor for the names of the symbols in this table.
getSymbolResolver() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
getSymbolTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for the symbol table for the query.
getSynchronization() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
The user-specified Synchronization instance for this Transaction instance.
getSynchronization() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for the synchronization object to be notified on transaction completion.
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getTable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the table for this column.
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for the generic Table for this class/member (if the store plugin supports generic Tables).
getTableGenerator(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data of a table generator with the specified name.
getTableGenerators() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Accessor for the Meta-Data for the table generators in this package.
getTableName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getTableName(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
getTableName(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.JPANamingFactory
getTableName(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the table for the specified class.
getTableName(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.DN2NamingFactory
getTableName(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.JPANamingFactory
getTableName(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to return the name of the (join) table for the specified field.
getTag() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns the kind of field or method designated by this handle.
getTarget() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getTargetClassName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId
Accessor for the target class name for the persistable object this represents.
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Accessor for the target class name
getTargetClassName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getTargetClassNameForIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Method to return the target class name of the persistable object that the provided identity represents.
getTargetKeyForDatastoreIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Accessor for the key object for the specified datastore-identity.
getTargetKeyForSingleFieldIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Accessor for the key object for the specified single field application-identity.
getTargetMember() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getTenantId() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the tenant id, for this ExecutionContext.
getTenantId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getTenantId(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the tenant id for the ExecutionContext.
getTenantId(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getTenantId(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MultiTenancyProvider
Return the tenant id for the current tenant (for use in all WRITE operations).
getTenantReadIds(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the ids of the tenants that should be included in any read operations.
getTenantReadIds(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
getTenantReadIds(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MultiTenancyProvider
Return the tenant id(s) that the current tenant can view (for use in all READ operations).
getText() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Accessor to the text
getThreadContextInfo() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Get the current ThreadContextInfo assigned to the current thread without changing the reference counter.
getTransaction() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for the current transaction for this execution context.
getTransaction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
getTransaction(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
getTransactionActiveTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionActiveTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionActiveTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionalObjectId(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the object representing the identity of the calling instance.
getTransactionalObjectId(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return the object representing the persistent identity of the calling instance.
GetTransactionalObjectId - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetTransactionalObjectId" using ASM.
GetTransactionalObjectId(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetTransactionalObjectId
getTransactionalVersion() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Return the object representing the transactional version of the managed object.
getTransactionalVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return the transactional version of the managed object.
getTransactionalVersion(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return the object representing the transactional version of the calling instance.
getTransactionCommittedTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionCommittedTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionCommittedTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeAverage() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeHigh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeLow() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionExecutionTimeLow() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTimeLow() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTotalTime() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionExecutionTotalTime() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionExecutionTotalTime() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionIsolationForStoreManager(StoreManager, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionUtils
Method to return the transaction isolation level that will be used for the provided StoreManager bearing in mind the specified level the user requested.
getTransactionIsolationLevelForName(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionUtils
Convenience method to convert the supplied isolation level name into the associated UserTransaction type number.
getTransactionManager(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.AtomikosTransactionManagerLocator
getTransactionManager(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.FactoryBasedTransactionManagerLocator
Method to return the TransactionManager.
getTransactionManager(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JNDIBasedTransactionManagerLocator
Method to return the TransactionManager looking it up using JNDI.
getTransactionManager(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.TransactionManagerFinder
Accessor for the accessible JTA transaction manager.
getTransactionManager(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.TransactionManagerLocator
Method to return the TransactionManager.
getTransactionManagerLocatorForName(PluginManager, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.TransactionManagerFinder
getTransactionRolledBackTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionRolledBackTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionRolledBackTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionTimeout() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
getTransactionTotalCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
getTransactionTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatisticsMBean
getTransactionTotalCount() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatisticsMBean
getTransactionType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
getTryCatchBlockIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the try catch block (using the order in which they are visited with visitTryCatchBlock), whose 'catch' type is referenced by this type reference.
getTuples() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
getTuples() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Accessor for the type
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Accessor for the class that this group is for.
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the field type
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
Accessor to the field or method return type.
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
Accessor for the type.
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
Accessor for the type.
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
getType() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the query type.
getType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for type.
getType(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the given class.
getType(Constructor<?>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the method Type corresponding to the given constructor.
getType(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the method Type corresponding to the given method.
getType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns the Type corresponding to the given type descriptor.
getType(List<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
getType(List<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
getType(List<String>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolResolver
getTypeArgumentIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the type argument referenced by this type reference.
getTypeConverter() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for the TypeConverter to use for this member-column (if any).
getTypeConverter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getTypeConverterForComponent(FieldRole) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Accessor for a component (collection element, map key, map value) converter if defined.
getTypeConverterForComponent(FieldRole) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
getTypeConverterForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData, ColumnMetaData[], TypeManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
getTypeConverterForName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the type converter with the provided name.
getTypeConverterForName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getTypeConverterForType(Class, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the type converter for the provided Java type and its datastore type.
getTypeConverterForType(Class, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getTypeConverterName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getTypeConvertersForType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the available type converters for the provided Java type.
getTypeConvertersForType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getTypeDescriptorForEnhanceMethod(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to give the descriptor for use in an enhanced "field" method.
getTypeDescriptorForSingleFieldIdentityGetKey(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
Method to return the type descriptor for the key of the provided single-field identity class name.
getTypeDescriptorForSingleFieldIdentityGetKey(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getTypeDescriptorForType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Return the ASM type descriptor for the input class.
getTypeForSecondClassWrapper(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for a java type that the supplied class is a SCO wrapper for.
getTypeForSecondClassWrapper(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getTypeForValueGeneratorForMember(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Accessor for the type of value that is generated by the ValueGenerator for the specified strategy, for the member "key".
getTypeForValueGeneratorForMember(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
getTypeManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
getTypeManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience accessor for the type manager for this persistence context (from NucleusContext).
getTypeManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Accessor for manager for java types.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the field type name
getTypeName() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for the native type name in the datastore for this column.
getTypeName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
getTypeNameForField(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
getTypeNameForPersistableMethod(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhanceUtils
Convenience method to give the type name given the type.
getTypeNameForUseWithSingleFieldIdentity(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNamer
Convenience method to give the method type name for a singleFieldIdentity class name.
getTypeNameForUseWithSingleFieldIdentity(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
getTypeOfDatastoreIdentity(DatastoreIdentityMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
getTypeParameterBoundIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the type parameter bound, within the type parameter TypeReference.getTypeParameterIndex(), referenced by this type reference.
getTypeParameterIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the index of the type parameter referenced by this type reference.
getUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level1Cache
Method to retrieve StateManager for the specified unique key.
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to retrieve the id represented by the specified unique key.
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
getUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
getUniqueId() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
Accessor for the pluginId + DOT + id.
getUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Accessor for uniqueMetaData
getUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for uniqueMetaData
getUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
getUniqueValueGeneratorByName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Accessor for the "unique" ValueGenerator for the specified name (if any).
getUniqueValueGeneratorByName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
getUnmappedColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the unmapped columns required for the datastore table.
getUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for the UPDATE clause of the query (if any).
getUpdateable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
getUpdateAction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
getUpdateAction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
getUpdateCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Accessor for the update count.
getUpdateTimestampMemberPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getUpdateUserMemberPosition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
getUserExceptionForException(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Convenience method to return a user exception appropriate for this API when an unexpected exception occurs.
getValidationMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Accessor to the Validation Mode
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns the int encoded value of this type reference, suitable for use in visit methods related to type annotations, like visitTypeAnnotation.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
Accessor for the value being added.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
Accessor for the value being removed.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
Accessor for the value being put against this key.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
Accessor for the value being removed for this key (if known).
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
getValue() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
getValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to return the value of the unwrapped type.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping.
getValue(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.TransactionType
Return Sequence strategy from String.
getValueClassMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Convenience accessor for the Value ClassMetaData
getValueColumnName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
getValueForArgExpression(Expression, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.CoalesceFunction
getValueForArgExpression(Expression, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.NullIfFunction
getValueForArgExpression(Expression, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PowerFunction
getValueForArgExpression(Expression, InMemoryExpressionEvaluator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RoundFunction
getValueForExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
getValueForExtension(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Accessor for the value of a particular extension.
getValueForExtensionRecursively(MetaData, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Searches the meta data tree upwards starting with the given leaf, stops as soon as it finds an extension with the given key.
getValueForIdentityField(Object, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to find the value of a field of the provided user-defined identity.
getValueForInvokeExpression(InvokeExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Method to evaluate an InvokeExpression.
getValueForMemberInId(Object, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Convenience method that interrogates a user-supplied object identity and returns the value of a particular member in that id.
getValueForParameterExpression(Map, ParameterExpression) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to get the value for a ParameterExpression.
getValueForPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Convenience method to get the value for a PrimaryExpression.
getValueForPropertyWithValidator(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
getValueForVariableExpression(VariableExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Convenience method to get the (current) value for a VariableExpression.
getValueGenerationManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getValueGenerationManager() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getValueGenerationManager() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for the ValueGenerationManager for generating field values.
getValueGenerationMemberPositions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for the member positions which require value generation processing (non-null strategy).
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method defining which value-strategy to use when the user specifies "native" on datastore-identity.
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method defining which value-strategy to use when the user specifies "native"/"auto" on datastore-identity.
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method defining which value-strategy to use when the user specifies "native" on a member.
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getValueGenerationStrategyForNative(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method defining which value-strategy to use when the user specifies "native"/"auto" on a member
getValueGenerationStrategyValue(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getValueGenerationStrategyValue(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
getValueGenerationStrategyValue(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to retrieve the value for a value generation strategy for a particular field or datastore-identity.
getValueGeneratorForMember(ClassLoaderResolver, AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
getValueGeneratorForMemberKey(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Method to access the currently defined ValueGenerator for the specified member "key" (if any).
getValueGeneratorForMemberKey(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
getValueGeneratorName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Name of a (user-provided) value generator to override the default generator for this strategy.
getValueGeneratorName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
getValueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for valueMetaData
getValueOfFieldByReflection(Object, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Helper method to return the value of a field of an object using reflection.
getValueOfMethodByReflection(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Helper method to return the value returned by a method on an object using reflection.
getValues() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
Accessor for the possible variable values (if known).
getValuesForCommaSeparatedAttribute(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method that splits a comma-separated list of values into a String array (removing whitespace).
getValuesForExtension(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Accessor for the value of a particular extension, but splitting it into separate parts.
getValuesForExtensionRecursively(MetaData, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Searches the meta data tree upwards starting with the given leaf, stops as soon as it finds an extension with the given key.
getValueStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
getValueStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
getValueType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the value-type tag value.
getValueType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
getValueType() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
getValueTypes() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
getVariableDeclaration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.SubqueryDefinition
getVariableExpression() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsVariableException
Accessor for the VariableExpression that this primary expression should be swapped for.
getVariableExpression() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
Accessor for the variable expression that is not set.
getVariableExpressionValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
getVendorName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Accessor for the provider name of this plug-in
getVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
getVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Acessor for the version of this plug-in
getVersion() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to return the current version of the managed object.
getVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to return the current version of the managed object.
getVersion(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return the object representing the version of the calling instance.
getVersion(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return the object representing the version of the calling instance.
GetVersion - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetVersion" using ASM.
GetVersion(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetVersion
getVersionForBundle(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Accessor for the version of a particular bundle (or null if not registered).
getVersionForObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return the object version for the passed persistable object.
getVersionMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for Version MetaData for this class specifically.
getVersionMetaDataForClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience accessor for the version metadata applying to this class.
getVersionMetaDataForTable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to find the version MetaData defining versioning for the same 'table' as this class is using.
getVersionStrategy(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
Return VersionStrategy from String.
GetViaCheck - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetZZZ" using ASM for CHECK_READ fields.
GetViaCheck(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaCheck
GetViaMediate - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnGetZZZ" using ASM for MEDIATE_READ fields.
GetViaMediate(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.GetViaMediate
getWhenExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression.ExpressionPair
getWrappedTypeBackedForType(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the backing-store Second Class Wrapper class for the supplied class.
getWrappedTypeBackedForType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getWrapperTypeForPrimitiveType(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the object wrapper type for a primitive type.
getWrapperTypeForType(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for the SCO wrapper for the type
getWrapperTypeForType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
getWrapperTypeNameForPrimitiveTypeName(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return the object wrapper type for a primitive type name.
getXAErrorCode(Throwable) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
getXAResource() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Obtain an XAResource which can be enlisted in a transaction Override this if you intend on supporting this as an XA resource (default = not supported).
getXAResource() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
An XAResoure for this datastore connection.
getXMLMetaDataForClass(AbstractClassMetaData, String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
GOTO - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
GregorianCalendar - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class GregorianCalendar object.
GregorianCalendar(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Creates a GregorianCalendar object that represents the time at which it was allocated.
grouping - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
grouping - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Grouping clause for the query, for use with aggregate expressions.
GROUPING - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
gt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.StringAggregateExpression


H_GETFIELD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_GETSTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_INVOKEINTERFACE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_INVOKESPECIAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_INVOKESTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_INVOKEVIRTUAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_NEWINVOKESPECIAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_PUTFIELD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
H_PUTSTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
Handle - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A reference to a field or a method.
Handle(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
this constructor has been superseded by Handle(int, String, String, String, boolean).
Handle(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Constructs a new field or method handle.
hasArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field has an array
hasCollection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field has a collection
hasContainer() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field has a container.
hasDefaultConstructor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Whether a default constructor is present.
hasDefaultConstructor(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to check for a default constructor on a class.
hasDependentElement(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return if the member is a collection/array with dependent element.
hasDependentKey(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return if the member is a map with dependent key.
hasDependentValue(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to return if the member is a map with dependent value.
hasDetachedState - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Whether the field xxxDetachedState is present.
hasDiscriminatorStrategy() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for whether we have a discriminator defined for this class (may be in superclasses).
hasExtension(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether this class or any super class has any fetch group definition with FetchGroupMetaData.getPostLoad()==true.
hasFlags(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Returns true if all the given flags were passed to the constructor.
hashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
hashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
hashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
hashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC.CachedId
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns a hash code value for this type.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Return hash code of this instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Return hash code of this instance.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
hashCode() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Accessor for the hashcode of this object
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Hashcode operator.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Hashcode operator.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Hashcode operator.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Hashcode operator.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to generate a hashcode for this Map.
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
hashCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Hashcode operator.
HashMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class HashMap object.
HashMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class HashMap object.
HashMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
HashMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
HashMapHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
HashMapHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashMapHandler
HashSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class HashSet object.
HashSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class HashSet object.
HashSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
HashSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
HashSetHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
HashSetHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashSetHandler
Hashtable<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Hashtable object.
Hashtable<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Hashtable object.
Hashtable(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Hashtable(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
HashtableHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
HashtableHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashtableHandler
hasIdentityInCache(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Whether an object with the specified identity exists in the cache(s).
hasIdentityInCache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Whether the specified identity is cached currently.
hasInterface(String[], String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Convenience method to check if a particular interface is present in the list.
hasLevel2Cache() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
hasLevel2Cache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
hasMap() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field has a map.
hasMember(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Return whether the specified field/property is in the fetch plan
hasMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to check if a member exists in this classes definition.
hasMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to check if we have metadata present for the specified class.
hasMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
hasMoreResults() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Accessor for whether there are more results after the current one.
hasNext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollectionIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
Accessor for whether there are more values remaining in the block.
hasNextChild() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Return whether there is a "next" child node.
hasOption(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Accessor for whether a particular option is enabled.
hasOption(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
hasOption(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Check option selected
hasOrderMapping() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Accessor for whether the store utilises an order mapping.
hasPersistenceInformationForClass(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Utility method to check if the specified class has reachable metadata or annotations.
hasPersistenceInformationForClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Utility method to check if the specified class has reachable metadata or annotations.
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
hasProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
hasProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
hasProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for whether a particular property is defined (but may be null).
hasProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
hasProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
hasPropertyNotNull(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Accessor for whether a particular property is defined and has a non-null value.
hasRelations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
hasRelations(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return if the class has relations to other objects.
hasSerialVersionUID - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Whether the field serialVersionUID is present.
hasStaticInitialisation - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Whether the class already has a static init block.
hasSubclasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
Returns whether this Extent was defined to contain subclasses.
hasSubclasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
hasSubclasses() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
Accessor for whether this extent includes subclasses.
hasSubqueryForVariable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for whether there is a subquery for the specified variable name.
hasSymbol(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Accessor for whether this symbol table has a particular symbol name.
hasWriteObject - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Whether the method writeObject(ObjectOutputStream) is present.
having - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
having - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Having clause for the query
HAVING - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
header - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
The offset in bytes of the ClassFile's access_flags field.
headMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the head of the map up to the specified key.
headMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the head of the map up to the specified key.
headMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the head of the map up to the specified key.
headMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the head of the map up to the specified key.
headSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
headSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
headSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to retrieve the head elements up to the specified element.
headSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to retrieve the head elements up to the specified element.
HeuristicMixedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.transaction
HeuristicMixedException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.HeuristicMixedException
HeuristicRollbackException - Exception in org.datanucleus.transaction
HeuristicRollbackException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HeuristicRollbackException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HeuristicRollbackException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HeuristicRollbackException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException
HOLLOW - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
HOLLOWFIELDMANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl


I2B - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
I2C - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
I2D - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
I2F - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
I2L - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
I2S - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IADD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IAND - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_0 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_3 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_4 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_5 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ICONST_M1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IDENTIFIER - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
type name node type.
IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
IDENTITY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "identity" specifies that the column identified as the key column is managed by the database as an auto-incrementing identity type.
IDENTITY_CLASS_TARGET_CLASS_NAME_FIELD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManager
IDENTITY_COMPARISONS - org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Option
Indicates that referential-equality (== instead of .equals()) should be used when locating keys.
IDENTITY_DATASTORE_IMPL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_OID_IMPL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_CHAR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_CHAR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_INT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_INT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_STRING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
IDENTITY_SINGLEFIELD_STRING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
IdentityKeyTranslator - Interface in org.datanucleus.identity
Translator for object identities where the user wants to input identities that are not strict key forms, so this returns a valid identity.
IdentityManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.identity
Manager for identity creation etc.
IdentityManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Manager for identity operations.
IdentityManagerImpl(PersistenceNucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
IdentityReference - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Simple identity being a reference to the object itself.
IdentityReference(Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityReference
identitySpecified - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flag whether the identity was specified by the user.
IdentityStringTranslator - Interface in org.datanucleus.identity
Translator for object identities where the user wants to input identities that are not strict JDO standard toString() forms, so this converts them.
identityType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Identity-type tag value.
IdentityType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the values for identity-type.
IdentityUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Series of utilities for handling identities of objects.
IdentityUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
IDIV - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
idKeyTranslator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
Identity key translator (if any).
idStringTranslator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityManagerImpl
Identity string translator (if any).
IF_ACMPEQ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ACMPNE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPEQ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPGE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPGT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPLT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IF_ICMPNE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFEQ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFGE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFGT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFLT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFNE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFNONNULL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IFNULL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ignoreCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether to ignore dirty instances in the query.
IGNORED - org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
IINC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ILLEGAL_STATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
illegal state
IllegalStateTransitionException - Exception in org.datanucleus.state
A IllegalStateTransitionException is thrown if a life-cycle state attempts a transition that is illegal.
IllegalStateTransitionException(LifeCycleState, String, DNStateManager) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.state.IllegalStateTransitionException
Constructs an illegal state transition exception.
ILOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ImplementationCreator - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Create instances of persistable objects.
ImplementationCreatorImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Creator of persistable objects using the ASM bytecode manipulation library.
ImplementationCreatorImpl(MetaDataManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
ImplementationGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Implementation generator using ASM bytecode manipulation library.
ImplementationGenerator(ClassMetaData, String, MetaDataManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Constructor for an implementation of an abstract class.
ImplementationGenerator(InterfaceMetaData, String, MetaDataManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Constructor for an implementation of a persistent interface.
implementationOfPersistentDefinition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
implementations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
List of implements.
ImplementsMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
The implements element declares a persistence-capable interface implemented by the persistence-capable class that contains this element.
ImplementsMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
implicitParameters - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Map of implicit parameters, keyed by the name/number.
importClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Imports
Method to import the specified class.
importPackage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Imports
Method to import the package given by the specified class.
imports - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
imports - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Any import declarations for the types used in the query, semicolon separated.
Imports - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Utility class handling Imports.
Imports() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.Imports
IMUL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IN - org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
IncompatibleFieldTypeException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.types
A IncompatibleFieldTypeException is thrown if an incompatible field type is specified in the construction of a second-class object instance.
IncompatibleFieldTypeException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.types.IncompatibleFieldTypeException
Constructs an incompatible field type exception.
INCREMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "increment" specifies a strategy that simply finds the largest key already in the database and increments the key value for new instances.
incrementActiveConnections() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.FactoryStatistics
incrementDeleteCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementFetchCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementInsertCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementNumReads() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementNumWrites() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementUpdateCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
incrementUseCount() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
INDEX_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for index position of a list/array.
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
The indexing value
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
The indexing value
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Whether the discriminator is indexed or not and whether it is unique
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
The indexing value
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
The indexing value specified as input.
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
indexed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Indexed value.
IndexedValue - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of whether an item is indexed or not.
indexes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Detail of any indexing of the discriminator column (optional).
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the index element.
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Detail of any indexing of the multitenancy column (optional).
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Detail of any indexing of the soft delete column (optional).
indexMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Detail of any indexing of the version column (optional).
IndexMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
For schema generation, it might be useful to specify that a column or columns be indexed, and to provide the name of the index.
IndexMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexMetaData
IndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexMetaData
Copy constructor.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to check the index of a result.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
indexOf(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to the position of an element.
indexOf(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to return the position of an element in the List.
INEG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
info - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Label
A user managed state associated with this label.
info(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
info(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
info(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
info(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log an info message.
info(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log an info message with throwable.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
INHERITANCE_TREE_STRATEGY_JOINED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
INHERITANCE_TREE_STRATEGY_SINGLE_TABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
INHERITANCE_TREE_STRATEGY_TABLE_PER_CLASS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
inheritanceMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
InheritanceMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data defining inherited classes.
InheritanceMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
Default constructor.
InheritanceStrategy - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the values for inheritance "strategy".
inheritIdentity() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Inherit the identity definition from super classes.
InitClass - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate a static initialisation block for the class using ASM.
InitClass(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitClass
InitFieldNames - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "__dnFieldNamesInit" using ASM.
InitFieldNames(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.InitFieldNames
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Initialisation of the information for enhancing this class.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Default implementation of initialise, specifying the method based on the ClassMethod info.
initialise() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
Method to initialise the context for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
initialise() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to initialise the SCO for use, and allowing the SCO to be loaded from the datastore (when we have a backing store).
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to initialise the SCO for use.
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
initialise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
initialise(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
initialise(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
initialise(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
initialise(Date, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
initialise(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
initialise(Time, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
initialise(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
initialise(Timestamp, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
initialise(ArrayList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
initialise(ArrayList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(ArrayList<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
initialise(ArrayList<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
initialise(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
initialise(BitSet, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
initialise(Collection<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Collection<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
initialise(Collection<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
initialise(Collection<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
initialise(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
initialise(Date, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
initialise(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
initialise(GregorianCalendar, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
initialise(HashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(HashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
initialise(HashMap<K, V>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
initialise(HashMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
initialise(HashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(HashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
initialise(HashSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
initialise(HashSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
initialise(Hashtable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Hashtable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
initialise(Hashtable, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
initialise(Hashtable, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
initialise(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
initialise(LinkedHashMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
initialise(LinkedHashMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
initialise(LinkedHashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(LinkedHashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
initialise(LinkedHashSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
initialise(LinkedHashSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
initialise(LinkedList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(LinkedList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
initialise(LinkedList<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
initialise(LinkedList<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
initialise(List<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(List<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
initialise(List<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
initialise(List<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
initialise(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
initialise(Map, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
initialise(Map, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
initialise(PriorityQueue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(PriorityQueue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
initialise(PriorityQueue<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
initialise(PriorityQueue<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
initialise(Properties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Properties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
initialise(Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
initialise(Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
initialise(Queue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Queue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
initialise(Queue<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
initialise(Queue<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
initialise(Set<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Set<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
initialise(Set<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
initialise(Set<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
initialise(SortedMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(SortedMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
initialise(SortedMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
initialise(SortedMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
initialise(SortedSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(SortedSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
initialise(SortedSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
initialise(SortedSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
initialise(Stack<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Stack<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
initialise(Stack<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
initialise(Stack<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
initialise(TreeMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(TreeMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
initialise(TreeMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
initialise(TreeMap, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
initialise(TreeSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(TreeSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
initialise(TreeSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
initialise(TreeSet<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
initialise(Vector<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to initialise the SCO from an existing value.
initialise(Vector<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
initialise(Vector<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
initialise(Vector<E>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating any convenience arrays needed.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Initialisation method.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Initialisation method.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating all internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Initialisation method.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Method to initialise the object, creating internal convenience arrays.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Initialisation method.
initialise(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Initialisation method.
initialise(ClassVisitor) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Method to initialise the class method.
initialise(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to initialise the SCO for use with the provided initial value.
initialise(T, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Method to initialise the SCO for use, where replacing an old value with a new value such as when calling a setter field passing in a new value.
initialiseAbstractClassMetaData(AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to initialise the MetaData for the specified class/interface.
initialiseCaches() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
initialiseCaches() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftLevel2Cache
initialiseCaches() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakLevel2Cache
initialiseClassMetaData(ClassMetaData, Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Utility to initialise the MetaData for a class, using the specified class.
initialised - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Flag for whether we are initialised.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseDelegate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Convenience method to set up the delegate respecting any comparator specified in MetaData.
initialiseFieldsList() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Method to initialise the list of fields to add.
initialiseFileMetaData(FileMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Initialise all classes/interfaces in a Meta-Data file.
initialiseFileMetaDataForUse(Collection<FileMetaData>, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Method to initialise the provided FileMetaData, ready for use.
initialiseForCachedPC(CachedPC, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialise StateManager, assigning the specified id to the object.
initialiseForCachedPC(CachedPC, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialise StateManager, assigning the specified id to the object.
initialiseForDetached(Persistable, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises the StateManager to manage a Persistable object in detached state.
initialiseForDetached(T, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises StateManager to manage a persistable object in detached state.
initialiseForEmbedded(Class<Persistable>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage an embedded instance of the specified type.
initialiseForEmbedded(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage a persistable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED into another persistable object.
initialiseForEmbedded(Persistable, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage a provided Persistable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED into another Persistable object.
initialiseForEmbedded(T, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage the passed persistable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED into another persistable object.
initialiseForHollow(Object, FieldValues, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID and the given (optional) field values.
initialiseForHollow(Object, FieldValues, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID and the given (optional) field values.
initialiseForHollowAppId(FieldValues, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Remove use of this and use initialiseForHollow
initialiseForHollowAppId(FieldValues, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Remove use of this and use initialiseForHollow
initialiseForHollowPreConstructed(Object, Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage the given hollow instance having the given object ID.
initialiseForHollowPreConstructed(Object, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage the given hollow instance having the given object ID.
initialiseForPersistentClean(Object, Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage the passed persistent instance having the given object ID.
initialiseForPersistentClean(Object, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage the passed persistent instance having the given object ID.
initialiseForPersistentNew(Persistable, FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage a transient instance that is becoming newly persistent.
initialiseForPersistentNew(T, FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage a transient instance that is becoming newly persistent.
initialiseForPNewToBeDeleted(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises the StateManager to manage a Persistable object that is not persistent but is about to be deleted.
initialiseForPNewToBeDeleted(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises StateManager to manage a persistable object that is not persistent but is about to be deleted.
initialiseForTransactionalTransient(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Initialises a state manager to manage a Transactional Transient instance.
initialiseForTransactionalTransient(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Initialises a state manager to manage a Transactional Transient instance.
initialiseInterfaceMetaData(InterfaceMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Utility to initialise the MetaData for a interface, using the specified class.
initialiseLevel1Cache() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to initialise the L1 cache.
initialiseMemberPositionInformation() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to initialise all convenience information about member positions and what role each position performs.
initialiseMethodsList() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Method to initialise the list of methods to add.
initialiseNamedQueries(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
Method to compile all registered named queries (when the user has initialised using a persistence-unit).
initialiseQueryCaches() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedQueryManagerImpl
Method to find and initialise the query cache, for caching query compilations.
initialiseSchema(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
Method to handle generation (create, drop, drop+create) of a schema at initialisation.
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
initialising - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
initialValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Initial value for the field.
initialValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Initial value of the sequence.
initialValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Initial value in the table.
initialValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Initial value (of the first id).
InMemoryExpressionEvaluator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class providing evaluation of java "string-based" queries in-memory.
InMemoryExpressionEvaluator(ExecutionContext, Map, Map<String, Object>, Imports, ClassLoaderResolver, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Constructor for an in-memory evaluator.
InMemoryFailure - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class representing a failure in the in-memory evaluation process.
InMemoryFailure() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryFailure
inmemoryQueryMethodEvaluatorByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
Cache of InvocationEvaluator objects keyed by the "class:methodName", for use by in-memory querying.
InMemoryQueryResult - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Simple wrapper to results generated by the in-memory query process suitable for use by JDO/JPA.
InMemoryQueryResult(List, ApiAdapter) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
INNER_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
A type path step that steps into the nested type of a class type.
INOUT - org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
inputBytes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Bytes of the input class (only when enhancing generated classes with no class file).
inputCmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
Meta data for the abstract-class/interface
inputParameters - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
inputResourceName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Resource name of the input class (only when the class exists in a class file).
insert - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
insertable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Whether this column is to be inserted when the owning object is inserted.
insertChildNode(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
insertChildNode(Node, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
insertFields - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
INSERT fields of a query (optional).
insertObject(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
insertObject(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Inserts a persistent object into the database.
insertObjects(DNStateManager...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
insertObjects(DNStateManager...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Method to insert an array of objects to the datastore.
insertSelectQuery - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
INSERT select query (optional).
insertValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
value to use when inserting this column in the datastore (the column is not mapped to a field/property)
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
INSTANCEOF - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type declared in an 'instanceof' instruction.
InstantDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Instant and java.util.Date.
InstantDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantDateConverter
instantiable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether the class is fully defined, and hence instantiable.
InstantLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Instant and Long (of the epoch millisecs).
InstantLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantLongConverter
InstantStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Instant and a String form.
InstantStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantStringConverter
InstantTimestampConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Instant and java.sql.Timestamp
InstantTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantTimestampConverter
INT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
INT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
INT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the int type.
INT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
INT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The int type.
IntArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a int[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
IntArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntArrayByteBufferConverter
intArrayToString(int[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to convert an int[] to a String.
INTEGER - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IntegerAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing an Integer, used in evaluation of aggregates.
IntegerAggregateExpression(Integer) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
IntegerPropertyValidator - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Validator for a property that represents an integer.
IntegerPropertyValidator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.IntegerPropertyValidator
IntegerStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.Integer and a String form.
IntegerStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntegerStringConverter
InterfaceMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a "persistent-interface".
InterfaceMetaData(PackageMetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
interfaceName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Name of the persistent interface, when this represents one.
interfaces - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
List of interfaces (uses List to retain positioning).
internalBegin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to begin the transaction.
internalClose() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to clear out the context.
internalCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Internal commit, DataNucleus invokes it's own transaction manager implementation, if an external transaction manager is not used.
internalDeletePersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to delete the object from the datastore.
internalFetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Method to fetch an object field whether it is SCO collection, PC, or whatever.
internalFetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DetachFieldManager
Method to fetch an object field whether it is collection/map, PC, or whatever for the detachment process.
internalFetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.LoadFieldManager
Method to fetch an object field whether it is SCO collection, PC, or whatever for the fetchplan process.
internalFetchObjectField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.MakeTransientFieldManager
Method to fetch an object field whether it is SCO collection, PC, or whatever for the fetchplan process.
internalPostCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to perform any post-commit operations like calling the users "afterCompletion" and general clean up after the commit.
internalPreCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to perform any pre-commit operations like flushing to the datastore, calling the users "beforeCompletion", and general preparation for the commit.
internalPreRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
internalRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Internal rollback.
IntId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single int field.
IntId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
IntId(Class<?>, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
IntId(Class<?>, Integer) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
IntId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
InvalidAnnotationException - Exception in org.datanucleus.metadata
Exception thrown when an annotation has been specified that is invalid in the circumstances.
InvalidAnnotationException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidAnnotationException
Constructor with message resource, message params
InvalidAnnotationException(String, Throwable, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidAnnotationException
Constructor with message resource, message param and cause exception
InvalidClassMetaDataException - Exception in org.datanucleus.metadata
Exception thrown when meta-data specific to a class is invalid.
InvalidClassMetaDataException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidClassMetaDataException
InvalidMemberMetaDataException - Exception in org.datanucleus.metadata
Exception thrown when meta-data specific to a member of a class is invalid.
InvalidMemberMetaDataException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMemberMetaDataException
InvalidMetaDataException - Exception in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of an exception thrown when an error occurs in Meta-Data definition.
InvalidMetaDataException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMetaDataException
InvalidMetaDataException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMetaDataException
InvalidPrimaryKeyException - Exception in org.datanucleus.metadata
Exception thrown when a primary key class is found to be invalid for some reason.
InvalidPrimaryKeyException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidPrimaryKeyException
Constructor that assumes that the first parameter is the class name (String).
InvocationEvaluator - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Interface representing an evaluator for an invocation of a method/function.
INVOKE - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
literal node type
INVOKEDYNAMIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
InvokeExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing invocation of a method.
InvokeExpression(Expression, String, List<Expression>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
Constructor for an expression for the invocation of a method/function.
INVOKEINTERFACE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
INVOKESPECIAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
INVOKESTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
INVOKEVIRTUAL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IOR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IREM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IRETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
isAbstract - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Is the persistable class abstract.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field represents an abstract property.
isAbstract() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Whether the persistable class is abstract.
isActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTAJCATransactionImpl
Accessor for whether the transaction is active.
isActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
Accessor for whether the transaction is active.
isActive() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Returns whether there is a transaction currently active.
isActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for whether the transaction is active.
isAddFollowedByRemoveOnSameSCO(Store, DNStateManager, Operation, ListIterator<Operation>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Convenience optimisation checker to return if the current operation is ADD of an element that is immediately REMOVED.
isAllowsNull() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
isAssignableFrom(Class, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Method to test whether the type represented by the specified class_name_2 parameter can be converted to the type represented by class_1 parameter.
isAssignableFrom(Class, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Utility to check the assignability of 2 classes in accordance with JDO's Class Loading mechanism.
isAssignableFrom(String, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Method to test whether the type represented by the specified class_2 parameter can be converted to the type represented by class_name_1 parameter.
isAssignableFrom(String, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Utility to check the assignability of 2 classes in accordance with JDO's Class Loading mechanism.
isAssignableFrom(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Method to test whether the type represented by the specified class_name_2 parameter can be converted to the type represented by class_name_1 parameter.
isAssignableFrom(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Utility to check the assignability of 2 classes in accordance with JDO's Class Loading mechanism.
isAttaching() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isAutoCreateColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateConstraints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateConstraints() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateDatabase() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateDatabase() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateTables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateTables() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateWarnOnError() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoCreateWarnOnError() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAutoDeleteColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isAutoDeleteColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isAvailable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnection
Accessor for whether the connection is available.
isAvailable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnectionImpl
isBidirectional(RelationType) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
isCacheable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isCacheable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
isCacheLoaded - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
isCascadeAttach() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should be cascaded at attach.
isCascadeDelete() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should be cascaded at delete.
isCascadeDetach() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should be cascaded at detach.
isCascadePersist() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should be cascaded at persist.
isCascadeRefresh() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should be cascaded at refresh.
isCascadeRemoveOrphans() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for the whether this field should remove orphans at delete.
isChangingState() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isClassCacheable(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Convenience method to return if objects of this type are cached for this NucleusContext.
isClassCacheable(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
isClassPersistable(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to return if the specified class is a known persistable class.
isClassPersistable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isClassPresent(String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to say whether a class is present.
isClassWithIdentityCacheable(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Convenience method to return if the supplied id is of an object that is cacheable in the L2 cache.
isClassWithIdentityCacheable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
isClassWithoutPersistenceInfo(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Accessor for whether a class doesn't have MetaData or annotations.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether this execution context is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for whether this context is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
isClosed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
isClosed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
isCodeAttribute() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Returns true if this type of attribute is a Code attribute.
isCommitting() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Checks whether a transaction is committing.
isCommitting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Accessor for whether the transaction is comitting.
isCompiled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to return if the query is compiled.
isConnected() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
isConnected() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isCreateTimestamp() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isCreateUser() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isDatastoreIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Accessor for whether the provided id is datastore identity.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Accessor for whether debug logging is enabled
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
isDefaultable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for whether the column is defaultable.
isDefaultable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
isDefaultEmbeddedType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the type is by default embedded.
isDefaultEmbeddedType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isDefaultFetchGroup() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isDefaultFetchGroup(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the type is by default in the DFG.
isDefaultFetchGroup(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isDefaultFetchGroup(ClassLoaderResolver, TypeManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
isDefaultFetchGroup(ClassLoaderResolver, TypeManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
isDefaultFetchGroup(ClassLoaderResolver, TypeManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
isDefaultFetchGroup(ClassLoaderResolver, TypeManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
isDefaultFetchGroup(ClassLoaderResolver, TypeManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
Default fetch group is defined by the type of the element.
isDefaultFetchGroupForCollection(Class, Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the generic collection type is by default in the DFG.
isDefaultFetchGroupForCollection(Class, Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isDefaultNullable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Acessor for the default nullability of fields.
isDefaultNullable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isDefaultPersistent(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the type is by default persistent.
isDefaultPersistent(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isDeferred() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
isDeferred() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.UniqueMetaData
isDelayDatastoreOperationsEnabled() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Whether the datastore operations are delayed until commit/flush.
isDelayDatastoreOperationsEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
isDeleted - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
isDeleted() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Tests whether this object has been deleted.
isDeleted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Return whether the object is deleted.
isDeleted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isDeleted(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is deleted.
isDeleted(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Tests whether this object has been deleted.
isDeleted(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Tests whether this object has been deleted.
IsDeleted - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsDeleted" using ASM.
IsDeleted(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDeleted
isDeleting() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Tests whether this object is being deleted.
isDeleting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isDependent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isDependentElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Accessor for The dependent-element attribute indicates that the collection's element contains a reference that is to be deleted if the referring instance is deleted.
isDependentElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Accessor for The dependent-element attribute indicates that the collection's element contains a reference that is to be deleted if the referring instance is deleted.
isDependentKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the dependent-key attribute indicates that the map's key contains references that are to be deleted if the referring instance is deleted.
isDependentValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the dependent-value attribute indicates that the map's value contains references that are to be deleted if the referring instance is deleted.
isDescendantOf(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to return if this class is a descendant of the supplied class metadata.
isDetachable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isDetachable(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return if the passed object is detachable using this API.
isDetached(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is detached.
IsDetached - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsDetached" using ASM.
IsDetached(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDetached
isDetaching() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Tests whether this object is in the process of being detached.
isDetaching() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isDirty - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
isDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Return whether the object is dirty, ie has been changed (created, updated, deleted) in this Tx.
isDirty(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is dirty.
isDirty(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Tests whether this object is dirty.
isDirty(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Tests whether this object is dirty.
IsDirty - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsDirty" using ASM.
IsDirty(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsDirty
isEmbedded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isEmbedded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience accessor for whether this StateManager manages an embedded/serialised object.
isEmbedded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience accessor for whether this StateManager manages an embedded/serialised object.
isEmbedded(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
isEmbedded(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
isEmbedded(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
isEmbedded(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
isEmbeddedElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Accessor for the embedded-element value
isEmbeddedElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Accessor for the embedded-element tag value
isEmbeddedKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the embedded-key tag value.
isEmbeddedOnly() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isEmbeddedValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the embedded-value tag value.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Accessor for whether the cache is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Accessor for whether the cache is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Returns true if this collection contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Accessor for whether the cache is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Accessor for whether the cache is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Accessor for whether the cache is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for whether the ArrayList is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for whether the Collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for whether the HashSet is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for whether the LinkedHashSet is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for whether the LinkedList is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for whether the List is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for whether the Collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for whether the Collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for whether the Collection is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for whether the SortedSet is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for whether the Stack is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return if the Map is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for whether the TreeSet is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for whether the Vector is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
check string is null or length is 0.
isEnhanced() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Accessor for whether the class is considered enhanced.
isEnhancerField(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to return whether the specified member is an enhancer-provided member.
isEnhancerField(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isEnhancing() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for whether we are managing the enhancement process.
isEnhancing() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isEnlisted(XAResource) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
isEnlistedInTransaction(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to return if an object is enlisted in the current transaction.
isEnlistedInTransaction(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to return if an object is enlisted in the current transaction.
isExcludeDefaultListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether default listeners are not going to be invoked
isExcludeSuperClassListeners() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether super classes listeners are not going to be invoked
isExecuting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
isExecuting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
isFatal() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Accessor for whether the exception is fatal, or retriable.
isFCO() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for whether this represents FCO data.
isFederated() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Return whether we are managing a federated context (i.e a primary StoreManager, with some secondary StoreManager(s)).
isFederated() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
isFetch(JoinExpression.JoinType) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
isFieldArrayTypePersistable(MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Utility to return if this array field has elements that are Persistable.
isFieldLoaded(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for whether a field is currently loaded.
isFieldLoaded(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for whether a field is currently loaded.
isFieldToBePersisted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field is to be persisted by the persistence process.
isFieldTypePersistable(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Utility to return if this field is of a persistable type.
isFieldTypePersistable(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isFinal() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is final.
isFlushedNew() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Whether this record has been flushed to the datastore in this transaction (i.e called persist() and is in the datastore now).
isFlushedNew() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isFlushedToDatastore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for whether all changes have been written to the datastore.
isFlushedToDatastore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isFlushing() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether the ExecutionContext is flushing changes to the datastore.
isFlushing() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Returns whether the context is in the process of flushing.
isFlushing() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isForward() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData.FieldOrder
isHigherThan(Expression.Operator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.MonadicOperator
Check if this operator has higher precedence than op
isHigherThanLeftSide(Expression.Operator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.DyadicOperator
Checks if this operation is higher than operator op in left side of the expression
isHigherThanRightSide(Expression.Operator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.DyadicOperator
Checks if this operation is higher than operator op in right side of the expression
ISHL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
ISHR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
isImplementationOfPersistentDefinition() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Return whether this MetaData is for an implementation of a persistent definition.
isIndexedList() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Convenience method to return if the List is an "indexed List" like in JDO2.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Accessor for whether info logging is enabled
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
isInitialised() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
isInnerClass(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to check whether a classname is for an inner class.
isInsertable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if the field/property is insertable.
isInserting() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Tests whether this object is being inserted.
isInserting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isInserting(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Tests whether this persistable object is being inserted.
isInserting(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
isInstantiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isInterface() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns true if the owner of the field or method designated by this handle is an interface.
isJavaBeanGetterMethod(Method) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if the supplied method is a valid java bean getter method.
isJcaMode() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for the JCA mode.
isJcaMode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
isJdbcStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
isJdbcStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
isJdbcStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Returns whether the datastore is a "JDBC datastore".
isJdbcTypeFloatingPoint(JdbcType) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is floating point based.
isJdbcTypeNumeric(JdbcType) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is numeric.
isJdbcTypeString(JdbcType) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is character based.
isJoined() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
isKeyword(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Method to return if the supplied name is a keyword.
isKeyword(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
Method to return if the supplied name is a keyword.
isKeyword(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
Method to return if the supplied name is a keyword.
isKeyword(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
Convenience method returning if the supplied name is a keyword for this query language.
isKeyword(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
Convenience method returning if the supplied name is a keyword for this query language.
isKeyword(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
Convenience method returning if the supplied name is a keyword for this query language (including RANGE).
isKeywordExtended(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
Convenience method returning if the supplied name is a keyword for this query language, allowing the DataNucleus extension keywords (UPDATE, DELETE, SET).
isListBased(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Return whether the supplied type (collection) is list based.
isLoaded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOContainer
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.BackedSCO
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded.
isLoaded(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Returns the loaded setting for the field of the managed object.
isLoaded(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isLoaded(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance.
isLoaded(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance; in this implementation we always return true.
isLocked() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
isLocked() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
isManaged(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Whether the provided object is currently managed (has an ExecutionContext).
isManagingRelations() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Returns whether this ExecutionContext is currently performing the manage relationships task.
isManagingRelations() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Returns whether this context is currently performing the manage relationships task.
isMappedSuperclass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isMemberDefaultPersistent(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether this member type is default persistent.
isMemberEmbedded(AbstractMemberMetaData, RelationType, ClassLoaderResolver, MetaDataManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return whether a member is stored as embedded.
isMemberEmbedded(MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver, AbstractMemberMetaData, RelationType, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method to return if the specified member is embedded.
isMetaDataComplete() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Accessor for whether this class is fully specified by this metadata and that any annotations should be ignored.
isNested() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
isNew - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
isNew() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Return whether the object was newly created.
isNew(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is new.
isNew(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Tests whether this object has been newly made persistent.
isNew(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Tests whether this object has been newly made persistent.
IsNew - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsNew" using ASM.
IsNew(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsNew
isNullable() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for whether the column is nullable in the datastore.
isNullable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
isObjectDeleted(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
isObjectEnlisted(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
isObjectFlushedNew(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
isObjectModifiedInTransaction(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether the object with this identity is modified in the current transaction.
isObjectModifiedInTransaction(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for whether the object with this identity is modified in the current transaction.
isObjectPersisted(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
isOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Whether this Manager is not closed
isOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Whether it's open for writing (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism
isOpen() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Whether it's open for writing (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism.
isOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
Accessor whether the list is open.
isOpen() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Accessor whether the results are open.
isOrdered() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isOuter() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
isPersistable(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Utility method to check if the specified class is of a type that can be persisted for this API.
isPersistable(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to return if the passed object is persistable using this API.
isPersistable(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Check if the class is Persistable or is going to be enhanced based on the metadata
isPersistable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Check if the class is Persistable or is going to be enhanced based on the metadata
isPersistenceContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
isPersistenceContext() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationReader
Method to return whether this is reading in a persistence context.
isPersistenceContext() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
isPersistent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
isPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Return whether the object is persistent.
isPersistent(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is persistent.
isPersistent(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Tests whether this object is persistent.
isPersistent(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Tests whether this object is persistent.
IsPersistent - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsPersistent" using ASM.
IsPersistent(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsPersistent
isPersistentInterface(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to return if the passed class name is a "persistent-interface".
isPersistentInterface(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isPersistentInterface(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this member relates to a persistent interface.
isPersistentInterfaceImplementation(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to return if the passed class name is an implementation of the passed "persistent-interface".
isPersistentInterfaceImplementation(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
isPopulated() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
isPostLoadPending() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isPrimaryExpressionRelationNavigation(PrimaryExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NavigationNullCompilationOptimiser
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isPrimaryKey() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Whether this column is (part of) the primary key
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
isPrimitiveArrayType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if the passed type (name) is a primitive array type.
isPrimitiveType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if the passed type (name) is a primitive type.
isPrimitiveWrapperType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if the passed type (name) is a primitive wrapper type.
isPrivate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is private.
isProperty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
If this class is a field or method (property).
isProperty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
isProtected() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is protected.
isPublic() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is public.
isPutFollowedByRemoveOnSameSCO(Store, DNStateManager, Operation, ListIterator<Operation>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Convenience optimisation checker to return if the current operation is PUT of a key that is immediately REMOVED.
isReferenceType(Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Method to return whether the passes type is a "reference" type.
isRelationMultiValued(RelationType) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
isRelationOwner(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method for whether this field is the owner of the relation.
isRelationSingleValued(RelationType) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
isRemoveFollowedByAddOnSameSCO(Store, DNStateManager, Operation, ListIterator<Operation>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Convenience optimisation checker to return if the current operation is REMOVE of an element that is immediately ADDed.
isRequiresExtent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isReservedIdentifier(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
Convenience method returning if the supplied name is a reserved identifier for this query language.
isRestoreValues() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Accessor for the Restore Values flag
isRestoreValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for whether we are in the process of restoring the values.
isRootInstantiableClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isRunningDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether this ExecutionContext is currently running detachAllOnCommit.
isRunningDetachAllOnCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Accessor for whether this context is currently running detachAllOnCommit.
isSameOrAncestorOf(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Check if the argument cmd is the same as this or a descedent.
isSameRM(XAResource) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
isSCO() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Accessor for whether this represents SCO data.
isSecondClassMutableType(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the type is SCO mutable.
isSecondClassMutableType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isSecondClassWrapper(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether the type is a SCO wrapper itself.
isSecondClassWrapper(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isSerialised(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
isSerialised(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
isSerialised(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
isSerialised(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
isSerialized() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isSerializedElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Accessor for the serialized-element tag value
isSerializedElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Accessor for the serialized-element tag value
isSerializedKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the serialized-key tag value.
isSerializedValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Accessor for the serialized-value tag value.
isSerializeRead() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isSingleCollection() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Accessor for whether the field has a collection that holds only one element.
isSingleFieldIdentity(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Accessor for whether the passed identity is a valid single-field application-identity for this API.
isSingleFieldIdentityClass(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityUtils
Checks whether the passed class name is valid for a single field application-identity.
isSoftDelete() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
isStatic() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is static.
isStorable(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
isStorable(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
isStoringPC() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
isSubclasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for whether this query includes subclasses
isSupportedAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Convenience method to check whether an annotation class name is supported by this reader.
isSupportedSecondClassType(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Accessor for whether a class is supported as being second class.
isSupportedSecondClassType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
isToCallPostLoadFetchPlan(boolean[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
Whether to call the post load or not.
ISTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
isTransactional - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
isTransactional() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Return whether the object is transactional.
isTransactional(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Accessor for whether the passed object is transactional.
isTransactional(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Tests whether this object is transactional.
isTransactional(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Tests whether this object is transactional.
IsTransactional - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnIsTransactional" using ASM.
IsTransactional(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsTransactional
isTransient() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if this field/property is transient.
isTypeConversionDisabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
ISUB - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for whether the query results are unique.
isUnique() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Accessor for whether the column is unique.
isUnique() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
isUnknown() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Returns true if this type of attribute is unknown.
isUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Accessor for modifiability status of this group.
isUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
isUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Accessor for unmodifiable.
isUpdateable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method to return if the field/property is updateable.
isUpdateTimestamp() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isUpdateUser() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
isUsed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
isValidateColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isValidateColumns() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isValidateConstraints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isValidateConstraints() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isValidateTables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
isValidateTables() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
isValidJavaIdentifierForJDOQL(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
Utility to check if a name is a valid Java identifier.
isValidPrimaryKeyClass(Class, AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, int, MetaDataManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Utility to check if a primary-key class is valid.
isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed(AbstractClassMetaData, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Convenience method to return whether the strategy used by the specified class/member is generated by the datastore (during a persist).
isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed(AbstractClassMetaData, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
isValueGenerationStrategyDatastoreAttributed(AbstractClassMetaData, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience method to return whether the value generation strategy used by the specified class/member is generated in the datastore during a persist.
isVerbose() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Accessor for the verbose setting
isVerbose() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
isVersioned() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Returns whether objects of this type are versioned.
isVersionLoaded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to return if the version is loaded.
isVersionLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to return if the version is loaded.
isWaitingToBeFlushedToDatastore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Tests whether this object is new yet waiting to be flushed to the datastore.
isWaitingToBeFlushedToDatastore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Accessor for whether the instance is newly persistent yet hasnt yet been flushed to the datastore.
isWhitespace(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to check if a string is whitespace.
IsXXX - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Base method to use for dnIsXXX methods providing the majority of the enhancement.
IsXXX(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.IsXXX
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Accessor for an iterator for the results.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
iterator() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.Extent
Accessor for an iterator over the extent.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalAdapter
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retrieve an iterator for the list.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for an iterator for the Collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for an iterator for the Set.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for an iterator for the Set.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve an iterator for the list.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for an iterator for the List
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for an iterator for the Collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for an iterator for the Collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for an iterator for the Collection.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for an iterator for the Set.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve an iterator for the list.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for an iterator for the Set.
iterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve an iterator for the list.
iterator(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ArrayStore
Accessor for an iterator for the array.
iterator(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Accessor for an iterator for the collection.
IUSHR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
IXOR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes


JAVA_IO_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_IO_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_BYTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_CHARACTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_CHARACTER_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_FLOAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_INTEGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_INTEGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_INTEGER_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_LONG_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_SHORT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_LANG_STRING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_LANG_STRING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_MATH_BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_MATH_BIGDECIMAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_MATH_BIGINTEGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_MATH_BIGINTEGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_SQL_DATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_SQL_DATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_SQL_TIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_SQL_TIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_SQL_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_SQL_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALDATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALDATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALDATETIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALDATETIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALTIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_TIME_LOCALTIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JAVA_UTIL_DATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
JAVA_UTIL_DATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
JavaQueryCompiler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Typical implementation of a compiler for a java-based query language.
JavaQueryCompiler(PersistenceNucleusContext, ClassLoaderResolver, String, Class, Collection, String, Imports, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class to evaluate a Java "string-based" query in whole or part.
JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator(String, Query, QueryCompilation, Map<Object, Object>, ClassLoaderResolver, Collection<Object>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Constructor for the evaluator of a query in the specified language.
javaTypes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Map of java types, keyed by the class name.
JavaxCacheLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Simple implementation of a plugin for use of javax.cache (v0.61+) product with DataNucleus.
JavaxCacheLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Query compilation cache using javax.cache for implementation.
JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Query compilation (datastore) cache using javax.cache for implementation.
JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
JavaxCacheQueryResultCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Implementation of a query results cache using javax.cache (v0.3+) interface.
JavaxCacheQueryResultCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
JBossTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for JBoss.
JBossTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JBossTransactionManagerLocator
jdbcType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
jdbc-type to use (if any).
JdbcType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the jdbc-type of a column.
JDKCollectionAdapter<C extends Collection> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
JDKCollectionAdapter(C) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
JDKCollectionHandler<C extends Collection> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
JDKCollectionHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionHandler
JDKListAdapter<C extends List> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
JDKListAdapter(C) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKListAdapter
JDKMapAdapter<C extends Map<Object,​Object>> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
JDKMapAdapter(C) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
JDKMapHandler<C extends Map<Object,​Object>> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
JDKMapHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapHandler
JDO_FILE - org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
JDO_ORM_FILE - org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
JDO_QUERY_FILE - org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
JDOEnhancementNamer - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Definition of enhancement naming, for use with the JDO API.
JDOEnhancementNamer() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JDOEnhancementNamer
JDOQL - org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
JDOQLCompiler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Implementation of a compiler for JDOQL (JSR0012, JSR0243).
JDOQLCompiler(PersistenceNucleusContext, ClassLoaderResolver, String, Class, Collection, String, Imports, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class to evaluate a JDOQL query in whole or part.
JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator(Query, Collection, QueryCompilation, Map, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JDOQLInMemoryEvaluator
JDOQLParser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Implementation of a parser for JDOQL query language.
JDOQLParser() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
Constructor for a JDOQL Parser.
JDOQLQueryHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
JDOQL query helper class providing key information about the language etc.
JDOQLQueryHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLQueryHelper
JDOQLResultClassMapper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class to map the results of a JDOQL query to the result class.
JDOQLResultClassMapper(Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JDOQLResultClassMapper
Constructor for the ResultClassMapper which handles setResultClass
JDOQLSingleStringParser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Parser for handling JDOQL Single-String queries.
JDOQLSingleStringParser(Query, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLSingleStringParser
Constructor for the Single-String parser.
JDOQLSymbolResolver - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Symbol resolver for JDOQL.
JDOQLSymbolResolver(MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver, SymbolTable, Class, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLSymbolResolver
Constructor for symbol resolver.
JNDIBasedTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for a JTA TransactionManager using JNDI context namings.
JNDIBasedTransactionManagerLocator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JNDIBasedTransactionManagerLocator
jndiLocation - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.CustomJNDITransactionManagerLocator
The JNDI Location to use with this locator.
JOIN_INNER - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JOIN_INNER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_INNER_FETCH - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JOIN_INNER_FETCH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_LEFT_OUTER - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JOIN_LEFT_OUTER_FETCH - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JOIN_OUTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_OUTER_FETCH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_OUTER_FETCH_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_OUTER_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
JOIN_OWNER_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
1-N join table column back to owner.
JOIN_RIGHT_OUTER - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JOIN_RIGHT_OUTER_FETCH - org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
JoinExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a join between a candidate class, and the class of a field of the first class.
JoinExpression(Expression, String, JoinExpression.JoinType) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
JoinExpression.JoinType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
joinMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
joinMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
JoinMetaData element.
JoinMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Secondary tables and join tables are mapped using a join condition that associates a column or columns in the secondary or join table with a column or columns in the primary table, typically the primary tables primary key columns.
JoinMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
JoinMetaData(JoinMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Copy constructor.
joins - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
joinStatus - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
joinTransaction() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
Method to call if you want to join to the underlying UserTransaction.
JOnASTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for JOnAS.
JOnASTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JOnASTransactionManagerLocator
JOTMTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for JOTM.
JOTMTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JOTMTransactionManagerLocator
JPA_MAPPING_FILE - org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
JPAEnhancementNamer - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Definition of enhancement naming for use with the JPA/Jakarta APIs.
JPAEnhancementNamer() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.JPAEnhancementNamer
JPANamingFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Naming factory following JPA specification rules.
JPANamingFactory(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.JPANamingFactory
JPQL - org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
JPQLCompiler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Implementation of a compiler for JPQL (JSR0220, JSR0317).
JPQLCompiler(PersistenceNucleusContext, ClassLoaderResolver, String, Class, Collection, String, Imports, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
JPQLInMemoryEvaluator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class to evaluate a JPQL query in whole or part.
JPQLInMemoryEvaluator(Query, Collection, QueryCompilation, Map, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JPQLInMemoryEvaluator
JPQLParser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Implementation of a parser for JPQL query language.
JPQLParser() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Constructor for a JPQL Parser.
JPQLQueryHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
JPQL query helper class providing key information about the language etc.
JPQLQueryHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLQueryHelper
JPQLResultClassMapper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Class to map the results of a JPQL query to the result class.
JPQLResultClassMapper(Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JPQLResultClassMapper
Constructor for the ResultClassMapper which handles setResultClass
JPQLSingleStringParser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Parser for handling JPQL Single-String queries.
JPQLSingleStringParser(Query, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLSingleStringParser
Constructor for the Single-String parser.
JPQLSymbolResolver - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Symbol resolver for JPQL.
JPQLSymbolResolver(MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver, SymbolTable, Class, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLSymbolResolver
Constructor for symbol resolver.
jreClasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
JRELogger - Class in org.datanucleus.util
JRE logger (java.util.logging) implementation of a NucleusLogger.
JRELogger(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
Constructor for a JRE Logger.
JSR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
JTA - org.datanucleus.metadata.TransactionType
JTA - org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionResourceType
JTAJCATransactionImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
A transaction that is synchronised with a Java Transaction Service (JTA) transaction with JCA.
JTAJCATransactionImpl(ExecutionContext, PropertyStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTAJCATransactionImpl
JTASyncRegistry - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Wrapper around TransactionSynchronizationRegistry (only present JTA1.1+).
JTASyncRegistry() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTASyncRegistry
JTASyncRegistryUnavailableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Exception thrown by construction of JTATransactionSyncRegistry when it is not available.
JTASyncRegistryUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTASyncRegistryUnavailableException
JTATransactionImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Transaction that is synchronized with a Java Transaction Service (JTA) transaction.
JTATransactionImpl(ExecutionContext, boolean, PropertyStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl


key - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
key - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Representation of the key of the map.
keyAsObject - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
keyAsObject - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
keyAsObject - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
keyEquals(ByteId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
keyEquals(CharId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
keyEquals(IntId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
keyEquals(LongId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
keyEquals(ObjectId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
keyEquals(ShortId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
keyEquals(StringId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
keyEquals(S) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
keyIsPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
keyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
KeyMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
This element specifies the mapping for the key component of maps.
KeyMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.KeyMetaData
Default constructor.
KeyMetaData(KeyMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.KeyMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata using the provided parent.
keys() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
keys() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapContainerAdapter
keys() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns an enumeration of the keys in this table.
keysAreEmbedded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the keys are embedded.
keysAreSerialised() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the keys are serialised.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of keys in the Map.
keySet() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySetStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for a backing store representing the key set for the Map.


L2CachePopulateFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
FieldManager responsible for populating the provided CachedPC object.
L2CachePopulateFieldManager(DNStateManager, CachedPC) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
FieldManager responsible for retrieving the values from the provided CachedPC object.
L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager(DNStateManager, CachedPC) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CacheRetrieveFieldManager
L2D - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
L2F - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
L2I - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
Label - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A position in the bytecode of a method.
Label() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Label
Constructs a new label.
LADD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LAND - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
language - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Query language.
language - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
last() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
last() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
last() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the last element in the sorted set.
last() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the last element in the sorted set.
lastElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
lastElement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to return the last element in the Vector.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to check the last index of a result.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
lastIndexOf(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve the last position of the element.
lastIndexOf(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to return the last position of an element in the List.
lastKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the last key in the sorted map.
lastKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the last key in the sorted map.
lastKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the last key in the sorted map.
lastKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the last key in the sorted map.
LASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LCMP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LCONST_0 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LCONST_1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LDC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LDIV - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
left - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
leftAlignedPaddedString(String, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to return a left-aligned version of a string padded to the number of characters specified.
length - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
length to use (if any).
LengthFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LENGTH(stringExpr).
LengthFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LengthFunction
Level1Cache - Interface in org.datanucleus.cache
Provides an interface for Level 1 caches.
Level2Cache - Interface in org.datanucleus.cache
Interface for any Level 2 Cache used internally.
lexer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
Lexer - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Lexer for a Query.
Lexer(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
LifeCycleState - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Base Class representing the life cycle state.
LifeCycleState() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
LinkedHashMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class LinkedHashMap object.
LinkedHashMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class LinkedHashMap object.
LinkedHashMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
LinkedHashMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
LinkedHashMapHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
LinkedHashMapHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedHashMapHandler
LinkedHashSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class LinkedHashSet object.
LinkedHashSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class LinkedHashSet object.
LinkedHashSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
LinkedHashSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
LinkedHashSetHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
LinkedHashSetHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedHashSetHandler
LinkedList<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class LinkedList object.
LinkedList<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class LinkedList object.
LinkedList(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
LinkedList(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
LinkedListHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
LinkedListHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedListHandler
List<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class List object.
List<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class List object.
List(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
List(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
ListAddAtOperation<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Add operation at a position for a list where we have a backing store.
ListAddAtOperation(DNStateManager, int, int, E) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListAddAtOperation
ListAddAtOperation(DNStateManager, ListStore<E>, int, E) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListAddAtOperation
listeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
listeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
List of event listeners defined for this file.
listeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Listeners for metadata load.
listeners - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Listeners for the connection.
ListGetMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{listExpr}.get(idxExpr)".
ListGetMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ListGetMethod
ListIndexOfMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{listExpr}.indexOf(elemExpr)".
ListIndexOfMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ListIndexOfMethod
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Accessor for a list iterator for the results.
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list.
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list.
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list.
listIterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list.
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list from the index.
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list from the index.
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list from the index.
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list from the index.
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retrieve a List iterator for the list from the index.
listIterator(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Accessor for a list iterator for the List.
ListRemoveAtOperation<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Remove operation for a list at a particular index where we have a backing store.
ListRemoveAtOperation(DNStateManager, int, int, E) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
ListRemoveAtOperation(DNStateManager, ListStore<E>, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
ListSetOperation<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Set operation for a list where we have a backing store.
ListSetOperation(DNStateManager, int, int, E, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
ListSetOperation(DNStateManager, ListStore<E>, int, E, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
ListStore<E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for a List.
ListStoreSchemaData - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface representing schema information for the datastore.
Literal - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Literal of some type (String, Double, Long, BigDecimal, etc).
Literal(Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Literal
LITERAL - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
LLOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LMUL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LNEG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
load() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOContainer
Inform the SCO that it should load itself fully now (in case it is using lazy loading).
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
load() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO.
LOAD_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFlags == LOAD_REQUIRED, then the fields in the default fetch group cannot be accessed for read or write without notifying the StateManager.
loadAnnotationsForClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Method to load the annotations for the specified class and return the FileMetaData containing the class.
loadClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
Overwrite to have an opportunity to load classes from the delegate ClassLoaderResolver
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.RuntimeEnhancer.EnhancerClassLoader
loadClass(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
loadClass(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
loadClass(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Loads a class (do not initialize)
loadClass(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Loads a class (do not initialize)
loadClass(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Load the persistent interface/class
LoadClass - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "loadClass" using ASM.
LoadClass(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.LoadClass
loadClasses(String[], ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Initialisation method to load up all metadata for the specified classes.
loadClasses(String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
loaded(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataListener
Method called when the metadata for the class is loaded (initialised).
loadedClasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Cache for loaded classes
loadedFields - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
Loaded fields of the persistable instance when the instance is enlisted in the transaction.
loadedFields - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
indicators for which fields are currently loaded in the persistable instance.
loader - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
ClassLoader for newly defined classes
loadFetchGroup - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
load-fetch-group value.
loadField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to load the specified field if not loaded.
loadField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to load the specified field if not loaded.
loadFieldFromDatastore(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to load a field from the datastore.
loadFieldFromDatastore(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to load a field from the datastore.
LoadFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field Manager to handle loading all fields of all objects in the fetch plan.
LoadFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean[], FetchPlanForClass, FetchPlanState) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.LoadFieldManager
Constructor for a field manager for make transient process.
loadFieldsFromDatastore(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to load fields from the datastore.
loadFieldsFromLevel2Cache(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to retrieve field values from an L2 cached object if they are loaded in that object.
loadFieldsInFetchPlan(FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to load all unloaded fields in the FetchPlan.
loadFieldsInFetchPlan(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to load all unloaded fields in the FetchPlan.
loadFieldValues(FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to load the passed field values.
loadFieldValues(FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to load the passed field values.
loadFiles(String[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to load the metadata from the specified files.
loadFiles(String[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadFromStore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to load all elements from the "backing store" where appropriate.
loadJar(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Initialisation method to load the metadata provided by the specified jar.
loadJar(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
loadJreClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
loadMetaDataFiles(String[], ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Initialisation method to load up all metadata defined by the specified metadata files.
loadMetaDataFiles(String[], ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
loadMetaDataForClass(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Load the metadata for the specified class (if available).
loadPersistenceUnit(PersistenceUnitMetaData, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Initialisation method to to load all class metadata defined by the "persistence-unit".
loadPersistenceUnit(PersistenceUnitMetaData, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
loadResultsAtCommit - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Whether to load any unread results at commit (when connection is closed).
loadSpecifiedFields(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Fetch the specified fields from the database.
loadStoredField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to load the specified field from the stored associated value cache if available.
loadStoredField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
loadUnloadedFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Fetch from the database all fields that are not currently loaded regardless of whether they are in the current fetch group or not.
loadUnloadedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Loads (from the database) all unloaded fields that are in the current FetchPlan.
loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
loadUnloadedFieldsInFetchPlanAndVersion() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Fetch from the database all fields in current fetch plan that are not currently loaded as well as the version.
loadUnloadedFieldsOfClassInFetchPlan(FetchPlan) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Loads (from the database) all unloaded fields of the managed class that are in the specified FetchPlan.
loadUnloadedFieldsOfClassInFetchPlan(FetchPlan) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
loadUnloadedRelationFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Loads (from the database) all unloaded fields that store relations.
loadUnloadedRelationFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
loadUserMetaData(FileMetaData, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to load user-provided (dynamic) metadata (from the JDO MetaData API).
loadUserMetaData(FileMetaData, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
LOCAL_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of a local variable in a method.
LocalDateDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDate and java.util.Date.
LocalDateDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateDateConverter
LocalDateFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOCAL_DATE().
LocalDateFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateFunction
LocalDateGetDayOfMonth - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateExpr}.getDayOfMonth()".
LocalDateGetDayOfMonth() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetDayOfMonth
LocalDateGetDayOfWeek - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateExpr}.getDayOfWeek()".
LocalDateGetDayOfWeek() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetDayOfWeek
LocalDateGetMonthValue - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateExpr}.getMonthValue()".
LocalDateGetMonthValue() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetMonthValue
LocalDateGetYear - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateExpr}.getYear()".
LocalDateGetYear() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateGetYear
LocalDateSqlDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDate and java.sql.Date.
LocalDateSqlDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateSqlDateConverter
LocalDateStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDate and a String form.
LocalDateStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateStringConverter
LocalDateTimeDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.Date.
LocalDateTimeDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeDateConverter
LocalDateTimeFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOCAL_DATETIME().
LocalDateTimeFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeFunction
LocalDateTimeGetDayOfMonth - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getDayOfMonth()".
LocalDateTimeGetDayOfMonth() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetDayOfMonth
LocalDateTimeGetDayOfWeek - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getDayOfMonthWeek()".
LocalDateTimeGetDayOfWeek() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetDayOfWeek
LocalDateTimeGetHour - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getHour()".
LocalDateTimeGetHour() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetHour
LocalDateTimeGetMinute - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getMinute()".
LocalDateTimeGetMinute() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetMinute
LocalDateTimeGetMonthValue - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getMonthValue()".
LocalDateTimeGetMonthValue() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetMonthValue
LocalDateTimeGetSecond - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getSecond()".
LocalDateTimeGetSecond() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetSecond
LocalDateTimeGetYear - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localDateTimeExpr}.getYear()".
LocalDateTimeGetYear() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalDateTimeGetYear
LocalDateTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDateTime and a String form.
LocalDateTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeStringConverter
LocalDateTimeTimestampConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.sql.Timestamp
LocalDateTimeTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeTimestampConverter
LocaleStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.Locale and a String form.
LocaleStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocaleStringConverter
Localiser - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Localiser for messages in the DataNucleus system.
Localiser() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
LocalTimeDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalTime and java.util.Date.
LocalTimeDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeDateConverter
LocalTimeFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOCAL_TIME().
LocalTimeFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeFunction
LocalTimeGetHour - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localTimeExpr}.getHour()".
LocalTimeGetHour() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetHour
LocalTimeGetMinute - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localTimeExpr}.getMinute()".
LocalTimeGetMinute() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetMinute
LocalTimeGetSecond - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{localTimeExpr}.getSecond()".
LocalTimeGetSecond() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocalTimeGetSecond
LocalTimeLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalTime and a long form (nanos of day).
LocalTimeLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeLongConverter
LocalTimeSqlTimeConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalTime and java.sql.Time.
LocalTimeSqlTimeConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeSqlTimeConverter
LocalTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.LocalTime and a String form.
LocalTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeStringConverter
locate() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to locate that the object exists in the datastore.
locate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Locate the object in the datastore.
LOCATE - org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType
LocateFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOCATE(strExpr1, strExpr2, pos).
LocateFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LocateFunction
locateObject(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
locateObject(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Locates this object in the datastore.
locateObjects(DNStateManager[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
locateObjects(DNStateManager[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Locates object(s) in the datastore.
lock - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
Lock object to lock to the current thread, and then release when the operation is complete.
lock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
lock() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
lock(Object, LockMode) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to lock the object with the provided identity (mode 2).
lock(Object, LockMode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
lock(DNStateManager, LockMode) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to lock the object managed by the passed StateManager (mode 1).
lock(DNStateManager, LockMode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
LOCK_NONE - org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
No locking specified.
LOCK_OPTIMISTIC_READ - org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Optimistic locking.
LOCK_OPTIMISTIC_WRITE - org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Optimistic locking, plus forced version update at commit.
LOCK_PESSIMISTIC_READ - org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Pessimistic locking.
LOCK_PESSIMISTIC_WRITE - org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Pessimistic locking, plus forced version update at commit.
locked - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Whether the connection is locked for use.
LockManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.state
Interface defining a manager for locking of objects.
LockManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Implementation of a lock manager for objects.
LockManagerImpl(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
LockMode - Enum in org.datanucleus.state
Locking modes for persistable objects.
log() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Convenience method to log the current operation queue.
log(NucleusLogger) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Utility to dump the contents of the StateManager to the provided log.
Log4J2Logger - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Log4J v2 implementation of a NucleusLogger.
Log4J2Logger(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
Constructor using Log4J.
Log4JLogger - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Log4J implementation of a NucleusLogger.
Log4JLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
Constructor using Log4J.
logConfiguration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Method to log the configuration of this context.
logConfiguration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Convenience method to log the configuration of this store manager.
logConfigurationDetails() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Convenience method so that extending implementations can log their own configuration.
logConfigurationDetails() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementNucleusContextImpl
logConfigurationDetails() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
logErrors - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Whether to log any errors at error level.
LogFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOG(numExpr).
LogFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LogFunction
LOGGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Logger for enhancing.
LOGGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
LONG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LONG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the long type.
LONG_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
LONG_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The long type.
LongAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a Long, used in evaluation of aggregates.
LongAggregateExpression(Long) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
LongArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a long[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
LongArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongArrayByteBufferConverter
LongId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single long field.
LongId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
LongId(Class<?>, long) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
LongId(Class<?>, Long) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
LongId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
LONGNVARCHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
LongStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.Long and a String form.
LongStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongStringConverter
LONGVARBINARY - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
LONGVARCHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
LOOKUPSWITCH - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LOR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LOWER_CASE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
LOWER_CASE_QUOTED - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
LowerFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function LOWER(stringExpr).
LowerFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.LowerFunction
LREM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LRETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LSHL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LSHR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LSTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LSUB - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
lt(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.StringAggregateExpression
LUSHR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
LXOR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes


MacroString - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Macro String Utilities
MacroString(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString
MacroString.IdentifierMacro - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Inner class : Identifier Macro
MacroString.MacroHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.util
Inner class : Macro Handler
MacroString.ParameterMacro - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Inner class : Parameter Macro
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Entry point for command line enhancer.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Entry method when invoked from the command line.
major - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Utility to mark the object as dirty.
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Utility to mark the object as dirty
makeDirty(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Marks the given field dirty.
makeDirty(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Marks the given field dirty.
makeDirty(Object, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter
Method to make the member of the persistable object dirty.
makeDirty(Persistable, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the associated Persistable field dirty.
makeDirty(Persistable, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Mark the associated persistable field dirty.
MakeDirty - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnMakeDirty" using ASM.
MakeDirty(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.MakeDirty
makeNontransactional() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make the managed object nontransactional.
makeNontransactional() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to nontransactional.
makeObjectNontransactional(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to make the passed object nontransactional.
makeObjectNontransactional(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
makeObjectTransactional(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to make an object transactional.
makeObjectTransactional(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
makeObjectTransactional(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
makeObjectTransient(Object, FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to migrate an object to transient state.
makeObjectTransient(Object, FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
makeObjectTransient(Object, FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
makePersistent() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make the managed object persistent.
makePersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to make the object persistent.
makePersistentTransactionalTransient() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make Transactional Transient instances persistent
makePersistentTransactionalTransient() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Makes Transactional Transient instances persistent.
makeTransactional() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make the managed object transactional.
makeTransactional() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to transactional.
makeTransient(FetchPlanState) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to make the managed object transient.
makeTransient(FetchPlanState) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to transient.
MakeTransientFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field Manager to handle the making transient of fields.
MakeTransientFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean[], FetchPlanForClass, FetchPlanState) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.MakeTransientFieldManager
Constructor for a field manager for make transient process.
makeTransientForReachability() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Make the managed object transient due to reachability (at commit) finding it not needing to be persisted.
makeTransientForReachability() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Make the managed object transient as a result of persistence-by-reachability when run at commit time.
manageClasses(ClassLoaderResolver, String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
manageClasses(ClassLoaderResolver, String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
manageClasses(ClassLoaderResolver, String...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Manage the specified classes.
manageClassForIdentity(Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
manageClassForIdentity(Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
manageClassForIdentity(Object, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience method to ensure that the class defined by the passed DatastoreId/SingleFieldId is managed by the store.
ManagedConnection - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Wrapper for a connection to the datastore, allowing management.
managedConnectionPostClose() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnectionResourceListener
Method invoked when the managed connection has just been closed.
managedConnectionPreClose() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnectionResourceListener
Method invoked when the managed connection is about to be closed.
ManagedConnectionResourceListener - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.connection
Listener for the relation between a ManagedConnection and a resource using that ManagedConnection.
managedMembers - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Managed fields/properties of this class.
ManagedRelationsHandler - Class in org.datanucleus
Handler to process "managed relations".
ManagedRelationsHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
Constructor for a "managed relations" handler.
ManagementManager - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Management interface for DataNucleus.
ManagementManager(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Constructor for Management.
ManagementServer - Interface in org.datanucleus.management
Management Server for MBeans.
ManagerStatistics - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Statistics for a manager of persistence (PersistenceManager/EntityManager).
ManagerStatistics(ManagementManager, FactoryStatistics) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.ManagerStatistics
ManagerStatisticsMBean - Interface in org.datanucleus.management
Interface defining the MBean for a persistence manager.
managesClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
managesClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
managesClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Accessor for whether the specified class (when FCO) or fully qualified field (when SCO) is managed currently
managesClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for whether the specified class is managed currently
managesField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Accessor for whether a field is being managed.
managesField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Accessor for whether a field is being managed.
MANUAL - org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Flush on explicit flush()/commit() calls only.
MANY_TO_MANY_BI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
MANY_TO_ONE_BI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
MANY_TO_ONE_UNI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
map(Collection, Expression[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AbstractResultClassMapper
Method to map the input results to the required result class type.
Map<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Map object.
Map<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Map object.
Map(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
Map(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
MAP_TYPE_JOIN - org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData.MapType
MAP_TYPE_KEY_IN_VALUE - org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData.MapType
MAP_TYPE_VALUE_IN_KEY - org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData.MapType
MapClearOperation - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Clear operation for a map where we have a backing store.
MapClearOperation(DNStateManager, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
MapClearOperation(DNStateManager, MapStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
MapContainerAdapter<C> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
MapContainsEntryMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{mapExpr}.containsEntry(keyExpr,valueExpr)".
MapContainsEntryMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsEntryMethod
MapContainsKeyMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{mapExpr}.containsKey(keyExpr)".
MapContainsKeyMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsKeyMethod
MapContainsValueMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{mapExpr}.containsValue(valueExpr)".
MapContainsValueMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapContainsValueMethod
MapGetMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{mapExpr}.get(keyExpr)".
MapGetMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MapGetMethod
MapHandler<C> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
MapHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
mapHasKeysWithoutIdentity(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if a map member has keys without their own identity.
mapHasSerialisedKeysAndValues(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if a map member has the keys/values serialised.
mapHasValuesWithoutIdentity(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if a map member has values without their own identity.
MapMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for a Map.
MapMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Default constructor.
MapMetaData(MapMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata.
MapMetaData.MapType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
mappedBy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Field that this is mapped to.
mappedBy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
mapped-by tag value.
mappedBy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Name of the field in the element that is the ordering field.
mappedSuperclass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether this class is explicitly marked as MappedSuperclass.
MapPutOperation<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Put operation for a map where we have a backing store.
MapPutOperation(DNStateManager, int, K, V) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
MapPutOperation(DNStateManager, MapStore, K, V) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
MapRemoveOperation<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Remove operation for a map where we have a backing store.
MapRemoveOperation(DNStateManager, int, K, V) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
MapRemoveOperation(DNStateManager, MapStore, K, V) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
mapsIdAttribute - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Placeholder for the JPA "mapsId" attribute, in case a store plugin wants to use it
MapStore<K,​V> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for a Map, providing its interface with the datastore.
MapStoreSchemaData - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface representing schema information for the datastore.
mapToString(Map) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Converts the given map of objects to string as a comma-separated list.
mapType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Type of map.
markAsFlushed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to notify the StateManager that the object has now been flushed to the datastore.
markAsFlushed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
markDirty(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Mark the specified StateManager as dirty
markDirty(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to mark an object (StateManager) as dirty.
markDirty(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
markFieldsAsLoaded(int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to mark all fields as "loaded".
markFieldsAsLoaded(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
markFieldsForUpdateInLevel2Cache(Object, boolean[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to mark the object with specifed id to have the supplied fields updated in the L2 cache at commit.
markFieldsForUpdateInLevel2Cache(Object, boolean[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
markForInheritanceValidation() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Mark the state manager as needing to validate the inheritance of the managed object existence before loading fields.
markForInheritanceValidation() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
markPKFieldsAsLoaded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to mark PK fields as loaded (if using app id).
MathFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for mathematical function XYZ(numExpr).
MathFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MathFunction
max(Expression, ExpressionEvaluator, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression
maxFetchDepth - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Max fetch depth for this FetchPlan.
maxSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
Maximum size of cache (if supported by the plugin).
maxSize - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
Maximum size of cache (if supported by the plugin).
mayContainPersistableElements - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
wether this array may contain persistable elements
mayContainPersistableElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Returns whether this array may contain persistable elements (as indicated by the user).
mconn - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
MEDIATE_READ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFieldFlags for a field includes MEDIATE_READ, then the field has been enhanced to always call the StateManager on all reads
MEDIATE_WRITE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFieldFlags for a field includes MEDIATE_WRITE, then the field has been enhanced to always call the StateManager on all writes
Member - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Wrapper for a field or a method (property) that is annotated.
Member(Field) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
Member(Method) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.Member
MEMBER_VALUE_STORED_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Key prefix under which we store member (identity) value when just retrieving a FK.
MemberAnnotationHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Interface defining a handler for field/property annotations.
MemberColumnMapping - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Mapping definition for a member (field/property) representing the column(s) that it maps to.
MemberColumnMappingImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Mapping definition for a member (field/property) representing the column(s) that it maps to.
MemberColumnMappingImpl(AbstractMemberMetaData, Column) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
MemberColumnMappingImpl(AbstractMemberMetaData, Column[], TypeConverter) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
memberCount - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
number of managed fields/properties from this class plus inherited classes.
memberName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Name of the member that contains the version (if not generating a surrogate column).
memberNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
List of member names in the graph.
memberNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
The member names for this constraint.
memberPositionsByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Position numbers of members mapped by the name of the field/property.
memberRepresented - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
The member (field/method) being represented here.
members - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
List of all members (fields/properties).
members - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Member definition of the embedded object.
members - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
members (fields/properties) declared to be in this fetch group.
mergeClassAnnotationsData(AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractClassMetaData, MetaDataManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataMerger
Method to take a class XML metadata definition and merge in any Annotations metadata definition.
mergeClassORMData(AbstractClassMetaData, AbstractClassMetaData, MetaDataManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataMerger
Method to take a class JDO MetaData definition and merge in the ORM MetaData definition.
mergeFileORMData(FileMetaData, FileMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataMerger
Method to take a file JDO MetaData definition and merge in the ORM MetaData definition.
messageKey - Variable in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidAnnotationException
Message resources key
messageKey - Variable in exception org.datanucleus.metadata.InvalidMetaDataException
Message resources key
metadata - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
The MetaData for this file (the end result of the parse process).
metadata - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Metadata for the class, or member (join table) depending on what this represents.
MetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Base class for all MetaData.
MetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
MetaData(MetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
MetaData(MetaData, MetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Copy constructor.
METADATA - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for METADATA issues
METADATA_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
MetaDataAutoStarter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.autostart
An auto-starter mechanism that uses a defined list of metadata files to be loaded at startup.
MetaDataAutoStarter(StoreManager, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Constructor, taking the names of the metadata to use.
metaDataComplete - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flag for whether the MetaData here is complete without annotations.
metaDataFiles - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
Names of the metadata files to start with (comma-separated).
MetaDataFileType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Enum for the different types of metadata "files".
MetaDataListener - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata
Listener for registering interest when metadata for a class is loaded.
metaDataManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
MetaDataManager for handling the MetaData.
metaDataManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
metaDataManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
MetaDataManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata
Manager for metadata in DataNucleus.
MetaDataManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Manager of metadata information in DataNucleus having scope of an NucleusContext.
MetaDataManagerImpl(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Constructor, specifying the context used.
MetaDataMerger - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Convenience class to handle the merging of MetaData.
MetaDataMerger() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataMerger
metadataMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AnnotationManagerImpl
MetaData Manager that we work for.
metaDataMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
MetaData Manager to use.
metaDataMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
MetaData manager to use.
metaDataMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationGenerator
MetaDataScanner - Interface in org.datanucleus.metadata
Scanner for persistable classes, typically provided by a JEE environment to locate classes not easily/efficiently locatable using the builtin file scanner.
metaDataState - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
State of the MetaData.
MetaDataUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Utilities needed for the processing of MetaData.
MetaDataUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Protected constructor to prevent outside instantiation
METHOD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of method types.
METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of a formal parameter of a method.
METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic method in a method call.
METHOD_RECEIVER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the receiver type of a method.
METHOD_REFERENCE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the receiver type of a method reference.
METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic method in a method reference.
METHOD_RETURN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the return type of a method.
METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a type parameter of a generic method.
METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target a bound of a type parameter of a generic method.
methodDescriptor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
Descriptor for the method being adapted.
methodDescriptor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Descriptor for the method being adapted.
methodDescriptor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Descriptor for the method being adapted.
methodName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Name of the method.
methodName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
Name for the method being adapted.
methodName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Name for the method being adapted.
methodName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Name for the method being adapted.
methodsRequired - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Set of methods required to be present.
methodsToAdd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
List of methods to be added to the class.
MethodTooLargeException - Exception in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
Exception thrown when the Code attribute of a method produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
MethodTooLargeException(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodTooLargeException
Constructs a new MethodTooLargeException.
MethodVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a Java method.
MethodVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Constructs a new MethodVisitor.
MethodVisitor(int, MethodVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Constructs a new MethodVisitor.
mgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
MetaData manager.
micro - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
min(Expression, ExpressionEvaluator, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression
minor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
MIXED_CASE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
MIXED_CASE_QUOTED - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
mmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
MetaData for the property.
mmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
MetaData for the property.
mmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
mmgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Manager for this metadata.
mmgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Manager for MetaData operations
mmgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Manager for the MetaData.
mode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
AutoStart "mode"
ModFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function MOD(numExpr1, numExpr2).
ModFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ModFunction
ModuleVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a Java module.
ModuleVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Constructs a new ModuleVisitor.
ModuleVisitor(int, ModuleVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Constructs a new ModuleVisitor.
MonadicOperator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.MonadicOperator
Monodiac operator
MONITORENTER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
MONITOREXIT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
MonthDayComponentsConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.MonthDay and int[] (the month and the day).
MonthDayComponentsConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayComponentsConverter
MonthDayDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.MonthDay and java.util.Date.
MonthDayDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayDateConverter
MonthDayGetDayOfMonth - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{monthDayExpr}.getDayOfMonth()".
MonthDayGetDayOfMonth() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MonthDayGetDayOfMonth
MonthDayGetMonthValue - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{monthDayExpr}.getMonthValue()".
MonthDayGetMonthValue() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.MonthDayGetMonthValue
MonthDaySqlDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.MonthDay and java.sql.Date.
MonthDaySqlDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDaySqlDateConverter
MonthDayStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.MonthDay and String.
MonthDayStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayStringConverter
moveColumnsToElement(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
msg(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
Message formatter for an internationalised message.
msg(String, long) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
Message formatter with one argument passed in that will be embedded in an internationalised message.
msg(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
Message formatter with arguments passed in that will be embedded in an internationalised message.
MULTIANEWARRAY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
MultiColumnConverter - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Interface implemented by a TypeConverter when it converts a member to multiple columns, providing the information about what types the columns store.
MULTITENANCY - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
MULTITENANCY_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for multitenancy.
multitenancyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
MultitenancyMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
MetaData representation for a multitenancy discriminator.
MultitenancyMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
MultitenancyMetaData(MultitenancyMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Copy constructor.
MultiTenancyProvider - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface to be implemented where the user wants to allocate a "tenantId" for each datastore access.
MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
mv - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
The method visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
mv - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
The module visitor to which this visitor must delegate method calls.
MyClassVisitor() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
myEC - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The ExecutionContext for this StateManager
myFP - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Fetch plan for the class of the managed object.
myID - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The object identity in the datastore
myInternalID - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The object identity in the JVM.
myLC - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The actual LifeCycleState for the persistable instance
myPC - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The persistable instance managed by this StateManager.
myVersion - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Optimistic version, when starting any transaction.


name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Class name
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Field name.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
column name.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
the constraint name
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
Name of the interface implemented.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Package name
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
PK constraint name.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Name of the query.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Name of the query result mapping.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Name under which this sequence generator is known.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name under which this table generator is known.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Name of the class/field.
name - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Symbolic name for the value generator.
NAME - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
invoke node type.
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftLevel2Cache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakLevel2Cache
NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
namer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
namespaceAware - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Whether to support namespaces.
namingCase - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
NamingCase - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Enum defining the types of cases that component identifiers can be stored in.
namingFactory - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Naming factory.
NamingFactory - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Representation of a naming factory for schema components (tables, columns, etc).
NATIVE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "native" allows the JDO implementation to pick the most suitable strategy based on the underlying database.
NavigationNullCompilationOptimiser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Optimiser for query compilation that searches for navigation through relations, and adds "not null" checks.
NavigationNullCompilationOptimiser(QueryCompilation, MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NavigationNullCompilationOptimiser
NCHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
NCLOB - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
needsClone - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
negate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Literal
NEW - org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference
NEW - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
NEW - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of the object created by a 'new' instruction.
NEW_TABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
NEWARRAY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
newArrayMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new array metadata, set it, and return it.
newClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a class reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newClassMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to create a new class metadata, add it, and return it.
newCollectionMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new collection metadata, set it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to create a column metadata, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Method to create a new ColumnMetaData, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
Method to create a new column, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to create a new column metadata, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Method to create a new ColumnMetaData, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Method to create a new column metadata, set it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
Method to create a new column, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Method to create a new ColumnMetaData, add it, and return it.
newColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Method to create a new ColumnMetaData, add it, and return it.
newConst(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a number or string constant to the constant pool of the class being build.
newConstantDynamic(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a dynamic constant reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayListHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashMapHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashtableHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedHashMapHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedHashSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedListHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.PriorityQueueHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.PropertiesHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.StackHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.TreeMapHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.TreeSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.VectorHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayListHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.HashSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedHashSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.LinkedListHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.PriorityQueueHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.StackHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.TreeSetHandler
newContainer(AbstractMemberMetaData, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.VectorHandler
newDatastoreIdentityMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new datastore identity metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newDefaultedProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Utility to add a defaulted PropertyMetaData to the class.
newDefaultedProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Utility to add a defaulted FieldMetaData to the class.
newDefaultedProperty(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
Utility to add a defaulted PropertyMetaData to the class.
newDiscriminatorMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to create a new discriminator metadata, assign it to this inheritance, and return it.
newDiscriminatorMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
Method to create a new discriminator metadata, assign it to this inheritance, and return it.
newElementMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new element metadata, set it, and return it.
newEmbeddedMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to create an embedded metadata, add it, and return it.
newEmbeddedMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new embedded metadata, set it, and return it.
newExceptionReference(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to the type of an exception, in a 'throws' clause of a method.
newFetchGroupMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new fetchgroup metadata, add it, and return it.
newFetchGroupMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
Method to create a new FetchGroup metadata, add it and return it.
newFetchPlanMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
newField(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a field reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newFieldMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new field metadata, add it, and return it.
newFieldMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to create a new FieldMetaData, add it, and return it.
newForCachedPC(ExecutionContext, Object, CachedPC) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructor to create a StateManager for an object taken from the L2 cache with the specified id.
newForCachedPC(ExecutionContext, Object, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForDetached(ExecutionContext, T, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructor for creating StateManager instances to manage persistable objects in detached state.
newForDetached(ExecutionContext, T, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new FK metadata, add it, and return it.
newForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to create a unique metadata, add it, and return it.
newForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new FK metadata, set it, and return it.
newForeignKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to create a new FK metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newForEmbedded(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager for an object of the specified type, creating the PC object to hold the values where this object will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED into another persistable object.
newForEmbedded(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData, DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForEmbedded(ExecutionContext, T, boolean, DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a persistable instance that will be EMBEDDED/SERIALISED into another persistable object.
newForEmbedded(ExecutionContext, T, boolean, DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForHollow(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID.
newForHollow(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForHollow(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, Object, FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a recently populated hollow instance having the given object ID and the given field values.
newForHollow(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, Object, FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForHollowPopulatedAppId(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Use newForHollowPopulated instead
newForHollowPopulatedAppId(ExecutionContext, Class<T>, FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForHollowPreConstructed(ExecutionContext, Object, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a hollow instance having the given object ID.
newForHollowPreConstructed(ExecutionContext, Object, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newFormalParameterReference(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to the type of a formal parameter of a method.
newForPersistentClean(ExecutionContext, Object, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage the specified persistent instance having the given object ID.
newForPersistentClean(ExecutionContext, Object, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForPersistentNew(ExecutionContext, T, FieldValues) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a transient instance that is becoming newly persistent.
newForPersistentNew(ExecutionContext, T, FieldValues) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForPNewToBeDeleted(ExecutionContext, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructor for creating StateManager instances to manage persistable objects that are not persistent yet are about to be deleted.
newForPNewToBeDeleted(ExecutionContext, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newForTransactionalTransient(ExecutionContext, T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactory
Constructs a StateManager to manage a transactional-transient instance.
newForTransactionalTransient(ExecutionContext, T) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
newHandle(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
newHandle(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a handle to the constant pool of the class being build.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new index metadata, add it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to create an index metadata, add it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new index metadata, set it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Method to create a new Index metadata, add it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to create a new index metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Method to create a new index metadata, set it, and return it.
newIndexMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Method to create a new Index metadata, add it, and return it.
newInheritanceMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new inheritance metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to generate an instance of an interface, abstract class, or concrete PC class.
newInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to generate an instance of an interface, abstract class, or concrete PC class.
newInstance(Class<T>, Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Accessor for a new instance of an object.
newInstance(Class<T>, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreator
Constructs an implementation for an interface and instantiates it
newInstance(Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
Method to generate an instance of an interface, abstract class, or concrete PC class.
newInstance(Class, StateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Create a new instance of the class and assign its StateManager.
newInstance(Class, StateManager, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Create a new instance of the class and assign its StateManager and key values from the ObjectId.
newInstance(ClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
Constructs an implementation for an abstract class and instantiates it.
newInstance(InterfaceMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ImplementationCreatorImpl
Constructs an implementation for an interface and instantiates it.
NewInstance1 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnNewInstance" using ASM.
NewInstance1(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance1
NewInstance2 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnNewInstance" using ASM.
NewInstance2(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewInstance2
newInterfaceMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to create a new interface metadata, add it, and return it.
newInvokeDynamic(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds an invokedynamic reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new join metadata, add it, and return it.
newJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new join metadata, set it, and return it.
newJoinMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
Method to create a new JoinMetaData, set it, and return it.
newKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new key metadata, set it, and return it.
newMapMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new map metadata, set it, and return it.
newMemberMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
Method to create a new member, add it, and return it.
newMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
newMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
newMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
newMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
newMethod(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a method reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newMethodType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a method type reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newModule(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a module reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newMultitenancyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
newNameType(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a name and type to the constant pool of the class being build.
newObjectId(Class, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
This method returns an object id instance corresponding to the pcClass and key arguments.
newObjectId(Class, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
This method returns an object id instance corresponding to the pcClass and key arguments.
newObjectId(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
This method returns an object id instance corresponding to the class name, and the passed object (when using app identity).
newObjectId(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
This method returns an object id instance corresponding to the class name, and the passed object (when using app identity).
newObjectIdInstance(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Create a new instance of the ObjectId class of this Persistable class.
newObjectIdInstance(Class, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Create a new instance of the class used by the parameter Class for JDO identity, using the key constructor of the object id class.
NewObjectIdInstance1 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnNewObjectIdInstance" using ASM.
NewObjectIdInstance1(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance1
NewObjectIdInstance2 - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnNewObjectIdInstance" using ASM.
NewObjectIdInstance2(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.NewObjectIdInstance2
newOrderMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new order metadata, set it, and return it.
newPackage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds a package reference to the constant pool of the class being build.
newPackageMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Method to create and return a package metadata for the specified package name.
newPluginRegistry(String, String, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistryFactory
Instantiates a PluginRegistry.
newPrimaryKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new primary key metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newPrimaryKeyMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to create a new PK metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newPropertyMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new property metadata, add it, and return it.
newPropertyMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to create a new PropertyMetaData, add it, and return it.
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext.
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedQueryManagerImpl
Method to generate a new query using the passed query as basis.
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext, using the specified query string.
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext, Query) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
newQuery(String, ExecutionContext, Query) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return a new query, for the specified language and ExecutionContext, using the specified existing query to copy from.
newQueryMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new QueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
newQueryMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Method to create a new QueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
newQueryResultMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Method to create a new query result metadata, add it, and return it.
newSequenceMetaData(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to create a new Sequence metadata, add it, and return it.
newSoftDeleteMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
newStoreData(ClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Instantiate a StoreData instance using the provided ClassMetaData and ClassLoaderResolver.
newStoredProcQueryMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new StoredProcQueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
newStoredProcQueryMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Method to create a new StoredProcQueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
newSuperTypeReference(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to the super class or to an interface of the 'implements' clause of a class.
newTableGeneratorMetaData(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to create a new TableGenerator metadata, add it and return it.
newTryCatchReference(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to the type of the exception declared in a 'catch' clause of a method.
newTypeArgumentReference(int, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to the type of a type argument in a constructor or method call or reference.
newTypeParameterBoundReference(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to a type parameter bound of a generic class or method.
newTypeParameterReference(int, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a reference to a type parameter of a generic class or method.
newTypeReference(int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Returns a type reference of the given sort.
newUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new unique metadata, add it, and return it.
newUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Method to create a unique metadata, add it, and return it.
newUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new unique metadata, set it, and return it.
newUniqueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Method to create a new unique metadata, set to use it, and return it.
newUnmappedColumnMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
newUTF8(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Adds an UTF8 string to the constant pool of the class being build.
newValueMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to create a new value metadata, set it, and return it.
newVersionMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to create a new version metadata, set to use it, and return it.
next() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Accessor for the next value object.
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Accessor for the next element in the sequence.
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollectionIterator
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Get next value from the reserved block of values.
next() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
Accessor for the next value, or null if block values exhausted
next() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Returns the next sequence value as an Object.
nextIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
nextIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
nextIsDot() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Utility to return if the next character is a dot.
nextIsSingleQuote() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Utility to return if the next non-whitespace character is a single quote.
nextValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequence
Accessor for the next value.
nextValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Accessor for the next element in the sequence as a long.
nextValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Accessor for the next element as a long.
nextValue() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Returns the next sequence value as a long.
NoArgOption(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine.NoArgOption
Node - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Representation of a node in a tree of nodes.
Node(NodeType) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Node(NodeType, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
nodeType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Type of node.
NodeType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Enum of node types.
nodeValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Value of the node.
NoExtentException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A NoExtentException is thrown if an attempt is made to perform an operation using a class that is not backed by an extent (ie table or view) in the database and the operation is not supported on such classes.
NoExtentException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NoExtentException
Constructs a no extent exception.
NON_PERSISTENT - org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
NONCONTIGUOUS - org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
NONDURABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
NONE - org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
NONE - org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference
NONE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Constant defing no fields.
NONE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
NONE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionIsolation
A constant indicating that transactions are not supported.
NONE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level1Cache
NonManagedPluginRegistry - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Manages the registry of Extensions and Extension Points outside any OSGI container.
NonManagedPluginRegistry(ClassLoaderResolver, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
NonManagedPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Sorter for extensions that puts DataNucleus extensions first, then any vendor extension.
nonPkMemberFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flags of the non-primary key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
nonPkMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of the non-primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
NONTRANSACTIONAL - org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
noOfInheritedManagedMembers - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
No of managed fields/properties in superclasses, that are inherited by this class.
NOP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
NoPersistenceInformationException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a class is required to have persistence information (metadata/annotations) yet none can be found.
NoPersistenceInformationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NoPersistenceInformationException
Constructs an exception for the specified class.
NoPersistenceInformationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NoPersistenceInformationException
Constructs an exception for the specified class with the supplied nested exception.
NoQueryResultsException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query
Exception thrown from internal query mechanism if no results are returned.
NoQueryResultsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.NoQueryResultsException
notEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
check string is not null and length > 0.
notifyFetchGroupChange(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to notify this FetchPlan that the specified FetchGroup has been updated.
notifyFetchGroupRemove(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to notify this FetchPlan that the specified FetchGroup has been updated.
notifyObjectIsOutdated(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.ObjectReferencingStoreManager
Notifies this store manager that the main memory (RAM, heap) copy of the PC object of the supplied StateManager may not be regarded as valid anymore.
NotYetFlushedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when an pc instance instance is not yet flushed to the datastore, but it was expected to already be.
NotYetFlushedException(Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NotYetFlushedException
Constructs a too-many-indices exception.
nucCtx - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
nucCtx - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
NUCLEUS_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
NUCLEUS_CONTEXT_LOADER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
Loader for NucleusContext (represents the loader for "core").
NucleusCanRetryException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a retriable error occurs.
NucleusCanRetryException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusCanRetryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusCanRetryException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusCanRetryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwable.
NucleusCanRetryException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusCanRetryException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwables, and failed object.
NucleusCanRetryException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusCanRetryException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwable, and failed object.
NucleusConnection - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Access to the underlying DataStore Connection.
NucleusConnectionImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Representation of a datastore connection.
NucleusConnectionImpl(Object, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusConnectionImpl
Constructor for a datastore connection holder.
nucleusContext - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
The NucleusContext that this metadata manager is operating in.
nucleusContext - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Nucleus Context.
nucleusContext - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
NucleusContext - Interface in org.datanucleus
Representation of the context being run within DataNucleus.
nucleusCtx - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractLevel2Cache
nucleusCtx - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryResultsCache
nucleusCtx - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
NucleusDataStoreException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a datastore occurs.
NucleusDataStoreException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusDataStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusDataStoreException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusDataStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwable.
NucleusDataStoreException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusDataStoreException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwables, and failed object.
NucleusDataStoreException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusDataStoreException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwable, and failed object.
NucleusEnhanceException - Exception in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Exception thrown during enhancement when an error occurs.
NucleusEnhanceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.NucleusEnhanceException
Message-based exception constructor.
NucleusEnhanceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.NucleusEnhanceException
NucleusEnhanceException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.enhancer.NucleusEnhanceException
NucleusException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Base exception thrown by DataNucleus.
NucleusException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwable.
NucleusException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwables, and failed object.
NucleusException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwable, and failed object.
NucleusFatalUserException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a user error occurs and is fatal.
NucleusFatalUserException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusFatalUserException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusFatalUserException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusFatalUserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwable.
NucleusFatalUserException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusFatalUserException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwables, and failed object.
NucleusFatalUserException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwable, and failed object.
NucleusLogger - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Logging framework for DataNucleus.
NucleusLogger() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
NucleusObjectNotFoundException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when an object doesn't exist in the datastore.
NucleusObjectNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusObjectNotFoundException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusObjectNotFoundException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusObjectNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusOptimisticException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a transaction fails due to optimistic verification checks.
NucleusOptimisticException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusOptimisticException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusOptimisticException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusOptimisticException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusOptimisticException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusOptimisticException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusOptimisticException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusOptimisticException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusSequence - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Sequence of values.
NucleusSequenceImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Basic generic implementation of a datastore sequence.
NucleusSequenceImpl(ExecutionContext, StoreManager, SequenceMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
NucleusTransactionException - Exception in org.datanucleus.transaction
NucleusTransactionException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.NucleusTransactionException
NucleusTransactionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.NucleusTransactionException
NucleusTransactionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.NucleusTransactionException
NucleusTransactionException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.NucleusTransactionException
NucleusUnsupportedOptionException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a particular option has been selected but isnt supported.
NucleusUnsupportedOptionException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUnsupportedOptionException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusUnsupportedOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUnsupportedOptionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusUnsupportedOptionException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUnsupportedOptionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusUserException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when a user error occurs.
NucleusUserException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception without a detail message.
NucleusUserException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NucleusUserException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and failed object.
NucleusUserException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwable.
NucleusUserException(String, Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and nested Throwables.
NucleusUserException(String, Throwable[], Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwables, and failed object.
NucleusUserException(String, Throwable, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, nested Throwable, and failed object.
NULL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
NULL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
NullCallbackHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler
NullIfFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function NULLIF(numExpr, numExpr2).
NullIfFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.NullIfFunction
NullifyRelationFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Manager that nullifies any Collection/Map/PC fields of the object.
NullifyRelationFieldManager(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.NullifyRelationFieldManager
nullIndicatorColumn - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Name of a column used for determining if the embedded object is null
nullIndicatorValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Value in the null column indicating that the embedded object is null
NullLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Null implementation of a Level 2 Cache.
NullLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
NullLogger - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Null implementation of a NucleusLogger.
NullLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
NullOrderingType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.query
Enum for how to handle null values when ordering a query based on a column.
NULLS_FIRST - org.datanucleus.store.query.NullOrderingType
NULLS_LAST - org.datanucleus.store.query.NullOrderingType
nullValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
null-value tag value (default is NONE).
NullValue - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of how to handle a null value (in a field).
NUMERIC - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
NumericAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
NumericAggregateExpression(Number) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.NumericAggregateExpression
NVARCHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType


objClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.SCOID
Object - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
OBJECT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of object reference types.
objectArrayToString(Object[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to convert an Object[] to a String.
ObjectDetachedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
A ObjectDetachedException is thrown if an attempt is made to use the object in a process that doesn't allow detached objects.
ObjectDetachedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ObjectDetachedException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception with the specified detail message.
ObjectDetachedException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ObjectDetachedException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception with the specified detail message and nested exception.
ObjectDetachedException(Throwable[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ObjectDetachedException
Constructs a class-not-detachable exception for many objects with the specified detail message and nested exceptions.
ObjectGetClassMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function getClass(obj).
ObjectGetClassMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.ObjectGetClassMethod
ObjectId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single Object type field.
ObjectId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
ObjectId(Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Constructor with class and key.
ObjectId.StringConstructor - Interface in org.datanucleus.identity
Construct an instance of a key class using a String as input.
objectidClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
objectid-class tag value.
ObjectReferencingStoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface to be implemented by any StoreManager that provides objects that are actually created by the underlying datastore.
objectType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
obtainGenerationBlock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Get a new block with the default number of ids.
obtainGenerationBlock(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Get a new block with the specified number of ids.
OC4JTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for OC4J (Oracle) app server.
OC4JTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.OC4JTransactionManagerLocator
offer(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
offer(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
offer(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to offer an element to the Queue.
offer(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to offer an element to the Queue.
OffsetDateTimeDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetDateTime and java.util.Date.
OffsetDateTimeDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeDateConverter
OffsetDateTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetDateTime and a String form.
OffsetDateTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeStringConverter
OffsetDateTimeTimestampConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetDateTime and java.sql.Timestamp
OffsetDateTimeTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeTimestampConverter
OffsetTimeLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetTime and a long form (nanos of day).
OffsetTimeLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeLongConverter
OffsetTimeSqlTimeConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetTime and java.sql.Time.
OffsetTimeSqlTimeConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeSqlTimeConverter
OffsetTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.OffsetTime and a String form.
OffsetTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeStringConverter
ONE_TO_MANY_BI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
ONE_TO_MANY_UNI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
ONE_TO_ONE_BI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
ONE_TO_ONE_UNI - org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
onIdentifierMacro(MacroString.IdentifierMacro) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.MacroHandler
handles identifier macros
onParameterMacro(MacroString.ParameterMacro) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.MacroHandler
handler parameter macros
op - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_ADD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_AND - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_BIT_AND - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_BIT_OR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_BIT_XOR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_CAST - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_COM - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_CONCAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_DISTINCT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_DIV - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_EQ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_GT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_GTEQ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_IN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_IS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_ISNOT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_LIKE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_LT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_LTEQ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_MOD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_MUL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_NEG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_NOT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_NOTEQ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_NOTIN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_OR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
OP_SUB - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Opcodes - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
The JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
open - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Flag whether the starter is open.
open() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Starts a transaction for writting (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism.
open() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Starts a transaction for writing (add/delete) classes to the auto start mechanism.
Operation - Interface in org.datanucleus.flush
Interface for an operation to be flushed.
OperationQueue - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Queue of operations to be performed when operating in MANUAL FlushMode.
OperationQueue() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
operationQueueIsActive() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Accessor for whether the operation queue is currently active.
operationQueueIsActive() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Operator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.Operator
OPERATOR - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
identifier node type
optimise() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationOptimiser
Method to perform the optimisation.
optimise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NavigationNullCompilationOptimiser
optimise() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.VarThisCompilationOptimiser
Option(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine.Option
OPTION_API - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_APPLICATION_COMPOSITE_ID - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports persistence of composite "application" identity.
OPTION_APPLICATION_ID - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports persistence of "application" identity.
OPTION_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_COMPLETE_DDL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_CREATE_DATABASE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_CREATE_TABLES_FOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_DATASTORE_ID - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports persistence of "datastore" identity.
OPTION_DATASTORE_TIME_STORES_MILLISECS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store will persist milliseconds when persisting a "time" type.
OPTION_DATASTORE_TIME_STORES_NANOSECS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store will persist nanoseconds when persisting a "time" type.
OPTION_DATASTORE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports specification of a timeout on datastore operations.
OPTION_DBINFO - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_DDL_FILE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_DELETE_CREATE_TABLES_FOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_DELETE_DATABASE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_DELETE_TABLES_FOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_GENERATE_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Option for generating the default constructor.
OPTION_GENERATE_DETACH_LISTENER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Option for use the detach listener.
OPTION_GENERATE_PK - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Option for generating the default constructor.
OPTION_INCLUDE_AUTO_START - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_JTA_AUTOJOIN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Startup option setting whether, when using JTA, to do auto-join of transactions.
OPTION_NONDURABLE_ID - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports persistence of "non-durable" identity.
OPTION_ORM - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "ORM" concepts in general.
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_ARRAY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports embedding arrays (into the owning objects datastore representation).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_ARRAY_NESTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the embedded key/value is storable nested like in JSON (default is in separate table).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_COLLECTION - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports embedding collections (into the owning objects datastore representation).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_NESTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the embedded element is storable nested like in JSON (default is in separate table).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_MAP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports embedding maps (into the owning objects datastore representation).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_MAP_NESTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the embedded element is storable nested like in JSON (default is in separate table).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_PC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports embedding PC objects (into the owning objects datastore representation).
OPTION_ORM_EMBEDDED_PC_NESTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the embedded object is storable nested like in JSON (default is flat embedding).
OPTION_ORM_FOREIGN_KEYS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "foreign keys".
OPTION_ORM_INHERITANCE_COMPLETE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "complete table" inheritance.
OPTION_ORM_INHERITANCE_JOINED_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "joined table" inheritance.
OPTION_ORM_INHERITANCE_SINGLE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "single table" inheritance.
OPTION_ORM_SECONDARY_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "secondary tables".
OPTION_ORM_SERIALISED_ARRAY_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports serialisation of a array element into a "column".
OPTION_ORM_SERIALISED_COLLECTION_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports serialisation of a collection element into a "column".
OPTION_ORM_SERIALISED_MAP_KEY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports serialisation of a map key into a "column".
OPTION_ORM_SERIALISED_MAP_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports serialisation of a map value into a "column".
OPTION_ORM_SERIALISED_PC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports serialisation of a PC into a "column".
OPTION_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Startup option overriding the default (PMF/EMF) password for the connectionURL.
OPTION_QUERY_CANCEL - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports cancellation of queries once started.
OPTION_QUERY_JDOQL_BITWISE_OPS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports use of "bitwise" operations in JDOQL queries.
OPTION_QUERY_JDOQL_BULK_DELETE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JDOQL queries performing "bulk" DELETE of data.
OPTION_QUERY_JDOQL_BULK_INSERT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JDOQL queries performing "bulk" INSERT of data.
OPTION_QUERY_JDOQL_BULK_UPDATE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JDOQL queries performing "bulk" UPDATE of data.
OPTION_QUERY_JPQL_BULK_DELETE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JPQL queries performing "bulk" DELETE of data.
OPTION_QUERY_JPQL_BULK_INSERT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JPQL queries performing "bulk" INSERT of data.
OPTION_QUERY_JPQL_BULK_UPDATE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports JPQL queries performing "bulk" UPDATE of data.
OPTION_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_SCHEMAINFO - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OPTION_TRANSACTION_ACID - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports ACID transactions.
OPTION_TXN_ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "read-committed" transaction isolation.
OPTION_TXN_ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "read-uncommitted" transaction isolation.
OPTION_TXN_ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "repeatable-read" transaction isolation.
OPTION_TXN_ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether the store supports "serializable" transaction isolation.
OPTION_USERNAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Startup option overriding the default (PMF/EMF) username for the connectionURL.
OPTION_VALIDATE_TABLES_FOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
OptionalAdapter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
OptionalAdapter(Optional) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalAdapter
OptionalGetMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{optionalExpr}.get()".
OptionalGetMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalGetMethod
OptionalHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
OptionalHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
OptionalIsPresentMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{optionalExpr}.isPresent()".
OptionalIsPresentMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalIsPresentMethod
OptionalOrElseMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{optionalExpr}.orElse()".
OptionalOrElseMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.OptionalOrElseMethod
optionList - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Appended options
options - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Options for enhancement.
options - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
options - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Appended options
or(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
orderCandidates(List, Class, String, ExecutionContext, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to in-memory order the candidates, using the ordering supplied.
orderCandidates(List, Class, String, ExecutionContext, ClassLoaderResolver, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to in-memory order the candidates, using the ordering supplied.
orderCandidates(List, Expression[], Map, String, ExecutionContext, ClassLoaderResolver, Map, Imports, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to order the input List of objects to the ordering defined by the compilation.
ordered - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Temporary flag to signify if the field is ordered.
OrderExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression as part of an ordering clause.
OrderExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
OrderExpression(Expression, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
OrderExpression(Expression, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
ordering - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Ordering when using an "ordered list" where the elements are retrieved in a particular order.
ordering - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
ordering - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Ordering clause for the query, governing the order objects are returned.
ORDERING - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
orderMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
OrderMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of Order MetaData - the ordering of the elements of a List.
OrderMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
OrderMetaData(OrderMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
Copy constructor.
OrderMetaData.FieldOrder - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Definition of ordering using a field.
org.datanucleus - module org.datanucleus
org.datanucleus - package org.datanucleus
This package provides classes that are typically externally called, whether that means by developers or by other DataNucleus plugins.
org.datanucleus.api - package org.datanucleus.api
Provides adapters for different client APIs, like JDO, JPA and so on.
org.datanucleus.cache - package org.datanucleus.cache
This package provides classes implementing L1/L2 persistable object caching within DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.enhancement - package org.datanucleus.enhancement
DataNucleus ByteCode enhancement contract.
org.datanucleus.enhancer - package org.datanucleus.enhancer
DataNucleus ByteCode enhancer framework.
org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm - package org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
ASM : a small and fast bytecode manipulation framework.
org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods - package org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method enhancements for supporting the org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable bytecode enhancement contract.
org.datanucleus.exceptions - package org.datanucleus.exceptions
This package provides exceptions thrown by the core (client-facing) parts of DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.flush - package org.datanucleus.flush
This package provides classes managing the flush process when using MANUAL flush.
org.datanucleus.identity - package org.datanucleus.identity
Package defining object identity classes.
org.datanucleus.management - package org.datanucleus.management
This package provides classes for management/monitoring of DataNucleus enabled applications via API or JMX.
org.datanucleus.metadata - package org.datanucleus.metadata
Provides classes representing the MetaData for files, packages, classes, fields, containers, etc.
org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations - package org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Provides classes for parsing annotations input data and converting into org.datanucleus.metadata input data for the DataNucleus persistence process.
org.datanucleus.metadata.xml - package org.datanucleus.metadata.xml
Provides classes for parsing XML metadata input data and converting into org.datanucleus.metadata input data for the DataNucleus persistence process.
org.datanucleus.plugin - package org.datanucleus.plugin
Package providing the plugin mechanism utilised by DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.properties - package org.datanucleus.properties
Package providing handling for persistence properties, and in particular the validation of valid values.
org.datanucleus.state - package org.datanucleus.state
Provides classes relating to the life cycle state management of a persistable object.
org.datanucleus.store - package org.datanucleus.store
Package handling the storage of classes to the datastore, and the management of the datastore.
org.datanucleus.store.autostart - package org.datanucleus.store.autostart
Package providing the structure and some implementation for the auto-start mechanism.
org.datanucleus.store.connection - package org.datanucleus.store.connection
Package defining the connection to the datastore.
org.datanucleus.store.federation - package org.datanucleus.store.federation
Package providing management for federation of datastores.
org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager - package org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Package providing managers for fields which give a mechanism for navigating through fields of a class and performing operations based on the type of the field.
org.datanucleus.store.query - package org.datanucleus.store.query
Package providing query language support for datastores.
org.datanucleus.store.query.cache - package org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Package providing definition of caching for queries.
org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler - package org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Package handling the (generic) compilation of queries.
org.datanucleus.store.query.expression - package org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Package providing expressions from which a (generically) compiled query is made up.
org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory - package org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Package providing the evaluation of queries using an in-memory process with evaluators for JDOQL and JPQL.
org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method - package org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Package providing the evaluation of Java methods/functions for use by JDOQL/JPQL in-memory query evaluators.
org.datanucleus.store.schema - package org.datanucleus.store.schema
Package defining the data structure mechanism for the schema of the datastore.
org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming - package org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
This package is a work-in-progress to provide datastore-agnostic naming strategies for JDO, JPA and indeed any other API.
org.datanucleus.store.schema.table - package org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Provides a series of convenience classes for modelling tables and columns that a class and its members map onto.
org.datanucleus.store.types - package org.datanucleus.store.types
Package providing basic java type handling for DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.store.types.containers - package org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
Package providing classes for supporting use of containers (collection, map, array) in DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.store.types.converters - package org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Package providing type conversion for member types, using the interface TypeConverter allowing conversion between some member Java type, and a Java type suitable for persistence in the datastore.
org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore - package org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Package providing backing store definitions for (SCO) types that need a backing store.
org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers - package org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
Provides implementations of the "simple" wrappers for the mutable Second Class Objects (SCO's) supported by DataNucleus, so that we can intercept calls that will mutate the object.
org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed - package org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
Provides implementations of the "backed" wrappers for the mutable Second Class Objects (SCO's) that are supported.
org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator - package org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value Generation.
org.datanucleus.transaction - package org.datanucleus.transaction
Package providing support specific to transactions for DataNucleus.
org.datanucleus.transaction.jta - package org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Package providing handlers for JTA transactions
org.datanucleus.util - package org.datanucleus.util
Provides utility classes used in the implementation that don't fit in a particular functional part of the system.
ORIGINAL_FIELD_VALUE_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Key prefix under which the original value of a field is stored in the entity (NonDurable objects).
OrionTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for Orion.
OrionTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.OrionTransactionManagerLocator
OSGiBundleParser - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
OSGiBundleParser() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiBundleParser
OSGiPluginRegistry - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
OSGiPluginRegistry(ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
OSGiPluginRegistry.ExtensionSorter - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Sorter for extensions that puts DataNucleus extensions first, then any vendor extension.
OTHER - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
OTHER - org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
OUT - org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
outer - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
if is outer join.
outputParamValues - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Repository for holding output parameter values after execution.
overriddenMembers - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Fields/properties for superclasses that are overridden in this class.
ownerMember - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Name of the field/property in the embedded object that refers to the owner (bidirectional relation).
ownerMemberNum - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
ownerMmd - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.EmbeddedOwnerRelation
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
ownerSM - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector


P_CLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_DELETED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_DIRTY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_NEW - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_NEW_DELETED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_NONTRANS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
P_NONTRANS_DIRTY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
PackageMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the Meta-Data for a package.
packages - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
List of packages in this file (uses List to retain file positioning)
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
parallelStream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
PARAMETER - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
class node type (e.g use in a "from" clause for a candidate).
PARAMETER - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
ParameterExpression<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a parameter.
ParameterExpression(String, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
ParameterExpression(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
Constructor for when we know the name and the type (e.g via criteria queries).
parameterName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.ParameterMacro
the parameter name
parameterNames - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Array of (explicit) parameter names.
ParameterNode - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Node representing a parameter.
ParameterNode(NodeType, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.ParameterNode
ParameterNode(NodeType, Object, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.ParameterNode
parameters - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
parameterSubstitutionNumber - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
parameterSubtitutionMap - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
parameterValues - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Map of input parameter values, keyed by the parameter name.
parent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Parent MetaData object, allowing hierarchical MetaData structure.
parent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Parent of this node.
parent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Parent of this expression in the tree (if any).
parentCompiler - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
parse() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLSingleStringParser
Method to parse the Single-String query
parse() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JPQLSingleStringParser
Method to parse the Single-String query
parse(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parse(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parse(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parse(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Parse command line argments.
parseBooleanLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a boolean from the current position.
parseBooleanLiteralIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a boolean from the current position (case insensitive).
parseCast() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a cast in the query from the current position, returning the name of the class that is being cast to.
parseChar(char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if char c is found
parseChar(char, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if char c is found
parseCharacterLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a Character literal
parsedImports - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
The imports definition.
parseEOS() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if END OF TEXT is reached.
parseFloatingPointLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a floating point number from the current position.
parseFrom(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseFrom(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseFrom(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseIdentifier() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a java identifier from the current position.
parseImports(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Imports
Utility to parse the imports.
parseIntegerLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse an integer number from the current position.
parseManifest(Bundle) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiBundleParser
parseMethod() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Checks if a java Method is found
parseName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parses the text string (up to the next space) and returns it.
parseNullLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Checks if null literal is parsed
parseNullLiteralIgnoreCase() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Checks if null literal is parsed (case insensitive).
parseOrder(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseOrder(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseOrder(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseParameters(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseParameters(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseParameters(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parsePersistenceFiles(PluginManager, String, boolean, boolean, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Method to parse the available "persistence.xml" files returning the metadata for all found.
parsePluginElements(DocumentBuilder, PluginRegistry, URL, Bundle, Bundle) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiBundleParser
Method to parse Extensions in plug-in file.
parser - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Parser specific to the type of query being compiled.
Parser - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Interface for a parser of a query.
parseResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
The RESULT expression in JDOQL can include aggregates, fields, as well as aliases myfield [AS] alias, myfield2" The Node tree for this would be
parseResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseResult(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if String s is found
parseStringIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if String s is found ignoring the case
parseStringLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Parse a String literal
parseTuple(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseTuple(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseTuple(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseUpdate(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseUpdate(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseUpdate(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseVariable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseVariable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseVariable(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseVariables(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
parseVariables(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
parseVariables(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
parseXmlFile(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Utility to parse an XML metadata file.
parseXmlMetaDataFile(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Method to parse an XML MetaData file given the filename.
parseXmlMetaDataStream(InputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Method to parse an XML MetaData file given an InputStream.
parseXmlMetaDataURL(URL, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Method to parse an XML MetaData file given the URL of the file.
pc - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
Copy (shallow) of the Persistable instance when the instance is enlisted in the transaction.
PC - org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Persisted in own right with an identity
pcSuperclassMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Class MetaData for the persistable superclass (if any)
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to peek at the next element in the Queue.
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to peek at the next element in the Queue.
peek() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retrieve the element at the top of the stack.
peekField(Object, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Utility to take a peek at a field in the persistable object.
peekString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if String "s" is found and not moving the cursor position.
peekStringIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Check if String "s" is found ignoring the case, and not moving the cursor position.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
Perform the add(Object) operation to the backing store.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
Perform the clear() operation on the specified backing store.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
Perform the remove(Object) operation on the specified container.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.DeleteOperation
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListAddAtOperation
Perform the add(int, Object) operation on the specified list.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
Perform the remove(int) operation on the specified container.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
Perform the set(int, Object) operation to the backing store.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
Perform the clear() operation on the specified backing store.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
Perform the put(Object, Object) operation to the backing store.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
Perform the remove(Object) operation on the specified container.
perform() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.flush.Operation
Method to perform the operation.
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.PersistOperation
perform() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
performAll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Method to perform all operations queued.
performAll(Store, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Method to perform all operations queued for the specified StateManager and backing store.
performDeletePersistentAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Execute the query to delete persistent objects.
performDeletePersistentAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Execute the query to delete persistent objects.
performExecute(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedJDOQLQuery
performExecute(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to actually execute the query.
performOptimisticVersionCheck(DNStateManager, VersionStrategy, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to perform an optimistic version check on the specified StateManager.
performOptimisticVersionCheck(DNStateManager, VersionStrategy, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
Perform an optimistic version check on the passed object, against the passed version in the datastore.
PeriodComponentsConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Period and int[] (year, month and day).
PeriodComponentsConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodComponentsConverter
PeriodGetDays - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{periodExpr}.getDays()".
PeriodGetDays() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetDays
PeriodGetMonths - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{periodExpr}.getMonths()".
PeriodGetMonths() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetMonths
PeriodGetYears - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{periodExpr}.getYears()".
PeriodGetYears() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PeriodGetYears
PeriodStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Period and a String form.
PeriodStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodStringConverter
PERSIST - org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType
PERSIST_FINAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether we currently allow persistence of final fields.
PERSIST_STATIC - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether we currently allow persistence of static fields.
PERSIST_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether we currently allow persistence of transient fields.
Persistable - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
A class that can be managed by DataNucleus must implement this interface.
PERSISTABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
PERSISTABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
This interface is used to store fields from the Object id instance.
Persistable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
This interface is used to provide fields to the Object id instance.
PersistableObjectType - Enum in org.datanucleus
Definition of the type of a persistable object.
PersistableRelationStore - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Representation of the relation between two persistable objects.
persistableSuperclass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
persistable-superclass tag value (deprecated).
persistColumnAsNumeric(ColumnMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method for whether to persist the provided column as numeric.
persistColumnAsString(ColumnMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method for whether to persist the provided column as string-based.
PERSISTENCE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Persistence issues
PERSISTENCE_AWARE - org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
PERSISTENCE_NUCLEUS_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
PersistenceEncryptionProvider - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface to be implemented by any persistence encryption provider.
PersistenceFileMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of a Meta-Data "persistence.xml" file.
PersistenceFileMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
persistenceFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Flags for use in enhancement process [see JDO spec 21.14]
persistenceFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
Flags of the persistable instance when the instance is enlisted in the transaction.
persistenceFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Flags for state stored with the object.
persistenceHandler - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Persistence handler.
persistenceHandler - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Persistence handler.
persistenceModifier - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
persistence-modifier tag value.
persistenceModifier - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
persistence-modifier tag value.
PersistenceNucleusContext - Interface in org.datanucleus
Context for use in the persistence process.
PersistenceNucleusContextImpl - Class in org.datanucleus
Extends the basic DataNucleus context, adding on services for creating ExecutionContext objects to handle persistence.
PersistenceNucleusContextImpl(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
Constructor for the context.
PersistenceNucleusContextImpl(String, Map, PluginManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
Constructor for the context.
PersistenceUnitMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
MetaData representation of a "persistence.xml" persistence unit.
PersistenceUnitMetaData(String, String, URI) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
persistenceUnits - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Persistence units defined in this file.
PersistenceXmlMetaDataHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.xml
XML parser handler for "persistence.xml" files to convert them into a PersistenceFileMetaData.
PersistenceXmlMetaDataHandler(MetaDataManager, String, EntityResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.PersistenceXmlMetaDataHandler
PERSISTENT - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSubclass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from subclass.
persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSuperclass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from superclass.
PersistentTypeMapping() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData.PersistentTypeMapping
persistentTypeMappings - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Collection of mappings of persistent types returned from the result set.
PersistFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field manager that persists all unpersisted PC objects referenced from the source object.
PersistFieldManager(DNStateManager, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
persistObject(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
persistObject(T, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to make an object persistent.
persistObject(T, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
persistObjectInternal(T, FieldValues, PersistableObjectType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to make an object persistent which should be called from INTERNAL (DataNucleus) calls only.
persistObjectInternal(T, FieldValues, PersistableObjectType, DNStateManager, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to make an object persistent which should be called from INTERNAL (DataNucleus) calls only.
persistObjectInternal(T, FieldValues, PersistableObjectType, DNStateManager, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
persistObjects(Object...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to persist an array of objects to the datastore.
persistObjects(Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
persistObjects(Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
PersistOperation - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush operation for a persist of the specified object.
PersistOperation(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.PersistOperation
pin(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to pin an object to the cache.
pin(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Pin the parameter instance in the second-level cache.
pin(Query) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
pin(Query) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to pin the specified query in the cache, preventing garbage collection.
pin(Query, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
pin(Query, Map) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to pin the specified query in the cache, preventing garbage collection.
pinAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to pin all objects of the given types.
pinAll(Class, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Pin instances in the second-level cache.
pinAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to pin all of the supplied objects
pinAll(Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Pin the parameter instances in the second-level cache.
pinAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to pin all of the supplied objects
pinAll(Collection) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Pin the parameter instances in the second-level cache.
pinnedCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Pinned objects cache.
pinnedClasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Collection of pinned classes whose objects should be pinned if they ever reach the cache.
pinnedIds - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Collection of ids whose objects should be pinned if they ever reach the cache.
pkClassBytes - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Bytes for any auto-generated PK class (if generated during enhancement).
pkColumnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the primary-key column name
pkColumnValue - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the primary-key column value
pkIsDatastoreAttributed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
pkIsDatastoreAttributed(StoreManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to calculate and return if the pk has some component that is generated in the datastore.
pkMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of the primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
PlatformManagementServer - Class in org.datanucleus.management
Wrapper for the JRE "Platform" JMX server.
PlatformManagementServer() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.PlatformManagementServer
pluginManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Manager for plug-ins.
PluginManager - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Manages the registry of Extensions and Extension Points for the plugin mechanism.
PluginManager(String, ClassLoaderResolver, Properties) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
pluginMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Plugin Manager.
PluginRegistry - Interface in org.datanucleus.plugin
Loader and registry of Extensions and Extension Points.
PluginRegistryFactory - Class in org.datanucleus.plugin
Factory for PluginRegistry.
PluginRegistryFactory() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistryFactory
poll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
poll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
poll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to poll the next element in the Queue.
poll() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to poll the next element in the Queue.
pop() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
pop() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove the top element in the stack and return it.
POP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
POP2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
popStack() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Method to remove the current MetaData component from the Stack.
populate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ContainerMetaData
Method to populate any defaults, and check the validity of the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Populate the metadata.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
Method to populate any defaults, and check the validity of the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Method to populate any defaults, and check the validity of the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ElementMetaData
Populate the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
Method to populate the embedded MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
Method to populate the details of the implements.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.KeyMetaData
Populate the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Method to populate any defaults, and check the validity of the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueMetaData
Populate the MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to provide the details of the class being represented by this MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Method to provide the details of the class being represented by this MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
Method to provide the details of the class being represented by this MetaData.
populate(ClassLoaderResolver, Field, Method, ClassLoader, MetaDataManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to provide the details of the field being represented by this MetaData hence populating certain parts of the MetaData.
populateAbstractClassMetaData(AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to populate the MetaData for the specified class/interface.
populateFileMetaData(FileMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to populate all classes/interfaces in a Meta-Data file.
populateMapDelegateWithStoreData(Map<K, V>, MapStore<K, V>, DNStateManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to populate the passed delegate Map with the keys/values from the associated Store.
populateMemberMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
Populate MetaData for all members.
populateMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayHandler
populateMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.CollectionHandler
populateMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ContainerHandler
populateMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapHandler
populateMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalHandler
populatePropertyMetaData(ClassLoaderResolver, Class<?>, boolean, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
Populate PropertyMetaData.
position - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Column position for the table as a whole (0-origin).
postAttach(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object is attached.
postBegin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to perform any post-begin checks.
postBegin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
postClear(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the fields of the object are cleared.
postCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Commit any changes made to objects managed by the object manager to the database.
postCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
postCommit(Transaction) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience interceptor to allow operations to be performed after the commit is performed but before returning control to the application.
postCommit(Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked just after a commit is performed in a Transaction involving the persistable object managed by this StateManager
postCreate(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object has been created.
postDelete(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object is deleted.
postDetach(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object is detached.
postDirty(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object is made dirty.
postLoad(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the fields of the object are loaded.
postProcessClassMetaData(AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Method that will perform any necessary post-processing on metadata.
postRefresh(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the fields of the object are refreshed.
postRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Callback invoked after the actual datastore rollback.
postRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
postStateChange() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method called after a change in state.
postStore(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback after the object is stored.
postWriteField(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method called after the write of a field.
PowerFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function POWER(numExpr, numExpr2).
PowerFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.PowerFunction
preAttach(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is attached.
preBegin(Transaction) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience interceptor to allow operations to be performed before the begin is performed.
preBegin(Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method invoked just before a transaction starts for the ExecutionContext managing us.
precedence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.Operator
preClear(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the fields of the object are cleared.
preClose(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener
Invoked before closing the ExecutionContext
preCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to perform any pre-commit checks.
preCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
preDelete(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
preDelete(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is deleted.
preDetach(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is detached.
preDirty(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is made dirty.
preFlush() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to notify that flush is started.
preFlush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to notify of preFlush.
premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusClassFileTransformer
prepare(Xid) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
prepareDatastore() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method that will flush any outstanding updates to the datastore.
prepareIdentifierNameForUse(String, SchemaComponent) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
Convenience method that will truncate the provided name if it is longer than the longest possible for the specified schema component, and then convert it into the required case.
prePersist(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
prePersist(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is persisted (just before the lifecycle state change).
preRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Rollback any changes made to objects managed by the object manager to the database.
preRollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
preRollback(Transaction) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience interceptor to allow operations to be performed before any rollback is performed.
preRollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked just before a rollback is performed in a Transaction involving the persistable object managed by this StateManager.
preSerialize(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields are loaded into the instance.
preSerialize(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields are loaded into the instance.
PreSerialize - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnPreSerialize" using ASM.
PreSerialize(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.PreSerialize
preStateChange() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method called before a change in state.
preStore(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
preStore(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Callback before the object is stored.
previous() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
previous() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
previous() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
previousIndex() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
preWriteField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method called before a write of the specified field.
PRIMARY - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
"type" node type (JPQL, like "instanceof"
PrimaryExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression for a primary object.
PrimaryExpression(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
PrimaryExpression made up of a series of field names.
PrimaryExpression(Expression, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
PrimaryExpression on an expression.
PrimaryExpressionIsClassLiteralException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Exception thrown when compiling a PrimaryExpression and we find that it really represents a Class literal, and so should be swapped in the expression tree.
PrimaryExpressionIsClassLiteralException(Class) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsClassLiteralException
PrimaryExpressionIsClassStaticFieldException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Exception thrown when compiling a PrimaryExpression and we find that it really represents a static field of a Class (literal), and so should be swapped in the Node tree.
PrimaryExpressionIsClassStaticFieldException(Field) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsClassStaticFieldException
PrimaryExpressionIsInvokeException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Exception thrown when compiling a PrimaryExpression and we find that it really represents an invocation of a method, and so should be swapped in the expression tree.
PrimaryExpressionIsInvokeException(InvokeExpression) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsInvokeException
PrimaryExpressionIsVariableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Exception thrown when compiling a PrimaryExpression and we find that it really represents an implicit variable, and so should be swapped in the expression tree.
PrimaryExpressionIsVariableException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpressionIsVariableException
primaryKey - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
primary key tag value.
PrimaryKeyGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Class to handle the generation of a PK class for a persistable class.
PrimaryKeyGenerator(AbstractClassMetaData, ClassEnhancer) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.PrimaryKeyGenerator
Constructor for a PK generator for the specified class.
primaryKeyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
primaryKeyMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
PrimaryKey MetaData
PrimaryKeyMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of a primary key constraint.
PrimaryKeyMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
primaryStoreMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Primary StoreManager.
printInformation(String, PrintStream) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method to output the information about the StoreManager.
printInformation(String, PrintStream) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
printInformation(String, PrintStream) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to output particular information owned by this datastore.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Prints this Exception and its backtrace to the standard error output.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Prints this Exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Prints this Exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
PriorityQueue<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class PriorityQueue object.
PriorityQueue<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class PriorityQueue object.
PriorityQueue(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
PriorityQueue(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
PriorityQueueHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
PriorityQueueHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.PriorityQueueHandler
procedureName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
process() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Method to process the (bidirectional) relations for this object.
process() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
processAddExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied ADD expression.
processAddExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processAdditiveExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
processAdditiveExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
processAndExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied AND expression.
processAndExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processBitAndExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied BITWISE AND expression.
processBitAndExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processBitOrExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied BITWISE OR expression.
processBitOrExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processBitXorExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied BITWISE XOR expression.
processBitXorExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processCaseExpression(CaseExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied case expression.
processCaseExpression(CaseExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processCastExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied cast expression.
processCastExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processClassAnnotation(AnnotationObject, AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.ClassAnnotationHandler
Method to process a class level annotation.
processClassAnnotations(PackageMetaData, Class, AnnotationObject[], ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method to process the "class" level annotations and create the outline ClassMetaData object.
processComExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied COM expression.
processComExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processCreatorExpression(CreatorExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied creator expression.
processCreatorExpression(CreatorExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processDistinctExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied DISTINCT expression.
processDivExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied DIV expression.
processDivExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processEmbeddedMember(List<AbstractMemberMetaData>, AbstractClassMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, EmbeddedMetaData, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
Handler for an embedded member.
processEntry() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Process an ENTRY construct.
processEqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied EQ expression.
processEqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processesRangeInDatastoreQuery() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to return if the datastore query will check any range constraints of this query.
processGteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied GTEQ expression.
processGteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processGtExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied GT expression.
processGtExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processInExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied IN expression.
processInExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processInvokeExpression(InvokeExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied invoke expression.
processInvokeExpression(InvokeExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processIsExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied IS (instanceof) expression.
processIsExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processIsnotExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied ISNOT (!instanceof) expression.
processIsnotExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Process for a KEY construct.
processLikeExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied LIKE expression.
processLikeExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processListenerLoadingCall() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
processLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
A literal is one value of any type.
processLiteral() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
A literal is one value of any type.
processLiteral(Literal) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied invoke expression.
processLiteral(Literal) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processLteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied LTEQ expression.
processLteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processLtExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied LT expression.
processLtExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processManyToManyBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to process all M-N bidirectional fields.
processManyToOneBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to process all N-1 bidirectional fields.
processMemberAnnotation(AnnotationObject, AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.MemberAnnotationHandler
Method to process a member (field/property) level annotation.
processMemberAnnotation(AnnotationObject, AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.ValidationNotNullAnnotationHandler
processMemberAnnotation(AnnotationObject, AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.ValidationSizeAnnotationHandler
processMemberAnnotations(AbstractClassMetaData, Member, AnnotationObject[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method to take the passed in outline ClassMetaData and process the annotations for fields/properties adding any necessary FieldMetaData/PropertyMetaData to the ClassMetaData.
processMethodAnnotations(AbstractClassMetaData, Method) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method to take the passed in outline ClassMetaData and process the annotations for method adding any necessary MetaData to the ClassMetaData.
processModExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied MOD expression.
processModExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processMulExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied MUL expression.
processMulExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processMultiplicativeExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
processMultiplicativeExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
processNegExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied NEG expression.
processNegExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processNontransactionalAtomicChanges() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Handler for all outstanding changes to be "committed" atomically.
processNontransactionalUpdate() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to process any outstanding non-transactional updates that are queued.
processNontransactionalUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method called when a non-tx update has been performed (via setter call on the persistable object, or via use of mutator methods of a field).
processNontransactionalUpdate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
processNoteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied NOTEQ expression.
processNoteqExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processNotExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied NOT expression.
processNotExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processNotInExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied NOT IN expression.
processNotInExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processOneToManyBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to process all 1-N bidirectional fields.
processOneToOneBidirectionalRelation(AbstractMemberMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver, ExecutionContext, List<RelationshipManagerImpl.RelationChange>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
Method to process all 1-1 bidir fields.
processOperationsForNoBackingStoreSCOs(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
Method to process all SCO operations where the SCOs don't use a backing store.
processOrExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied OR expression.
processOrExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processParameterExpression(ParameterExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied parameter expression.
processParameterExpression(ParameterExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processPersistable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DetachFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.LoadFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.MakeTransientFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistable(Object, int, PersistableObjectType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistable(Object, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object.
processPersistableCopy(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DetachFieldManager
Utility method to process the passed persistable object creating a copy.
processPrimary() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
Parses the primary.
processPrimary() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Parses the primary.
processPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied primary expression.
processPrimaryExpression(PrimaryExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processSubExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied SUB expression.
processSubExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
processSubqueryExpression(SubqueryExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied subquery expression.
processTreat() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Process a TREAT construct, and put the node on the stack.
processUnaryExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
processUnaryExpression() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
processValue() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLParser
Process for a VALUE construct.
processVariableExpression(VariableExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.AbstractExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied variable expression.
processVariableExpression(VariableExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Method to process the supplied variable expression.
properties - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ImplementsMetaData
Properties implemented.
properties - Variable in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Map of properties.
properties - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Extension props.
properties - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator
Properties controlling the value generator behaviour.
Properties - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Properties object.
Properties - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Properties object.
Properties(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Properties(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
PropertiesHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
PropertiesHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.PropertiesHandler
PROPERTY_ALLOW_ATTACH_OF_TRANSIENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_ALLOW_CALLBACKS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_ATTACH_SAME_DATASTORE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_AUTOSTART_CLASSNAMES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_AUTOSTART_MECHANISM - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_AUTOSTART_METADATAFILES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_AUTOSTART_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_COLLECTIONS_LAZY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L1_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_BATCHSIZE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_CACHE_EMBEDDED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_CLEARATCLOSE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_EXPIRY_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_LOADFIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_MAXSIZE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_READ_THROUGH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_RETRIEVE_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_STATISTICS_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_STORE_BY_VALUE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_STORE_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_UPDATE_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_L2_WRITE_THROUGH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYCOMPILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYCOMPILE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYCOMPILEDATASTORE_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYCOMPILEDATASTORE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_CLEARATCLOSE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_EXPIRY_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_MAXSIZE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CACHE_QUERYRESULTS_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Catalog that the value is for.
PROPERTY_CDI_BEAN_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Class that the value is for.
PROPERTY_CLASSLOADER_PRIMARY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CLASSLOADER_RESOLVER_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Column that the value is for (i.e which column will have the value applied to it, so we can check for MAX(col)).
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_DRIVER_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY2 - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_FACTORY2_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_NONTX_RELEASE_AFTER_USE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_PASSWORD_DECRYPTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_POOLINGTYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_POOLINGTYPE2 - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_RESOURCETYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_RESOURCETYPE2 - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_SINGLE_CONNECTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_URL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_CONNECTION_USER_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_COPY_ON_ATTACH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DATA_FEDERATION_DATASTORE_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
PROPERTY_DATASTORE_IDENTITY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DATASTORE_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DATASTORE_READONLY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DATASTORE_READONLY_ACTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DATASTORE_WRITE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DELETION_POLICY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_ALL_ON_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_ALL_ON_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_AS_WRAPPED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_DETACHED_STATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_DETACHMENT_FIELDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_DETACH_ON_CLOSE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_ENABLE_STATISTICS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_EXECUTION_CONTEXT_CLOSE_ACTIVE_TX_ACTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_EXECUTION_CONTEXT_MAX_IDLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_EXECUTION_CONTEXT_REAPER_THREAD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Field that the value is for.
PROPERTY_FIND_OBJECT_TYPE_CONVERSION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_FIND_OBJECT_VALIDATE_WHEN_CACHED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_FLUSH_AUTO_OBJECT_LIMIT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_FLUSH_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_CASE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_NAMING_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_TABLE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_TABLE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTIFIER_WORD_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTITY_KEY_TRANSLATOR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IDENTITY_STRING_TRANSLATOR_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_IGNORE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_JMX_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_KEY_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_KEY_DATABASE_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_KEY_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_KEY_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_KEY_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_MANAGE_RELATIONSHIPS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MANAGE_RELATIONSHIPS_CHECKS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_CATALOG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_CURRENT_USER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_CURRENT_USER_PROVIDER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_SCHEMA - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_TENANT_ID - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_TENANT_PROVIDER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAPPING_TENANT_READ_IDS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MAX_FETCH_DEPTH - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_ALLOW_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_ALLOW_LOAD_AT_RUNTIME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_ALLOW_XML - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_ALWAYS_DETACHABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_AUTOREGISTER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_DEFAULT_INHERITANCE_STRATEGY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_DEFAULT_NULLABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_EMBEDDED_PC_FLAT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_IGNORE_METADATA_FOR_MISSING_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_JAVAX_VALIDATION_SHORTCUTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_JDO_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_JDOQUERY_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_LISTENER_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_ORM_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_SCANNER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_SUPPORT_ORM - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_USE_DISCRIMINATOR_DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_USE_DISCRIMINATOR_FOR_SINGLE_TABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_XML_NAMESPACE_AWARE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_METADATA_XML_VALIDATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_MULTITHREADED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_OPTIMISTIC - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PERSISTENCE_BY_REACHABILITY_AT_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_LOAD_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PERSISTENCE_XML_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PLUGIN_ALLOW_USER_BUNDLES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PLUGIN_REGISTRY_CLASSNAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PLUGIN_REGISTRYBUNDLECHECK - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PLUGIN_VALIDATEPLUGINS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PMF_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_CHECK_UNUSED_PARAMS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_COMPILATION_CACHED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_COMPILE_NAMED_QUERIES_AT_STARTUP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_COMPILE_OPTIMISE_VAR_THIS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_EVALUATE_IN_MEMORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_FLUSH_BEFORE_EXECUTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_JDOQL_ALLOWALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_JDOQL_STRICT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_JPQL_ALLOW_RANGE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_JPQL_STRICT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_RESULT_SIZE_METHOD - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_RESULTCACHE_VALIDATEOBJECTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_RESULTS_CACHED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_SQL_ALLOWALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_SQL_SYNTAXCHECKS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_QUERY_USE_FETCHPLAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_RELATION_IDENTITY_STORAGE_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_RESTORE_VALUES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_RETAIN_VALUES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_ROOT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Class that the value is for.
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_DATABASE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_TABLES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTOCREATE_WARNONERROR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_AUTODELETE_COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_DATABASE_CREATE_ORDER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_DATABASE_CREATE_SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_DATABASE_DROP_ORDER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_DATABASE_DROP_SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_DATABASE_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_SCRIPTS_CREATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_SCRIPTS_DROP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_GENERATE_SCRIPTS_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_LOAD_SCRIPT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Schema that the value is for.
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_TXN_ISOLATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_VALIDATE_ALL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_VALIDATE_COLUMNS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_VALIDATE_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SCHEMA_VALIDATE_TABLES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Name of any sequence to be used (when using JPA/JDO "sequence" strategy).
PROPERTY_SEQUENCETABLE_CATALOG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_SEQUENCETABLE_NAME_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_SEQUENCETABLE_NEXTVAL_COLUMN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_SEQUENCETABLE_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
PROPERTY_SEQUENCETABLE_TABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Name of a table to use when using values stored in a table - JPA "table"/JDO "increment" strategy.
PROPERTY_SERIALIZE_READ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_STATE_MANAGER_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_STORE_ALLOW_REFS_WITHOUT_IMPLS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerator
Table that the value is for (see also column-name).
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_JTA_JNDI_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_JTA_LOCATOR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_NONTX_ATOMIC - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_NONTX_READ - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_NONTX_WRITE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TRANSACTION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TYPE_TREAT_JAVA_UTIL_DATE_AS_MUTABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_TYPE_WRAPPER_BASIS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_USE_IMPLEMENTATION_CREATOR - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_GROUP_PREPERSIST - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_GROUP_PREREMOVE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_GROUP_PREUPDATE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALIDATION_MODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALUEGEN_INCREMENT_ALLOCSIZE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALUEGEN_SEQUENCE_ALLOCSIZE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALUEGEN_TXN_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VALUEGEN_TXN_ISOLATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PROPERTY_VERSION_NUMBER_INITIAL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PropertyMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
The property element declares mapping between a virtual field of an implemented interface and the corresponding persistent field of a persistence-capable class.
PropertyMetaData(MetaData, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
PropertyMetaData(MetaData, PropertyMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
Convenience constructor to copy the specification from the passed field.
PropertyNames - Class in org.datanucleus
Utility providing convenience naming of core persistence properties.
PropertyNames() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.PropertyNames
PropertyStore - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Representation of a store of properties.
PropertyStore() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
PropertySymbol - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Symbol representing a property/identifier in a query.
PropertySymbol(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
PropertySymbol(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
PropertyTypeInvalidException - Exception in org.datanucleus.properties
Exception thrown when trying to access a property as a specific type yet it is not possible to return as that type.
PropertyTypeInvalidException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyTypeInvalidException
Constructs an exception for the specified class.
PropertyValidator - Interface in org.datanucleus.properties
Interface defining a validator for a DataNucleus property.
providedBooleanField(Persistable, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedBooleanField(Persistable, int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedByteField(Persistable, int, byte) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedByteField(Persistable, int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedCharField(Persistable, int, char) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedCharField(Persistable, int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedDoubleField(Persistable, int, double) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedDoubleField(Persistable, int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedFloatField(Persistable, int, float) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedFloatField(Persistable, int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedIntField(Persistable, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedIntField(Persistable, int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedLongField(Persistable, int, long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedLongField(Persistable, int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedObjectField(Persistable, int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedObjectField(Persistable, int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedShortField(Persistable, int, short) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedShortField(Persistable, int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
providedStringField(Persistable, int, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
providedStringField(Persistable, int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called from the associated persistable when its dnProvideFields() method is invoked.
provideField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to return the current value of the specified field.
provideField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to return the current value of a particular field.
provideField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to retrieve the value of a field from the PC object.
ProvideField - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnProvideField" using ASM.
ProvideField(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideField
provideFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to obtain updated field values from the passed FieldManager.
provideFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Called from the StoreManager after StoreManager.update() is called to obtain updated values from the Persistable associated with this StateManager.
ProvideFields - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnProvideFields" using ASM.
ProvideFields(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ProvideFields
publicIdEntities - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
Map of public identity entities supported.
purgeStaleEntries() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Removes any stale entries whose keys have been finalized.
push(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
push(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to push an element onto the stack and return it.
pushStack(MetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Method to add a MetaData component to the Stack.
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
put(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapContainerAdapter
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to add a value against a key to the Hashtable
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to add a value against a key to the Hashtable
put(Object, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to put an object in the cache.
put(Object, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
Method to add an object to the cache under its id
put(Object, CachedPC) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to put an object in the cache.
put(Object, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.NullLevel2Cache
Method to put an object in the L2 cache
put(Object, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
put(Object, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
put(Object, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
put(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Method to put an object in the cache.
put(String, List<Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
put(String, List<Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryResultCache
put(String, List<Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to put an object in the cache.
put(String, QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
put(String, QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
put(String, QueryCompilation) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Method to put an object in the cache.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to add a value against a key to the HashMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to add a value against a key to the Hashtable
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to add a value against a key to the LinkedHashMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to add a value to the Map.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to add a value against a key to the SortedMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to add a value against a key to the TreeMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to add a value against a key to the HashMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to add a value against a key to the Hashtable
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to add a value against a key to the LinkedHashMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to add a value to the Map.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to add a value against a key to the SortedMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to add a value against a key to the TreeMap.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this table.
put(DNStateManager, K, V) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to add a value to the Map against this key.
put(DNStateManager, K, V, V, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to add a value to the Map against this key, where we know the previous value for the key (if present).
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to add a Map of values to this map.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to add a Map of values to this map.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to add the specified Map's values under their keys here.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this one.
putAll(Map<Object, CachedPC>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
putAll(Map<Object, CachedPC>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
putAll(Map<Object, CachedPC>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to put several objects into the cache.
putAll(DNStateManager<?>, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to add a map of values to the Map where we know the existing Map values prior to the putAll call.
putAll(DNStateManager, Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to add a map of values to the Map.
putAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Put a new attribute to this element
putByte(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts a byte into this byte vector.
putByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts an array of bytes into this byte vector.
PUTFIELD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
putInt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts an int into this byte vector.
putLong(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts a long into this byte vector.
putManagedConnection(boolean, ExecutionContext, ManagedConnection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
Put a ManagedConnection into the cache.
putObjectIntoLevel1Cache(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to put a Persistable object associated to StateManager into the L1 cache.
putObjectIntoLevel1Cache(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to add an object to the L1 cache.
putObjectIntoLevel2Cache(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to add/update the managed object into the L2 cache as long as it isn't modified in the current transaction.
putObjectIntoLevel2Cache(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
putObjectIntoLevel2CacheInternal(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to add/update an object in the L2 cache.
putObjectsIntoLevel2Cache(Set<DNStateManager>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to put the passed objects into the L2 cache.
putShort(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts a short into this byte vector.
PUTSTATIC - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to store a persistable object for this unique key.
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level1Cache
Method to store a StateManager for this unique key.
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
putUnique(CacheUniqueKey, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
putUniqueAll(Map<CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
putUniqueAll(Map<CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
putUniqueAll(Map<CacheUniqueKey, CachedPC>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to put several objects into the cache.
putUTF8(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Puts an UTF8 string into this byte vector.


qualifier - Variable in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
queries - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Named queries
queries - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Named queries defined in this file.
query - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
The single string query
query - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
The Query object.
query - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Underlying "string-based" query.
Query<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Abstract implementation for all queries in DataNucleus.
Query(StoreManager, ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Constructs a new query instance that uses the given ExecutionContext.
QUERY - org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Flush on explicit flush()/commit() calls, and just before any query.
QUERY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Query issues
Query.QueryType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.query
Query.SubqueryDefinition - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Simple representation of a subquery, its candidate, params and variables.
queryBegin() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
QueryCompilation - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Representation of the components of a compiled java "string-based" query.
QueryCompilation(Class, String, SymbolTable, Expression[], Expression[], Expression, Expression[], Expression, Expression[], Expression[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
queryCompilationCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
Cache for generic query compilations.
QueryCompilationCache - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Cache for query compilations (generic).
queryCompilationCacheDatastore - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
Cache for datastore query compilations.
QueryCompilerSyntaxException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Exception thrown when a query compiler finds an error relative to the expected syntax.
QueryCompilerSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilerSyntaxException
QueryCompilerSyntaxException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilerSyntaxException
QueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Cache for query compilations (datastore-specific).
queryExecuted(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
queryExecutedWithError() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
QueryInterruptedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query
Exception thrown when a query execution is interrupted.
QueryInterruptedException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryInterruptedException
QueryInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryInterruptedException
QueryInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryInterruptedException
QueryInvalidParametersException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query
Exception thrown when invalid arguments/parameters are given.
QueryInvalidParametersException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryInvalidParametersException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
queryLanguage - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Query language that this is a compilation for.
QueryLanguage - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the primary query languages.
QueryManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query
Interface providing a way of creating instances of queries for datastores, caching of generic and datastore compilations, as well as caching query results.
QueryManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Manages the creation, compilation and results of queries.
QueryManagerImpl(NucleusContext, StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
QueryMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a named Query.
QueryMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Constructor for a query of the specified name.
queryMetaDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of QueryMetaData, keyed by the (class name + query name).
queryMethodAliasByPrefix - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
queryMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Query Manager.
queryMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Query Manager.
queryMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
QueryNotUniqueException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query
This exception is thrown when a user runs a Query and has marked it as UNIQUE, but it returns more than 1 object.
QueryNotUniqueException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryNotUniqueException
Constructs the exception, populating the correct message.
queryParameterTypesAreCompatible(Class, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
QueryResult<E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query
Lazy collection results from a Query.
queryResultMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
List of query result MetaData defined for this file.
queryResultMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
List of query result MetaData defined for this file.
QueryResultMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the mapping of (SQL) Query results into a desired output form.
QueryResultMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeColumn - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
QueryResultMetaData.ConstructorTypeMapping - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Class to wrap the mapping for a constructor type.
QueryResultMetaData.PersistentTypeMapping - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Class to wrap the mapping for a persistent type.
queryResultMetaDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of QueryResultMetaData keyed by the name.
queryResults - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
All query results obtained from this query.
queryResultsByIterator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.DefaultCandidateExtent
Map of the iterators of the Extents accessed.
queryResultsCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
Cache for query results.
QueryResultsCache - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Cache for query results.
queryReturnsSingleRow(Query) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return whether the query should return a single row.
QueryTimeoutException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query
Exception thrown when a query times out beyond some specified timeout duration.
QueryTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryTimeoutException
QueryTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryTimeoutException
QueryTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryTimeoutException
QueryUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query
Utilities for use in queries.
QueryUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Queue<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Queue object.
Queue<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Queue object.
Queue(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Queue(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
queuedOperations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
QUIET - org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
quoteString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
Quote used when the identifier case selected requires it.


RadiansFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function RADIANS(numExpr).
RadiansFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RadiansFunction
random - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Random number generator, for use when needing unique names.
random - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
Random number generator, for use when needing unique names.
range - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
String form of the query result range.
ReachabilityAtCommitHandler - Class in org.datanucleus
Handler to process "persistence-by-reachability" at commit.
ReachabilityAtCommitHandler(ExecutionContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
Constructor for a reachability-at-commit handler.
ReachabilityFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field manager that runs reachability on all PC objects referenced from the source object.
ReachabilityFieldManager(DNStateManager, Set) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
ReachableObjectNotCascadedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception that is thrown when we have a relation to another persistable object that is not yet persistent and where the relation is not marked as cascade-persist.
ReachableObjectNotCascadedException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.ReachableObjectNotCascadedException
Constructs the exception.
read(ClassReader, int, int, char[], int, Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Reads a Attribute.type attribute.
READ_COMMITTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionIsolation
A constant indicating that dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
READ_OK - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFlags == READ_OK, then the fields in the default fetch group can be accessed for read without notifying the StateManager
READ_UNCOMMITTED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionIsolation
A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
READ_WRITE_OK - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFlags == READ_WRITE_OK, then the fields in the default fetch group can be accessed for read or write without notifying the StateManager.
readByte(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a byte value in this ClassReader.
readClass(int, char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a CONSTANT_Class constant pool entry in this ClassReader.
readConst(int, char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a numeric or string constant pool entry in this ClassReader.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
Read this object.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Read from the input stream.
readExternal(ObjectInput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
Read this object.
readInt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a signed int value in this ClassReader.
readLabel(int, Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Returns the label corresponding to the given bytecode offset.
readLong(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a signed long value in this ClassReader.
readMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to access the (already known) metadata for the specified class.
readMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
readMetaDataForMember(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to access the (already known) metadata for the field/property of the specified class.
readMetaDataForMember(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
readModule(int, char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a CONSTANT_Module constant pool entry in this ClassReader.
readPackage(int, char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a CONSTANT_Package constant pool entry in this ClassReader.
readShort(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a signed short value in this ClassReader.
readUnsignedShort(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads an unsigned short value in this ClassReader.
readUTF8(int, char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
Reads a CONSTANT_Utf8 constant pool entry in this ClassReader.
REAL - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
RecordComponentVisitor - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A visitor to visit a record component.
RecordComponentVisitor(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Constructs a new RecordComponentVisitor.
RecordComponentVisitor(int, RecordComponentVisitor) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Constructs a new RecordComponentVisitor.
recover(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
RECURSION_DEPTH_FK_ONLY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
RECURSION_DEPTH_UNLIMITED - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
recursionDepth - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
recursion-depth value.
REF_CURSOR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
REF_CURSOR - org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
ReferentialStateManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Implementation of a StateManager for use where insertion ordering is important (such as RDBMS).
ReferentialStateManagerImpl(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.ReferentialStateManagerImpl
Constructor for object of specified type managed by the provided ExecutionContext.
refresh() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to refresh the values of the currently loaded fields in the managed object.
refresh() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to refresh the object.
refreshAllObjects() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to do a refresh of all objects.
refreshAllObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
refreshAllObjects() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
refreshFieldsInFetchPlan() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Refreshes from the database all fields in fetch plan.
refreshFieldsInFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
refreshLoadedFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Refreshes from the database all fields currently loaded.
refreshLoadedFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
refreshObject(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to do a refresh of an object, updating it from its datastore representation.
refreshObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
refreshObject(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
register(Synchronization) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTASyncRegistry
registerBundle(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.Localiser
Method to be called by plugins that have their own ResourceBundle, so the messages will be registered and available for use.
registerBundle(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
Register the plugin bundle.
registerBundle(Manifest, URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
Register the plugin bundle.
registerClass(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper.RegisterClassListener
This method gets called when a Persistable class is registered.
registerClass(Class, Persistable) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Register metadata by class.
registerConnectionMgr() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Register the default ConnectionManager implementation.
registerConverter(String, TypeConverter, Class, Class, boolean, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Register a TypeConverter with the TypeManager process for specific attribute/db types.
registerConverter(String, TypeConverter, Class, Class, boolean, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
registerDiscriminatorValueForClass(AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to register the discriminator value used by the specified class for easy lookup.
registerDiscriminatorValueForClass(AbstractClassMetaData, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerEmbeddedRelation(DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to register an embedded relation for the specified member of the owner StateManager where the embedded StateManager is stored.
registerEmbeddedRelation(DNStateManager, int, PersistableObjectType, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
registerExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContextListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Register a listener to be called when this ExecutionContext is closing.
registerExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContextListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
registerExtensionPoints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
registerExtensionPoints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
registerExtensionPoints() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Look for Bundles/Plugins and register them.
registerExtensionPointsForPluginInternal(List<ExtensionPoint>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
Register extension-points for the specified plugin.
registerExtensionPointsForPluginInternal(List<ExtensionPoint>, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
Register extension-points for the specified plugin.
registerExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
registerExtensions() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
registerExtensions() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Look for Bundles/Plugins and register them.
registerExtensionsForPlugin(URL, Bundle) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
Register extension and extension points for the specified plugin.
registerFetchPlansForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to register all FetchPlans found in the passed file.
registerFile(String, FileMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to take the FileMetaData and register the relevant parts of it with the assorted caches provided.
registerFile(String, FileMetaData, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerImplementationOfAbstractClass(ClassMetaData, Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to register the metadata for an implementation of a persistent abstract class.
registerImplementationOfAbstractClass(ClassMetaData, Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerListener(FetchPlan) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to register a listener for changes to this FetchGroup.
registerListener(MetaDataListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to register a listener to be notified when metadata for a class/interface is initialised.
registerListener(MetaDataListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerMBean(Object, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.ManagementManager
Register an MBean into the MBeanServer
registerMBean(Object, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagementServer
Register a MBean into the MBeanServer
registerMBean(Object, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.PlatformManagementServer
Register a MBean into the MBeanServer
registerMetaDataForClass(String, AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Internal method called when we want to register the metadata for a class/interface.
registerNamedQuery(QueryMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to register a named query.
registerNamedQuery(QueryMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to register a query under a name.
registerParameter(int, Class, StoredProcQueryParameterMode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
registerParameter(String, Class, StoredProcQueryParameterMode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
registerPersistentInterface(InterfaceMetaData, Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Method to register a persistent interface and its implementation with the MetaData system.
registerPersistentInterface(InterfaceMetaData, Class, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerQueriesForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to register all queries found in the passed file.
registerQueryResultMetaDataForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to register the query result metadata for the provided file.
registerSequencesForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to register all sequences found in the passed file.
registerSequencesForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerStoreData(StoreData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Method to register some data with the store.
registerStoreData(StoreData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Method to register some data with the store.
registerStoredProcQueriesForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Convenience method to register all stored proc queries found in the passed file.
registerStringConstructor(Class, ObjectId.StringConstructor) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Register special StringConstructor instances.
registerSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
registerTableGeneratorsForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to register all table generators found in the passed file.
registerTableGeneratorsForFile(FileMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
registerTask(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
registerTransactional() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Registers the pc class in the cache
registerTransactional() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Registers the pc class in the cache
registerUserClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
ClassLoader registered by users to load classes.
registerUserClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
ClassLoader registered by users to load classes.
registerValueGeneratorForMemberKey(String, ValueGenerator) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Method to store a ValueGenerator for the specified member "key".
registerValueGeneratorForMemberKey(String, ValueGenerator) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
RegularExpressionConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Converter for a "matches" regular expression replacing the Java regular expression constructs with datastore-specific constructs.
RegularExpressionConverter(char, char, char) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.RegularExpressionConverter
relatedMemberMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
MetaData for the other end of a relation when this member is a bidirectional relation.
RELATION_IDENTITY_STORAGE_PERSISTABLE_IDENTITY - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
relationAdd(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Method to register a change in the contents of a container field, with an object being added.
relationAdd(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
relationChange(int, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Method that is called when the user calls setXXX() on a field.
relationChange(int, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
relationPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Absolute positions of the fields/properties that have relations.
relationRemove(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager
Method to register a change in the contents of a container field, with an object being removed.
relationRemove(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
RelationshipManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.state
Manager for (bidirectional) relationships of an object (StateManager).
RelationshipManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Manager for (bidirectional) relationships of an object (StateManager).
RelationshipManagerImpl(DNStateManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManagerImpl
relationType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
The relation type of this field (1-1, 1-N, M-N, N-1).
RelationType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Utility class providing enums for the different relation types.
relationTypeString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Placeholder for the JPA relation type ManyToOne, OneToOne etc so we can store what the user specified.
release() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Release this connection back to us so we can pool it if required.
release() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Method to release the datastore connection back.
releaseConnection() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationConnectionProvider
Releases the Connection.
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Release the named savepoint (or do nothing if not supported).
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to deregister the current position as a savepoint with the provided name (assuming the datastore supports it).
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
releaseThreadContextInfo() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to remove the current thread context info for the current thread, after the reference counter reached 0.
remaining() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Method to return the remaining part of the string not yet processed.
remove() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
remove() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollectionIterator
remove() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to remove a result.
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to remove an element from the ArrayList.
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove an element from the LinkedList.
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to remove an element from the ArrayList.
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove an element from the Stack
remove(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove an element from the Vector.
remove(E, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollection
Method to remove an element from the collection, and observe the flag for whether to allow cascade delete.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKCollectionAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapContainerAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.OptionalAdapter
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the HashMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to remove the value for a key from the Hashtable
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the LinkedHashMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to remove a value from the Map.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to remove the value for a key from the Hashtable
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the SortedMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the TreeMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the HashMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to remove the value for a key from the Hashtable
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the LinkedHashMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to remove a value from the Map.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to remove the value for a key from the Hashtable
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the SortedMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to remove the value for a key from the TreeMap.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this map.
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove (the first occurrence of) an element from the collection
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
remove(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.PersistableRelationStore
Method to remove the relation from the provided object.
remove(DNStateManager, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to remove an element from the List.
remove(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to remove a value from the Map.
remove(DNStateManager, Object, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to remove an element from the collection.
remove(DNStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to remove a value from the Map where we know the value assigned to this key (to avoid lookups).
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to remove a Collection of elements.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to remove all elements from the collection from the set.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to remove all elements from the collection from the LinkedHashSet.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove a Collection from the LinkedList.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to remove a collection of elements from the List.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove a Collection of objects from the Stack
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove a Collection of elements from the Vector.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to remove a collection of elements from the List.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to remove a Collection of elements.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to remove a Collection of elements.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to remove a Collection of elements.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to remove all elements from the collection from the SortedSet.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to remove all elements from the collection from the TreeSet.
removeAll(DNStateManager, Collection, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to remove a collection of elements from the collection.
removeAll(DNStateManager, Collection, int, int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to remove a collection of elements from the collection.
removeAllElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
removeAllElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
removeAllElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove all elements from the Stack.
removeAllElements() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove all elements from the Vector.
removeAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to remove the associated value with the specified key (if it exists).
removeAssociatedValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
removeCategory(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Convenience method to remove the members for the specified category.
removeChildNode(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
removeClass(AbstractClassMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Method to remove a class from this metadata definition.
removeDatastoreProperties() - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Method that removes all properties from this store that are marked as "datastore".
removeDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to remove a cached datastore query compilation.
removeDatastoreQueryCompilation(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
removeElement(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
removeElement(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
removeElement(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove an element from the Stack
removeElement(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove an element from the Vector.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to remove an element from the Stack
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to remove an element from the Vector.
removeEmbeddedOwnerRelation(DNStateManager, int, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Convenience method to remove the EmbeddedOwnerRelation between the specified StateManagers.
removeEmbeddedOwnerRelation(DNStateManager, int, DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
removeExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Unregister a Listener from ExecutionContext events.
removeExecutionContextListener(ExecutionContext.LifecycleListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
removeExtension(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
removeFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager
Method to remove a dynamic FetchGroup from use.
removeFirst() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
removeFirst() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove the first element from the LinkedList.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to remove a group from the fetch plan.
removeInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to remove a dynamic FetchGroup.
removeInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Method to remove a dynamic FetchGroup from use by this OMF.
removeInternalFetchGroup(FetchGroup) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
removeLast() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
removeLast() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to remove the last element from the LinkedList.
removeLatestMemberName() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState
Method to remove the latest member name from the list since it is now processed
removeListener(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler
removeListener(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.CallbackHandler
Remove a listener for this handler.
removeListener(ManagedConnectionResourceListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
removeListener(ManagedConnectionResourceListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Deregister a ManagedConnectionResourceListener.
removeManagedConnection(boolean, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionManagerImpl
Method to remove the ManagedConnection from the cache.
removeMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to remove a field of the class from the fetch group.
removeMembers(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
removeObjectFromLevel1Cache(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to remove an object from the L1 cache.
removeObjectFromLevel1Cache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to evict an object from the L1 cache.
removeObjectFromLevel2Cache(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to remove an object from the L2 cache.
removeObjectFromLevel2Cache(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Convenience method to remove the object with the specified identity from the L2 cache.
removeOperations(List<Operation>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.OperationQueue
removeQueryCompilation(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManager
Method to remove a query compilation.
removeQueryCompilation(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
removeRegisterClassListener(EnhancementHelper.RegisterClassListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Remove the specified RegisterClassListener from the listener list.
removeSpecialTagsFromString(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Method to return the input string with all special tags (end-of-line, tab, etc) replaced by spaces.
removeStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
removeStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
removeStateManagerFromCache(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to remove the object managed by the specified StateManager from the cache.
removeStateManagerFromCache(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to remove the object managed by the specified StateManager from the cache.
removeStateManagerFromCache(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
removeSymbol(Symbol) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
removeTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Removes the specified listener.
removeTransactionEventListener(TransactionEventListener) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
removeUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
removeUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.JavaxCacheLevel2Cache
removeUnique(CacheUniqueKey) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Method to remove any object cached against the provided unique key.
removeVariableValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Method to remove a variable value.
REPEATABLE_READ - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionIsolation
A constant indicating that dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
replace(K, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
replaceAll(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
A more efficient version than String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) which uses Regex for the implementation and requires compilation for every execution.
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithValues() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to replace all loaded (wrapped) SCO fields with unwrapped values.
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithValues() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to replace all loaded SCO fields that have wrappers with their value.
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithWrappers() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to replace all loaded SCO fields with wrappers.
replaceAllLoadedSCOFieldsWithWrappers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to replace all loaded SCO fields with wrappers.
ReplaceDetachedState - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnReplaceDetachedState" using ASM.
ReplaceDetachedState(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceDetachedState
replaceField(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to change the value of the specified field.
replaceField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the value of a particular field and not mark it dirty.
replaceField(Persistable, int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the value of a field in the PC object.
replaceField(Persistable, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the value of a field in the PC object.
ReplaceField - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnReplaceField" using ASM.
ReplaceField(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceField
replaceFieldMakeDirty(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to change the value of the specified field.
replaceFieldMakeDirty(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the value of a particular field and mark it dirty.
replaceFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to update the data in the object with the values from the passed FieldManager.
replaceFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the Persistable object associated with this StateManager.
replaceFields(int[], FieldManager, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to update the data in the object with the values from the passed FieldManager.
replaceFields(int[], FieldManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the Persistable object associated with this StateManager.
ReplaceFields - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnReplaceFields" using ASM.
ReplaceFields(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFields
replaceFieldValue(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to change the value of a field that is assumed loaded.
replaceFieldValue(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to change the value of a field that is assumed loaded.
ReplaceFlags - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnReplaceFlags" using ASM.
ReplaceFlags(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceFlags
replaceManagedPC(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method that replaces the PC managed by this StateManager to be the supplied object.
replaceManagedPC(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to swap the managed object for the supplied object.
replaceNonLoadedFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to update the data in the object with the values from the passed FieldManager.
replaceNonLoadedFields(int[], FieldManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Called from the StoreManager to refresh data in the Persistable object associated with this StateManager.
replaceObjectId(Persistable, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Replace the previous object id for a PC object to a new
replaceObjectId(Persistable, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Replace the previous object id for a persistable object with a new one.
replaceObjectId(Persistable, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
replaceStateManager(Persistable, StateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Utility to update the passed object with the passed StateManager (can be null).
ReplaceStateManager - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnReplaceStateManager" using ASM.
ReplaceStateManager(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.ReplaceStateManager
replacingBooleanField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingBooleanField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a boolean field.
replacingByteField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingByteField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a byte field.
replacingCharField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingCharField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a char field.
replacingDetachedState(Detachable, Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the detached state in the calling instance.
replacingDetachedState(Detachable, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to update the "detached state" in the detached object to obtain the "detached state" from the detached object, or to reset it (to null).
replacingDoubleField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingDoubleField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a double field.
replacingFlags(Persistable) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The owning StateManager uses this method to supply the value of the flags to the Persistable instance.
replacingFlags(Persistable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
The StateManager uses this method to supply the value of dnFlags to the associated persistable instance.
replacingFloatField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingFloatField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a float field.
replacingIntField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingIntField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a int field.
replacingLongField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingLongField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a long field.
replacingObjectField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingObjectField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of an Object field.
replacingShortField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingShortField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a short field.
replacingStateManager(Persistable, StateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Replace the current value of dnStateManager.
replacingStateManager(Persistable, StateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Replace the current value of StateManager in the Persistable object.
replacingStringField(Persistable, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
replacingStringField(Persistable, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is invoked by the persistable object's dnReplaceField() method to refresh the value of a String field.
reportError(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Convenience method to report an error in the enhancement of this class.
requiresDetachable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Convenience method for whether this class needs to implement Detachable
requiresExtent - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
requires-extent tag value.
reserveBlock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Method to reserve a default sized block of values.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
Method to reserve a block of "size" values.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractUUIDGenerator
Method to reserve "size" values to the block.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AUIDGenerator
Method to reserve "size" values to the block.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampGenerator
Method to reserve a block of values.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampValueGenerator
Method to reserve a block of values.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDGenerator
Method to reserve "size" values to the block.
reserveBlock(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDObjectGenerator
reservedWords - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
resetDetachState() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to reset the detached state in the current object.
resetDetachState() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to reset the detached state in the current object.
resetEnhancement() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to throw away any previously stored enhancement results.
resetSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
resetSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
resetSchemaGeneration() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
resetSchemaGeneration() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Convenience method to reset the schema generation properties to their initial creation values, effectively undoing a call to enableSchemaGeneration.
resetSchemaGeneration() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Convenience method to reset the schema generation properties to their initial creation values, effectively undoing a call to enableSchemaGeneration.
ResinTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for Resin.
ResinTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.ResinTransactionManagerLocator
resolveClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Method to perform a lookup of the class name from the input name.
resolveClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLSymbolResolver
Method to perform a lookup of the class name from the input name.
resolveClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
Method to perform a lookup of the class name from the input name.
resolveClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLSymbolResolver
Method to perform a lookup of the class name from the input name.
resolveClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolResolver
Method to resolve the provided name to a class (if possible).
resolveClassDeclaration(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Utility to resolve the declaration to a particular class.
resolveClassDeclaration(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Utility to resolve the declaration to a particular class.
resolveClassDeclaration(String, ClassLoaderResolver, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Imports
Utility to resolve a class declaration.
resolveConstraints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
resolveConstraints() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
resolveConstraints() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Resolve constraints declared in bundle manifest.mf files.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Method to resolve XML entities.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
Method to resolve XML entities.
resolveURLAsFileURL(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry
resolveURLAsFileURL(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.OSGiPluginRegistry
resolveURLAsFileURL(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginManager
Converts a URL that uses a user-defined protocol into a URL that uses the file protocol.
resolveURLAsFileURL(URL) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.plugin.PluginRegistry
Converts a URL that uses a user-defined protocol into a URL that uses the file protocol.
RESOURCE_LOCAL - org.datanucleus.metadata.TransactionType
RESOURCE_LOCAL - org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionResourceType
RESOURCE_NAME_NONTX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
RESOURCE_NAME_TX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
RESOURCE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of a resource variable in a method.
ResourcedTransaction - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction
Transaction allowing resources to be enlisted, with branches and phased commit, following the style of an Open/XA transaction.
ResourcedTransactionManager - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction
TransactionManager provides a facade for creating (Open/XA) transactions.
ResourcedTransactionManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
resourceName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
Name of this resource ("tx", "non-tx" etc).
resourcePostClose() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnectionResourceListener
Method invoked when the resource has been closed.
resources - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Cache for resources
resourceType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
Type of resource represented by this ConnectionFactory.
restoreFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to restore all fields of the object from the saved state, in the case of rollback.
restoreFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to restore all fields of the object.
RESTRICT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
result - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
result - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Specification of the result of the query e.g aggregates etc.
RESULT - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
resultClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
The result class to use.
resultClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AbstractResultClassMapper
resultClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
User-defined class that best represents the results of a query.
resultClasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Result classes for the result sets (optional).
resultClassIsSimple(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Utility to return if the passed result class is a simple type with a single value.
resultClassIsUserType(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Utility to return if the passed result class is a user-type, and so requires fields matching up.
resultClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Temporary variable for the name of the result class (may need resolving using imports).
resultDistinct - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Whether the result is distinct.
resultDistinct - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether the results are marked as distinct.
resultHasOnlyAggregates(String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryUtils
Convenience method to return if the "result" clause from a java string-based query language includes only aggregates.
ResultIterator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult.ResultIterator
resultMetaDataName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Name for the MetaData defining the mapping of the result set (for JPA SQL).
resultMetaDatas - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
MetaData defining the results of the query (optional).
RESULTS_SET - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Name under which any set of results are stored in the state map.
resultSetNumber - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
resultSizeMethod - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method for getting the size of the results.
resume(ExecutionContext, ResourcedTransaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
RET - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others).
retrieve(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to retrieve the fields for this object.
retrieve(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to retrieve the object.
retrieveConnection() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationConnectionProvider
Provides a Connection for a ValueGenerator.
retrieveDetachState(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Convenience method to retrieve the detach state from the passed StateManager's managed object
retrieveDetachState(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to retrieve the detach state from the passed StateManager's object.
retrieveObjectForIndex(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
Accessor to retrieve the object at an index.
retrieveObjects(boolean, Object...) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to retrieve the (fields of the) passed object(s).
retrieveObjects(boolean, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
retrieveObjects(boolean, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
RETURN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
returnsSingleRow - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Whether the query will return a single row.
returnsSingleRow() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Accessor for whether this query will return a single row.
returnType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Return type for the method
right - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
rightAlignedPaddedString(String, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to return a right-aligned version of a string padded to the number of characters specified.
ROLE_ARRAY_ELEMENT - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as the element of an array.
ROLE_COLLECTION_ELEMENT - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as the element of a collection.
ROLE_FIELD - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is a reference to another (persistable) object.
ROLE_INDEX - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as an ordering or index in a List.
ROLE_MAP_KEY - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as the key of a map.
ROLE_MAP_VALUE - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as the value of a map.
ROLE_NONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
No role defined for this field.
ROLE_OWNER - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is the owner of a relation.
ROLE_PERSISTABLE_RELATION - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Field is to be treated as the relation to a persistable (via join table).
roll(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to roll a field by 1.
roll(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to roll the value of a field
rollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Rollback the transaction changes to the StoreData cache
rollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
rollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
rollback() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Rollback the current transaction.
rollback() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Method to rollback the transaction.
rollback(Xid) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
rollback(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
RollbackException - Exception in org.datanucleus.transaction
RollbackException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.transaction.RollbackException
rollbackOnly - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Whether the transaction is only for roll-back.
RollbackStateTransitionException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown when an error occurs in the rollback process of a state change.
RollbackStateTransitionException(Exception[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.RollbackStateTransitionException
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Rollback the connection to the named savepoint (or do nothing if not supported).
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to rollback the transaction to the specified savepoint (assuming the datastore supports it).
rollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
RoundFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function ROUND(numExpr, numExpr2).
RoundFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.RoundFunction
RuntimeEnhancer - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
Class that will enhance a class at runtime, called via "javaagent".
RuntimeEnhancer(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.RuntimeEnhancer
Constructor for a runtime enhancer for an API.
RuntimeEnhancer.EnhancerClassLoader - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer
This classloader is used to load any classes that are necessary during enhancement process, and avoid using application classloaders to load classes
runtimeLoader - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
ClassLoader registered to load runtime created classes.
runtimeLoaderHashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Hash code cache for performance improvement


SALOAD - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
SAPWebASTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for SAPWeb app server
SAPWebASTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.SAPWebASTransactionManagerLocator
SASTORE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
save(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Method to save the (current) class definition bytecode into a class file.
save(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Method to save the class definition bytecode into a class file.
savedState - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Saved state, for use during any rollback for reinstating the object.
SavedState - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Definition of the saved state of a Persistable object.
SavedState(Persistable, boolean[], byte) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
savedStoreDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
the memory image of schema data before running it
saveFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to save all fields of the object to a saved state, in case of later rollback.
saveFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to save all fields of the object, for use in any rollback.
scalarColumns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryResultMetaData
Collection of column names in the result set that are returned as scalars.
scale - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
scale to use (if any).
scanForPersistableClasses(PersistenceUnitMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataScanner
Scan for persistable classes.
schema - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Schema name (O/R mapping).
schema - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Schema for the table specified for this field.
schema - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Schema name for all classes in this file
schema - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the schema name.
schema - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Schema name for all classes in this package
SCHEMA_INFO - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
SchemaAwareStoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface to be implemented by all store managers that manage a "schema".
SchemaComponent - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming
Enum of the types of schema components that we need to create names for.
schemaHandler - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Schema handler.
schemaName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
schemaName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the schema to use for the table
SchemaScriptAwareStoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface to be implemented by all store managers that support execution of scripts on the schema.
SchemaTool - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema
SchemaTool providing an interface for the maintenance of schemas.
SchemaTool() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
SchemaTool.Mode - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.schema
SchemaToolTask - Class in org.datanucleus.store.schema
SchemaTool Ant Task.
SchemaToolTask() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
SchemaVerifier - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Representation of a verifier for schema information.
SCO - org.datanucleus.store.StoreData.Type
SCO<T> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Representation of a wrapper/proxy for a mutable SCO type (e.g Date, Collection, Map).
SCOCollection<T,​E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Representation of a wrapper for a mutable Collection SCO type supported.
SCOCollectionIterator<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types
An iterator for a SCO Collection object.
SCOCollectionIterator(Collection<E>, DNStateManager, Collection<E>, CollectionStore<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollectionIterator
Constructor taking the delegate or backing store.
SCOContainer<T> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Representation of a SCO that contains other (persistable) objects.
scoContainerMemberFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
SCOID - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Object identifier for use with nondurable objects to guarantee uniqueness in the JVM (but not in datastore).
SCOID(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.SCOID
Constructs a new SCOID to identify an object of the given class.
SCOList<T,​E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Representation of a wrapper for a mutable List SCO type supported.
SCOListIterator<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types
An iterator for a SCO List object.
SCOListIterator(List<E>, DNStateManager, List<E>, ListStore<E>, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
Constructor taking the delegate or backing store, and any start index.
SCOMap<T,​K,​V> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Representation of a wrapper for a mutable Map SCO type supported.
scoMutableMemberFlags - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Flags of the SCO mutable state for all fields/properties.
scoMutableMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of the SCO mutable fields/properties (inc superclasses).
scoNonContainerMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that aren't containers.
SCOOperation - Interface in org.datanucleus.flush
(Queued) operation performed on a backing store.
scope - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Scope of this query (if any).
SCOUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types
Collection of utilities for second class wrappers and objects.
SCOUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
secondaryStoreMgrMap - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
Map of secondary StoreManager keyed by their symbolic name.
secondClassMutableFields - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
Second class mutable fields for the class of this object.
SELECT - org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
seqMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Name of the sequence.
sequence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
If the value-strategy is sequence, the sequence attribute specifies the name of the sequence to use to automatically generate a value for the field.
sequence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
sequence tag value.
SEQUENCE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "sequence" specifies that a named database sequence is used to generate key values for the table.
SequenceAdapter - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
SequenceMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a named Sequence (JDO, or JPA).
SequenceMetaData(String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
sequenceMetaDataByPackageSequence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of SequenceMetaData, keyed by the package name and sequence name.
sequences - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Sequence generators.
SequenceStrategy - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of strategy of a Sequence.
Serializable - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable
dnFieldFlags for a field includes SERIALIZABLE, then the field is not declared as TRANSIENT.
SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionIsolation
A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.
SerializableByteArrayConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a Serializable object to/from byte[].
SerializableByteArrayConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteArrayConverter
SerializableByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a Serializable object to/from ByteBuffer.
SerializableByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteBufferConverter
SerializableStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a Serializable object to/from String.
SerializableStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableStringConverter
serialized - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
serialized tag value.
serializeRead - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether to lock objects of this type on read operations.
serializeRead - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Whether to serialise (lock) any read objects in this transaction.
set(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
set(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
set(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
set(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set a field
set(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to set the position of a result.
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to set the element at a position in the ArrayList.
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to set the element at a position in the LinkedList.
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to set the element at a position in the ArrayList.
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to set the element at a position in the Stack
set(int, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to set the element at a position in the Vector.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOList
Overload the basic List set() method to allow turning off of the dependent-field deletion process.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
wrapper addition that allows turning off of the dependent-field checks when doing the position setting.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Wrapper addition that allows turning off of the dependent-field checks when doing the position setting.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
wrapper addition that allows turning off of the dependent-field checks when doing the position setting.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Wrapper addition that allows turning off of the dependent-field checks when doing the position setting.
set(int, E, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Wrapper addition that allows turning off of the dependent-field checks when doing the position setting.
set(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
set(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
set(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOListIterator
set(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResultIterator
set(DNStateManager, int, E, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Method to update an element at a position in the List.
set(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ArrayStore
Method to set the elements in the array.
Set<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Set object.
Set<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Set object.
Set(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Set(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
Set(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, boolean, SetStore<E>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Constructor allowing the specification of the backing store to be used.
setAccessViaField(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setAlias(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
setAllocationSize(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setAllocationSize(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setAllocationSize(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setAllocationSize(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setAllowAll(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
Mutator for whether we should allow all JDOQL syntax (as opposed to strict JDOQL from the spec).
setAllowAnnotations(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
setAllowAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setAllowDelete(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLSingleStringParser
setAllowMetaDataLoad(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
setAllowMetaDataLoad(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setAllowsNull(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setAllowsNull(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setAllowUpdate(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.JDOQLSingleStringParser
setAllowXML(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
setAllowXML(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setAlwaysDetachable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
set always detachable.
setApi(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
set API Adapter
setApi(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
Mutator for the metadata API (JDO, JPA)
setApi(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Set the API Adapter
setAssociatedValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to set an associated value stored with this object.
setAssociatedValue(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setAttachDetachReferencedObject(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Register a referenced object against this StateManager for the attach/detach process.
setAttachDetachReferencedObject(DNStateManager, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
setBackward() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData.FieldOrder
setBeanValidationHandler(BeanValidationHandler) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl.NullCallbackHandler
setBitInInt(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to set a boolean as a bit in the specified int, for memory utilisation purposes.
setBooleanField(Persistable, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setBooleanField(Persistable, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setBundleSymbolicName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
setByteField(Persistable, int, byte, byte) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setByteField(Persistable, int, byte, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setCacheable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setCacheResults(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether this query should cache the results from the times it is ran.
setCandidateClass(Class<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator for the class of the candidate instances of the query.
setCandidateClassName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method to set the name of the candidate class.
setCandidateExpression(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
setCandidates(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
setCandidates(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Set the candidate collection to query.
setCandidates(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the candidate Collection to query.
setCandidates(Extent) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
setCandidates(Extent<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Set the candidate Extent to query.
setCandidates(Extent<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the candidate Extent to query.
setCascadeAttach(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of attach operations on this field.
setCascadeDelete(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of delete operations on this field.
setCascadeDetach(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of detach operations on this field.
setCascadePersist(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of persist operations on this field.
setCascadeRefresh(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of refresh operations on this field.
setCascadeRemoveOrphans(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the cascading of orphan removal operations on this field.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
setCatalog(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Set the Catalog Name.
setCatalogName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setCatalogName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setCatalogName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setCharField(Persistable, int, char, char) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setCharField(Persistable, int, char, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setCheckonly(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Whether to just check the enhancement state
setClassEnhancerOption(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.RuntimeEnhancer
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to set the class loader to use for loading the class(es) to be enhanced.
setClassLoaderResolver(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ClassStringConverter
setCloseOnRelease(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
setCloseOnRelease(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
setColumn(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setColumnDdl(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Mutator for column MetaData.
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Mutator for column MetaData.
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Mutator for column MetaData.
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
Mutator for column MetaData.
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
setColumnMetaData(ColumnMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
setColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setCommitOnRelease(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
setCommitOnRelease(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
setCompilation(QueryCompilation) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to set the generic compilation for this query.
setCompleteDdl(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setCompleteDdl(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Mutator for whether to output complete DDL.
setConnectionProvider(ValueGenerationConnectionProvider) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator
Mutator for setting the connection provider.
setContainer(C) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ElementContainerAdapter
setContainer(ContainerMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Method to set the container for this field (if this field represents a container (collection, map, array).
setContainerManagedConnections(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
setDatastoreIdentityMetaData(DatastoreIdentityMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Mutator for the datastore identity MetaData.
setDatastoreReadTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator to set the datastore read timeout for this query.
setDatastoreSequence(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setDatastoreWriteTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator to set the datastore write timeout for this query.
setDate(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date).
setDate(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date).
setDate(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, int date).
setDdlFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setDdlFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Set the file to output DDL to
setDefaultable(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Mutator for the defaultability of the column.
setDefaultable(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setDefaultFetchGroup(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setDefaultNullable(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
setDefaultNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setDefaultProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Method to set the persistence property defaults based on what is defined for plugins.
setDefaults(FrequentlyAccessedProperties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
Set default properties that are read when property is not defined in this instance
setDefaultTypeConverterForType(Class, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManager
Method providing the ability for a datastore plugin to override the default converter type for the specified java type.
setDefaultTypeConverterForType(Class, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setDeferred(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setDeferred(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.UniqueMetaData
setDeferred(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setDeleteAction(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setDeleteAction(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setDeleteAction(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setDeleteAction(ForeignKeyAction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setDeleteAction(ForeignKeyAction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setDependent(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setDependentElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
setDependentElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
setDependentKey(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setDependentValue(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setDestination(File) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
set output directory
setDetachable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setDetachable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setDetachedCopyEntry(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.DetachState
Set to the current state a detached copy object
setDetachListener(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for whether to allow generation of default constructor where needed.
setDetachListener(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Whether to use detach listener.
setDetachmentOptions(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Set the options to be used at detachment.
setDetachmentRootClasses(Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Set the classes used for roots of the detachment graph for DetachAllOnCommit.
setDetachmentRoots(Collection<Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Set the roots for DetachAllOnCommit
setDir(File) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Sets the root dir for looking for files
setDiscriminatorMetaData(DiscriminatorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
setDiscriminatorMetaData(DiscriminatorMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
setDoubleField(Persistable, int, double, double) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setDoubleField(Persistable, int, double, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to set the element at a position in the Stack
setElementAt(E, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to set the element at a position in the Vector.
setElementMetaData(ElementMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the element MetaData
setElementType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
setElementType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
setElseExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setEmbeddedElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
setEmbeddedElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
setEmbeddedKey(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setEmbeddedMetaData(EmbeddedMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Mutator for the Embedded MetaData
setEmbeddedMetaData(EmbeddedMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the embedded MetaData
setEmbeddedOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setEmbeddedOnly(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setEmbeddedValue(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setEncryptionProvider(PersistenceEncryptionProvider) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.EncryptionAwareStoreManager
Method to set the encryption provider for persistent data.
setEntityName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setExcludeUnlistedClasses(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setExplicitParameters(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
setExplicitParameters(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLParser
setExplicitParameters(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
SetExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression for the aggregation of a set of object values.
SetExpression(Collection, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression
Constructor for a SetExpression to perform the aggregation.
setExprFilter(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
setExprHaving(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
setExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Extension
Assign the ExtensionPoint to this Extension
setExtensions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set multiple extensions, or use null to clear extensions.
setExtensions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setExtensions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
setFactoryClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setFatal() - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
Method to set the exception as being fatal.
setFetchPlan(FetchPlan) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator for the FetchPlan of the query.
setFetchPlanName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to set the fetch size when using large result sets.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
setFetchSize(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
setFieldName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
Method to set the field name that this property wraps (persistent interface implementation)
setFieldTypes(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the possible field type(s) that this reference field can store.
setFieldValue(Integer, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
setFilename(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Mutator for the filename for this MetaData file.
setFileSuffixes(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Set one or more file suffixes for the input files.
setFilter(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the filter for the query.
setFirstDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the first day of the week
setFkDefinition(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setFkDefinitionApplies(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setFloatField(Persistable, int, float, float) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setFloatField(Persistable, int, float, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setFlushedNew(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
setFlushedNew(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
setFlushing(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setForeignKeyMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Mutator for the Foreign Key MetaData
setForeignKeyMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the foreignKey MetaData
setForeignKeyMetaData(ForeignKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setFrom(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the candidates to the query.
setGenerateConstructor(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for whether to allow generation of default constructor where needed.
setGenerateConstructor(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Whether to allow generation of default constructor where required.
setGeneratePK(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for whether to allow generation of PKs where needed.
setGeneratePK(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Whether to allow generation of PKs where required.
setGenerator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Method to set the value generator to use.
setGregorianChange(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the gregorian cal change date
setGroup(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to set the fetch group.
setGrouping(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Set the grouping specification for the result Collection.
setGrouping(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the grouping specification for the result Collection.
setGroups(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to set the groups using an array.
setGroups(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Method to set the groups of the fetch plan.
setHaving(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the having specification for the result Collection.
setHours(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, int hours).
setHours(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, int hours).
setIdentityType(IdentityType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setIf(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
setIgnoreCache(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the ignoreCache option.
setImplicitParameter(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to set the value of a numbered implicit parameter where known before execution.
setImplicitParameter(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to set the value of a named implicit parameter where known before execution.
setIncludeAutoStart(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setIncludeAutoStart(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Mutator for whether to include any auto-start mechanism in schema operations.
setIndex(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
setIndexed(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
setIndexed(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
setIndexed(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
setIndexed(IndexedValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Mutator for the Index MetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the index MetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Mutator for the index MetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
Mutator for the index MetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Mutator for the index MetaData
setIndexMetaData(IndexMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setInheritanceMetaData(InheritanceMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Mutator for the inheritance MetaData.
setInitialValue(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setInitialValue(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setInsertable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setInsertable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setInsertFields(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the INSERT fields of the query.
setInserting() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
setInserting() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setInsertingCallbacks() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
setInsertingCallbacks() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.ReferentialStateManagerImpl
Override the superclass that simply sets the INSERTING_CALLBACKS flag, and call insertion notify list.
setInsertingCallbacks() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setInsertSelectQuery(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the INSERT select query.
setInsertValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setInstance(DetachListener) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.DetachListener
setIntField(Persistable, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setIntField(Persistable, int, int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setJcaMode(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Mutator for whether we are in JCA mode.
setJcaMode(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
setJdbcType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setJdbcType(JdbcType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setJdbcType(JdbcType) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
setJdbcType(JdbcType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setJoinExpression(JoinExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
Set the right expression to the provided join.
setJoinExpression(JoinExpression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
setJoinMetaData(JoinMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the join MetaData
setJoinMetaData(JoinMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
setJtaDataSource(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setKeyMetaData(KeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the key MetaData
setKeyType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setLanguage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setLeft(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
setLength(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setLength(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the lenient setting
setLevel2Cache(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Method to set whether we are supporting the Level2 Cache with this ExecutionContext Note that if the NucleusContext has no Level2 Cache enabled then you cannot turn it on here.
setLinkToParentQuery(JavaQueryCompiler, Map<Object, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Method to set the linkage to the parent query.
setLoadedField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
setLoadedFields(boolean[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
setLoadFetchGroup(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setLongField(Persistable, int, long, long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setLongField(Persistable, int, long, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setMappedBy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setMappedBy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setMappedBy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
setMappedSuperclass(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setMapsIdAttribute(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setMaxFetchDepth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
Mutator for the maximum fetch depth where -1 implies no restriction on the fetch depth.
setMaxFetchDepth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
setMaxFetchDepth(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchPlanMetaData
setMaximumLength(SchemaComponent, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
setMaximumLength(SchemaComponent, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to set the maximum length of the name of the specified schema component.
setMemberColumnMapping(MemberColumnMapping) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setMemberName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setMetaData(MetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Method to set the MetaData for this class.
setMetaDataComplete() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Method to set that this class is "metadata complete" (see JPA spec).
setMethodAliases(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the minimal days in the week
setMinutes(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, int minutes).
setMinutes(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, int minutes).
setMode(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Sets the mode of operation.
setMode(StoredProcQueryParameterMode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
setMode(AutoStartMechanism.Mode) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AbstractAutoStartMechanism
Mutator for the mode of operation
setMode(AutoStartMechanism.Mode) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism
Mutator for the mode of operation.
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, int month).
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, int month).
setMonth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, int month).
setMultitenancyMetaData(MultitenancyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
setName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
setNamer(EnhancementNamer) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
setNamer(EnhancementNamer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
setNamingCase(NamingCase) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
setNamingCase(NamingCase) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to set the required case of the names.
setNanos(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Mutator for the time in nanos.
setNested(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setNestedException(Throwable) - Method in exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException
setNodeValue(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
setNonJtaDataSource(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, allow persistent instances to be read without a transaction active.
setNontransactionalRead(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the setting of nontransactional read.
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, allow persistent instances to be written without a transaction active.
setNontransactionalWrite(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the setting of nontransactional write.
setNontransactionalWriteAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Set whether to auto-commit any non-tx writes.
setNontransactionalWriteAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for whether non-tx writes are auto-commit (false implies delayed til next transaction commit).
SetNormal - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "setZZZ" using ASM for NORMAL fields.
SetNormal(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetNormal
setNotPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setNullable(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Mutator for the nullability of the column.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setNullIndicatorColumn(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
setNullIndicatorValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
setNullValue(NullValue) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setObjectField(Persistable, int, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setObjectField(Persistable, int, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setObjectIdClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setOnExpression(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Optimistic transactions do not hold data store locks until commit time.
setOptimistic(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the optimistic transaction setting.
setOption(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
setOption(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setOption(String, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
setOption(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setOption(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
setOption(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
setOption(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setOption(String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
setOption(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Method to set the options controlling the enhancement.
setOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
setOrdered() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for whether the collection stored in this field is ordered.
setOrdering(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData
setOrdering(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the ordering specification for the result Collection.
setOrderMetaData(OrderMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the order MetaData
setOuter(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setOutputDirectory(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for the output directory where any classes will be written.
setOwnerMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
setParent(MetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
setParent(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
setParent(StoreSchemaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.ListStoreSchemaData
Method to set the parentage of a component.
setParent(StoreSchemaData) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.MapStoreSchemaData
Method to set the parentage of a component.
setParentSymbolTable(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
Set the symbol table for any parent query, so that if this query refers to an expression from the parent query then it is resolvable.
setPerformChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ManagedRelationsHandler
setPersistenceFlags(byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.SavedState
setPersistenceModifier(ClassPersistenceModifier) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setPersistenceModifier(FieldPersistenceModifier) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setPersistenceProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Set the properties for this configuration.
setPersistenceUnit(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
Set the persistence-unit name to enhance
setPersistenceUnit(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Set the name of the persistence unit to manage
setPKColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setPKColumnValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setPosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setPosition(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
setPosition(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setPosition(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setPostLoad(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Mutator for whether the postLoad callback should be called on loading this fetch group.
setPostLoad(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMetaData
setPostStoreNewObjectId(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to allow the setting of the id of the PC object.
setPostStoreNewObjectId(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
If the id is obtained after inserting the object into the database, set new a new id for persistent classes (for example, increment).
setPrimary(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Sets the primary classloader for the current thread.
setPrimary(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Sets the primary classloader for the current thread
setPrimaryKey() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Mutator to make the column (part of) the primary key.
setPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setPrimaryKey(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setPrimaryKeyMetaData(PrimaryKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Mutator for the PrimaryKey MetaData.
setPrimaryKeyMetaData(PrimaryKeyMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Mutator for the PrimaryKey MetaData.
setProcedureName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to set properties on the execution context.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
setProperties(PropertyStore) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setPropertiesUsingFile(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Method to set the persistence properties using those defined in a file.
setProperty() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
Convenience method to set a persistence property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to set a property on the execution context
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BasePropertyStore
Method to set a property in the store
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.FrequentlyAccessedProperties
Tries to set the property value for any of the "frequent" properties.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to add a string value against a string key to the Hashtable
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to add a string value against a string key to the Hashtable
setPropertyAtPosition(int, Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
setPropertyInternal(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyStore
Method to set a property in the store
setProps(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Get persistence properties from a file
setProvider(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setQuery(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setQueryLanguage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
set quiet
setQuoteString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
setQuoteString(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to set the quote string to use (when the identifiers need to be quoted).
setRange(long, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the range of the results.
setRange(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the range of the results.
setRecursionDepth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setRecursionDepth(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
setRecursionDepth(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setRecursionDepth(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FetchGroupMemberMetaData
setRecursionDepth(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to set the recursion depth for the specified field/property.
setRelation(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Convenience method that sets up the relation type of this field, and the reference to any related field when it is bidirectional.
setRelationTypeString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setRequireBundle(List<Bundle.BundleDescription>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
Acessor for the RequireBundle.
setRequiresExtent(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setRequiresExtent(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setReservedKeywords(Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
setReservedKeywords(Set<String>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to set the provided list of keywords as names that identifiers have to surround by quotes to use.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, at rollback, fields of newly persistent instances are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction, and the instances revert to transient.
setRestoreValues(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the setting of restore values.
setResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJDOQLQuery
Set the result for the results.
setResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJPQLQuery
Set the result for the results.
setResult(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the result for the results.
setResultClass(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the result class for the results.
setResultClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setResultClasses(Class[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Set the result class for the results.
setResultClassName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to set the result class name, direct from a single-string query.
setResultDistinct() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
setResultDistinct(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mark the result as distinct (or not).
setResultMetaData(QueryResultMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Method to set the MetaData defining the result.
setResultMetaData(QueryResultMetaData[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
Method to set the MetaData defining the result.
setResultMetaDataName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
If true, at commit instances retain their values and the instances transition to persistent-nontransactional.
setRetainValues(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the setting of retain values.
setReturnsSingleRow() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
setRight(Expression) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.JTATransactionImpl
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
setRollbackOnly() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Sets the rollback-only status of the transaction to true.
setRollbackOnly() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the "rollback only" flag.
setRollbackOnly(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
setRuntimeClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
ClassLoader registered to load classes created at runtime.
setRuntimeClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
ClassLoader registered to load classes created at runtime.
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Set this position in the txn as a savepoint with the provided name (if supported, otherwise do nothing).
setSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Method to register the current position as a savepoint with the provided name (assuming the datastore supports it).
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setScale(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setScale(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
setSchema(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
Set the Schema Name.
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setSchemaName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setScope(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, int seconds).
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, int seconds).
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
If the value-strategy is sequence, the sequence attribute specifies the name of the sequence to use to automatically generate a value for the field.
setSequence(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
setSerialised(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setSerializedElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
setSerializedElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
setSerializedKey(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setSerializedValue(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setSerializeRead(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setSerializeRead(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator for whether to serialise (lock) any read objects in this query.
setSerializeRead(Boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Mutator for whether to serialize (lock) any read objects in this transaction.
setSerializeRead(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
setSharedCacheMode(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Mutator for the shared cache mode.
setShortField(Persistable, int, short, short) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setShortField(Persistable, int, short, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setSingleElement(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
setSoftDeleteMetaData(SoftDeleteMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setSqlType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
setStateManagerAssociatedValue(DNStateManager, Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
SetStore<E> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for a Set.
setStoreInLob() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for whetehr to store as a "lob".
setStoringPC() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to set the storing PC flag.
setStoringPC() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
setStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
setStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setStrategy(DiscriminatorStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setStrategy(InheritanceStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
setStrategy(SequenceStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
setStrategy(VersionStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
setStrategyForTree(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
setStrict(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Parser
setStringField(Persistable, int, String, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.StateManager
Mark the field as modified by the user.
setStringField(Persistable, int, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
This method is called by the associated Persistable when the corresponding mutator method (setXXX()) is called on the Persistable.
setSubclasses(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator for whether this query includes subclasses
setSupportedAnnotationPackages(String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Method to set the valid annotation packages to be supported when reading.
setSymbolResolver(SymbolResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
setSymbolTable(SymbolTable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ExpressionCompiler
setSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
The user can specify a Synchronization instance to be notified on transaction completions.
setSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Mutator for the synchronization object to be notified on transaction completion.
setSystemOut(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for whether to output to system out.
setTable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
setTable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setTable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setTable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
setTable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setTable(Table) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
setTableName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setTarget(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setTargetClassName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the target class name.
setTargetMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setText(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
Setter to the text
setTime(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Mutator for the time.
setTime(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Mutator for the time.
setTime(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Sets the time of this Time object to the specified value.
setTime(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Mutator for the time.
setTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the time in milliseconds
setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Method to set the timezone
setTransactional() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setTransactionalVersion(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Sets the value for the version column in a transaction not yet committed
setTransactionalVersion(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Sets the value for the version column in a transaction not yet committed
setTransactionTimeout(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
setTransactionTimeout(ExecutionContext, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
setTransactionType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
setType(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
setType(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
setType(Class<T>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
setType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
setType(MetaDataFileType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
setType(Query.QueryType) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator to set the query type.
setTypeConverter(TypeConverter) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Method to set the TypeConverter used by this member-column.
setTypeConverter(TypeConverter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
setTypeConverterDisabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setTypeConverterForComponent(FieldRole, TypeConverter) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMapping
Method to set a component TypeConverter for such as a collection element, map key or map value.
setTypeConverterForComponent(FieldRole, TypeConverter) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
setTypeConverterName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setTypeName(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
setTypeName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the uniqueness of the results.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.Column
Mutator for the uniqueness of the column.
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
setUnique(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setUnique(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setUnique(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setUnique(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setUnique(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setUniqueMetaData(UniqueMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Mutator for the Unique MetaData
setUniqueMetaData(UniqueMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the unique MetaData
setUniqueMetaData(UniqueMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
setUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
Method to make the group unmodifiable.
setUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Mutator for unmodifiable.
setUnmodifiable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setUnmodifiable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
setUpdate(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Set the UPDATE clause of the query.
setUpdateable(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setUpdateable(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
setUpdateAction(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setUpdateAction(ForeignKeyAction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
setUpdateAction(ForeignKeyAction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
setValidate(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Mutator for whether to validate the MetaData files for XML compliance.
setValidate(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setValidate(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Method to set whether to validate during the the handling.
setValidationMode(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Mutator for the validation mode
setValue(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
setValue(ArrayList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
setValue(Collection<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
setValue(HashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
setValue(HashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
setValue(Hashtable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
setValue(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
setValue(LinkedHashSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
setValue(LinkedList<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
setValue(List<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
setValue(Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
setValue(PriorityQueue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
setValue(Properties) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
setValue(Queue<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
setValue(Set<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
setValue(SortedMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
setValue(SortedSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
setValue(Stack<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
setValue(TreeMap) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
setValue(TreeSet<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
setValue(Vector<E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
setValue(T) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOContainer
Method to change the delegate value this wraps (to save recreating the wrapper).
setValueColumnName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
setValueGeneratorName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the name of the value generator to use for this strategy.
setValueGeneratorName(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
setValueMetaData(ValueMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Mutator for the value MetaData
setValueStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setValueStrategy(ValueGenerationStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
setValueStrategy(ValueGenerationStrategy) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
setValueType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
setValueType(Class) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
setValueType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
setVariableValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryExpressionEvaluator
Method to set the value for a variable.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Mutator for the verbose flag
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerTask
set verbose
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaToolTask
set verbose
setVersion(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
setVersion(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to set the current version of the managed object.
setVersion(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Sets the value for the version column in the datastore
setVersionMetaData(VersionMetaData) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Mutator for the Version MetaData.
SetViaCheck - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "setZZZ" using ASM for CHECK_WRITE fields.
SetViaCheck(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaCheck
SetViaMediate - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "dnSetZZZ" using ASM for MEDIATE_WRITE fields.
SetViaMediate(ClassEnhancer, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.SetViaMediate
setWordSeparator(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
setWordSeparator(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingFactory
Method to set the word separator of the names.
setXmlNamespaceAware(boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Mutator for whether to support XML namespaces.
setXmlNamespaceAware(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
setYear(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 1900).
setYear(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 1900).
setYear(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by Calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year + 1900).
SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
SHORT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the short type.
SHORT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
SHORT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The short type.
ShortAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a Short, used in evaluation of aggregates.
ShortAggregateExpression(Short) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
ShortArrayByteBufferConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Convenience class to handle Java serialisation of a short[] object to/from ByteBuffer.
ShortArrayByteBufferConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ShortArrayByteBufferConverter
ShortId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single short field.
ShortId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
ShortId(Class<?>, short) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
ShortId(Class<?>, Short) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
ShortId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
shouldReturnSingleRow() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method to return whether the query should return a single row.
SignFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SIGN(numExpr).
SignFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SignFunction
SineFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SIN(numExpr).
SineFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SineFunction
singleCollectionValue(TypeManager, Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
singleElement - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
Whether this collection handles more than one element.
SingleFieldId<T,​S extends SingleFieldId> - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is the abstract base class for all single field identity classes.
SingleFieldId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
SingleFieldId(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
singleString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Cached form of the single string form of the query.
SingleTypeFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
A simple field manager that stores/fetches a single field value per type in memory.
SingleTypeFieldManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Default Constructor.
SingleTypeFieldManager(boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(byte) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(char) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(double) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(float) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(long) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(short) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleTypeFieldManager(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
SingleValueFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
Field manager for single field.
SingleValueFieldManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
SinhFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SINH(numExpr).
SinhFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SinhFunction
SIPUSH - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
size - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
Cached size of the list.
size - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
size of the query results.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ByteVector
Returns the actual number of bytes in this vector.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to return the size of the result.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryCompilationCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryCompilationCache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.JavaxCacheQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
size() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryCompilationCache
Accessor for the total number of compilations in the query cache.
size() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryDatastoreCompilationCache
Accessor for the total number of compilations in the query cache.
size() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Accessor for the total number of results in the query cache.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Accessor to the number of StoreData in cache
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for the size of the ArrayList.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Accessor for the size of the Collection.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Accessor for the size of the HashSet.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Accessor for the size of the LinkedHashSet.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for the size of the LinkedList.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for the size of the List
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Accessor for the size of the Collection.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Accessor for the size of the Collection.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Accessor for the size of the Collection.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Accessor for the size of the SortedSet.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for the size of the Stack.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to return the size of the Map.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Accessor for the size of the TreeSet.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for the size of the Vector.
size() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ArrayStore
Accessor for the size of the array.
size(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Accessor for the size of the collection.
SizeFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SIZE(collExpr).
SizeFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SizeFunction
SKIP_CODE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
A flag to skip the Code attributes.
SKIP_DEBUG - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
A flag to skip the SourceFile, SourceDebugExtension, LocalVariableTable, LocalVariableTypeTable, LineNumberTable and MethodParameters attributes.
SKIP_FRAMES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassReader
A flag to skip the StackMap and StackMapTable attributes.
skipWS() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
Skip over any whitespace from the current position.
sm - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
StateManager of the instance being fetched (detached or made transient).
sm - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchFieldManager
sm - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractStoreFieldManager
SMA(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics.SMA
SMALLINT - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
SOFT - org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType
Indicates a SoftReference should be used
SOFTDELETE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
SOFTDELETE_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for soft-delete.
softDeleteMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
SoftDeleteMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
MetaData representation for a soft delete indicator column.
SoftDeleteMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
SoftDeleteMetaData(SoftDeleteMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
Copy constructor.
SoftLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Soft implementation of a Level 2 cache.
SoftLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftLevel2Cache
SoftQueryCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Soft-reference implementation of a generic query compilation cache.
SoftQueryCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.SoftQueryCompilationCache
SoftQueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Weak-referenced implementation of datastore query compilation cache.
SoftQueryDatastoreCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.SoftQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
SoftQueryResultsCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Soft-reference implementation of a query results cache.
SoftQueryResultsCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.SoftQueryResultsCache
SoftRefCache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Level 1 Cache using Soft referenced objects in a Map.
SoftRefCache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
sort(Comparator<? super E>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
SortedMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class SortedMap object.
SortedMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class SortedMap object.
SortedMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
SortedMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
SortedSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class SortedSet object.
SortedSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class SortedSet object.
SortedSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
SortedSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
sortExtensions(Comparator<Extension>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ExtensionPoint
sorting - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
sorting - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
sorting - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
sorting - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
sorting - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
SOURCE_DEPRECATED - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
SOURCE_MASK - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
split(String, String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Splits a list of values separated by a token
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
spliterator() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
SQL - org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
SqlDate - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class SQL date object.
SqlDate(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Creates a SqlDate object that represents the time at which it was allocated.
SqlDateDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Date and a java.util.Date form.
SqlDateDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateDateConverter
SqlDateLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Date and a Long form.
SqlDateLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateLongConverter
SqlDateStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Date and a String form.
SqlDateStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateStringConverter
SqlTime - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class SQLTime object.
SqlTime(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Creates a SqlTime object that represents the time at which it was allocated.
SqlTimeDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Time and a java.util.Date form.
SqlTimeDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeDateConverter
SqlTimeLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Time and a Long form.
SqlTimeLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeLongConverter
SqlTimestamp - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class SQL timestamp object.
SqlTimestamp(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Creates a SqlTimestamp object that represents the time at which it was allocated.
SqlTimestampDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Timestamp and a java.util.Date form.
SqlTimestampDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampDateConverter
SqlTimestampLongConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Timestamp and a Long form.
SqlTimestampLongConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampLongConverter
SqlTimestampStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Timestamp and a String form.
SqlTimestampStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampStringConverter
SqlTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.sql.Time and a String form.
SqlTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeStringConverter
sqlType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
sql-type to use (if any).
SQLXML - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
SqrtFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SQRT(numExpr).
SqrtFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SqrtFunction
stack - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Stack of meta-data elements.
stack - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
Stack<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Stack object.
Stack<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Stack object.
Stack(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
Stack(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
StackHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
StackHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.StackHandler
start() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagementServer
Start the Management Server.
start() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.PlatformManagementServer
start(Xid, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractEmulatedXAResource
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.PersistenceXmlMetaDataHandler
Handler method called at the start of an element.
STARTUP_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
state - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFetchDepthFieldManager
State for the fetch process.
state - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.JavaQueryInMemoryEvaluator
Map of state symbols for the query evaluation.
STATE_IMAGE - org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
STATE_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
STATE_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassNameConstants
STATE_MANAGER_CTR_ARG_CLASSES - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
StateManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.enhancement
This interface is the point of contact between managed instances of Persistable classes and DataNucleus.
stateManagerAssociatedValuesMap - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
Map of associated values per StateManager.
StateManagerFactory - Interface in org.datanucleus.state
Factory for StateManagers.
StateManagerFactoryImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Factory for StateManagers.
StateManagerFactoryImpl(PersistenceNucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerFactoryImpl
StateManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Implementation of a StateManager, supporting the bytecode enhancement contract of DataNucleus.
StateManagerImpl(ExecutionContext, AbstractClassMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Constructor for object of specified type managed by the provided ExecutionContext.
StateManagerPool - Class in org.datanucleus.state
Pool of StateManager objects.
StateManagerPool(int, boolean, Class<? extends DNStateManager>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
stateType - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
stateType() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Returns the type of the life cycle state
statisticsEnabled() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext
Accessor for whether statistics gathering is enabled.
statisticsEnabled() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
stop() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagementServer
Stop the Management Server.
stop() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.PlatformManagementServer
Store - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore
Interface representation of the backing store for a Collection or Map.
STORE_MANAGER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassConstants
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a boolean field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for boolean field.
storeBooleanField(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for boolean field.
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a byte field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for byte field.
storeByteField(int, byte) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for byte field.
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a char field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for char field.
storeCharField(int, char) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for char field.
StoreData - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Basic store information about an object that is stored in a datastore.
StoreData(String, MetaData, StoreData.Type, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
StoreData.Type - Enum in org.datanucleus.store
storeDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
Map of all managed store data, keyed by the class/field name.
StoreDataManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Manager for store information.
StoreDataManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.StoreDataManager
storeDataMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Manager for the data definition in the datastore.
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a double field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for double field.
storeDoubleField(int, double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for double field.
STOREDPROC - org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
StoredProcedureParameter(StoredProcQueryParameterMode, int, Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
StoredProcedureParameter(StoredProcQueryParameterMode, String, Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery.StoredProcedureParameter
storedProcParams - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractStoredProcedureQuery
storedProcQueries - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Named stored procs
StoredProcQueryMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Metadata representation of a named stored proc query.
StoredProcQueryMetaData(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryMetaData
Constructor for a stored proc query of the specified name.
storedProcQueryMetaDataByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of StoredProcQueryMetaData, keyed by the (class name + query name).
StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Metadata representation of a parameter for a named stored proc query.
StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMetaData
StoredProcQueryParameterMode - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Mode of usage of a stored procedure query parameter.
storedProcs - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Named stored procedures defined in this file.
storeFieldValue(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to store the value for the specified field.
storeFieldValue(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a float field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for float field.
storeFloatField(int, float) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for float field.
storeInLob - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Wrapper for the ugly JPA "lob" so that when being populated we should make this serialised in some way.
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store an int field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for int field.
storeIntField(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for int field.
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a long field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for long field.
storeLongField(int, long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for long field.
storeManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.NucleusSequenceImpl
Store Manager where we obtain our sequence.
StoreManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface defining management of a datastore.
StoreManagerHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store
Helper methods for StoreManager operations.
StoreManagerHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.StoreManagerHelper
storeManagerKey - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Key for this StoreManager e.g "rdbms", "neo4j"
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractPersistenceHandler
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.autostart.MetaDataAutoStarter
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.QueryManagerImpl
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractGenerator
storeMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
Method to store an object field into the attached instance.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
Method to store an object field.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store an object field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
Method to store an object field.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
Method to store an object field.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for Object field.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for Object field.
storeObjectField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.UnsetOwnerFieldManager
StorePersistenceHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.store
Interface defining persistence operations of a StoreManager.
StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store
Enum for the type of a batched operation
StoreSchemaData - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface representing definition of some schema information in the datastore.
StoreSchemaHandler - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema
Interface defining schema operation for a StoreManager.
storesFCO(AbstractMemberMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method that returns if a member stores a First-Class object (FCO).
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a short field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for short field.
storeShortField(int, short) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for boolean field.
storesPersistable(AbstractMemberMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataUtils
Convenience method that returns if a field stores a persistable object.
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.L2CachePopulateFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancement.Persistable.ObjectIdFieldConsumer
Store one field into the field manager.
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.AppIdObjectIdFieldConsumer
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AbstractFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.AttachFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.DeleteFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.FieldManager
Method to store a string field value in the object at the specified field position.
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.PersistFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.ReachabilityFieldManager
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleTypeFieldManager
Mutator for String field.
storeStringField(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.SingleValueFieldManager
Mutator for String field.
strategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
strategy tag value.
strategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
strategy tag value.
strategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
strategy tag value.
strategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceMetaData
Strategy for this sequence (JDO).
strategyForTree - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
Strategy to apply for the whole inheritance tree.
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
stream() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
strict - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractParser
Whether to impose strict syntax for the query language.
STRING_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
STRING_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
STRING_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
STRING_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
StringAggregateExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Expression representing a String, used in evaluation of aggregates.
StringAggregateExpression(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.StringAggregateExpression
stringArrayContainsValue(String[], String) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if a String array contains a value.
StringBufferStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.StringBuffer and a String form.
StringBufferStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBufferStringConverter
StringBuilderStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.lang.StringBuilder and a String form.
StringBuilderStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBuilderStringConverter
StringCharAtMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.charAt(numExpr)".
StringCharAtMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringCharAtMethod
StringConcatMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.concat(extraStr)".
StringConcatMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringConcatMethod
StringEndsWithMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.endsWith(strExpr)".
StringEndsWithMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEndsWithMethod
StringEqualsIgnoreCaseMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.equalsIgnoreCase(strExpr)".
StringEqualsIgnoreCaseMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEqualsIgnoreCaseMethod
StringEqualsMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.equals(strExpr)".
StringEqualsMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringEqualsMethod
StringId - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
This class is for identity with a single String field.
StringId() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
StringId(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
StringIndexOfMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.indexOf(strExpr [,numExpr])".
StringIndexOfMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringIndexOfMethod
StringLengthMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.length()".
StringLengthMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringLengthMethod
StringMatchesMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.matches(expr)".
StringMatchesMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringMatchesMethod
StringPropertyValidator - Class in org.datanucleus.properties
Validator for a property that represents a String.
StringPropertyValidator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.properties.StringPropertyValidator
StringStartsWithMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.startsWith(strExpr [,pos])".
StringStartsWithMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringStartsWithMethod
StringSubstringMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.substring(posStart [,posEnd])".
StringSubstringMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringSubstringMethod
StringToLowerCaseMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.toLowerCase()".
StringToLowerCaseMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringToLowerCaseMethod
StringToUpperCaseMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.toUpperCase()".
StringToUpperCaseMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringToUpperCaseMethod
StringTrimLeftMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.trimLeft([trimChar])".
StringTrimLeftMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimLeftMethod
StringTrimMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.trim()".
StringTrimMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimMethod
StringTrimRightMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{stringExpr}.trimRight([trimChar])".
StringTrimRightMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.StringTrimRightMethod
StringUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.util
Utilities for String manipulation.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
STRONG - org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType
Indicates a normal Java strong reference should be used
StrongQueryCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Strong-reference implementation of a generic query compilation cache.
StrongQueryCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.StrongQueryCompilationCache
StrongQueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Strong-referenced implementation of datastore query compilation cache.
StrongQueryDatastoreCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.StrongQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
StrongQueryResultsCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Strong-reference implementation of a query results cache.
StrongQueryResultsCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.StrongQueryResultsCache
StrongRefCache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Implementation of a Level 1 cache keeping strong references to the objects.
StrongRefCache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.AggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigDecimalAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.BigIntegerAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DateAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.DoubleAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.FloatAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.IntegerAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.LongAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.NumericAggregateExpression
sub(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.ShortAggregateExpression
SUBCLASS_TABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
subclasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
Whether to include subclasses.
subclasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether to allow subclasses of the candidate class be returned.
subfieldName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
the sub field name TODO what is this
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method return a sub list of results.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Accessor for the subList of elements between from and to of the List
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Accessor for the subList of elements between from and to of the List
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Accessor for the subList of elements between from and to of the List
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Accessor for the subList of elements between from and to of the List
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Accessor for the subList of elements between from and to of the List
subList(DNStateManager, int, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.ListStore
Accessor for a sublist of elements between from and to indices.
subMap(K, K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the subset of the map between the specified keys.
subMap(K, K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the subset of the map between the specified keys.
subMap(K, K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the subset of the map between the specified keys.
subMap(K, K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the subset of the map between the specified keys.
subqueries - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Any subqueries, keyed by the variable name that they represent.
SUBQUERY - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
array node type
subqueryCompilations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compilations of any subqueries, keyed by the subquery variable name.
SubqueryDefinition(Query, String, String, Map) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.SubqueryDefinition
SubqueryExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression containing a subquery.
SubqueryExpression(String, VariableExpression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.SubqueryExpression
subSet(E, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
subSet(E, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
subSet(E, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to retrieve the subset of elements between the specified elements.
subSet(E, E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to retrieve the subset of elements between the specified elements.
substituteMacros(MacroString.MacroHandler, ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString
Utility to substitute macros using the supplier handler.
SubstringFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function SUBSTRING(str, num1, num2).
SubstringFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.SubstringFunction
sum(Expression, ExpressionEvaluator, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.SetExpression
SunTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for Sun ONE.
SunTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.SunTransactionManagerLocator
SUPERCLASS_TABLE - org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
supportedDuplicateAnnotations - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Supported annotations that can be duplicated (when used in meta-annotations).
supportedPackages - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader
Supported annotations packages.
supportsImplicitVariables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLCompiler
supportsImplicitVariables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JDOQLSymbolResolver
supportsImplicitVariables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLCompiler
supportsImplicitVariables() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JPQLSymbolResolver
supportsImplicitVariables() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolResolver
Whether we should accept implicit variables in the query.
supportsORM() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Accessor for whether the MetaData manager supports ORM concepts and metadata.
supportsORM() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
supportsORMMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
supportsORMMetaData() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.NucleusContext
supportsORMMetaData() - Method in class org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContextImpl
supportsQueryLanguage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
supportsQueryLanguage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
supportsQueryLanguage(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for whether this query language is supported.
supportsStrategy(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManager
Convenience accessor for whether the specified strategy is supported for this datastore.
supportsStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
supportsTimeout() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience method for whether this query supports timeouts.
supportsValueGenerationStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Accessor for whether this value strategy is supported.
supportsValueGenerationStrategy(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
supportsValueGenerationStrategy(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Accessor for whether this value generation strategy is supported.
supportXMLNamespaces - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Flag whether we should be (XML) namespace aware when parsing.
SurrogateColumnType - Enum in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Enum defining the types of surrogate columns for a class.
suspend(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransactionManager
SWAP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
swapCandidateAliasNodeName(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Convenience method that takes the input node and if it is set to the original candidate alias then swaps the value to the candidate alias.
swapObjectId(Object, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ReachabilityAtCommitHandler
Method that will allow swapping of an "id", for example when an object has recently been assigned its true "id".
swapSubqueryParameters(Node) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Convenience method that takes the input node if it is a parameter node and swaps the node
symbol - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.Operator
symbol - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression
Symbol - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
A symbol in a query.
SymbolResolver - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Interface for use in the resolution of symbols during query compilation.
SymbolTable - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Table of symbols in a query.
SymbolTable() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
symtbl - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.AbstractSymbolResolver
symtbl - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
Compiled Symbol Table.
symtbl - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
Compiled Symbol Table.
systemIdEntities - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
Map of system identity entities supported.


T_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_BYTE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_CHAR - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_CLEAN - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
T_DIRTY - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
T_DOUBLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_FLOAT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_INT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_LONG - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
T_SHORT - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Table name (O/R mapping).
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Table name for this field.
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ConstraintMetaData
the constraint table name.
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the table name.
table - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Table - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.schema.table
Representation of a table for a class.
TABLE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
TableGeneratorMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of the MetaData of a TableGenerator (JPA).
tableGeneratorMetaDataByPackageSequence - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Map of TableGeneratorMetaData, keyed by the package name and generator name.
tableGenerators - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PackageMetaData
Table generators.
tableName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the table to use for sequences
TABLESWITCH - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
tailMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the part of the map after the specified key.
tailMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the part of the map after the specified key.
tailMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to retrieve the part of the map after the specified key.
tailMap(K) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to retrieve the part of the map after the specified key.
tailSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
tailSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
tailSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to retrieve the set of elements after the specified element.
tailSet(E) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to retrieve the set of elements after the specified element.
TangentFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function TAN(numExpr).
TangentFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TangentFunction
TanhFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function TANH(numExpr).
TanhFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TanhFunction
target - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
target column name (for matching across a FK).
targetClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
targetClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
targetClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
targetClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
The name of the class of the target persistable object.
targetClassName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Name of the target entity (when used with JPA MetaData on OneToOne, OneToMany etc)
targetMember - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
target field/property name (for matching across a FK).
tasks - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Currently executing object for this query, keyed by the thread, to allow for cancellation.
TemporalDayMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "DAY({dateExpr})".
TemporalDayMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalDayMethod
TemporalHourMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "HOUR({dateExpr})".
TemporalHourMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalHourMethod
TemporalMinuteMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "MINUTE({dateExpr})".
TemporalMinuteMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMinuteMethod
TemporalMonthJavaMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "MONTH_JAVA({dateExpr})".
TemporalMonthJavaMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMonthJavaMethod
TemporalMonthMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "MONTH({dateExpr})".
TemporalMonthMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalMonthMethod
TemporalSecondMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "SECOND({dateExpr})".
TemporalSecondMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalSecondMethod
TemporalYearMethod - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "YEAR({dateExpr})".
TemporalYearMethod() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TemporalYearMethod
threadLock() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to lock this ExecutionContext for threading
threadLock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
threadUnlock() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext
Method to unlock this ExecutionContext for threading
threadUnlock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextThreadedImpl
THROWS - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
The sort of type references that target the type of an exception declared in the throws clause of a method.
TIME - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
TIMESTAMP - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "timestamp" specifies a strategy that uses the Java "Timestamp" class, and represents the results as a Timestamp object.
TIMESTAMP_VALUE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "timestamp-value" specifies a strategy that uses the Java "Timestamp" class, and represents the results as a Long.
TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
TimestampGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for timestamps.
TimestampGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampGenerator
TimestampValueGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for timestamp values (millisecs).
TimestampValueGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.TimestampValueGenerator
TimeZoneStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.TimeZone and a String form.
TimeZoneStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TimeZoneStringConverter
TINYINT - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to return the results as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to return the Collection as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to return the list as an array.
toArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.InMemoryQueryResult
toArray(CollectionStore, DNStateManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Returns true if this collection contains the specified element.
toArray(CollectionStore, DNStateManager, T[]) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection;
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractLazyLoadList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractQueryResult
Method to return the results as an array.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to return the list as an array.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
toByteArray() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
Returns the content of the class file that was built by this ClassWriter.
toDatastoreType(boolean[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(char[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(double[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DoubleArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(float[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.FloatArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(long[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(short[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ShortArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(Color) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorComponentsConverter
toDatastoreType(Color) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorStringConverter
toDatastoreType(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteArrayConverter
toDatastoreType(BufferedImage) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(Serializable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteArrayConverter
toDatastoreType(Serializable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(Serializable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanIntegerConverter
toDatastoreType(Boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanYNConverter
toDatastoreType(Byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteObjectArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(Character) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharacterStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Class) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ClassStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntegerStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongStringConverter
toDatastoreType(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBufferStringConverter
toDatastoreType(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBuilderStringConverter
toDatastoreType(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalDoubleConverter
toDatastoreType(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalStringConverter
toDatastoreType(BigDecimal[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(BigInteger) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerLongConverter
toDatastoreType(BigInteger) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerStringConverter
toDatastoreType(BigInteger[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerArrayByteBufferConverter
toDatastoreType(URI) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URIStringConverter
toDatastoreType(URL) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URLStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateDateConverter
toDatastoreType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeDateConverter
toDatastoreType(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampDateConverter
toDatastoreType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Duration) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationDoubleConverter
toDatastoreType(Duration) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Duration) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Instant) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantDateConverter
toDatastoreType(Instant) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Instant) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Instant) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantTimestampConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDate) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateDateConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDate) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateSqlDateConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDate) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateStringConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeDateConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeTimestampConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeDateConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeLongConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeSqlTimeConverter
toDatastoreType(LocalTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(MonthDay) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayComponentsConverter
toDatastoreType(MonthDay) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayDateConverter
toDatastoreType(MonthDay) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDaySqlDateConverter
toDatastoreType(MonthDay) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayStringConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeDateConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeTimestampConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeLongConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeSqlTimeConverter
toDatastoreType(OffsetTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Period) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodComponentsConverter
toDatastoreType(Period) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Year) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearIntegerConverter
toDatastoreType(Year) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearStringConverter
toDatastoreType(YearMonth) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthComponentsConverter
toDatastoreType(YearMonth) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthDateConverter
toDatastoreType(YearMonth) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthSqlDateConverter
toDatastoreType(YearMonth) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthStringConverter
toDatastoreType(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeStringConverter
toDatastoreType(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeTimestampConverter
toDatastoreType(ZoneId) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneIdStringConverter
toDatastoreType(ZoneOffset) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneOffsetStringConverter
toDatastoreType(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BitSetStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Calendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarComponentsConverter
toDatastoreType(Calendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarDateConverter
toDatastoreType(Calendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Calendar) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarTimestampConverter
toDatastoreType(Currency) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CurrencyStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateLongConverter
toDatastoreType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateStringConverter
toDatastoreType(Locale) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocaleStringConverter
toDatastoreType(TimeZone) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TimeZoneStringConverter
toDatastoreType(UUID) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.UUIDStringConverter
toDatastoreType(X) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TypeConverter
Method to convert the passed member value to the datastore type.
toExclNo - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Query result range end position (exclusive).
toExclParam - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Query result range upper limit (exclusive) as a parameter name.
toJVMIDString(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils
Utility to convert an object to a JVM type string.
toMemberType(byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteArrayConverter
toMemberType(byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteArrayConverter
toMemberType(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorComponentsConverter
toMemberType(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayComponentsConverter
toMemberType(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodComponentsConverter
toMemberType(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthComponentsConverter
toMemberType(Character) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanYNConverter
toMemberType(Double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalDoubleConverter
toMemberType(Double) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationDoubleConverter
toMemberType(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanIntegerConverter
toMemberType(Integer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearIntegerConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeLongConverter
toMemberType(Long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampLongConverter
toMemberType(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarComponentsConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BitSetStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharacterStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ClassStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ColorStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CurrencyStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DateStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DurationStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntegerStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocaleStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.PeriodStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBufferStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.StringBuilderStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TimeZoneStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URIStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URLStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.UUIDStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneIdStringConverter
toMemberType(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneOffsetStringConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigDecimalArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BigIntegerArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BooleanArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.BufferedImageByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ByteObjectArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CharArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.DoubleArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.FloatArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.IntArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LongArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SerializableByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ShortArrayByteBufferConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateSqlDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDaySqlDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthSqlDateConverter
toMemberType(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeSqlTimeConverter
toMemberType(Time) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetTimeSqlTimeConverter
toMemberType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarTimestampConverter
toMemberType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantTimestampConverter
toMemberType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeTimestampConverter
toMemberType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeTimestampConverter
toMemberType(Timestamp) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeTimestampConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.CalendarDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.InstantDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalDateTimeDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.LocalTimeDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.MonthDayDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.OffsetDateTimeDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlDateDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimeDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.SqlTimestampDateConverter
toMemberType(Date) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthDateConverter
toMemberType(Y) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TypeConverter
Method to convert the passed datastore value to the member type.
TOP - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
toString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
toString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
toString - Variable in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
Method to return a sting form of the cached object.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CacheUniqueKey
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ConstantDynamic
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Handle
Returns the textual representation of this handle.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Label
Returns a string representation of this label.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
Returns a string representation of this type.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
Returns a string representation of this type path.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchGroup
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionClearOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.DeleteOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListAddAtOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListRemoveAtOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.ListSetOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapClearOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapPutOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.MapRemoveOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.PersistOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
Return the String version of the key.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
Return the String form of the key.
toString() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId
Returns the string representation of the identity.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl
Creates a String representation of the datastore identity, formed from the target class name and the key value.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplKodo
Creates a String representation of the datastore identity, formed from the target class name and the key value.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImplXcalia
Creates a String representation of the datastore identity, formed from the target class name and the key value.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreUniqueLongId
Creates a String representation of the datastore identity, formed from the key value.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IdentityReference
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
Return the String form of the key.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
Return the String form of the key.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Return the String form of the object id.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
Return the String form of the key.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
Return the String form of the key.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ArrayMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyAction
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.InterfaceMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MultitenancyMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.OrderMetaData.FieldOrder
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PropertyMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.SoftDeleteMetaData
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleDescription
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersion
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle.BundleVersionRange
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.Bundle
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.plugin.ConfigurationElement
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to return a string version of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractConnectionFactory
Method to return a string form of this object for convenience debug.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Method to return a string form of this object for convenience debug.
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionResourceType
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractExtent
Stringifier method.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.AbstractJavaQuery
Stringifier method
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Lexer
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Node
Method to print out the Node as a tree.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.PropertySymbol
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.QueryCompilation
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.SymbolTable
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ArrayExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CaseExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ClassExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.CreatorExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.DyadicExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Expression.Operator
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
Method to return the string form of this expression.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.Literal
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.OrderExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.ParameterExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.PrimaryExpression
Accessor for string form of the expression.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.SubqueryExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.TypeExpression
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.VariableExpression
toString() - Method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.ColumnImpl
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.CompleteClassTable
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Method to return this class/field managed object as a string.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to return a string form of this Map.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to return the Collection as a String.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
Stringify method.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.ResourcedTransaction
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Return string like useage.
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
toString() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.ParameterMacro
toString(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceFileMetaData
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.CachedPC
Method to return a string form of the cached object.
toString(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.PersistenceUnitMetaData
Returns a string representation of the object using a prefix This can be used as part of a facility to output a MetaData file.
toStringWithClasses() - Method in class org.datanucleus.FetchPlan
toStringWithoutAlias() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.InvokeExpression
Method to return the string form of this without the alias component.
TOTAL - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
total number of states
Transaction - Interface in org.datanucleus.transaction
Representation of an ExecutionContext transaction within DataNucleus.
TRANSACTION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for Transaction issues
TRANSACTION_ISOLATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.Transaction
Option to use when wanting to set the transaction isolation level.
TransactionActiveOnBeginException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception thrown when active is invoked on an ExecutionContext yet the transaction is already active.
TransactionActiveOnBeginException(Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionActiveOnBeginException
Constructs a transaction already active exception with the specified detail message.
TransactionActiveOnCloseException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception thrown when close is invoked on an ExecutionContext yet the transaction is still active.
TransactionActiveOnCloseException(Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionActiveOnCloseException
Constructs a transaction is still active exception with the specified detail message.
TRANSACTIONAL - org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
transactionalVersion - Variable in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Optimistic version, after insert/update but not yet committed (i.e incremented).
transactionCommitted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionCommitted() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked when the transaction is committed.
transactionCommitted(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
transactionCommitted(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
transactionCommitted(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has committed for the specified execution context.
transactionEnded() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionEnded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked when the transaction is ended (Using XA).
TransactionEventListener - Interface in org.datanucleus.transaction
Listener of events raised on transaction begin, commit, rollback and flush.
transactionFlushed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionFlushed() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
transactionFlushed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Flush the connection.
transactionFlushed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnectionResourceListener
Transaction being flushed.
transactionFlushed() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked when the transaction is flushed (happens before commit, rollback).
TransactionImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction
Implementation of a (local) transaction for an ExecutionContext, for a datastore.
TransactionImpl(ExecutionContext, PropertyStore) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
Constructor for a transaction for the specified ExecutionContext.
TransactionIsolation - Interface in org.datanucleus.transaction
Definition of the transaction isolation levels considered by DataNucleus.
TransactionIsolationNotSupportedException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception thrown when an unsupported transaction isolation level is requested.
TransactionIsolationNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionIsolationNotSupportedException
Constructs a transaction already active exception with the specified detail message.
TransactionManagerFinder - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Entry point for locating a JTA TransactionManager.
TransactionManagerFinder(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.TransactionManagerFinder
TransactionManagerLocator - Interface in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for a JTA TransactionManager.
TransactionNotActiveException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An exception thrown when commit/rollback is invoked on an ExecutionContext yet the transaction is not active.
TransactionNotActiveException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotActiveException
Constructs an exception with the specified detail message.
TransactionNotActiveException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotActiveException
TransactionNotReadableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An TransactionNotReadableException is thrown if an operation needs either of an active transaction or non-transactional read and neither is true.
TransactionNotReadableException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotReadableException
TransactionNotReadableException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotReadableException
TransactionNotWritableException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
An TransactionNotReadableException is thrown if an operation needs either of an active transaction or non-transactional read and neither is true.
TransactionNotWritableException() - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotWritableException
TransactionNotWritableException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.TransactionNotWritableException
transactionPreClose() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
transactionPreClose() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
Prepare the connection for end of transaction.
transactionPreClose() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnectionResourceListener
Transaction about to be committed/rolled-back.
transactionPreCommit() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionPreCommit() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked before the transaction commit.
transactionPreFlush() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionPreFlush() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked just before a flush.
transactionPreRollBack() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionPreRollBack() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked before the transaction is rolledback.
transactionReleaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionReleaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Savepoint to be released for this name.
transactionRollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionRollbackToSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Invoke a rollback to this savepoint name.
transactionRolledBack() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionRolledBack() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked when the transaction is rolled back.
transactionRolledBack(long) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
transactionRolledBack(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
transactionRolledBack(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has rolled back for the specified execution context.
transactionSetSavepoint(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionSetSavepoint(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Savepoint to be registered under this name.
transactionStarted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextImpl
transactionStarted() - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.AbstractStatistics
transactionStarted() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionEventListener
Method invoked when the transaction is started.
transactionStarted(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
transactionStarted(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to inform the StoreManager that a transaction has started for the specified execution context.
TransactionType - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Representation of a transaction type.
TransactionUtils - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction
Utility methods relating to transactions.
TransactionUtils() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionUtils
transform(ClassLoader, String, Class, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusClassFileTransformer
Invoked when a class is being loaded or redefined.
TRANSIENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
transitionAttach(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to persistent-clean.
transitionBegin(DNStateManager, Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to transaction begin state.
transitionCommit(DNStateManager, Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to commit state.
transitionDeletePersistent(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to delete persistent state.
transitionDetach(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to detached-clean.
transitionEvict(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to evict state.
transitionMakeNontransactional(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to nontransactional state.
transitionMakePersistent(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to persistent state.
transitionMakeTransactional(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to transactional state.
transitionMakeTransient(DNStateManager, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to transient state.
transitionReadField(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to read-field.
transitionReadField(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to read-field state.
transitionRefresh(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to refresh state.
transitionRetrieve(DNStateManager, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to retrieve state.
transitionRetrieve(DNStateManager, FetchPlan) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to retrieve state.
transitionRollback(DNStateManager, Transaction) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to rollback state.
transitionSerialize(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition when serialised.
transitionWriteField() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to change the object state to write-field.
transitionWriteField(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LifeCycleState
Method to transition to write-field state.
TreeMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class TreeMap object.
TreeMap<K,​V> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class TreeMap object.
TreeMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
TreeMap(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
TreeMapHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
TreeMapHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.TreeMapHandler
TreeSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class TreeSet object.
TreeSet<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class TreeSet object.
TreeSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
TreeSet(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
TreeSetHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
TreeSetHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.TreeSetHandler
TrimFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function TRIM(strExpr).
TrimFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.TrimFunction
trimToSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
trimToSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
trimToSize() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
TRUE - org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
truncate(String, int) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
Method to truncate a name to fit within the specified name length.
txnMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.transaction.TransactionImpl
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
The type of this attribute, also called its name in the JVMS.
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassField
Type for the field
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Field type being represented.
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.FileMetaData
Type of file (JDO, ORM, JDOQUERY, etc)
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Type of query.
type - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.StoreData
Type of data being stored (FCO, SCO).
Type - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A Java field or method type.
TYPE - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
subquery node type (EXISTS, ANY, SOME, ALL, etc)
TYPE_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
A type path step that steps into a type argument of a generic type.
TypeConversionHelper - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class with methods for type conversion.
TypeConversionHelper() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.TypeConversionHelper
typeConverter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.MemberColumnMappingImpl
TypeConverter<X,​Y> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Converter for a java type to another type suitable for the datastore.
typeConverterByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Map of TypeConverter keyed by their symbolic name.
typeConverterDatastoreTypeByConverter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Cache of TypeConverter datastore type, keyed by the converter.
typeConverterMap - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Map of (Map of TypeConverter keyed by the datastore type), keyed by the member type.
typeConverterMemberTypeByConverter - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Cache of TypeConverter member type, keyed by the converter.
TypeExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a the type of the contained expression.
TypeExpression(Expression) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.TypeExpression
typeManager - Variable in class org.datanucleus.AbstractNucleusContext
Manager for java types.
TypeManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.types
Registry of java type support.
TypeManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types
Implementation of registry of java type support.
TypeManagerImpl(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.TypeManagerImpl
Constructor, loading support for type mappings using the plugin mechanism.
TypePath - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
TypeReference - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
TypeReference(int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypeReference
Constructs a new TypeReference.
typesAreCompatible(Class, Class) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if two types are compatible.
typesAreCompatible(Class, String, ClassLoaderResolver) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils
Convenience method to return if two types are compatible.


undetachedFieldAccess(Object, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.DetachListener
Invoked when a user tries to get a non-loaded field on a detached object.
UNINITIALIZED_THIS - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
Whether to add a unique constraint
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Whether this column should be marked as UNIQUE.
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
The unique attribute specifies whether the foreign key constraint is defined to be a unique constraint as well.
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
Whether to add a unique constraint.
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Whether the query returns unique.
unique - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether to return single value, or collection from the query.
UNIQUE - org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
uniqueConstraint - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Whether to add a unique constraint.
uniqueConstraints - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
uniqueGeneratorsByName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
Map of "unique" ValueGenerators, keyed by their strategy name.
uniqueKeyCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Unique Key cache.
uniqueMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractElementMetaData
uniqueMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
uniqueMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.JoinMetaData
the unique element.
UniqueMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
MetaData representing a unique constraint.
UniqueMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.UniqueMetaData
UniqueMetaData(UniqueMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.UniqueMetaData
Copy constructor.
unloadedClasses - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Cache for loaded classes
unloadField(int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Mark the specified field as not loaded so that it will be reloaded on next access.
unloadField(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
unloadMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager
Convenience method to allow the unloading of metadata, for example where the user wants to reload a class definition and that class maybe has different metadata with the new definition.
unloadMetaDataForClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
unloadNonFetchPlanFields() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method that will unload all fields that are not in the FetchPlan.
unloadNonFetchPlanFields() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
unlock() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
unlock() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.connection.ManagedConnection
unlock(DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.LockManager
Method to unlock the object managed by the passed StateManager (mode 1).
unlock(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.LockManagerImpl
unmanageAllClasses(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
unmanageAllClasses(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
unmanageAllClasses(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Remove all classes from the persistence model for the datastore.
unmanageClass(ClassLoaderResolver, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
unmanageClass(ClassLoaderResolver, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
unmanageClass(ClassLoaderResolver, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to remove knowledge of the specified class from this StoreManager.
unmappedColumns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
The columns that are present in the datastore yet not mapped to fields in this class.
unmodifiable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryMetaData
Whether the query is unmodifiable.
unmodifiable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether the query can be modified
unparsed - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
unparsed identifier macro
unpin(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to unpin an object
unpin(Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Unpin the parameter instance from the second-level cache.
unpin(Query) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
unpin(Query) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to unpin the specified query from the cache, allowing garbage collection.
unpin(Query, Map) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.AbstractMapQueryResultsCache
unpin(Query, Map) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.QueryResultsCache
Method to unpin the specified query from the cache, allowing garbage collection.
unpinAll(Class, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to unpin all objects of the specified types.
unpinAll(Class, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Unpin instances from the second-level cache.
unpinAll(Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to unpin all of the specified objects
unpinAll(Object[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Unpin the parameter instance from the second-level cache.
unpinAll(Collection) - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Method to unpin all of the supplied objects
unpinAll(Collection) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.cache.Level2Cache
Unpin the parameter instances from the second-level cache.
unpinnedCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.cache.AbstractReferencedLevel2Cache
Unpinned objects cache.
unregisterClasses(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancementHelper
Unregister all classes for the specified class loader.
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.management.ManagementServer
Unregister a MBean from the MBeanServer
unregisterMBean(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.management.PlatformManagementServer
Unregister a MBean from the MBeanServer
unsetClassEnhancerOption(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.RuntimeEnhancer
unsetOwner() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCO
Nullifies references to the owner Object and field.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to unset the owner and backing store information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to unset the owner state manager and backing store information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to unset the owner and backing store information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
Utility to unset the owner.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to unset the owner and field details.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to unset the owner and field information.
unsetOwner() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to unset the owner and field information.
UnsetOwnerFieldManager - Class in org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager
FieldManager to unset the owner fields of any SCO wrapped fields.
UnsetOwnerFieldManager() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.fieldmanager.UnsetOwnerFieldManager
unsetPrimary() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver
Unsets the primary classloader for the current thread
unsetPrimary() - Method in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Unsets the primary classloader for the current thread
unsetStoringPC() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to unset the storing PC flag.
unsetStoringPC() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
UnsupportedConnectionFactoryException - Exception in org.datanucleus.exceptions
Exception thrown if a configured connection factory is not of a supported factory type.
UnsupportedConnectionFactoryException(Object) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.exceptions.UnsupportedConnectionFactoryException
Constructs an unsupported connection exception.
unwrapSCOField(DNStateManager, int, SCO<T>) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to unwrap a SCO field value (if it is wrapped currently) and replace the member value in the owner object.
update - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
Flag specifying if the class needs updating.
update - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
update - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
UPDATE clause of a query (optional).
update(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.ArrayAdapter
update(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKListAdapter
update(Object, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.SequenceAdapter
update(DNStateManager, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to update the collection to be the supplied collection of elements.
update(DNStateManager, Map<K, V>) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to update the map to be the supplied map of entries.
update(DNStateManager, DNStateManager) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.PersistableRelationStore
Method to update the relation for the first object to relate to the second object.
UPDATE - org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
UPDATE_TIMESTAMP - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
UPDATE_USER - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
updateable - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ColumnMetaData
Whether this column can be updated when the owning object is updated.
updateAction - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ForeignKeyMetaData
Foreign keys represent a consistency constraint in the database that must be maintained.
updateCollectionWithCollection(ApiAdapter, Collection, Collection) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to update a Collection to match the provided elements.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollection
Method to update an embedded element stored in the collection
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
Method to update an embedded element in this list.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
Method to update an embedded element in this list.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(E, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Method to update an embedded element in this collection.
updateEmbeddedElement(DNStateManager, E, int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.CollectionStore
Method to update en embedded element in the collection.
updateEmbeddedKey(Object, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(Object, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOMap
Method to update an embedded key stored in the map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(K, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to update an embedded key in this map.
updateEmbeddedKey(DNStateManager, Object, int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to update an embedded key in the map.
updateEmbeddedValue(Object, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(Object, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(DNStateManager, Object, int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Method to update an embedded value in the map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOMap
Method to update an embedded value stored in the map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateEmbeddedValue(V, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Method to update an embedded value in this map.
updateField(Persistable, int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to perform the update of a field value when a setter is invoked.
updateFieldAfterInsert(Object, int) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Marks the given field dirty for issuing an update after the insert.
updateFieldAfterInsert(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.ReferentialStateManagerImpl
Marks the given field as being required to be updated when the specified object has been inserted.
updateFieldAfterInsert(Object, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
updateLevel2CacheForFields(int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Convenience method to update a Level2 cached version of this object if cacheable and has not been modified during this transaction.
updateListWithListElements(List, List) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method for use by List attachCopy methods to update the passed (attached) list using the (attached) list elements passed.
updateLock - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
updateMapWithMapKeysValues(ApiAdapter, Map, Map) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method for use by Map attachCopy methods to update the passed (attached) map using the (attached) map keys/values passed.
UpdateMemberOperation - Class in org.datanucleus.flush
Flush operation for an update of the value of a member of the specified object.
UpdateMemberOperation(DNStateManager, int, Object, Object) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.flush.UpdateMemberOperation
updateObject(DNStateManager, int[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
updateObject(DNStateManager, int[]) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler
Updates a persistent object in the datastore.
updateOwnerFieldInEmbeddedField(int, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Method to update the owner field in an embedded field.
updateOwnerFieldInEmbeddedField(int, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Method to update the "owner-field" in an embedded object with the owner object.
UPDATETIMESTAMP_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for AUDIT @UpdateTimestamp.
updateTimestampMemberPosition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
UPDATEUSER_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for AUDIT @UpdateUser.
updateUserMemberPosition - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
UPPER_CASE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
UPPER_CASE_QUOTED - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
UpperFunction - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the function UPPER(stringExpr).
UpperFunction() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.UpperFunction
URIStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.net.URI and a String form.
URIStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URIStringConverter
URLStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.net.URL and a String form.
URLStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.URLStringConverter
usableClassMetaDataByClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
useBackedSCOWrapperForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
useBackedSCOWrapperForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
useBackedSCOWrapperForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData, ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Method to return whether the specified member should use a backed SCO wrapper.
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
useCache - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
useCachedLazyLoading(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Accessor for whether the use lazy loading when caching the collection.
useCaching() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether the query compilation(s) should be cached.
useContainerCache(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Utility to return whether or not to use the container cache for the collection/map for the passed StateManager SCO.
useCount - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.connection.AbstractManagedConnection
Count on the number of outstanding uses of this connection.
useFetchPlan() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Convenience accessor for whether to use the fetch plan with this query.
useQueuedUpdate(DNStateManager) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Convenience method to return if we should use a queued update for the current operation.
userClassLoader - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
User-provided class loader.
useReferentialIntegrity() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedPersistenceHandler
useResultsCaching() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.Query
Whether the results of the query should be cached.
userMetaDataNumber - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Number of user metadata items.
userRegisteredLoader - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
ClassLoader registered to load classes (e.g set in the persistence properties as the primary loader).
userRegisteredLoaderHashCode - Variable in class org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolverImpl
Hash code cache for performance improvement
usesBackedSCOWrappers() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.federation.FederatedStoreManager
usesBackedSCOWrappers() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager
Whether this store manager uses backing-store based SCO wrappers.
usesSingleFieldIdentityClass - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
if this persistable class uses SingleFieldIdentity
usesSingleFieldIdentityClass() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Whether this persistable class uses SingleFieldIdentity
utilisedFileMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Temporary list of the FileMetaData objects utilised in this call for metadata.
UUID - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "uuid" specifies a strategy that uses the Java "UUID" class, and represents the results as a 36-character String.
UUID_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "uuid-object" specifies a strategy that uses the Java "UUID" class, and represents the results as a UUID object.
UUIDGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for a String utilising the JDK UUID class (128-bit, 36 character).
UUIDGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDGenerator
UUIDHEX - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "uuid-hex" specifies a strategy that generates a 128-bit UUID unique within a network, and represents the result as a 32-character String.
UUIDHexGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for a UUID hexadecimal format.
UUIDHexGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDHexGenerator
UUIDObjectGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for a UUID utilising the JDK UUID class (128-bit, 36 character).
UUIDObjectGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDObjectGenerator
UUIDSTRING - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueGenerationStrategy
The value "uuid-string" specifies a strategy that generates a 128-bit UUID unique within a network, and represents the result as a 16-character String.
UUIDStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.util.UUID and a String form.
UUIDStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.UUIDStringConverter
UUIDStringGenerator - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Value generator for a UUID String format.
UUIDStringGenerator(StoreManager, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.UUIDStringGenerator


V_PREVIEW - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
Version flag indicating that the class is using 'preview' features.
V1_1 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_2 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_3 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_4 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_5 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_6 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_7 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V1_8 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V10 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V11 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V12 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V13 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V14 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V15 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V16 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V17 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V18 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V19 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V20 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
V9 - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Opcodes
validate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.AbstractXmlMetaDataHandler
Whether to validate while parsing.
validate - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
Whether to validate while parsing.
validate() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancer
Validate whether the class is enhanced.
validate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl
validate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to validate all classes defined by addClass, addClasses, addJar, addPersistenceUnit, addFiles.
validate() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.state.DNStateManager
Validates whether the persistence capable instance exists in the datastore.
validate() - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerImpl
Validates whether the persistable instance exists in the datastore.
validate(Object, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.BeanValidationHandler
Validate the constraints of an object
validate(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BooleanPropertyValidator
Method to validate the property, allowing only Boolean or String(with boolean values).
validate(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.CorePropertyValidator
Validate the specified property.
validate(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.IntegerPropertyValidator
Method to validate the property, allowing only Integer or String(with Integer values).
validate(String, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.properties.PropertyValidator
Method to validate the value of this property.
validate(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.properties.StringPropertyValidator
Method to validate the property, allowing only String.
validate(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.datanucleus.ExecutionContextPool
validate(DNStateManager) - Method in class org.datanucleus.state.StateManagerPool
VALIDATE - org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
validateClass(ClassMetaData, ClassEnhancer) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer
Method to validate the enhancement state of the class defined by the MetaData.
validateColumns - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to validate any columns
validateConstraints - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to validate any constraints
validateObjectForWriting(ExecutionContext, Object, FieldValues) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to check if an object to be stored in a SCO container is already persistent, or is managed by a different ExecutionContext.
validateObjectIdClass(ClassLoaderResolver) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Validate the objectid-class of this class.
validatePropertyValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.Configuration
validateSchema(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
validateSchema(Set<String>, Properties, Object) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler
Method to validate the schema for the supplied classes.
validateSchemaForClasses(Set<String>, Properties) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaAwareStoreManager
Validate the schema (tables/constraints) for the specified classes (if supported by this datastore).
validateSchemaForClasses(SchemaAwareStoreManager, Set<String>) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool
validateTables - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.AbstractStoreSchemaHandler
Whether to validate any tables
validateUnmappedColumns() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Convenience method to validate the specified "unmapped" columns.
validateUserInputForIdentity() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Check for conflicts on super class and this class MetaData identity
validateUserInputForInheritanceMetaData(boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Check if the inheritance MetaData is credible.
validateValueIsBoolean(Object) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.properties.BooleanPropertyValidator
Convenience method that checks that the passed value is usable as a boolean.
validateXML - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManagerImpl
Flag whether we should validate the (XML) metadata files when parsing.
ValidationNotNullAnnotationHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Handler for the javax.validation @NotNull annotation.
ValidationNotNullAnnotationHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.ValidationNotNullAnnotationHandler
ValidationSizeAnnotationHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations
Handler for the javax.validation @Size annotation.
ValidationSizeAnnotationHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.annotations.ValidationSizeAnnotationHandler
value - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData
Value for discriminator column, when using VALUE_MAP.
value - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
Representation of the value of the map.
value - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.MacroString.IdentifierMacro
the value
VALUE_MAP - org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
VALUE_MAP_ENTITY_NAME - org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
valueCollectionStore() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for a backing store representing the values in the Map.
valueColumnName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData
Name of the value column name
VALUEGENERATION - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log for value generation issues
ValueGenerationBlock<T> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Representation of a block of values.
ValueGenerationBlock(List<T>) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
ValueGenerationBlock(T[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationBlock
ValueGenerationConnectionProvider - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Connection provider for a ValueGenerator that requires connections to their datastore.
ValueGenerationException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
General class to throw exceptions in generators.
ValueGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationException
ValueGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationException
ValueGenerationManager - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Manager for the creation of ValueGenerators.
ValueGenerationManagerImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Manager for the creation of ValueGenerators.
ValueGenerationManagerImpl(StoreManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.ValueGenerationManagerImpl
valueGenerationMemberPositions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
Positions of fields/properties that require value-generation to be assigned (non-null strategy).
valueGenerationMgr - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.AbstractStoreManager
Manager for value generation.
ValueGenerationStrategy - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Value generation "strategy".
ValueGenerator<T> - Interface in org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator
Generator interface for values.
valueGeneratorName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
Name of a value generator if the user wants to override the default generator.
valueGeneratorName - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.DatastoreIdentityMetaData
Name of a value generator if the user wants to override the default generator.
valueIsPersistent() - Method in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData
valueMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
ValueMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
This element specifies the mapping for the value component of maps.
ValueMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueMetaData
Default constructor.
ValueMetaData(ValueMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.ValueMetaData
Constructor to create a copy of the passed metadata using the provided parent.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData.MapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.TransactionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionResourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.NullOrderingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.StoreData.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Option
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOptions - Variable in class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine
Appended options
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.SoftRefCache
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.StrongRefCache
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.flush.FlushMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.DiscriminatorStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IdentityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.IndexedValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.InheritanceStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData.MapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.NullValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.QueryLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.SequenceStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.StoredProcQueryParameterMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.TransactionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.PersistableObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.state.LockMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.autostart.AutoStartMechanism.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.connection.ConnectionResourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.CompilationComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.JoinExpression.JoinType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.NullOrderingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.query.Query.QueryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.NamingCase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.SchemaComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.SchemaTool.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.StoreData.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.StorePersistenceHandler.PersistenceBatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.JDKMapAdapter
values() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.MapContainerAdapter
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
Accessor for the set of values in the Map.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.store.valuegenerator.AbstractConnectedGenerator.ConnectionPreference
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.Option
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
valuesAreEmbedded() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the values are embedded.
valuesAreSerialised() - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.types.scostore.MapStore
Accessor for whether the values are serialised.
valueStrategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData
The value-strategy attribute specifies the strategy used to generate values for the field.
VARBINARY - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
VARCHAR - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
varExpr - Variable in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
VARIABLE - Static variable in interface org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.Symbol
VariableExpression - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.expression
Expression representing a variable.
VariableExpression(String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.VariableExpression
VariableExpression(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.expression.VariableExpression
VariableNotSetException - Exception in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory
Exception representing a variable not having its value currently set in the query.
VariableNotSetException(VariableExpression) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
Constructor when we don't know the possible values.
VariableNotSetException(VariableExpression, Object[]) - Constructor for exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
Constructor when we know the possible variable values.
variables - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.JavaQueryCompiler
variableValues - Variable in exception org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.VariableNotSetException
VarThisCompilationOptimiser - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler
Optimiser for query compilation that searches for variable equality like "var == this".
VarThisCompilationOptimiser(QueryCompilation, MetaDataManager, ClassLoaderResolver) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.compiler.VarThisCompilationOptimiser
Vector<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed
A mutable second-class Vector object.
Vector<E> - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers
A mutable second-class Vector object.
Vector(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
Vector(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
Constructor, using StateManager of the "owner" and the field name.
VectorHandler - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.containers
VectorHandler() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.containers.VectorHandler
VENDOR_NAME - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaData
Vendor name (DataNucleus) used for extensions.
verifyTypeConverterForMember(AbstractMemberMetaData, TypeConverter) - Method in interface org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SchemaVerifier
Method to allow the verifier to approve, override, or null out the TypeConverter to be used for a member.
VERSION - org.datanucleus.store.schema.table.SurrogateColumnType
VERSION_COLUMN - org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.ColumnType
Column for version.
VERSION_NUMBER - org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionStrategy
versionMetaData - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData
VersionMetaData - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata
Three common strategies for versioning instances are supported by standard metadata.
VersionMetaData() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
versionStrategy - Variable in class org.datanucleus.metadata.VersionMetaData
strategy for generating the version.
VersionStrategy - Enum in org.datanucleus.metadata
Three common strategies for versioning instances are supported by standard metadata.
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the header of the class.
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Method called to visit the header of the class.
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Method to visit the header of the class
visit(String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Visits a primitive value of the annotation.
visitAnnotableParameterCount(int, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits the number of method parameters that can have annotations.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits an annotation of the class.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Visits an annotation of the field.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation of this method.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Visits an annotation of the record component.
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Method to visit a class annotations
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitAnnotation(String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitAnnotation(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Visits a nested annotation value of the annotation.
visitAnnotationDefault() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits the default value of this annotation interface method.
visitAnnotationDefault() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitAnnotationDefault() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitAnnotationDefault() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitArray(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Visits an array value of the annotation.
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a non standard attribute of the class.
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Visits a non standard attribute of the field.
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a non standard attribute of this method.
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Visits a non standard attribute of the record component.
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Method to visit a non-standard attribute
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Starts the visit of the method's code, if any (i.e.
visitCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitCode() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Visits the end of the annotation.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the end of the class.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Visits the end of the field.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits the end of the method.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visits the end of the module.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Visits the end of the record component.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Method called at the end of the class.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit the end of the class
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
Method called at the end of visiting the clone() method.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Method called at the end of visiting the getXXX method.
visitEnd() - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Method called at the end of visiting the setXXX method.
visitEnum(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.AnnotationVisitor
Visits an enumeration value of the annotation.
visitExport(String, int, String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit an exported package of the current module.
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a field of the class.
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Method called when a field of the class is visited.
visitField(int, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit a field of the class.
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a field instruction.
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
Method to intercept any calls to fields.
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitFieldInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits the current state of the local variables and operand stack elements.
visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitFrame(int, int, Object[], int, Object[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitIincInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an IINC instruction.
visitIincInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitIincInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitIincInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits information about an inner class.
visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitInnerClass(String, String, String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit an inner class of the class
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a zero operand instruction.
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
Method to intercept any general instructions.
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitInsn(int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitInsnAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation on an instruction.
visitInsnAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitInsnAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitInsnAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitIntInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an instruction with a single int operand.
visitIntInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitIntInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitIntInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an invokedynamic instruction.
visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitInvokeDynamicInsn(String, String, Handle, Object...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitJumpInsn(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a jump instruction.
visitJumpInsn(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitJumpInsn(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitJumpInsn(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a label.
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerMethodAdapter
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLabel(Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLdcInsn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a LDC instruction.
visitLdcInsn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLdcInsn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLdcInsn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLineNumber(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a line number declaration.
visitLineNumber(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLineNumber(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLineNumber(int, Label) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLocalVariable(String, String, String, Label, Label, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a local variable declaration.
visitLocalVariable(String, String, String, Label, Label, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLocalVariable(String, String, String, Label, Label, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLocalVariable(String, String, String, Label, Label, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int, TypePath, Label[], Label[], int[], String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation on a local variable type.
visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int, TypePath, Label[], Label[], int[], String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int, TypePath, Label[], Label[], int[], String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int, TypePath, Label[], Label[], int[], String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitLookupSwitchInsn(Label, int[], Label[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitMainClass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit the main class of the current module.
visitMaxs(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits the maximum stack size and the maximum number of local variables of the method.
visitMaxs(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitMaxs(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitMaxs(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a method of the class.
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassAdapter
Method called when a method of the class is visited.
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit a method of the class
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a method instruction.
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitMethodInsn(int, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitModule(String, int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visit the module corresponding to the class.
visitModule(String, int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a MULTIANEWARRAY instruction.
visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitMultiANewArrayInsn(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitNestHost(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the nest host class of the class.
visitNestHost(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitNestMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a member of the nest.
visitNestMember(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitOpen(String, int, String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit an open package of the current module.
visitor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassMethod
Visitor for use in updating the method of the class (set in initialise).
visitor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
Visitor for the dnGetXXX method.
visitor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
Visitor for the dnGetXXX method.
visitor - Variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
Visitor for the dnSetXXX method.
visitOuterClass(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the enclosing class of the class.
visitOuterClass(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitOuterClass(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitOuterClass(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit an outer class.
visitPackage(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit a package of the current module.
visitParameter(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a parameter of this method.
visitParameter(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitParameter(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitParameter(String, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitParameterAnnotation(int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation of a parameter this method.
visitParameterAnnotation(int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitParameterAnnotation(int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitParameterAnnotation(int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitPermittedSubclass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a permitted subclasses.
visitPermittedSubclass(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitProvide(String, String...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit an implementation of a service.
visitRecordComponent(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits a record component of the class.
visitRecordComponent(String, String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitRequire(String, int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visits a dependence of the current module.
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits the source of the class.
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.ClassEnhancerImpl.MyClassVisitor
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerClassChecker
Visit the source of the class
visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a TABLESWITCH instruction.
visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitTableSwitchInsn(int, int, Label, Label...) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitTryCatchAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation on an exception handler type.
visitTryCatchAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitTryCatchAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitTryCatchAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a try catch block.
visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitTryCatchBlock(Label, Label, Label, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassVisitor
Visits an annotation on a type in the class signature.
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ClassWriter
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.FieldVisitor
Visits an annotation on the type of the field.
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits an annotation on a type in the method signature.
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.RecordComponentVisitor
Visits an annotation on a type in the record component signature.
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitTypeAnnotation(int, TypePath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitTypeInsn(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a type instruction.
visitTypeInsn(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitTypeInsn(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitTypeInsn(int, String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
visitUse(String) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.ModuleVisitor
Visit a service used by the current module.
visitVarInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.MethodVisitor
Visits a local variable instruction.
visitVarInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerCloneAdapter
visitVarInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertyGetterAdapter
visitVarInsn(int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.EnhancerPropertySetterAdapter
VOID - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The sort of the void type.
VOID_TYPE - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Type
The void type.


warn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
warn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
warn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
warn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a warning message.
warn(Object) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.JRELogger
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4J2Logger
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.Log4JLogger
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger
Log a warning message with throwable.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in class org.datanucleus.util.NullLogger
WEAK - org.datanucleus.util.ConcurrentReferenceHashMap.ReferenceType
Indicates a WeakReference should be used
WeakLevel2Cache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Weak referenced implementation of a Level 2 cache.
WeakLevel2Cache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakLevel2Cache
WeakQueryCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Weak-reference implementation of a generic query compilation cache.
WeakQueryCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.WeakQueryCompilationCache
WeakQueryDatastoreCompilationCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Weak-referenced implementation of datastore query compilation cache.
WeakQueryDatastoreCompilationCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.WeakQueryDatastoreCompilationCache
WeakQueryResultsCache - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.cache
Weak-reference implementation of a query results cache.
WeakQueryResultsCache(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.cache.WeakQueryResultsCache
WeakRefCache - Class in org.datanucleus.cache
Level 1 Cache using Weak referenced objects in a Map.
WeakRefCache() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.cache.WeakRefCache
Default constructor (required)
WebLogicTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for BEA WebLogic.
WebLogicTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.WebLogicTransactionManagerLocator
WebSphereTransactionManagerLocator - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction.jta
Locator for the TransactionManager for IBM WebsFear 4 and 5.
WebSphereTransactionManagerLocator(NucleusContext) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.jta.WebSphereTransactionManagerLocator
WILDCARD_BOUND - Static variable in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.TypePath
A type path step that steps into the bound of a wildcard type.
WithArgOption(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.util.CommandLine.WithArgOption
wordSeparator - Variable in class org.datanucleus.store.schema.naming.AbstractNamingFactory
Separator to use for words in the identifiers.
wrapAndReplaceSCOField(DNStateManager, int, Object, Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified field replacing the old value with the new value.
wrapSCOField(DNStateManager, int, Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified field/property.
wrapSCOField(DNStateManager, AbstractMemberMetaData, Class, T, boolean) - Static method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils
Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified member, and optionally replace the value in the member of the owner object.
write(ClassWriter, byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class org.datanucleus.enhancer.asm.Attribute
Returns the byte array form of the content of this attribute.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ByteId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.CharId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.IntId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.LongId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ObjectId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.ShortId
Write this object.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.SingleFieldId
Write to the output stream.
writeExternal(ObjectOutput) - Method in class org.datanucleus.identity.StringId
Write this object.
WriteObject - Class in org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods
Method to generate the method "writeObject" using ASM.
WriteObject(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.WriteObject
WriteObject(ClassEnhancer, String, int, Object, Object[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.enhancer.methods.WriteObject
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.query.CandidateIdsQueryResult
Handle serialisation by returning a java.util.ArrayList of all of the results for this query after disconnecting the query which has the consequence of enforcing the load of all objects.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.ArrayList
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.ArrayList
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Collection
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.HashSet
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Hashtable
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedHashSet
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.LinkedList
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.List
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Map
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.PriorityQueue
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Properties
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Queue
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Set
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.SortedSet
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Stack
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.TreeSet
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.backed.Vector
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Collection
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Date
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.GregorianCalendar
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.HashSet
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Hashtable
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedHashSet
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.LinkedList
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.List
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Map
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.PriorityQueue
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Properties
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Queue
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Set
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SortedSet
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlDate
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTime
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.SqlTimestamp
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Stack
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeMap
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.TreeSet
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.
writeReplace() - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.Vector
The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing to write the object to the stream.


XcaliaIdentityStringTranslator - Class in org.datanucleus.identity
Identity translator that allows for some combinations that Xcalia XIC allowed.
XcaliaIdentityStringTranslator() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.identity.XcaliaIdentityStringTranslator
XidImpl - Class in org.datanucleus.transaction
XidImpl(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
XidImpl(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.transaction.XidImpl
XmlMetaDataEntityResolver - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.xml
Implementation of an entity resolver for XML MetaData files.
XmlMetaDataEntityResolver(PluginManager) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataEntityResolver
XmlMetaDataParser - Class in org.datanucleus.metadata.xml
Class to provide the parsing framework for parsing XML metadata files.
XmlMetaDataParser(MetaDataManager, PluginManager, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.metadata.xml.XmlMetaDataParser
XMLTYPE - org.datanucleus.metadata.JdbcType
xor(BitSet) - Method in class org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers.BitSet


YearIntegerConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Year and Integer.
YearIntegerConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearIntegerConverter
YearMonthComponentsConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.YearMonth and int[] (the year and the month).
YearMonthComponentsConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthComponentsConverter
YearMonthDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.YearMonth and java.util.Date.
YearMonthDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthDateConverter
YearMonthGetMonthValue - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{yearMonthExpr}.getMonthValue()".
YearMonthGetMonthValue() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.YearMonthGetMonthValue
YearMonthGetYear - Class in org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method
Evaluator for the method "{yearMonthExpr}.getYear()".
YearMonthGetYear() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.query.inmemory.method.YearMonthGetYear
YearMonthSqlDateConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.YearMonth and java.sql.Date.
YearMonthSqlDateConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthSqlDateConverter
YearMonthStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.YearMonth and String.
YearMonthStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearMonthStringConverter
YearStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.Year and String.
YearStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.YearStringConverter


ZonedDateTimeStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.ZonedDateTime and a String form.
ZonedDateTimeStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeStringConverter
ZonedDateTimeTimestampConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.ZonedDateTime and java.sql.Timestamp.
ZonedDateTimeTimestampConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZonedDateTimeTimestampConverter
ZoneIdStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.ZoneId and String.
ZoneIdStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneIdStringConverter
ZoneOffsetStringConverter - Class in org.datanucleus.store.types.converters
Class to handle the conversion between java.time.ZoneOffset and String.
ZoneOffsetStringConverter() - Constructor for class org.datanucleus.store.types.converters.ZoneOffsetStringConverter
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