Class AbstractContainerMapping

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ArrayMapping, CollectionMapping, MapMapping

    public abstract class AbstractContainerMapping
    extends SingleFieldMapping
    Mapping for a field that represents a container of objects, such as a List, a Set, a Collection, a Map, or an array. Has an owner table. Can be represented in the following ways :-
    • Using a Join-Table, where the linkage between owner and elements/keys/values is stored in this table
    • Using a Foreign-Key in the element/key/value
    • Embedded into the Join-Table
    • Serialised into a single-column in the Join-Table
    • In a single column in the owner table, using serialisation
    • In a single column in the owner table, using a converter
    The contents of the container are typically backed by a store, handling interfacing with the datastore. Note that when storing in a single column there is no backing store.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractContainerMapping

        public AbstractContainerMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                               Table table,
                               org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Initialize this JavaTypeMapping for the given field/property.
        initialize in class SingleFieldMapping
        mmd - MetaData for the field/property to be mapped (if any)
        table - The datastore container storing this mapping (if any)
        clr - the ClassLoaderResolver
      • hasSimpleDatastoreRepresentation

        public boolean hasSimpleDatastoreRepresentation()
        Whether the mapping has a simple (single column) datastore representation.
        hasSimpleDatastoreRepresentation in class JavaTypeMapping
        Whether it has a simple datastore representation (single column)
      • prepareColumnMapping

        protected void prepareColumnMapping()
        Method to prepare a column mapping for use in the datastore. This creates the column in the table.
        prepareColumnMapping in class SingleFieldMapping
      • getJavaTypeForColumnMapping

        public String getJavaTypeForColumnMapping​(int index)
        Accessor for the name of the java-type actually used when mapping the particular column. This java-type must have an entry in the datastore mappings.
        getJavaTypeForColumnMapping in class SingleFieldMapping
        index - requested column index.
        the name of java-type for the requested column.
      • setObject

        public void setObject​(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext ec,
                              PreparedStatement ps,
                              int[] exprIndex,
                              Object value)
        Method to set a field in the passed JDBC PreparedStatement using this mapping. Only valid when the collection is serialised.
        setObject in class SingleFieldMapping
        ec - ExecutionContext
        ps - The JDBC Prepared Statement to be populated
        exprIndex - The parameter positions in the JDBC statement to populate.
        value - The value to populate into it
      • getObject

        public Object getObject​(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext ec,
                                ResultSet resultSet,
                                int[] exprIndex)
        Method to retrieve an object from the passed JDBC ResultSet. Only valid when the collection is serialised.
        getObject in class SingleFieldMapping
        ec - ExecutionContext
        resultSet - The ResultSet
        exprIndex - The parameter position(s) to extract the object from
        The collection object
      • getTable

        public Table getTable()
        Accessor for the datastore class.
        getTable in class JavaTypeMapping
        The datastore class
      • getColumnMapping

        public ColumnMapping getColumnMapping​(int index)
        Accessor for a datastore mapping
        getColumnMapping in class JavaTypeMapping
        index - The id of the mapping
        The datastore mapping
      • containerIsStoredInSingleColumn

        protected boolean containerIsStoredInSingleColumn()
        Convenience method to return if the container (collection or map) is stored in the owning table as a column. The container is stored in a single column in the following situations :-
        • The FieldMetaData has 'serialized="true"'
        • The collection has embedded-element="true" but no join table (and so serialised)
        • The map has embedded-key/value="true" but no join table (and so serialised)
        • The array has embedded-element="true" but no join table (and so serialised)
        • The array has no join table and non-PC elements (and so serialised)
        Whether it is stored in a single column in the main table.
      • includeInFetchStatement

        public boolean includeInFetchStatement()
        This mapping is included in the select statement.
        includeInFetchStatement in class JavaTypeMapping
        Whether to include in select statement
      • includeInUpdateStatement

        public boolean includeInUpdateStatement()
        This mapping is included in the update statement.
        includeInUpdateStatement in class JavaTypeMapping
        Whether to include in update statement
      • includeInInsertStatement

        public boolean includeInInsertStatement()
        This mapping is included in the insert statement.
        includeInInsertStatement in class JavaTypeMapping
        Whether to include in insert statement
      • replaceFieldWithWrapper

        protected replaceFieldWithWrapper​(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider op,
                                                                          Object value)
        Method to replace the field that this mapping represents with a SCO wrapper. The wrapper will be suitable for the passed instantiated type and if it is null will be for the declared type of the field.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owning object
        value - The value to create the wrapper with
        The SCO wrapper object that the field was replaced with
      • postFetch

        public void postFetch​(org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider sm)
        Method to be called after any fetch of the owner class element.
        sm - StateManager of the owner