Class WrongPrecisionException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WrongPrecisionException
    extends org.datanucleus.exceptions.DatastoreValidationException
    A WrongPrecisionException is thrown if a column is detected to have the wrong precision in the database during schema validation.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • WrongPrecisionException

        public WrongPrecisionException​(String columnName,
                                       int expectedPrecision,
                                       int actualPrecision)
        Constructs a wrong precision exception.
        columnName - Name of the column having the wrong precision.
        expectedPrecision - The expected precision of the column.
        actualPrecision - The actual precision of the column.
      • WrongPrecisionException

        public WrongPrecisionException​(String columnName,
                                       int expectedPrecision,
                                       int actualPrecision,
                                       String fieldName)
        Constructs a wrong precision exception.
        columnName - Name of the column having the wrong precision.
        expectedPrecision - The expected precision of the column.
        actualPrecision - The actual precision of the column.
        fieldName - The field name.