Interface IdentifierFactory

    • Method Detail

      • getDatastoreAdapter

        DatastoreAdapter getDatastoreAdapter()
        Accessor for the datastore adapter that we are creating identifiers for.
        The datastore adapter
      • getNamingCase getNamingCase()
        Accessor for the identifier case being used.
        The identifier case
      • getIdentifierInAdapterCase

        String getIdentifierInAdapterCase​(String identifier)
        Accessor for an identifier for use in the datastore adapter
        identifier - The identifier name
        Identifier name for use with the datastore adapter
      • getIdentifierTruncatedToAdapterColumnLength

        String getIdentifierTruncatedToAdapterColumnLength​(String identifier)
        Method to truncate the provided identifier as required to the datastore adapter column length (if required)
        identifier - The identifier
        The truncated variant (if the length was longer than the max column identifier length);
      • newIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newIdentifier​(IdentifierType identifierType,
                                          String identifierName)
        To be called when we want an identifier name creating based on the identifier. Creates identifier for COLUMN, FOREIGN KEY, INDEX and TABLE
        identifierType - the type of identifier to be created
        identifierName - The identifier name
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newTableIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newTableIdentifier​(String identifierName)
        Method to use to generate an identifier for a table with the supplied name in the default catalog/schema. The passed name will not be changed (other than in its case) although it may be truncated to fit the maximum length permitted for a table identifier.
        identifierName - The identifier name
        The DatastoreIdentifier for the table
      • newTableIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newTableIdentifier​(String identifierName,
                                               String catalogName,
                                               String schemaName)
        Method to use to generate an identifier for a table with the supplied name. The passed name will not be changed (other than in its case) although it may be truncated to fit the maximum length permitted for a table identifier.
        identifierName - The identifier name for the table
        catalogName - Optional catalog name
        schemaName - Optional schema name
        The DatastoreIdentifier for the table
      • newTableIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newTableIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData md)
        Method to return a Table identifier for the specified class.
        md - Meta data for the class
        The identifier for the table
      • newTableIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newTableIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData fmd)
        Method to return a Table identifier for the specified field.
        fmd - Meta data for the field
        The identifier for the table
      • newColumnIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newColumnIdentifier​(String identifierName)
        Method to use to generate an identifier for a column with the supplied name. The passed name will not be changed (other than in its case) although it may be truncated to fit the maximum length permitted for a column identifier.
        identifierName - The identifier name
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newColumnIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newColumnIdentifier​(String javaName,
                                                boolean embedded,
                                                org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole fieldRole,
                                                boolean custom)
        Method to create an identifier for a column where we want the name based on the supplied java name, and the field has a particular role (and so could have its naming set according to the role).
        javaName - The java field name
        embedded - Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
        fieldRole - The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, Index ?
        custom - Whether this has a user-defined name
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newReferenceFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newReferenceFieldIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData refMetaData,
                                                        org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData implMetaData,
                                                        DatastoreIdentifier implIdentifier,
                                                        boolean embedded,
                                                        org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole fieldRole)
        Method to generate an identifier name for reference field, based on the metadata for the field, and the ClassMetaData for the implementation.
        refMetaData - the MetaData for the reference field
        implMetaData - the AbstractClassMetaData for this implementation
        implIdentifier - PK identifier for the implementation
        embedded - Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
        fieldRole - The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, collection element ?
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newDiscriminatorFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newDiscriminatorFieldIdentifier()
        Method to return an identifier for a discriminator column.
        The discriminator column identifier
      • newVersionFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newVersionFieldIdentifier()
        Method to return an identifier for a version column.
        The version column identifier
      • newIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newIdentifier​(DatastoreIdentifier identifier,
                                          String suffix)
        Method to return a new Identifier based on the passed identifier, but adding on the passed suffix
        identifier - The current identifier
        suffix - The suffix
        The new identifier
      • newJoinTableFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newJoinTableFieldIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData ownerFmd,
                                                        org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData relatedFmd,
                                                        DatastoreIdentifier destinationId,
                                                        boolean embedded,
                                                        org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole fieldRole)
        Method to generate a join-table identifier. The identifier could be for a foreign-key to another table (if the destinationId is provided), or could be for a simple column in the join table.
        ownerFmd - MetaData for the owner field
        relatedFmd - MetaData for the related field (if bidirectional)
        destinationId - Identifier for the identity field of the destination table
        embedded - Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
        fieldRole - The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, collection element ?
        The identifier.
      • newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData ownerFmd,
                                                         org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData relatedFmd,
                                                         DatastoreIdentifier destinationId,
                                                         boolean embedded,
                                                         org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole fieldRole)
        Method to generate a FK/FK-index field identifier. The identifier could be for the FK field itself, or for a related index for the FK.
        ownerFmd - MetaData for the owner field
        relatedFmd - MetaData for the related field (if bidirectional)
        destinationId - Identifier for the identity field of the destination table (if strict FK)
        embedded - Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
        fieldRole - The role to be performed by this column e.g owner, index ?
        The identifier
      • newIndexFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newIndexFieldIdentifier​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Method to return an identifier for an index (ordering) column.
        mmd - Metadata for the field/property that we require to add an index(order) column for
        The index column identifier
      • newAdapterIndexFieldIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newAdapterIndexFieldIdentifier()
        Method to return an identifier for an adapter index column. An "adapter index" is a column added to be part of a primary key when some other column cant perform that role.
        The index column identifier
      • newSequenceIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newSequenceIdentifier​(String sequenceName)
        Method to generate an identifier for a sequence using the passed name.
        sequenceName - the name of the sequence to use
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newPrimaryKeyIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newPrimaryKeyIdentifier​(Table table)
        Method to generate an identifier for a primary key.
        table - the table
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newIndexIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newIndexIdentifier​(Table table,
                                               boolean isUnique,
                                               int seq)
        Method to generate an identifier for an index.
        table - the table
        isUnique - if the index is unique
        seq - the sequential number
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newCandidateKeyIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newCandidateKeyIdentifier​(Table table,
                                                      int seq)
        Method to generate an identifier for a candidate key.
        table - the table
        seq - Sequence number
        The DatastoreIdentifier
      • newForeignKeyIdentifier

        DatastoreIdentifier newForeignKeyIdentifier​(Table table,
                                                    int seq)
        Method to create an identifier for a foreign key.
        table - the table
        seq - the sequential number
        The DatastoreIdentifier