Interface BulkFetchHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getStatementToBulkFetchField

        IteratorStatement getStatementToBulkFetchField​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData candidateCmd,
                                                       org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                                       Map parameters,
                                                       RDBMSQueryCompilation datastoreCompilation,
                                                       Set<String> mapperOptions)
        Method to return the bulk-fetch statement (and its associated mappings for extracting the results).
        candidateCmd - Metadata for the candidate
        mmd - Metadata for the member we are bulk-fetching the value(s) for
        query - The query
        parameters - Parameters for the query
        datastoreCompilation - The datastore compilation of the query
        mapperOptions - Any mapper options for query generation
        The statement to use for bulk fetching, together with mappings for extracting the results of the elements
      • applyParametersToStatement

        static void applyParametersToStatement​(org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext ec,
                                               PreparedStatement ps,
                                               RDBMSQueryCompilation datastoreCompilation,
                                               SQLStatement sqlStmt,
                                               Map parameters)
        Convenience method to apply the passed parameters to the provided bulk-fetch statement. Takes care of applying parameters across any UNIONs of elements.
        ec - ExecutionContext
        ps - PreparedStatement
        datastoreCompilation - The datastore compilation for the query itself
        sqlStmt - The bulk-fetch iterator statement
        parameters - The map of parameters passed in to the query