Class RDBMSStoreHelper

  • public class RDBMSStoreHelper
    extends Object
    Provides a series of utilities assisting in the datastore management process for RDBMS datastores.
    • Method Detail

      • getClassNameForIdUsingDiscriminator

        public static String getClassNameForIdUsingDiscriminator​(RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr,
                                                                 org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext ec,
                                                                 Object id,
                                                                 org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
        Utility that does a discriminator candidate query for the specified candidate and subclasses and returns the class name of the instance that has the specified identity (if any).
        storeMgr - RDBMS StoreManager
        ec - execution context
        id - The id
        cmd - Metadata for the root candidate class
        Name of the class with this identity (or null if none found)
      • getClassNameForIdUsingUnion

        public static String getClassNameForIdUsingUnion​(RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr,
                                                         org.datanucleus.ExecutionContext ec,
                                                         Object id,
                                                         List<org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData> rootCmds)
        Utility that does a union candidate query for the specified candidate(s) and subclasses and returns the class name of the instance that has the specified identity (if any).
        storeMgr - RDBMS StoreManager
        ec - execution context
        id - The id
        rootCmds - Metadata for the classes at the root
        Name of the class with this identity (or null if none found)