Class SubclassPCMapping

  • public class SubclassPCMapping
    extends MultiPersistableMapping
    Mapping for a field that stores a PC object that uses "subclass-table" inheritance and where this is mapped in the datastore as a separate FK for each subclass.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubclassPCMapping

        public SubclassPCMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                               Table table,
                               org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Initialize this JavaTypeMapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given member MetaData.
        initialize in class JavaTypeMapping
        table - The datastore container storing this mapping (if any)
        clr - the ClassLoaderResolver
        fmd - FieldMetaData for the field to be mapped (if any)
      • prepareColumnMapping

        protected void prepareColumnMapping​(org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method to create a column for each implementation type of this reference.
        clr - The ClassLoaderResolver
      • getJavaType

        public Class getJavaType()
        Description copied from class: JavaTypeMapping
        Accessor for the java type being mapped. This is the java type that the mapping represents. Some examples :
        • if the field is of type "MyClass" then the mapping will be OIDMapping (or subclass) the javaType will be OID, and the type will be MyClass.
        • if the field is of type "int" then the mapping will be IntegerMapping, the javaType will be Integer, and the type will be int.
        The "java type" is the java-type name used in the plugin.xml mapping file
        Specified by:
        getJavaType in class JavaTypeMapping
        The java type