Class SingleCollectionExpression

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    OptionalExpression, SingleCollectionLiteral

    public class SingleCollectionExpression
    extends DelegatedExpression
    Cover-all expression to represent "single collection" mapped types. Note that we should split this up if we ever want to have methods on particular types. For example we could have OptionalExpression and provide methods "isPresent" and "get".
    • Field Detail

      • wrappedExpressions

        protected SQLExpression[] wrappedExpressions
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        public SQLExpression invoke​(String methodName,
                                    List args)
        Allow the methods to be invoked directly in the wrapped type.
        invoke in class DelegatedExpression
        methodName - name of the method to invoke
        args - Args to this method (if any)
        the converted value