Class JoinTable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ElementContainerTable, MapTable, PersistableJoinTable

    public abstract class JoinTable
    extends TableImpl
    Abstract class representing a field that maps to a table in the datastore. This will be something like an SCO, such as Set, Map, List where a link table is used. It could potentially be used where the user wants to map some field into its own SCO table.
    • Field Detail

      • ownerTable

        protected final Table ownerTable
        Table of the owner of the member represented here.
      • mmd

        protected final org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData mmd
        MetaData for the field/property in the owner class.
      • ownerMapping

        protected JavaTypeMapping ownerMapping
        Mapping of owner column(s) back to the owner table PK.
      • ownerType

        protected final String ownerType
        Object type of the owner.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JoinTable

        protected JoinTable​(Table ownerTable,
                            DatastoreIdentifier tableName,
                            org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                            RDBMSStoreManager storeMgr)
        ownerTable - Table of the owner member, for linking back
        tableName - The Table SQL identifier
        mmd - Member meta data for the owner field/property
        storeMgr - Manager for the datastore.
    • Method Detail

      • getOwnerTable

        public Table getOwnerTable()
      • getPrimaryKey

        public PrimaryKey getPrimaryKey()
        Accessor for the primary key for this table. Overrides the method in TableImpl to add on any specification of PK name in the <join> metadata.
        getPrimaryKey in class TableImpl
        The primary key.
      • requiresPrimaryKey

        protected boolean requiresPrimaryKey()
        Convenience method for whether a PK is required for the join table. Makes use of the extension "primary-key" (within <field> or <join>) to allow turning off PK generation.
        Whether a PK is required
      • getOwnerMapping

        public JavaTypeMapping getOwnerMapping()
        Accessor for the "owner" mapping end of the relationship. This will be the primary key of the owner table.
        The column mapping for the owner.
      • getOwnerMemberMetaData

        public org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData getOwnerMemberMetaData()
        Accessor for the MetaData for the owner field/property for this container.
        metadata for the owning field/property
      • getIdMapping

        public JavaTypeMapping getIdMapping()
        Accessor for a mapping for the ID (persistable) for this table. This is not supported by join tables since they don't represent FCOs.
        The (persistable) ID mapping.