Class StringMapping

    • Constructor Detail

      • StringMapping

        public StringMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • getJavaType

        public Class getJavaType()
        Description copied from class: JavaTypeMapping
        Accessor for the java type being mapped. This is the java type that the mapping represents. Some examples :
        • if the field is of type "MyClass" then the mapping will be OIDMapping (or subclass) the javaType will be OID, and the type will be MyClass.
        • if the field is of type "int" then the mapping will be IntegerMapping, the javaType will be Integer, and the type will be int.
        The "java type" is the java-type name used in the plugin.xml mapping file
        Specified by:
        getJavaType in class JavaTypeMapping
        The java type
      • getValidValues

        public Object[] getValidValues​(int index)
        Description copied from class: SingleFieldMapping
        Accessor for an array of valid values that this type can take. This can be used at the datastore side for restricting the values to be inserted.
        getValidValues in class SingleFieldMapping
        index - requested column index.
        The valid values