Class StatementNewObjectMapping

  • public class StatementNewObjectMapping
    extends Object
    Definition of the mapping of a new object definition in the results of a statement. The mappings are for the arguments to the constructor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatementNewObjectMapping

        public StatementNewObjectMapping​(Class cls)
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectClass

        public Class getObjectClass()
      • getConstructorArgMapping

        public Object getConstructorArgMapping​(int position)
        Accessor for the mapping info for a constructor argument at the specified position.
        position - The position in the constructor
        The argument mappings
      • addConstructorArgMapping

        public void addConstructorArgMapping​(int ctrPos,
                                             Object argMapping)
        Method to define the mapping for a constructor argument. The "mapping" can be either a StatementMappingIndex, a literal or a StatementNewObjectMapping
        ctrPos - The position in the constructor
        argMapping - The mapping for the argument
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • getNumberOfConstructorArgMappings

        public int getNumberOfConstructorArgMappings()