Class CollectionExpression

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CollectionExpression
    extends SQLExpression
    An expression that represents some collection field in a query candidate class, or a collection field in an object linked from the candidate class by navigation.

    When navigated through using contains(expr), the elements of the collection are relationally joined onto the query statement.

    As this is a Collection Expression it works equally for Sets and Lists, and we use CollectionStore as the backing store interface, so that ListStore and SetStore are equally applicable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectionExpression

        public CollectionExpression​(SQLStatement stmt,
                                    SQLTable table,
                                    JavaTypeMapping mapping)
        Constructor for an SQL expression for a (field) mapping in a specified table.
        stmt - The statement
        table - The table in the statement
        mapping - The mapping for the field
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        public SQLExpression invoke​(String methodName,
                                    List args)
        Description copied from class: SQLExpression
        Invocation of a method on this expression.
        invoke in class SQLExpression
        methodName - name of the method to invoke
        args - Args to this method (if any)
        the converted value
      • eq

        public BooleanExpression eq​(SQLExpression expr)
        Method to return the expression for comparing a collection with a value. Only supports comparisons with null currently.
        eq in class SQLExpression
        expr - The value to compare with.
        The expression of equality
      • ne

        public BooleanExpression ne​(SQLExpression expr)
        Method to return the expression for comparing a collection with a value. Only supports comparisons with null currently.
        ne in class SQLExpression
        expr - The value to compare with.
        The expression of inequality