



package rscala

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class EphemeralReference extends Reference


    A reference to an R object which is only guaranteed to be valid in the scope in which it was created.

  2. class PersistentReference extends Reference


    A reference to an R object which persists beyond the scope in which it was created.

  3. class RClient extends Dynamic


    An interface to an R interpreter.

    An interface to an R interpreter.

    An object R is the instance of this class available in a Scala interpreter created by calling the function scala from the package rscala. It is through this instance R that callbacks to the original R interpreter are possible.

    In a Scala application, an instance of this class is created using its companion object. See below. The paths of the rscala's JARs (for all supported versions of Scala) are available from R using rscala::.rscalaJar(). To get just the JAR for Scala 2.12, for example, use rscala::.rscalaJar("2.12").

    This class is threadsafe.

    val R = org.ddahl.rscala.RClient()
    val a = R.evalD0("rnorm(8)")
    val b = R.evalD1("rnorm(8)")
    val c = R.evalD2("matrix(rnorm(8),nrow=4)")
    R.set("ages", Array(4,2,7,9))
    R.ages = Array(4,2,7,9)
    println(R.getI1("ages").mkString("<",", ",">"))
    R eval """
      v <- rbinom(8,size=10,prob=0.4)
      m <- matrix(v,nrow=4)
    val v1 = R.get("v")
    val v2 = R.get("v")._1.asInstanceOf[Array[Int]]   // This works, but is not very convenient
    val v3 = R.v._1.asInstanceOf[Array[Int]]          // Slightly better
    val v4 = R.getI0("v")   // Get the first element of R's "v" as a Int
    val v5 = R.getI1("v")   // Get R's "v" as an Array[Int]
    val v6 = R.getI2("m")   // Get R's "m" as an Array[Array[Int]]
  4. sealed trait Reference extends AnyRef


    A reference to an R object.

Value Members

  1. object EphemeralReference


    A reference to an R object which is only guaranteed to be valid in the scope in which it was created.

  2. object PersistentReference


    A reference to an R object which persists beyond the scope in which it was created.

  3. object RClient


    The companion object to the RClient class used to create an instance of the RClient class in a Scala application.

    The companion object to the RClient class used to create an instance of the RClient class in a Scala application.

    An object R is an RClient instance available in a Scala interpreter created by calling the function scala from the package rscala. It is through this instance R that callbacks to the original R interpreter are possible.

    The paths of the rscala's JARs are available from R using rscala::.rscalaJar(). To get just the JAR for Scala 2.12, for example, use rscala::.rscalaJar("2.12").

    val R = org.ddahl.rscala.RClient()
