Interface EpochTerminationCondition

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void initialize()
      Initialize the epoch termination condition (often a no-op)
      boolean terminate​(int epochNum, double score, boolean minimize)
      Should the early stopping training terminate at this epoch, based on the calculated score and the epoch number? Returns true if training should terminated, or false otherwise
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize()
        Initialize the epoch termination condition (often a no-op)
      • terminate

        boolean terminate​(int epochNum,
                          double score,
                          boolean minimize)
        Should the early stopping training terminate at this epoch, based on the calculated score and the epoch number? Returns true if training should terminated, or false otherwise
        epochNum - Number of the last completed epoch (starting at 0)
        score - Score calculate for this epoch
        Whether training should be terminated at this epoch