Class GaussianNoise

    • Constructor Detail

      • GaussianNoise

        public GaussianNoise​(double stddev)
        stddev - Standard deviation for the mean 0 Gaussian noise
      • GaussianNoise

        public GaussianNoise​(ISchedule stddevSchedule)
        stddevSchedule - Schedule for standard deviation for the mean 0 Gaussian noise
      • GaussianNoise

        protected GaussianNoise​(double stddev,
                                ISchedule stddevSchedule)
    • Method Detail

      • applyDropout

        public INDArray applyDropout​(INDArray inputActivations,
                                     INDArray output,
                                     int iteration,
                                     int epoch,
                                     LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr)
        Specified by:
        applyDropout in interface IDropout
        inputActivations - Input activations array
        output - The result array (same as inputArray for in-place ops) for the post-dropout activations
        iteration - Current iteration number
        epoch - Current epoch number
        workspaceMgr - Workspace manager, if any storage is required (use ArrayType.INPUT)
        The output (resultArray) after applying dropout
      • backprop

        public INDArray backprop​(INDArray gradAtOutput,
                                 INDArray gradAtInput,
                                 int iteration,
                                 int epoch)
        Description copied from interface: IDropout
        Perform backprop. This should also clear the internal state (dropout mask) if any is present
        Specified by:
        backprop in interface IDropout
        gradAtOutput - Gradients at the output of the dropout op - i.e., dL/dOut
        gradAtInput - Gradients at the input of the dropout op - i.e., dL/dIn. Use the same array as gradAtOutput to apply the backprop gradient in-place
        iteration - Current iteration
        epoch - Current epoch
        Same array as gradAtInput - i.e., gradient after backpropagating through dropout op - i.e., dL/dIn
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Description copied from interface: IDropout
        Clear the internal state (for example, dropout mask) if any is present
        Specified by:
        clear in interface IDropout