Class FeedForwardLayer

    • Field Detail

      • nIn

        protected long nIn
      • nOut

        protected long nOut
      • timeDistributedFormat

        protected DataFormat timeDistributedFormat
    • Method Detail

      • getOutputType

        public InputType getOutputType​(int layerIndex,
                                       InputType inputType)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        For a given type of input to this layer, what is the type of the output?
        Specified by:
        getOutputType in class Layer
        layerIndex - Index of the layer
        inputType - Type of input for the layer
        Type of output from the layer
      • setNIn

        public void setNIn​(InputType inputType,
                           boolean override)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        Set the nIn value (number of inputs, or input channels for CNNs) based on the given input type
        Specified by:
        setNIn in class Layer
        inputType - Input type for this layer
        override - If false: only set the nIn value if it's not already set. If true: set it regardless of whether it's already set or not.
      • getPreProcessorForInputType

        public InputPreProcessor getPreProcessorForInputType​(InputType inputType)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        For the given type of input to this layer, what preprocessor (if any) is required?
        Returns null if no preprocessor is required, otherwise returns an appropriate InputPreProcessor for this layer, such as a CnnToFeedForwardPreProcessor
        Specified by:
        getPreProcessorForInputType in class Layer
        inputType - InputType to this layer
        Null if no preprocessor is required, otherwise the type of preprocessor necessary for this layer/input combination
      • isPretrainParam

        public boolean isPretrainParam​(String paramName)
        Description copied from class: Layer
        Is the specified parameter a layerwise pretraining only parameter?
        For example, visible bias params in an autoencoder (or, decoder params in a variational autoencoder) aren't used during supervised backprop.
        Layers (like DenseLayer, etc) with no pretrainable parameters will return false for all (valid) inputs.
        Specified by:
        isPretrainParam in interface TrainingConfig
        Specified by:
        isPretrainParam in class Layer
        paramName - Parameter name/key
        True if the parameter is for layerwise pretraining only, false otherwise