Class ReverseTimeSeriesVertex

    • Method Detail

      • hasLayer

        public boolean hasLayer()
        Description copied from interface: GraphVertex
        Whether the GraphVertex contains a Layer object or not
      • isOutputVertex

        public boolean isOutputVertex()
        Description copied from interface: GraphVertex
        Whether the GraphVertex is an output vertex
      • doForward

        public INDArray doForward​(boolean training,
                                  LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr)
        Description copied from interface: GraphVertex
        Do forward pass using the stored inputs
        training - if true: forward pass at training time. If false: forward pass at test time
        The output (for example, activations) of the GraphVertex
      • doBackward

        public Pair<Gradient,​INDArray[]> doBackward​(boolean tbptt,
                                                          LayerWorkspaceMgr workspaceMgr)
        Description copied from interface: GraphVertex
        Do backward pass
        tbptt - If true: do backprop using truncated BPTT
        The gradients (may be null), and the errors/epsilons for all inputs to this GraphVertex