Class HelperUtils

  • public class HelperUtils
    extends Object
    Simple meta helper util class for instantiating platform specific layer helpers that handle interaction with lower level libraries like cudnn and onednn.
    Adam Gibson
    • Constructor Detail

      • HelperUtils

        public HelperUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • createHelper

        public static <T extends LayerHelper> T createHelper​(String cudnnHelperClassName,
                                                             String oneDnnClassName,
                                                             Class<? extends LayerHelper> layerHelperSuperClass,
                                                             String layerName,
                                                             Object... arguments)
        Creates a LayerHelper for use with platform specific code.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the actual class type to be returned
        cudnnHelperClassName - the cudnn class name
        oneDnnClassName - the one dnn class name
        layerHelperSuperClass - the layer helper super class
        layerName - the name of the layer to be created
        arguments - the arguments to be used in creation of the layer