Class UpdaterBlock

  • public class UpdaterBlock
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdaterBlock

        public UpdaterBlock​(int paramOffsetStart,
                            int paramOffsetEnd,
                            int updaterViewOffsetStart,
                            int updaterViewOffsetEnd,
                            List<UpdaterBlock.ParamState> layersAndVariablesInBlock)
        paramOffsetStart - Start offset of the parameters in this block (relative to overall net params view array)
        paramOffsetEnd - End offset of the parameters in this block (relative to overall net params view array)
        updaterViewOffsetStart - Start offset of the updater state array in this block (relative to overall net updater state view array)
        updaterViewOffsetEnd - End offset of the updater state array in this block (relative to overall net updater state view array)
        layersAndVariablesInBlock - List of layers and variables in this updater block. By definition, all layers and variables in this list must have an identical updater configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
      • isPretrainUpdaterBlock

        public boolean isPretrainUpdaterBlock()
      • skipDueToPretrainConfig

        public boolean skipDueToPretrainConfig​(boolean isLayerUpdater)
      • update

        public void update​(int iteration,
                           int epoch)
        Update the gradient for this block
        iteration - The current iteration (i.e., total number of parameter updates so far)
      • updateExternalGradient

        public void updateExternalGradient​(int iteration,
                                           int epoch,
                                           INDArray fullNetworkGradientView,
                                           INDArray fullNetworkParamsArray)
      • applyRegularizationAllVariables

        protected void applyRegularizationAllVariables​(Regularization.ApplyStep applyStep,
                                                       int iteration,
                                                       int epoch,
                                                       boolean externalGradient,
                                                       INDArray fullNetworkGradientView,
                                                       INDArray fullNetworkParamsArray)
      • applyRegularization

        protected void applyRegularization​(Regularization.ApplyStep step,
                                           Trainable layer,
                                           String paramName,
                                           INDArray gradientView,
                                           INDArray paramsView,
                                           int iter,
                                           int epoch,
                                           double lr)
        Apply L1 and L2 regularization, if necessary. Note that L1/L2 may differ for different layers in the same block
        layer - The layer to apply L1/L2 to
        paramName - Parameter name in the given layer
        gradientView - Gradient view array for the layer + param
        paramsView - Parameter view array for the layer + param