Class ModelSavingCallback

    • Field Detail

      • rootFolder

        protected File rootFolder
      • template

        protected String template
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModelSavingCallback

        public ModelSavingCallback​(@NonNull
                                   @NonNull String fileNameTemplate)
        This constructor will create ModelSavingCallback instance that will save models in current folder PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you have write access to the current folder
        fileNameTemplate -
      • ModelSavingCallback

        public ModelSavingCallback​(@NonNull
                                   @NonNull File rootFolder,
                                   @NonNull String fileNameTemplate)
        This constructor will create ModelSavingCallback instance that will save models in specified folder PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you have write access to the target folder
        rootFolder - File object referring to target folder
        fileNameTemplate -