Class AbstractHyperlinkWriterModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AbstractHyperlinkWriterModel
extends java.lang.Object
implements ConversionHyperlinkHandler.Model
Model for the hyperlink tag.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected java.lang.String anchor
    Specifies the name of a bookmark in the current document which shall be the target of this hyperlink.
    If this attribute is omitted, then the default behavior shall be to navigate to the start of the document.
    protected org.w3c.dom.Node content  
    protected java.lang.String docLocation
    Specifies a location in the target of the hyperlink that has no bookmarks.
    protected boolean external
    Only avaiable if the information is read from a relationship.
    protected java.lang.String rId
    Specifies the ID of the relationship whose target shall be used as the target for this hyperlink.
    protected java.lang.String target
    field-argument of the Hyperlink field or the targetUri of the relationship.
    protected java.lang.String tgtFrame
    Specifies a frame within the parent HTML frameset for the target of the parent hyperlink when one exists.
    protected java.lang.String tooltip
    Specifies a string which can be surfaced in a user interface as associated with the parent hyperlink.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void build​(AbstractWmlConversionContext conversionContext, java.lang.Object node, org.w3c.dom.Node content)
    Default build method, get's called with a P.Hyperlink.
    void build​(AbstractWmlConversionContext conversionContext, FldSimpleModel fldSimpleModel, org.w3c.dom.Node content)
    Custom build method, get's used with a FldSimpleModel in those cases where the hyperlink is defined within a Field
    java.lang.String getAnchor()
    Specifies the name of a bookmark in the current document which shall be the target of this hyperlink.
    If this attribute is omitted, then the default behavior shall be to navigate to the start of the document.
    org.w3c.dom.Node getContent()  
    java.lang.String getDocLocation()
    Specifies a location in the target of the hyperlink that has no bookmarks.
    java.lang.String getExternalTarget()  
    java.lang.String getInternalTarget()  
    java.lang.String getRId()
    Specifies the ID of the relationship whose target shall be used as the target for this hyperlink.
    java.lang.String getTarget()
    field-argument of the Hyperlink field or the targetUri of the relationship.
    java.lang.String getTgtFrame()
    Specifies a frame within the parent HTML frameset for the target of the parent hyperlink when one exists.
    java.lang.String getTooltip()
    Specifies a string which can be surfaced in a user interface as associated with the parent hyperlink.
    boolean isExternal()
    Only avaiable if the information is read from a relationship.
    void setAnchor​(java.lang.String anchor)  
    void setDocLocation​(java.lang.String docLocation)  
    void setExternal​(boolean external)  
    void setRId​(java.lang.String rId)  
    void setTarget​(java.lang.String target)  
    void setTgtFrame​(java.lang.String tgtFrame)  
    void setTooltip​(java.lang.String tooltip)  
    java.lang.String toString()  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • content

      protected org.w3c.dom.Node content
    • target

      protected java.lang.String target
      field-argument of the Hyperlink field or the targetUri of the relationship. corresponds to switch \l field-argument, the \l switch might be omitted.
    • external

      protected boolean external
      Only avaiable if the information is read from a relationship. Otherwise always false.
    • anchor

      protected java.lang.String anchor
      Specifies the name of a bookmark in the current document which shall be the target of this hyperlink.
      If this attribute is omitted, then the default behavior shall be to navigate to the start of the document. If a hyperlink target is also specified using the r:id attribute, then this attribute shall be ignored.
    • docLocation

      protected java.lang.String docLocation
      Specifies a location in the target of the hyperlink that has no bookmarks. The method by which the contents of this attribute are linked to document text is outside the scope of ECMA-376.
    • rId

      protected java.lang.String rId
      Specifies the ID of the relationship whose target shall be used as the target for this hyperlink.
    • tgtFrame

      protected java.lang.String tgtFrame
      Specifies a frame within the parent HTML frameset for the target of the parent hyperlink when one exists. corresponds to switch \t field-argument corresponds to switch \n with tgtFrame = "_blank"
    • tooltip

      protected java.lang.String tooltip
      Specifies a string which can be surfaced in a user interface as associated with the parent hyperlink. corresponds to switch \o field-argument
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details