Class FilteringDirectoryNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Iterable<Entry>, DirectoryEntry, Entry

public class FilteringDirectoryNode
extends java.lang.Object
implements DirectoryEntry
A DirectoryEntry filter, which exposes another DirectoryEntry less certain parts. This is typically used when copying or comparing Filesystems.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    FilteringDirectoryNode​(DirectoryEntry directory, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> excludes)
    Creates a filter round the specified directory, which will exclude entries such as "MyNode" and "MyDir/IgnoreNode".
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    DirectoryEntry createDirectory​(java.lang.String name)
    create a new DirectoryEntry
    DocumentEntry createDocument​(java.lang.String name, int size, POIFSWriterListener writer)
    create a new DocumentEntry; the data will be provided later
    DocumentEntry createDocument​(java.lang.String name, stream)
    create a new DocumentEntry
    boolean delete()
    Delete this Entry.
    java.util.Iterator<Entry> getEntries()
    get an iterator of the Entry instances contained directly in this instance (in other words, children only; no grandchildren etc.)
    Entry getEntry​(java.lang.String name)
    get a specified Entry by name
    int getEntryCount()
    find out how many Entry instances are contained directly within this DirectoryEntry
    java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEntryNames()
    get the names of all the Entries contained directly in this instance (in other words, names of children only; no grandchildren etc).
    java.lang.String getName()
    get the name of the Entry
    DirectoryEntry getParent()
    get this Entry's parent (the DirectoryEntry that owns this Entry).
    ClassID getStorageClsid()
    Gets the storage clsid of the directory entry
    boolean hasEntry​(java.lang.String name)
    Checks if entry with specified name present
    boolean isDirectoryEntry()
    is this a DirectoryEntry?
    boolean isDocumentEntry()
    is this a DocumentEntry?
    boolean isEmpty()
    is this DirectoryEntry empty?
    java.util.Iterator<Entry> iterator()  
    boolean renameTo​(java.lang.String newName)
    Rename this Entry.
    void setStorageClsid​(ClassID clsidStorage)
    Sets the storage clsid for the directory entry

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

    forEach, spliterator
  • Constructor Details

    • FilteringDirectoryNode

      public FilteringDirectoryNode​(DirectoryEntry directory, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> excludes)
      Creates a filter round the specified directory, which will exclude entries such as "MyNode" and "MyDir/IgnoreNode". The excludes can stretch into children, if they contain a /.
      directory - The Directory to filter
      excludes - The Entries to exclude
  • Method Details

    • createDirectory

      public DirectoryEntry createDirectory​(java.lang.String name) throws
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      create a new DirectoryEntry
      Specified by:
      createDirectory in interface DirectoryEntry
      name - the name of the new DirectoryEntry
      the new DirectoryEntry
    • createDocument

      public DocumentEntry createDocument​(java.lang.String name, stream) throws
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      create a new DocumentEntry
      Specified by:
      createDocument in interface DirectoryEntry
      name - the name of the new DocumentEntry
      stream - the InputStream from which to create the new DocumentEntry
      the new DocumentEntry
    • createDocument

      public DocumentEntry createDocument​(java.lang.String name, int size, POIFSWriterListener writer) throws
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      create a new DocumentEntry; the data will be provided later
      Specified by:
      createDocument in interface DirectoryEntry
      name - the name of the new DocumentEntry
      size - the size of the new DocumentEntry
      writer - the writer of the new DocumentEntry
      the new DocumentEntry
    • getEntries

      public java.util.Iterator<Entry> getEntries()
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      get an iterator of the Entry instances contained directly in this instance (in other words, children only; no grandchildren etc.)
      Specified by:
      getEntries in interface DirectoryEntry
      iterator; never null, but hasNext() may return false immediately (i.e., this DirectoryEntry is empty). All objects retrieved by next() are guaranteed to be implementations of Entry.
    • iterator

      public java.util.Iterator<Entry> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<Entry>
    • getEntryCount

      public int getEntryCount()
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      find out how many Entry instances are contained directly within this DirectoryEntry
      Specified by:
      getEntryCount in interface DirectoryEntry
      number of immediately (no grandchildren etc.) contained Entry instances
    • getEntryNames

      public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getEntryNames()
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      get the names of all the Entries contained directly in this instance (in other words, names of children only; no grandchildren etc).
      Specified by:
      getEntryNames in interface DirectoryEntry
      the names of all the entries that may be retrieved with getEntry(String), which may be empty (if this DirectoryEntry is empty)
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      is this DirectoryEntry empty?
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface DirectoryEntry
      true if this instance contains no Entry instances
    • hasEntry

      public boolean hasEntry​(java.lang.String name)
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      Checks if entry with specified name present
      Specified by:
      hasEntry in interface DirectoryEntry
    • getEntry

      public Entry getEntry​(java.lang.String name) throws
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      get a specified Entry by name
      Specified by:
      getEntry in interface DirectoryEntry
      name - the name of the Entry to obtain.
      the specified Entry, if it is directly contained in this DirectoryEntry
      Throws: - if no Entry with the specified name exists in this DirectoryEntry
    • getStorageClsid

      public ClassID getStorageClsid()
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      Gets the storage clsid of the directory entry
      Specified by:
      getStorageClsid in interface DirectoryEntry
      storage Class ID
    • setStorageClsid

      public void setStorageClsid​(ClassID clsidStorage)
      Description copied from interface: DirectoryEntry
      Sets the storage clsid for the directory entry
      Specified by:
      setStorageClsid in interface DirectoryEntry
      clsidStorage - storage Class ID
    • delete

      public boolean delete()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Delete this Entry. This operation should succeed, but there are special circumstances when it will not: If this Entry is the root of the Entry tree, it cannot be deleted, as there is no way to create another one. If this Entry is a directory, it cannot be deleted unless it is empty.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface Entry
      true if the Entry was successfully deleted, else false
    • renameTo

      public boolean renameTo​(java.lang.String newName)
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      Rename this Entry. This operation will fail if: There is a sibling Entry (i.e., an Entry whose parent is the same as this Entry's parent) with the same name. This Entry is the root of the Entry tree. Its name is dictated by the Filesystem and many not be changed.
      Specified by:
      renameTo in interface Entry
      newName - the new name for this Entry
      true if the operation succeeded, else false
    • getName

      public java.lang.String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      get the name of the Entry
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Entry
    • getParent

      public DirectoryEntry getParent()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      get this Entry's parent (the DirectoryEntry that owns this Entry). All Entry objects, except the root Entry, has a parent.
      Specified by:
      getParent in interface Entry
      this Entry's parent; null iff this is the root Entry
    • isDirectoryEntry

      public boolean isDirectoryEntry()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      is this a DirectoryEntry?
      Specified by:
      isDirectoryEntry in interface Entry
      true if the Entry is a DirectoryEntry, else false
    • isDocumentEntry

      public boolean isDocumentEntry()
      Description copied from interface: Entry
      is this a DocumentEntry?
      Specified by:
      isDocumentEntry in interface Entry
      true if the Entry is a DocumentEntry, else false