docx4j-core 11.4.11 API

Common annotation types.
Classes that control all IO in FOP.
Classes for font handling.
Command-line tools for generating XML font metric files from Type 1 and TrueType fonts.
A collection of classes that aid in the autodetection of installed system fonts.
Base 14 fonts used for PDF and PostScript.
Font substitution facilities.
Classes for TrueType fonts.
Classes for Adobe Type 1 fonts.
common package contains constants and other classes shared across all POIFS subpackages
Implementation of the ECMA-376 Document Encryption
DEV package serves two purposes.
The eventfilesystem is an efficient method for reading OLE 2 CDF files.
filesystem package maps OLE 2 Compound document files to a more familiar filesystem interface.
property package contains high and low level Property structures for POIFS.
storage package contains low level binary structures for POIFS's implementation of the OLE 2 Compound Document Format.