All Classes and Interfaces

Generate a reference so that the w:bookmarkStart it can be referenced.
The preprocessing step BookmarkMover should have moved any Bookmarks to the beginning of a paragraph, therefore an inline should always work.
See /docs/developer/Convert_Out.docx for an overview of the design.
This is a File-based ImageHandler, for generating images used in FO/PDF-documents
Converts the document to fo with a visitor Uses Delegate: Uses Generator:
Converts the document to fo with a xsl transformation Uses Delegate: org.docx4j.convert.out.common.
Helper to correctly size header/footer areas in PDF output.
Note that despite its name, this currently only handles v:textbox.
FOPictWriter intended to be used in conjunction with a renderer which doesn't support fo:float (eg old versions of Apache FOP).
FOPictWriter intended to be used in conjunction with a renderer which supports fo:float.
For no wrap (ie in front or behind), we use fo:block with @position=absolute|fixed, with z-index to specify under or over.
The Apache FO Renderer uses Apache FOP to render the fo document and is the default FO Renderer
The Dummy FO Renderer doesn't render anything, it just outputs the fo document to the OutputStream.
A description of how this stuff works can be found at /docs/headers_footers.docx Its not possible to let FOP set the height (@extent) of the header and footer regions automatically: So we need to set the height (@extent) of the header and footer regions explicitly.
This class contains static functions that are specific to the FO xsl-transformation and are called from docx2fo.xslt.