Class TypeDeclarationUtils

  • public class TypeDeclarationUtils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeDeclarationUtils

        public TypeDeclarationUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • resolveType

        public static String resolveType​(String klass,
                                         PackageDescr packageDescr,
                                         PackageRegistry pkgRegistry)
        Tries to determine the namespace (package) of a simple type chosen to be the superclass of a declared bean. Looks among imports, local declarations and previous declarations. Means that a class can't extend another class declared in package that has not been loaded yet.
        klass - the simple name of the class
        packageDescr - the descriptor of the package the base class is declared in
        pkgRegistry - the current package registry
        the fully qualified name of the superclass
      • isQualified

        public static boolean isQualified​(String name)
      • rewriteInitExprWithImports

        public static String rewriteInitExprWithImports​(String expr,
                                                        org.drools.core.addon.TypeResolver typeResolver)
      • processModifiedProps

        public static void processModifiedProps​(Class<?> cls,
                                                org.drools.core.factmodel.ClassDefinition clsDef)