Interface Expander

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Expander
    Expanders are extension points for expanding expressions in DRL at parse time. This is just-in-time translation, or macro expansion, or whatever you want. The important thing is that it happens at the last possible moment, so any errors in expansion are included in the parsers errors. Just-in-time expansions may include complex pre-compilers, or just macros, and everything in between. Expanders should ideally not make presumptions on any embedded semantic language. For instance, java aware pre processing should be done in drools-java semantic module, not in the parser itself. Expanders should be reusable across semantic languages.
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        String expand​(Reader drl)
               throws IOException
        Expands (process) the expression Just-In-Time for the parser. If the source is not meant to be expanded, or if no appropriate match was found for expansion, it will echo back the same expression.
        drl - the source code to be pre-processed
        source code after running pre-processors
      • expand

        String expand​(String source)
        Expands (process) the expression Just-In-Time for the parser. If the source is not meant to be expanded, or if no appropriate match was found for expansion, it will echo back the same expression.
        source - the source code to be expanded
        source code after running pre-processors
      • addDSLMapping

        void addDSLMapping​(DSLMapping mapping)
        Add the new mapping to this expander.
        mapping -
      • getErrors

        List<ExpanderException> getErrors()
        Returns the list of errors from the last expansion made
        A list of ExpanderException
      • hasErrors

        boolean hasErrors()
        Returns true in case the last expansion had any errors