Class BaseDescrBuilderImpl<P extends DescrBuilder<?,​? extends BaseDescr>,​T extends BaseDescr>

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseDescrBuilderImpl

        protected BaseDescrBuilderImpl​(P parent,
                                       T descr)
    • Method Detail

      • startCharacter

        public DescrBuilder<P,​T> startCharacter​(int offset)
        Description copied from interface: DescrBuilder
        Sets the offset of the starting character of the corresponding construction in the source file.
        Specified by:
        startCharacter in interface DescrBuilder<P extends DescrBuilder<?,​? extends BaseDescr>,​T extends BaseDescr>
        offset - the offset of the first character of this construction inside the source file, relative to the start.
        itself, in order to be used as a fluent API
      • endCharacter

        public DescrBuilder<P,​T> endCharacter​(int offset)
        Description copied from interface: DescrBuilder
        Sets the offset of the starting character of the corresponding construction in the source file.
        Specified by:
        endCharacter in interface DescrBuilder<P extends DescrBuilder<?,​? extends BaseDescr>,​T extends BaseDescr>
        offset - the offset of the first character of this construction inside the source file, relative to the start.
        itself, in order to be used as a fluent API
      • end

        public P end()
        Description copied from interface: DescrBuilder
        Returns the parent container of this descr builder. Example: ruleDescrBuilder.end() will return the PackageDescrBuilder as that is its parent container.
        Specified by:
        end in interface DescrBuilder<P extends DescrBuilder<?,​? extends BaseDescr>,​T extends BaseDescr>