Class OverlappedByEvaluatorDefinition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, EvaluatorDefinition, org.kie.api.runtime.rule.EvaluatorDefinition

    public class OverlappedByEvaluatorDefinition
    extends Object
    implements EvaluatorDefinition

    The implementation of the overlappedby evaluator definition.

    The overlappedby evaluator correlates two events and matches when the correlated event starts before the current event starts and finishes after the current event starts, but before the current event finishes. In other words, both events have an overlapping period.

    Lets look at an example:

    $eventA : EventA( this overlappedby $eventB )

    The previous pattern will match if and only if:

     $eventB.startTimestamp < $eventA.startTimestamp < $eventB.endTimestamp < $eventA.endTimestamp 

    The overlappedby operator accepts 1 or 2 optional parameters as follow:

    • If one parameter is defined, this will be the maximum distance between the start timestamp of the current event and the end timestamp of the correlated event. Example:
    • $eventA : EventA( this overlappedby[ 5s ] $eventB )
      Will match if and only if:
       $eventB.startTimestamp < $eventA.startTimestamp < $eventB.endTimestamp < $eventA.endTimestamp &&
       0 <= $eventB.endTimestamp - $eventA.startTimestamp <= 5s 
      • If two values are defined, the first value will be the minimum distance and the second value will be the maximum distance between the start timestamp of the current event and the end timestamp of the correlated event. Example:
      • $eventA : EventA( this overlappedby[ 5s, 10s ] $eventB )
        Will match if and only if:
         $eventB.startTimestamp < $eventA.startTimestamp < $eventB.endTimestamp < $eventA.endTimestamp &&
         5s <= $eventB.endTimestamp - $eventA.startTimestamp <= 10s 
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OverlappedByEvaluatorDefinition

        public OverlappedByEvaluatorDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • getEvaluator

        public Evaluator getEvaluator​(ValueType type,
                                      Operator operator)
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        Returns the evaluator instance for the given type and the defined parameterText
        Specified by:
        getEvaluator in interface EvaluatorDefinition
        type - the type of the attributes this evaluator will operate on. This is important because the evaluator may do optimisations and type coercion based on the types it is evaluating. It is also possible that this evaluator does not support a given type.
        operator - the operator implemented by the evaluator
        an Evaluator instance capable of evaluating expressions between values of the given type, or null in case the type is not supported.
      • getEvaluator

        public Evaluator getEvaluator​(ValueType type,
                                      Operator operator,
                                      String parameterText)
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        Returns the evaluator instance for the given type and the defined parameterText
        Specified by:
        getEvaluator in interface EvaluatorDefinition
        type - the type of the attributes this evaluator will operate on. This is important because the evaluator may do optimisations and type coercion based on the types it is evaluating. It is also possible that this evaluator does not support a given type.
        operator - the operator implemented by the evaluator
        parameterText - some evaluators support parameters and these parameters are defined as a String that is parsed by the evaluator itself.
        an Evaluator instance capable of evaluating expressions between values of the given type, or null in case the type is not supported.
      • getEvaluator

        public Evaluator getEvaluator​(ValueType type,
                                      String operatorId,
                                      boolean isNegated,
                                      String parameterText)
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        Returns the evaluator instance for the given type and the defined parameterText
        Specified by:
        getEvaluator in interface EvaluatorDefinition
        type - the type of the attributes this evaluator will operate on. This is important because the evaluator may do optimisations and type coercion based on the types it is evaluating. It is also possible that this evaluator does not support a given type.
        operatorId - the string identifier of the evaluator
        isNegated - true if the evaluator instance to be returned is the negated version of the evaluator.
        parameterText - some evaluators support parameters and these parameters are defined as a String that is parsed by the evaluator itself.
        an Evaluator instance capable of evaluating expressions between values of the given type, or null in case the type is not supported.
      • getEvaluator

        public Evaluator getEvaluator​(ValueType type,
                                      String operatorId,
                                      boolean isNegated,
                                      String parameterText,
                                      EvaluatorDefinition.Target left,
                                      EvaluatorDefinition.Target right)
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        Returns the evaluator instance for the given type and the defined parameterText
        Specified by:
        getEvaluator in interface EvaluatorDefinition
        type - the type of the attributes this evaluator will operate on. This is important because the evaluator may do optimisations and type coercion based on the types it is evaluating. It is also possible that this evaluator does not support a given type.
        operatorId - the string identifier of the evaluator
        isNegated - true if the evaluator instance to be returned is the negated version of the evaluator.
        parameterText - some evaluators support parameters and these parameters are defined as a String that is parsed by the evaluator itself.
        left - the target of the evaluator on the Left side, i.e., on Rete terms, the previous binding or the actual value on the right side of the operator.
        right - the target of the evaluator on the Right side, i.e., on Rete terms, the current pattern field.
        an Evaluator instance capable of evaluating expressions between values of the given type, or null in case the type is not supported.
      • isNegatable

        public boolean isNegatable()
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        My apologies to English speakers if the word "negatable" does not exist. :) This method returns true if this evaluator supports negation. Example: the "matches" operator supports "not matches" and so is "negatable" (!?)
        Specified by:
        isNegatable in interface EvaluatorDefinition
      • getTarget

        public EvaluatorDefinition.Target getTarget()
        Description copied from interface: EvaluatorDefinition
        There are evaluators that operate on *fact* attributes, evaluators that operate on *fact handle* attributes, and evaluators that operate on both. This method returns the target of the current evaluator.
        Specified by:
        getTarget in interface EvaluatorDefinition
        true if this evaluator operates on fact handle attributes and false if it operates on fact attributes