Class ConsequenceException

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException()
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(String message)
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(Throwable rootCause)
        Construct with a root cause.
        rootCause - The root cause of this exception.
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(RuleImpl rule)
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(String message,
                                    RuleImpl rule)
        Construct with a message. Keep this from old ConsequenceException for backward compatability
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(Throwable rootCause,
                                    RuleImpl rule)
        Construct with a root cause. Keep this from old ConsequenceException for backward compatability
        rootCause - The root cause of this exception.
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(String message,
                                    RuleImpl rule,
                                    String info)
      • ConsequenceException

        public ConsequenceException​(Throwable rootCause,
                                    RuleImpl rule,
                                    String info)
        Construct with a root cause.
        rootCause - The root cause of this exception.
    • Method Detail

      • setInfo

        public void setInfo​(String info)
        Set arbitrary extra information about the condition.

        The info property may be used to communicate the actual block text or other information in the case that Consequence does not have block text.

      • getInfo

        public String getInfo()