Class TimeUtils

  • public class TimeUtils
    extends Object
    A helper class with utility methods for time related operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeUtils

        public TimeUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • calculateTemporalDistance

        public static Interval[][] calculateTemporalDistance​(Interval[][] constraintMatrix)
        This method calculates the transitive closure of the given adjacency matrix in order to find the temporal distance between each event represented in the adjacency matrix. For more information on the calculation of the temporal distance, please refer to the paper: "Discarding Unused Temporal Information in a Production System", by Dan Teodosiu and Gunter Pollak. This method also uses an adaptation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to calculate the transitive closure of the interval matrix. More information can be found here: The adaptation of the algorithm follows the definition of the path addition and path intersection operations as defined in the paper previously mentioned. The algorithm runs in O(n^3).
        constraintMatrix - the starting adjacency matrix
        the resulting temporal distance matrix
      • parseTimeString

        public static long parseTimeString​(String time)
        Parses the given time String and returns the corresponding time in milliseconds
        time -
        NullPointerException - if time is null